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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 262 KB, 866x893, farenheit 451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11385806 No.11385806 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you switched to a Kindle Paperwhite™ /lit/?
>Inside the unit, firefighters found mountains of books piled waist-high, creating hazardous conditions.

>> No.11385813

Rest in peace.

>> No.11385817

The Dark God has claimed another victim...


>> No.11385826

May God rest his soul

>> No.11385830


>> No.11385831

Damn, what a sad story. Poor guy, may he rest in peace.

>> No.11385832


good boys

I for one am now terrified of my endless columns of books scattered across my house.

>> No.11385835


>> No.11385842

post pics

>> No.11385874

>Try to hoard entire knowledge of all mankind
>End up consumed by flames

Anyone else see the extreme irony here?

>> No.11385890

Holy shit? Was that a fucking Faust reference?

>> No.11385891


There's something quite Promethean about it.

>> No.11385900

It was a Jojo reference.

>> No.11385906


>> No.11385924


>> No.11385934

Goodnight sweet prince.

Goodbye based Pete

>> No.11385951


>> No.11385961

I don't see the irony, no

>> No.11385963

Maybe he shouldn't have been such an obese fuck.

>> No.11385970

Physical books are dangerous, as this story shows, maybe we should ban books from now on. It's too risky.

>> No.11385971

very effay and very lit death

>> No.11386014

At least his death was a personal tragedy, that's all most can hope for

>> No.11386032


>> No.11386034


>> No.11386039

sounds like a total bro

>> No.11386046

He died doing what he loved...gasping and choking while trying to breathe smoke while his skin fried and eyeballs melted

>> No.11386113

This guy was literally posting on /lit/ the fay before confessing that he keeps buying books without actually reading them.

>> No.11386116

Better than eating a bullet i guess

>> No.11386119


>> No.11386133

Organic matter doesn’t melt

>> No.11386159

Was it YA?

>> No.11386160

Goodnight, sweet prince.

>> No.11386165

What if he read all the books he bought. Then we lost one of the -- probably the only -- good poster on /lit/

>> No.11386168

>I like to think if was suicide though.
>painful but poetic end

>> No.11386177

>tfw live close to where this happened
Don't know how to feel finding this out on /lit/

>> No.11386185

>Have photographic memory
>Your life flashes before your eyes before you die

He had extremely painful death

>> No.11386188

Books are really hard to combust if you shelve them properly. Usually a bookcase will burn more readily than the books within it, so long as they are properly squared to not allow oxygen circulation. He probably kept them loose or tried to use cases as stacks, which is an inefficient way to bear the weight for your foundation/floor too. If he just shelved correctly, this would be a couple hundred books estate sale. Instead it's a waste.

>> No.11386205
File: 738 KB, 1512x1512, bnono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books are really hard to combust if you shelve them properly
There are exceptions. These babies printed in China would spontaneously ignite and the fumes would kill all life within a 3 block radius.

>> No.11386244

Fuck those are shinyy

>> No.11386312

Go to bed, Norm.

>> No.11386326
File: 1.27 MB, 2400x3360, woolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else really obsessed with having a poetic death? I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, but it's definitely a concern of mine.

I don't know if it's a spectacle thing where I'm so fixated on prepared images that I want my life to play out like one or wether it's just my dedication to aesthetics, but I think about this a lot. I feel that if my death doesn't conceptually conclude my life it will have all been in vain.

Still haven't figured out how I should go, though.

>> No.11386342

i keep a fire extinguisher in my library

>> No.11386345

>I don't know if it's a spectacle thing where I'm so fixated on prepared images that I want my life to play out

I've had this too, I would often try to re-enact something from the movie I've watched or book read, some mimic, dress detail etc. Seems you're also having problems with the imaginary, I'd suggest you read Lacan's short paper called “The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Function as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience”

>> No.11386399

He probably died of smoke inhalation in his sleep. It's not like he was buried under an infernal mountain of flaming tomes.

