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/lit/ - Literature

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11382007 No.11382007 [Reply] [Original]

What are you thinking right now /lit/?

>> No.11382018

i took a lot of an edible and 200mg of modafinil and thought it would be a good idea to talk with a friend with mental illness; now that memory is tempered with cringe and I've convinced myself that my mood won't stabilize, despite the fact I've been sober for a couple days.

>> No.11382031

Trying to think of a way that includes seeing Alice in Chains tonight and finishing studying for 2 final exams tomorrow hopefully without using amphetamines

>> No.11382032

i want to be cute

>> No.11382041

wtf first two posts are drugheads

and the third
a fag

I dunno. about how we crave free time and possibility only to tarnish them as we receive them. This applies to most things we request from life.

>> No.11382042

I'm never trusting a fart again in my life. I was naked out on the porch and i literally fucking shit my self by accident. Made for an easy cleanup, and it was mostly because I'm not used to my bowel movements being that runny (GRRM's 'shitting brown water' line comes to mind) but jesus christ ...

Made me think if this is the kind of thing that usually happen to people but no one ever talk about it, or am I fucking retarded? Eh, whatever. It won't change anything I suppose. Except I won't trust farts again.

>> No.11382057

Used books are more expensive than buying new online where I live and it sucks. I want to support used bookstores since they’re really cozy but I’m not made of money.

>> No.11382072

Goddamn, I just want to watch two hot anime dudes just fucking plow each others assholes.
Also, I'm kinda hungry, and I got this new hot sauce that tastes like really spicy dirt. Should I mix it with my hummus? Or just make a pizza and drench it?

>> No.11382077

i am a literal prophet and everyone else is stupid

>> No.11382083

Should I leave the house before work or just wait around?

>> No.11382087

dude same

>> No.11382089
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There was a book that /lit/ keeled posting earlier in the year, it’s horror, and it’s like basically if lovecraft actually saw and described what he saw.
The cover is white apthats all I remember, but for some reason I’m to stupid to browse the archive and I wanna find this book and read it.
But I can’t and I want my bros to post the picture or a link to this book.

Pretty sure it’s horror, was posted heaps April/May this year.

Praying to god someone can help me out.

That or a chart on where to start with Gnosticism
Plz bros

>> No.11382101

Pls bros pls

>> No.11382116

Since reading an article about how ancient literature rarely focused on feelings and more on actions, I've begun seeing the world in a different way. In fact, it's a trend I've noticed across many conservative or traditionalist cultures, stretching even to Japanese culture with the idea of the stoic salaryman who never complains. Specifically, it may be seen as a survival mechanism, since giving into those depressive thoughts in the past meant ruin and death. In that sense, acting on our feelings is something of a luxury, as we will rarely be put to a test that will challenge our determination to live itself. And more and more, I've come to see how basing your life around a set of stable beliefs may be uplifting and even freeing. It is a way of anchoring yourself that allows you to step back from your current situation and be honest. A way of understanding context and getting perspective. Even if I feel like a living hell, I'll still continue on with my life and become all the better for it. I'll make my family proud. I'll pull through it. That's what the idea of 'manning up' has become for me, and I'll do my best to make it happen.

>> No.11382128

>where to start with Gnosticism
literally st. irenaeus's Adversus Haereses, which sharply and conclusively btfo'd gnosticism forever

>> No.11382152

2 seconds later she was covered in feces. 2 weeks later she was still itchy with lice.

>> No.11382153

How nice it would be to have sweaty, unprotected sex with a lustful, experienced MILF with a hairy pussy and then ejaculate half into her half over her scentful muff.

>> No.11382161

Thanks anon appreciate it

>> No.11382245
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>> No.11382521

I want a lot of things but also not a bit. I want to create something good but know I'm not creative enough nor smart enough to do it. >tfw no gf but I don't know what I'd do with one since everyone around me is so different to me. I want to do something with my figure but I have no idea what.
Feels bad man.

>> No.11382526

idk maybe all tomorrows.

>> No.11382537

rewatch boku no pico

>> No.11382555

Ive gotten hired by my aunts husband and i should make his product list pdfs look user friendly and appealing instead of looking like a normal excel list but instead I've been farting around and i shouldn't be

Thinking bout going for a run around the lake because apparently that's healthy and I'm starting to get chubby too and I'm not accomplishing anything right now on the computer anyhow

>> No.11382579

Uh, excuse you, I don't know where you got "boku no pico" out of hot anime dudes. If someone isn't getting choked out, don't wanna know.

>> No.11382657

me rn

>> No.11382744

Im feeling depressed and I usually make me suffer when I feel sad, so I'm hungry, without smoking, fapless nigger hoping to die but knowing I won't

>> No.11382859

That I’m pretty sure my professor thinks that I have autism

>> No.11382880


>> No.11382887

Post article link.

