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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 127 KB, 578x1024, mbti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11381999 No.11381999 [Reply] [Original]

>East of eden

>> No.11382009

>Starship Troopers

>> No.11382038

although mbti sucks ass without knowing anything about jung (who also sucks ass), ill go:

>sleepwalkers by broch

>> No.11382053

>World War Z

>> No.11382066

>Jules Verne Around the world in 80 days

>> No.11382069

>To the Lighthouse

>> No.11382082

> The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11382084


>> No.11382093

>Book of Disquiet

>> No.11382095

>Swann's Way or War and Peace

>> No.11382106

>Crime and Punishment

>> No.11382107

>30yr old boomer
>don quijote

>> No.11382110

I’ve liked what I’ve read of Proust

>> No.11382119


>> No.11382163

Yeah I haven't read that many books yet

>> No.11382165

I'm istj and hated this book. Guess I'm stream of consciousness brainlet

>> No.11382168


>> No.11382196

>Anna Karenina

also I know these things can change but I've literally gone from INTJ in high school to ISFP now, does this mean I just don't have a real personality

>> No.11382202

Just because you were edgy it doesn't mean you were INTJ.

>> No.11382227

>gravity's rainbow

>> No.11382244
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Those trips. Anyway...

>30 year old boomer lul
>Orgin of Species - Charles Darwin

>> No.11382250

If you ever taken a pop-psychology personality test I can skip the process and immediately tell what your most defining personality trait really is: Narcissism.

>> No.11382261

In contrast you sound like a quite humble person.

>> No.11382266

What do you need to know about Jung for mbti?

>> No.11382276

>Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.11382281


Les Miserables.

>> No.11382282

>storm of steel

>> No.11382287

Tristram Shandy

>> No.11382294

drop table

>> No.11382302
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>> No.11382327

>The Art of the Deal

>> No.11382373
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>tfw it got my google chrome tabs right

>> No.11382524
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>> No.11382528


>> No.11382587


>> No.11382622

>Der Zauberberg

>> No.11382641


>> No.11382689

What does your image mean?

>> No.11382704

Maybe if you were an INTP you could have deciphered this overly complicated graph with your advanced intelligence.

>> No.11382714

Maybe I'm not an INTP.

>> No.11382775
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>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11382793

>The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.11382796
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>> No.11382832
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>journey to the end of the night

>> No.11382854

It's just measuring how common it is for people of specific MBTI types to be considered 'gifted'. INTPs according to that graph are most likely.

>> No.11382895

>The Glass Bead Game

>> No.11382907
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>literal baby
>the book of disquiet

>> No.11382969

>Invisible Cities

>> No.11382989
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>The Trial

>> No.11383000

>Aristotle complete works

Also, can confirm that INTP + INFJ are an ideal pairing.

>> No.11383006


>> No.11383022


>> No.11383194

The Phantom of The Opera

>> No.11383209

One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.11383236

>whole board is introverted

>> No.11383286

>either Henderson the Rain King, APOOTAAYM, or Moby-Dick

>> No.11383292

MBTI tests are shit, they are very simplistic and unnuanced compared to Big 5 or Socionics.

>Works of Zhuangzi

>> No.11383296

based. as for the rest...

>> No.11383317

No, but it goes to show the abysmal reliability of the mbti.

>> No.11383374

>Maybe Lolita

>> No.11383483

>Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.11383501

131 when I 14, 126 when I was 22
Computer science
University of Virginia
Handjob when I was fifteen, actual sex when I was 18
Tie between Ross and Chandler
Pepperoni and sausage
180 lbs
6 inches
I don't read

>> No.11383507

Why don't you just include horoscopes as well and get it over with

>> No.11383528

>art of the deal

>> No.11383562

>No idea

>> No.11383564
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>Blood Meridian

>> No.11383607
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A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.11383631

Source on painting? Dirty mobile poster sorry

>> No.11383637

Nvm found it :^(

>> No.11384381

>in search of the miraculous

Most of the book was bullshit metaphysical symbols and astrological graphs but the self-theories on remembering, man as machine/4 stages, observation/analysis, and so on was actually decent advice. King Crimson's pretty alright too I guess

>> No.11384400

Wasn't Socionics made in the USSR?

>> No.11384428

The Tao of Pooh lmao

>> No.11384732

Socionics is the dumbest shit. Taking a flawed model and making it the same but more complex is not a good idea.
What is so nuanced about Big 5? It groups together unrelated traits and mixes emotional with cognitive traits. On top of it for the most part it describes behavior rather than its causes.

