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/lit/ - Literature

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11386567 No.11386567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>muh oppreshun
>"I'm really pushing boundaries by talking about butt stuff in my novel"
>*wins awards simply for being "diverse"*

>> No.11386581

A lot of the left wing authors seem trapped in an ideology now more than ever. This makes them less dynamic in my view and can also halt the stream of creativity, which makes fiction (this, I think, is the more prominent genre left wing authors write in) less interesting, more insipid and boring.

>> No.11386585

Richard Wright
Orwell (personally I'm not really a fan of his, but many find him enjoyable)

>> No.11386609

All but Steinbeck go straight into the trash

>> No.11386619

All novelists are left wing. Only historians are right wing.

>> No.11386622

what bad "left wing" literature have you actually read?

>> No.11386625

read my nigga Chomsky

>> No.11386626

Your diary anon

>> No.11386629

Saramago is good

>> No.11386631

Maya Angelou
Tom Green
Toni Morrison

Trash desu

>> No.11386635

>George Orwell (democratic socialist)
>H.G. Wells (socialist)
>Kurt Vonnegut (socialist)
>Jack London (socialist)
>Arthur Miller (communist)
>John Steinbeck (unclear but he was definitely left-leaning)

>> No.11386640

>George Orwell (democratic socialist)
>H.G. Wells (socialist)
>Kurt Vonnegut (socialist)
>Jack London (socialist)
>Arthur Miller (communist)
All of who are meme tier. Especially Arthur Miller

>> No.11386673

Right wing political authors are shit as well. The problem with leftys is that they actively distance themselves from the transcendental and write off any art that draws on it as traditionalist. You could easily rebrand Novalis as a progressivist if you had a different notion of progress.

>> No.11386971

Read John Dos Passos and stop being such a faggot

>> No.11386992

>>George Orwell (democratic socialist)
>>H.G. Wells (socialist)
>>Kurt Vonnegut (socialist)
>>Jack London (socialist)
>>Arthur Miller (communist)
>>John Steinbeck (unclear but he was definitely left-leaning)
>Op asks for left wing authors that are good
>gives him a bunch of alt-right hacks
Back to /pol/ you go.

>> No.11387004

Objectively wrong.
>Ezra Pound (fascist poet/critic)
>W.B. Yeats (blueshirt poet/playwright)
>Tom Wolfe (conservative journalist/novelist)
Plus countless pre-20th century novelists are far right by today's standards.

>> No.11387011
File: 17 KB, 302x390, trotsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to say it?
Irony aside, most people are on the Left, I don't see your point.
The problem is that today with neolibs the Left has basically become more right-wing than ever.
At the same time, the fact that right-wingers tend to encapsulate world-history and their views in single books under 500p should tell you a lot about what kind of people you're dealing with. (Not a compliment).

>> No.11387019

George Bernard Shaw you fucking moron. Not to mention William Gaddis, Thomas Mann, Steinbeck, Sartre, Zola, motherfucking Nietzsche lol, the list is practically endless, most good -- most even ABLE thinkers -- are left of center as a rule, with little exception except where vested career interests or deep-seated psychic wounds dominate the sincere and unhindered growth of philosophy, a la someone like Schmitt (I'm throwing you a bone). Eat shit you fascist cunt.

>> No.11387022

Everything about this post is wrong. Please tell me you're baiting.
>>Op asks for left wing authors that are good
No, he didn't. He mocked left wing authors.
>>gives him a bunch of alt-right hacks
None of the people I listed are alt-right. Hell, I'm sure /pol/ loathes Arthur Miller.
>Back to /pol/ you go.
OP is the one who's from /pol/.

>> No.11387025

>Egalitarian in any sense
Are you retarded?
>most even ABLE thinkers -- are left of center as a rule,
>Lists Sartre unironically as a good left wing author
So what you're really saying is that you're a massive pseud with no taste?

>> No.11387028

The resentment is a big factor, but also the constructivist attitude to human behavior that flattens their characters into parodies of preconceived types. You see this also in the creaky inelegance of leftist attempts at serious philosophy.

