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/lit/ - Literature

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1138154 No.1138154 [Reply] [Original]

Post your home library


>> No.1138159

Get a Kindle

>> No.1138161
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I'm actually curious as to the weight load limit of the one shelf in my closet I use for my books

>> No.1138164
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>owning books

>> No.1138167


Kindles are for faggots and casuals

any serious reader uses thier finger, and makes notes on the pages

its called syntopical reading, you cocksucker, if you're not doing it you're not reading properly

>> No.1138172

You still use fingers with a Kindle, and you can still make notes

>> No.1138177
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>Making notes on pages

>> No.1138180

That is supposed to be impressive? I've got around 1500 books here.

>> No.1138184

LOL who studies for the LSAT????

>> No.1138186


Once you read something a little more complicated than dragonlance novels, you'll understand why you need to make notes


- only popular novels are scanned
- you are only buying them new, unless you are pirating them, which lowers the selection even more
- its not the same thing

Kindles are shit, and so are the concept of ebooks. Since I buy books used, on clearance, get them from friends, etc, that entire shelf of books I have probably costed me about 150 dollars, probably the same price as your stupid fucking robot

>> No.1138187

Sure are desperate excuses in here

>> No.1138189


Kindles have a keyboard just for that purpose. Plus e-books take up less space.

>> No.1138190


probably people who want to score higher than 140 and get into a decent law school

>> No.1138191

>Complains about pirating
>Authors of old books are dead, and buying used books is the same as pirating for the author

>> No.1138195

Getting those books on a Kindle saves you a lot of space

You could of used that shelf for something else

Also the price of the books I've downloaded far exceeds the cost of my Kindle DX, even if it costs about $270

>> No.1138196


sounds like something someone who completely lost the argument and has no meaningful response would say

whats next, a u mad image macro?

>> No.1138200

You can't complain about piracy if you buy books used

>> No.1138203


There's really no way to explain it to someone like you

Its like someone who still listens to records, and some punk kid is like HEY MAN YOU CAN LIKE GET AN IPOD AND ITUNES AND SHIT AND CARRY A MILLION SONGS IN YOUR ASS EVERYWHERE YOU GO

its not about efficiency, you just don't get the same quality and experience as you do with an actual book

>> No.1138205

The words are exactly the same whether it's in a paper book or an e-book

If you want an 'experience', go watch a 3D movie or ride a rollercoaster

>> No.1138206

Books in your closet? Have some fucking respect for you books, man.

>> No.1138207
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probably one of the stupidest comments I've ever read in my life

you should check out /new/ I bet it would be right up your fucking alley

>> No.1138208

Except that old records have an actual difference in quality because of how the sound is recorded on the physical medium

Shakespeare on a e-book is the same as Shakespeare on paper

>> No.1138215


my books don't need batteries

what now, faggot?

>> No.1138216
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>not owning books

>> No.1138218

>Implying that's a problem unless you live in Chechnya

>> No.1138225

Are you e-book readers retarded? People like books. Get over it. You can have your dumbass trendy technology, just don't preach about it. No bibliophile gives a flying fuck.

>> No.1138228


and what if I do?

>> No.1138229
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>reads books

>> No.1138233
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Here's mine, OP. And really, a lot of books that I own, particularly the pre-war Japanese lit, isn't available online anywhere. That's something I'm sort of hoping to rectify sometime soon. But for now, they're mostly only found in book form.

>> No.1138238

Get the fuck out you fucking weeaboo

>> No.1138236
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blurry i know

>> No.1138242


>> No.1138246


>> No.1138254

Psh, that's not hard to figure out.

>> No.1138260
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>Eragon and its sequel

>> No.1138265

I use the real library. It has more books and costs less so I can spend all my moneys on /p/

>> No.1138270

They were gifts from my neighbors.

>> No.1138272

man, you are lucky. My library costs $25 a month, and I don't read enough to justify that. i sad.

>> No.1138275

>people shouting for new trendy shitty piece of technology ruin thread
i lol'd because it's all probably one guy

>> No.1138308 [DELETED] 

I actually quite enjoyed those books, just because they are not brilliant does that mean I am not allowed to enjoy them? I also have the complete chronicles of Conan because it's hilarious and reminds me of the old Terry Pratchett books. Where does the Dark materials trilogy fit into your list of "acceptable literature"?

>> No.1138313

OP, may I see your wardrobe?

>> No.1138317
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Also, fuck people who make notes. What's the matter, can't keep it all in your head?

>> No.1138325
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i've got some more piled up around it, some on my desk, and a few in my friend's car, but this is the main bookshelf

>> No.1138348
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>> No.1138354


>randoid criticizing the intellectual capacity of others

do ho ho

>> No.1138365


>> No.1138376


did you have a comment, or were you just trying to weird me out

>> No.1138387

i wanna jizz on your shirts

>> No.1138395

no comment, i'm content now.

>> No.1138396

Wow, asshole... Go back to reading and leave the rest of us out of it.

>> No.1138437


I've read
Joyce - Ulysses
Ellis - Less Than Zero (guys a hack, too much ellis on your shelf
Carter - The Bloody Chamber (Fucking ace! Underappreciated author)
Camus - Outsider
Welsh - Trainspotting
Orwell - 1984
Orwell - Down and Out in Paris and London (Ace again! I think it's his best book)
Murakami - The Wind Up Bird Chronicle (overrated)
Kafka - Metamorphosis

Shakespeare - Richard III, Hamlet
Orwell -1984
Kafka - Metamorphosis
Fitzgerald - Great Gatsby
Joyce - Portrait, Dubliners

Typical college canon stuff.

>> No.1138497
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Yes it is very small, but this is only what I have currently not read/am working on reading. Everything else is boxed up and stuffed in places in the garage. Oh, and the book behind the MGS box is Cell.

>> No.1138508

>Inherent Vice
Is it good?
>Finnegans Wake
Oh you

>> No.1138519

>Is it good?
Haven't started it yet. Currently working on Vineland.
>Oh you

>> No.1138602

Okay, who doesn't have Joyce and Kafka on their bookshelves?