>> No.11385312 [DELETED] 

Crime and Punishment
(Nancy Drew books because of nostalgia)

>> No.11385319

>Omensetter's Luck

>> No.11385322

>tfw you have the disordered mind of Jethro Furber

>> No.11385332

lucky for you, boredom will be the least of your worries!

>> No.11385337

ISFP and INTJ have the same four cognitive functions just in a different order. So it's not weird. High level brainy ISFPs will often get mistyped as INFJ & INTJ. Best not to take this stuff too seriously though, it's just a framework. Nobody lacks a personality.

>> No.11385348

>Sein und Zeit and also sprach Zarathustra

>> No.11385349

Thanks for the rec bud

>> No.11385352

> 29
> Macbeth
mfw all these youngshits

>> No.11385360

You shouldn't feel obligated to enjoy any type of style.

>> No.11385381

I kekked.

>> No.11385388

Surely a pleasure for my pal Stirner receiving head from a girl with a bib.

>> No.11385607

>The Prince

>> No.11385661
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Are these tests bullshit?

>> No.11385686
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I got INTJ and the description doesn't really sound that much like me. I don't think I'm dominant, relentless or unforgiving.

I don't really have a favorite book but some books I enjoyed recently were the Iliad and For Whom the Bell Tolls. I also enjoyed Dead Souls.

>> No.11385689

Sorry, I mean ENTJ

>> No.11385691

what site?

>> No.11385692
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can you be my bf

>> No.11385695


>> No.11385722

I retook it and got enfj and it sounds more like me.

>> No.11385724

>Brave New World

>> No.11385944
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>The Bodhicaryāvatāra

>> No.11385947


>> No.11386418

> 19
> The Sound and the Fury

>> No.11386419
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>> No.11386435

>The Recognitions

>> No.11386438

What do you like about The Recognitions? What do you think Gaddis is trying to do?

>> No.11386444


>> No.11386454

>Divine Comedy

>> No.11386561

I'm seeing a surprising amount of F's on /lit/. /fit/ is usually filled with extroverts desu.

>> No.11386608

to get T you need to have fedora answers, like i would rather my child be smart than kind.

>> No.11386959

20 + sqrt(4) + i*i
White Disease

>> No.11387128

No favorite book. I lack the discipline to finish most.

>> No.11387347

>Name of the Rose

>> No.11387403

>Not The Atomic Number of Calcium - *e^(pi*i) + the number of people I've had sex with
INFJ btw

>> No.11387441

>taking the test
>not reading the profiles and picking your favorite
Ya fell for the trick.

>> No.11387499

>Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.11387633

>The Master and Margarita.

>> No.11387987
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>> No.11388039
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>A Thousand Plateaus

>> No.11388051
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so far blood meridian, but i'm still breaking into literature

>> No.11388065

You think extroverted people read shit besides some Eat Pray Love or Harry Putter?

>> No.11388069


> 22
> Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.11388084

Not that anon but I think they were referring to the cognitive functions. Every MBTI 4-letter type maps to an underlying Jungian hierarchy of cognitive functions, e.g. ENTP maps to Ne-Ti-Fe-Si. The cognitive functions present a different model for explaining personality behaviour, not sure how "accurate" they are but they add a level of depth to the MBTI and are imo more revealing than the 4-letter code.

>> No.11388087

Heard about this one from another INTP, is it any good?

>> No.11388092

>Solaris or Clockwork Orange
> ENTP, I'm fairly reclusive though

>> No.11388219
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They are typically regarded by psychologists as fairly accurate but not especially useful. The Big Five personality test is more of both.

>> No.11388437

>Anna Karenina

>> No.11388567

the test implies the tester to have an accurate perception of themselves which I doubt most people have or least the few people I know really well who've taken the test are clearly delusional about themselves and have incorporated how they desire themselves to be.

>> No.11389479
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ENTJ (2% from INTJ)
I don't have a "favourite book" but I did enjoy Starship troopers, and I like Ancient Egyptian history and literature

>> No.11389490

Memoirs of a Superfluous Man

>> No.11389647

>Anna Karenina

>> No.11389664

What's with all the E's in here? It's extremely abnormal for a 4chins board.