>> No.11387029
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>motherfucking Nietzsche lol

>> No.11387030

>This leftoid unironically just took 2/10 obvious fucking b8
>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
Anon plz

>> No.11387031

>Toni Morrison
Trash opinion desu

>> No.11387037

>Tony Morrison
>Not trash
Trash opinion desu

>> No.11387038

Blatantly political authors in general tend to be shit. There are exceptions on both sides of the aisle but almost all of those exceptions are long dead.

>> No.11387044

Steinbeck is just the first 10 pages of the communist manifesto but stretched out to an entire career

>> No.11387060

I'm not. I was just pointing out there are a handful of worthwhile left-wing authors.
>unironically just took 2/10 obvious fucking b8
Congratulations, you got a response out of me. What does it matter?
>>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
I mentioned /pol/ only because you brought it up.

>> No.11387062

Are you on drugs? Did I say egalitarian? Did I not just say left of center? Is leftism = egalitarianism to you? Can you even define communism for me, in your own words? Hell - have you read any Nietzsche beyond the wiki page? Don't you understand that the positive freedom that underscores his ideal man is fundamentally unachievable under capitalism, and that he pretty much says so himself? Oh - of course you don't. It's clear you don't know a goddamn thing about leftist politics or Nietzsche or Sartre or even irony. If you don't see the obvious leftist connection in Nietzsche you've either not read him or are braindamaged from huffing too much battery acid or whatever. Either way you need to fuck off from a board for people who read and understand books.

>> No.11387070

Nietzsche is the father of postmodernists

>> No.11387074

orwell was right wing, even leftists agree on this. he spent half his life ratting out communists to govts retard

>> No.11387079


>> No.11387081

Why are all /pol/fags retarded Americans? Having opinions viewed as racist today does not make a historical figure right-wing. I once saw a retard on here say Camus was right-wing because he said something racist about arabs.

>> No.11387084

>lefties being sectarian
Nothing new, if the guy identified as a socialist and fought along side anarchists in the spanish civil war then he is a leftist

>> No.11387089

why does the left wing have a much stronger philosophy tradition than the right wing?

>> No.11387092

I wasn't the one b8'ing you lel

>Is leftism = egalitarianism to you?
Yes and whatever your headcanon is , it's incorrect.
>Can you even define communism for me, in your own words?
A post scarcity utopia where the workers own the means of production and where people live according to their ability, and each according to their needs. Also central planning and no money as per Marx's inherent value theorems. It's all very LARPy

>Don't you understand that the positive freedom that underscores his ideal man is fundamentally unachievable under capitalism, and that he pretty much says so himself?
>All alternatives to *capitalism* is inherently left leaning

The amount of young just graduated have pseud on you is insufferable

>> No.11387097

>An associative fallacy, a strawman, and an ad hominems all at once

>> No.11387102

>why does the left wing have a much stronger philosophy tradition than the right wing?
But it's the other way around

>> No.11387109


>> No.11387113

lol only the most basic bitch reddit left wingers he ld this opinion dude. he was a trotskyist demsoc; he was literally a right winger

also gave a favorable review to The Road to Serfdom iirc

>> No.11387118

>blindly naming logical fallacies without identifying the offending argument itself or explaining how it is incorrect
what a faggot you are

>> No.11387120

You can't name a single good right wing author

>> No.11387125

Nietzsche was hijacked by the postmodernists. None of them would actually identify with his romantic individualism, assent for power, and the position his “inversion of morality” puts marginalized people in

>> No.11387132

>Not realizing that by identifying it as an ultra non-argument I've refuted it

>> No.11387136

Being a trotskyist demsoc is still a leftwing position, either way why argue about Orwell, he was a shit writer so what difference does it make

>> No.11387140

dostoevsky hahaha retard

get a grip autist

to elaborate, ON TOP of all that ratting out homosexuals and communists, both demsocism and trotskyism are explicitly right wing positions

>> No.11387141
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>> No.11387146

>Being a trotskyist demsoc is still a leftwing position,
hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahagagaga oh god *barf* hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahagagaga i cant stop laughing hahahahaha