>> No.11386415

>Living a /Lit/ lifestyle 'till a /Lit/ death...
Truly /ourguy/


>> No.11386420

pretty funny

>> No.11386425


>> No.11386460


>> No.11386468


>> No.11386474


>> No.11386503

Reminds me of this old guy in Jordan whom
I used to go visit his bookshop every friday. He had this makeshift store/bus where he displayed his books. Had lots of obscure shit.
Then some faggot hit him with a car and sent him to hospital ruining his bus + books on display
Then another faggot burned down his warehouse, destroying hundreds of ottoman era texts and books museums would kill to display yet he refused
Old man died and the king had a special funeral for him. Books are a treasure don't dispose of them

>> No.11386513

based king

>> No.11386516

fuck off

>> No.11386522
File: 165 KB, 420x420, 1502955890715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bookworm burned alive in paperback inferno

Holy shit this is the best title I've ever read. Just rolls of the tongue. So aesthetic.

>> No.11386563
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, dry-powder-fire-extinguisher-signs-p748-13557_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart choice. Seems optimal to have a dry powder based extinguisher so you don't end up with water or foam damaged books. Can simply shake and brush the powder off the books afterwards.

Have books stacked around the house is a proven firetrap. Remove all open flames away from your books and have a suitable and regularly serviced extinguisher on-hand in your reading room just in case.

>> No.11386590
File: 29 KB, 634x634, 4DA5DF3700000578-5887047-image-a-28_1530013541340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not like he was buried under an infernal mountain of flaming tomes.
All the accounts read that he was. Body wasn't found until a second pass where it was discovered cooked and buried under a pile of burned out books

>Eleven people were safely evacuated from their homes – but in Unit 8, where the fire had started, there was no answer.
>In the chaos, Sam Dare rushed to alert his neighbours.
>“I kicked the door in but the whole flat is full of stuff and there was fire everywhere and really thick smoke in it,” Sam Dare said.
>Inside the unit, firefighters found mountains of books piled waist-high, creating hazardous conditions.
>Given the large volume of belongings inside this unit, it took dozens of firefighters most of the day to safely get inside and make sure the blaze was fully extinguished.
>NSW Fire and Rescue’s duty commander John McDonough said the amount of material being hoarded in the unit made it “extremely difficult” to put the fire out.
>After combing through the ruins all day, police confirmed that a body had been found inside the charred remains of the unit.
>Fire inspector John McDonough said the damage created a difficult task for firefighters.
>"The unit is full of a lot of books and furniture and so on, and so, it's quite a small unit. We tend to call that a hoarder's unit. It makes it extremely difficult to find anything."


>> No.11386599

The most important part of a life worth living is a death worth dying for.

That's a very, very /lit/ death. No pun intended.

I hope he took comfort in the aesthetic merit of his demise in the final moments of his life. Virtue is just aesthetics continued into the moral plane, so in that way this death is also virtuous.

What a way to go!

>> No.11386607

Rest In Piece, friend

>> No.11386632

Came here to post this

>> No.11386654

My God. So tacky and distasteful. The fedora of books.

>> No.11386655

>Try to hoard entire knowledge of all mankind
Unless he was mightier than you brainlet while shitposting here how smart he was despite the fact that he came here from /tv/ and because of le epic youtuber, I don't see how's this ironic.

>> No.11386669
File: 144 KB, 618x597, eyeroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you got a hundred books and you're poor and live in a small apartment you're suddenly a "hoarder".

>> No.11386671

Yes, he is very lucky. I like to think he set the fire himself though, to make it even more aesthetic.

>> No.11386691

Thank you, I will.

>> No.11386712


We should donate Fahrenheit 451 to Sydney library in his name

>> No.11386745
File: 38 KB, 400x634, rarebo_81110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be this

>> No.11386975

RIP /ourguy/

>> No.11387001

Well, no, son & xon is one of the best cover designs ever.

>> No.11387065


RIP, Mr. Eisler.

>> No.11387076

A commentator at the Daily Mail affirms he was not a hoarder:

"Peter was a collector of Books and Movie props.He was NOT a Hoarder. Yes its a small flat, but this is not a garbage filled "Hoarder House" Books were piled high in places thats true, There was order and system to his collection. Have you any idea how painful that is to read as a friend or family member."

>> No.11387112

Put them onto a tiny tablet and suddenly your a fucking Spartan. People who enjoy building this clean smooth surface aesthetic have no sense of going into one of those particular houses where everything looks organised in this fashion, yet the closets and cupboards are filled with junk and tangles and loose ends. The entire minimalism movement is really only ever about being seen and being able to force your disorder into hiding so that you seem to be the Stoic you proudly meme.