>32 year old boomer
>The Corrections

>> No.11389669

>Nineteen Eighty-Four

>> No.11389674

>That old ace in the hole

>> No.11389695

count of monte cristo

dude gross

>> No.11389704

>What do you like about The Recognitions?
It's just written so well and maintains its quality for its duration. The dialogue is amazing. The characters are engaging as I myself am an art guy.
I'm pretty sure Gaddis (young and fire-y) wanted to call out pseuds and talk about how hardworking and talented people get screwed a lot. Not super sure, as it's been a while since I last read it

>> No.11389857


>> No.11389901

>Moby Dick

>> No.11389905

Is this shit really confirmation bias/narcissism?
Because even these shitty 4chan memes describe me quite well with a strange level of insight

>> No.11389930
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>IQ 225
>1.76 ratio
holy shit thanks for the good laughs my guy
keep up the meme

>> No.11389939

if you even care enough to know what mbti you believe you are you're absolutely retarded, not gifted

>> No.11389944

No, I'm INTP. I know I'm gifted.

>> No.11389945

not wrong tho

>> No.11390021
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> 18
> Crime and Punishment, Don Quixote (reading it right now)

>> No.11390259

same but 18. Why do you like the book?

>> No.11391259


>> No.11391984

>making it the same

>> No.11391996

>Don Quixote

>> No.11391997
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>Couldn't even begin to tell you what my favourite book is because I have so many that I love

>> No.11392102

>12 rules for life by Dr Jordan Peterson

>> No.11392114

>The Canterbury Tales

>> No.11392142

Yes, probably no other novel was as ahead of it’s time as Tristram Shandy. Not only it is incredibly funny, but it has also foreshadowed many of the avant-garde techniques which were later used by 20th century modernist writers like James Joyce.

>> No.11392162
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>100 Years of Solitude

>> No.11392166

>troves of numbnuts unironically sharing their tumblr personality types

>> No.11392169

>Anna Karenina

>> No.11392183

>Notes from Underground

>> No.11392227

>Nietzsche, Plato, London Jack, Knut Hamsun, Stendhal, Wells
(but now i try to build my biz, rarely read)

>> No.11392231

My nigga

>> No.11392263

Infinite Jest
>t. /lit/

>> No.11392270

>Summa Theologica

>> No.11392276

24, 23, 20, 19, 20, 23, 19, 18, 24, 22, 20, 30, 18, 29, 19, 24, 26, 19, 30, 21, 22, 19, 28, 24, 19, 24, 23, 26, 21, 27, 20, 22, 21, 21, 18, 21, 18, 22, 18, 22, 26, 18, 34, 27, 22, 21, 18, 22, 18, 29, 18, 23, 23, 23, 19, 19, 23, 21, 25, 25, 20, 23, 18, 22, 20, 22, 18, 28, 21, 32, 19, 27, 23, 20, 20, 18, 18, 21, 20, 24, 16, 20, 20, 22, 19

Count: 85
Mean: 21.988235294118
Median: 21
Mode: 18

>> No.11392278

>Blood Meridian

>> No.11392294

>The Portable Nietzsche


>> No.11392303

Infj. Tie between Lord of the Rings and Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde. Both books helped me realise things about myself and in the end made me a better, happier person

>> No.11392306

>Fanged Noumena

>> No.11392317


>> No.11392326

>A Smuggler's Bible

bonus: IQ 118, something like 86th percentile? y'all nerds just can't cope.

>> No.11392328

>t. budding comedy writer

>> No.11392344

Kind stupid children are okay if you expect them to live in a cushy high-trust society. Cold and smart is a safer choice if you don't know what the world is going to be like, not to mention more likely to produce worthwhile artists. (Though cruel is better than cold for the latter.)

>> No.11392377

>bonus: IQ 118, something like 86th percentile? y'all nerds just can't cope.

>> No.11392389
File: 74 KB, 810x780, When+people+asks+me+why+fun+things+are+fun+_8245665a8856c8069c47c32e86fee58c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 20.
> Don Quijote.

>> No.11392395
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Why are there so many faggot introverts in here? Sad!

>> No.11392504
File: 62 KB, 305x499, 7F216366-A283-4CD6-A0DB-43D3519DDD22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of Human Bondage

>> No.11392516


>> No.11392581

>The Sorrows of Young Werther
>I've read it 5 times

>> No.11392585

have you killed yourself 5 times but has a memory of your past lives and the sum of years you lived since the first life in which you read werther is 197?

>> No.11392586

Nah I'm Just Napoleon nigga

>> No.11392679


>> No.11392700

>The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.11392833

>The Red Book