>> No.11387149

So this is power of summerfags

>> No.11387155

t.hasn't read Nietzsche
He is literally the first person to criticize "truth" as a bunch of metanarratives that are just socially constructed, postmodernists are his endgame

>> No.11387159

if only someone could go back in time and shoot molymeme

>> No.11387161

Truly the only way to save /lit/

>> No.11387162

Yes, I'm sure advocating for global communist revolutions and internationalism are a right-wing position, go back to whatever cesspool you crawled from

>> No.11387166


>> No.11387167

>He is literally the first person to criticize "truth" as a bunch of metanarratives that are just socially constructed,
T. Has never read Nietzche either

>> No.11387169
File: 18 KB, 421x399, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're saying you've read every left-wing author to have ever existed?
Tell me why you dislike García Lorca, Miguel Hernández, Antonio Machado and Rafael Alberti, please. I'd also like your opinions on Castelao's work, both fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.11387170

He said good

>> No.11387172

hack fraud

>> No.11387175

[in lispy teenager DSA voice] Yeth, I'm sure advocating for global communitht revolutionth and internationalithm are a right-wing pothition, go back to whatever thethpool you crawled from *he goes back to never reading marx*

>> No.11387187


>> No.11387189
File: 293 KB, 719x539, 20180628_205215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess which postmodernist wrote this

>> No.11387192

no u

>> No.11387195
File: 116 KB, 500x500, 03b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pound and Yeats were top notch poets.

>> No.11387196

Good post

>> No.11387197

Ortega y Gasset was better than all of them combined desu

>> No.11387199

yeah it is

>> No.11387204

Need to get around to him some time

>> No.11387209

You realize that after saying this, Nietzhce established his own version of truth? I love how you need to give contextless quotes from Nietzche to support your thoughts. Lol

>> No.11387214

>Nietzhce established his own version of truth
Very postmodern of him

>> No.11387217

You will not regret reading him, he is akin to a Spanish Heidegger

>> No.11387220

Why can't people be bothered to read either Nietzsche or postmodernism before commenting on both? It's so tiresome.
They have nothing to write about. No tragedy, passion, or majesty, the ideology just doesn't lend itself to literature.

>> No.11387246

Well Balzac was a Legitimist so there's him at least

>> No.11387253

If you're looking for a truthful answer and not just baiting, most authors who hold left-wing beliefs aren't retarded enough to write books wherein their idealogical narrative is so overt that it could be picked up on by someone of your nature.

>> No.11387264

Kek, you do realize that you're saying left wingers have no spine?

>> No.11387265

intellectually owned that /pol/tard chud.. fuck racism. fuck colonialism. fuck transphobia.

>> No.11387268

*Objective truth

>> No.11387270

Stopped reading that post

>> No.11387273

>eh heh heh heh you have a college education
Ladies and gentlemen, the American Right.

Look - at least you can parse Wikipedia pages well enough to give me that sloganeered definition of what communism is - that's something. Why not open up a book? Depending on the extent of the rot in your brain, it might arm you with more meaningful, less TVtropey terms than "LARPy" and "headcanon" to argue with. You might even learn something new, like "what communism is", "what Nietzsche thought", "how to form an argument", "how to write a not-imbecilic sentence", etc. - God willing, and with some luck on the neurological side of things, you might even open up prospects for yourself beyond menial labor. And all this without a college education! Imagine!

>> No.11387282

haha this is the most embarrassing post ive ever seen

>> No.11387284

Too long, you'd be snappier if you compressed this post a little.

>> No.11387288

me too dude. i get weirdly mad and throw temper tantrums over 4chan native terms as well

>> No.11387291

not anymore

>> No.11387300

>4chan native term
this better be bait

>> No.11387302

>Be me
>Was an anarcho syndicalist
>Have read through Das Kapital and Conquest of Bread

Pretty gay b8 t b h

>> No.11387306


Amazingly quick samefaggery! So this is the power of a 4chan pass...

>> No.11387309

>Hurr Durr it came from WoW but it's not just an integral part of 4chan because muh drumpfkins


>> No.11387316

It has nothing to do with bravery and more about not sacrificing good writing for hamfisted ideology

>> No.11387318

>college education
Of course it's an American

>> No.11387325

what the fuck are you babbling about?