>> No.11387185


>> No.11387224

E-readers win again

>> No.11387350

Was he a poster on lit?

>> No.11387388

I think he was.

>> No.11387622

not reported on: the firefighters were the ones who started the fire

>> No.11388044


>> No.11388082

Not that anon... But it's because he wanted to know so much, but he couldn't know that those books would eventually be his downfall.

tl;dr I guess the only fire of insight in this house... Was /literal.

>> No.11388176
File: 53 KB, 1600x900, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No wife
>No kids
>Modest apartment
>Very friendly and intelligent
>Well liked by his neighbors
>Died alone with his books
He was a lonely soul, wasn't he

>> No.11388184
File: 13 KB, 220x239, 220px-Jacques_Ellul_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11388721

t. Library of Alexandria

>> No.11388777

There's always something sad about libraries/lots of books being burnt.
The old man died and his effort went up in flames.

>> No.11388794

fuck you, op

>> No.11388798

This is incredibly mean and you should feel very bad about yourself.

>> No.11389122
File: 37 KB, 500x661, 1486507721313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a pretty sexy way to die. Respect.

>> No.11389199


...I'm so sad.

>> No.11389210
File: 35 KB, 646x646, IMG_0887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, you think he had any rare books in that collection?

>> No.11389217

almost certainly

>> No.11389828

Most likely Esoteric knowledge

The Gods are not pleased when you get too close to them. It was his downfall: Knowledge

>> No.11389873
File: 15 KB, 640x360, 1530063632569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>switch to kindle so when it burns it'll give you toxic fumes with the risk of battery exploding instead

>> No.11389875


>> No.11389877

>implying millions of pages of burning ink isn't incomparably worse for you

>> No.11389938
File: 167 KB, 832x1342, Bookworm's Inferno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11389950
File: 1.05 MB, 3264x2448, 0B844BD3-3234-4003-BCE3-65B089F69967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to assume he was a paperback rat nest collector and not an aristocratic luxury hardcover collector like myself. If he had been he would have had more time to escape and the books wouldn’t have caught on fire so easy.

I honestly hope everyone here with a paperback rat nest dies innafire t b h.

>> No.11389953

>not a single Auto-da-Fé reference
For shame! It's like none of you even read.

>> No.11389955
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x2448, 3B430150-46E6-4741-9B23-1E8FDA4EDEC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical virgin paperback collector. He most likely tried to show girls his penguin and Oxford paperback collection and they suddenly told him they had to leave.

>> No.11389963
File: 112 KB, 500x500, 759D181D-F800-463A-B28D-6E1D286B3739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW, fat virgin book hoarder living in apartment at his age and has books piled up on the floor... nothing of value lost.

>> No.11389991

How do people usually get trapped in fires? I know I can just break a door down if I have to but apparently that's not usually the case

>> No.11390010


He was trying to save that one copy. We all have that one copy.

>> No.11390014

I would trap myself in a fire for Melville

>> No.11390039

idk man why dont they just close their eyes like fire isnt even real man like just walk out

>> No.11390221

Rest in peace, Pete.

>> No.11390238

I completely switched to kindle for now.

But there's still something about physicals, especially looking at the stacks threads. Still, I think ill stick with the kindle

>> No.11390291

I just want to die instantly in a really fast car.

>> No.11390303

>Why haven't you switched to a Kindle Paperwhite™ /lit/?

>> No.11390577

No. Lots of people here burning papers. Much toxic than books. But I'm sure it's safer than inhaling some burning batteries fumes.

>> No.11390671


There's something very Icarian about this.
He collected too much knowledge and was burnt by his exploration of books.
it's like poetry.

>> No.11390676

It's like pottery, burned at a thousand degrees

>> No.11390695

>implying i've ever paid for an ebook

>> No.11390737
File: 542 KB, 776x1050, little raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the future of /lit/?

>> No.11390743

>is this the future of /lit/?
I hope yes.

>> No.11391062

I hope I die earlier than he did.

>> No.11391524

fuark erff, boomer