>> No.11387327

Oh yeah because leftists never published politically provocative works like Uncle Tom's Cabin or the Road to Wigan Pier what are you talking about kek

>> No.11387328
File: 40 KB, 792x319, ic-8956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a real fucking sperg

>> No.11387335

not only are you a retard, you also can't read.

>> No.11387337

You know exactly what I'm referring to

>> No.11387342

get off the net for a little while my guy

>> No.11387346

Wow, you're really good at Photoshop!

>> No.11387351

log off for a day jesus christ

>> No.11387352
File: 5 KB, 352x116, 4f849688867da1cacd86de0877dcc2f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 you unmarked your posts!!!

>> No.11387355

Someone is very mad lmao. Sure, it's just that the Road to Wigan Pier and Uncle Tom's Cabin had their quality degraded with their political thought.


>> No.11387358

No. It's a WoW joke that made it to 4chan. I'd love to know how this becomes a Trump thing in your brain.

>> No.11387364

How about you suck my cock instead, you chickenshit fascist loon.

>> No.11387371

Most people who get mad over kek are people who only associate it with kekistan cringe things from /r/pol

>> No.11387372

Those are interesting reads but they aren't great literature, they are political tracts really.

>> No.11387373

fascists behind every corner, huh? scary times.

>> No.11387377

Is that still a thing?

>> No.11387378

he m a d

>> No.11387381

ur having a fit over ur antipathy to an internet phrase
log the fuck off for a day shitbird

>> No.11387383


>> No.11387385

I really really hope not , but people are still cringing at it today

>> No.11387386

lmaoing @ u

>> No.11387391


>> No.11387412

My dudes... hell yes. If you can't beat em, you can certainly switch to the fruitiest tone of Twitter lowercase you can muster. MAGA!

>> No.11387413

You guys are all autistic retards who have overdosed on ideology

>> No.11387421

cool and normal post, ur not mad

>> No.11387427

clearly, u are above us all

>> No.11387433

Jesus Christ buddy, relax

>> No.11387438

no. kill yourself fascist chud ironycel cuck basedboy /pol/tard carelord bugman trad dad u/acc trot prot yankie limey med anglo rose magatard

>> No.11387446

Yeats had like 15 fantastic poems and hundreds of forgettable meh poems

>> No.11387450

The sad part is their writing pool has gotten so bland and like-minded that it would be piss easy to make a genuinely bold and daring left-wing novel deviating from the norm and thus "break the mold" so to speak but liberals don't really care about being rebellious and challenging anymore.

>> No.11387455

Lord knows you've done it - you've skewered me on the stigmata of my own care - I'm a laughingstock because I gave a shit, and now I'm angry online - yet it doesn't matter a bit because I'm posting anonymously! WOWOW! Fuck!

>> No.11387456

almost every post in this thread was made by one person

>> No.11387457

ok lol

>> No.11387472

all me

>> No.11387474
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>> No.11387477

27 IPs is next-level samefagging.

>> No.11387550
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>non-bait answer
>it's bcuz ur dumb

>> No.11387558
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Wow mad af

>> No.11387601

>Toni being middlebrow
You fell for the pol meme. I Guarantee you haven't read Beloved or Song of Solomon

>> No.11387604

leftism is a mental illness

>> No.11387697
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>I hate SJWs and their evil degenerate butt stuff
>please fuck me in the ass, elven futa tentacle monster

What did the alt right mean by this?

>> No.11387718

Beloved is overrated trash

>> No.11387726

>Muh alt right boogeyman
What do liberals mean by this?

>> No.11388279

>"right wing"
Read Homage to Catalonia you troglodyte. Or better yet, read the first three fucking paragraphs of his Wikipedia page. Dude self-identified as a socialist and fought against Falangists in the Spanish Civil war. And you have the audacity to call ME a retard. Pathetic.

>> No.11388329

neolibs aren't anywhere near the left though

>> No.11388634

take a logic class u 18 year old boomer. A fallacious argument can still have a true conclusion.

>> No.11388644


>> No.11388649

Maybe give it a read sometime.