>> No.11382893

go to exhentai and type in shotacon ryona

>> No.11382896
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The Will is.

>> No.11383079


>> No.11383113

Really bummed being out of work. Just sitting by my phone waiting to be called back after a few interviews last week.

Also wondering whether to become a poet or a mathematician.

>> No.11383129

I just spent the last twenty minutes rubbing a twelve year old girl's bare chest.
"How?" you ask. Well apparently there are a select few contexts within which such an action is acceptable. For instance, if your niece has a hacking cough and your sister asks you to "put some of this on her" while she calls the doctor.
"Putting some of this on hear" meant using my bare hands to rub this vapor ointment shit all over her BARE NAKED CHEST. My heartbeat is still all erratic from it. I had a boner the size of Manhattan the entire time. She's sleeping now and I guess she feels better because she stopped coughing.
Details: She's about 5 feet tall, has long brown hair, a cute face, a thin waist and long skinny legs. She's in jammies I think because although I'm pretty shaken up right now I know I unbuttoned something before I went at it.
God I feel so great. I just rubbed my hands all over her FUCKING TITS, you guys. Well the puffy parts of her chest anyway. Her nipples got hard. I just about wept tears of joy.
I didn't do anything else because I'm a coward and rubbing was enough. Plus it was legal and I didn't technically do anything wrong, so I'm in the clear.
I'd write more but I seriously have to go fap while the memory is fresh in my head.

>> No.11383134

Do I use tinder to escape my no gf cage or not. I'm not sure if want to or not.

>> No.11383138


>> No.11383139

I wanna go see Radiohead in July but I’m waiting for GA tickets to pop up on Ticketmaster, but I’m also worried that they’ll never come and I’ll be stuck with the worst possible 200 level seats. The 100 level seats next to the stage seem tempting right now but I don’t wanna jump the gun.

>> No.11383143

hey, unrelated question, what's your sister's phone number?

>> No.11383145
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>> No.11383154


>> No.11383177

HAha! You live in indiana?

>> No.11383186

waiting for the opportune moment to post this epic hesse boomer pic i made this morning

>> No.11383189

Yeah my name's James Phillips

>> No.11383199

I think its funny how my perception of groups of people existing works. Like all it takes is for me to know or even just hear about 1 person
existing who thinks X or likes X or has a fetish of X for my brain to go "well duh of course there are a ton of people out there who think that", but if you had asked me before I met such a person Id go "nah theres no fuckin way someone thinks that." Like with a sample size of 0 people, my brain imagines a vast nothingness where believers of X would be, but bump that sample size up to 1 and suddenly my brain infers an entire group numbering the ????nds of like-minded people to metaphorically surround this one believer.

>> No.11383219

Oh, I know you! James "Guntfucker" Phillips! Did you ever get that fake ballsack surgery you were saving up for? I know that kind of groin trauma can be real psychologically damaging and all. Me and the guys still talk about it sometimes.

>> No.11383224
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Holy old copypasta

>> No.11383268

it was prolly Fanged Noumena

>> No.11383279
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forgot to add, it's out of print but you can find pdfs on soulseek. it went in print a few weeks ago and I was lucky to get a copy
also if your interested in gnosticism, the psychonauts field guide is a good start, just google it

>> No.11383324
File: 260 KB, 982x644, 1529312197465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda feel like eyebrows are rarely described in literature. Honestly I think eyebrows are one of the most attractive part of women. Especially dark, thick natural ones that make lots of expression.

Actually I think I have eyebrow fetish. I want a girlfriend with doe eyes and pretty eyebrows,

>> No.11383347

Some basic probability analysis, I'm trying to answer the same problem that has plagued our kind forever. That feel when no girlfriend. I know all the rules of the game, I've thought about it forever. I'm just looking for the right environment now. I know I can't ask anyone for help, because in helping me they hurt themselves.

>> No.11383350

I wish my girlfriend had bigger breasts.

>> No.11383386

the offie's out of ice and it's only the start of the heatwave. waiting on dave's syndrome.

>> No.11383437


Yea do it, it's worth looking into just to get out of a rut and meet random people; maybe a fuck or two.

Never for a long term partner though, cock carousel like a sushi restaurant.

>> No.11384187

I'm thinking of death. every year i go with my family to visit the graves of those who passed away. i didn't know majority of them and probably once my parents are gone i won't visit them. same thing will probably happen to me when i die. my family will visit my grave but once those who knew me die there will be no one to take care of my grave and remember me. same will happen to them and to their children. no one will remember their ancestors.

>> No.11384242

second anon isn't a druggy he's just a pussy. amphetamine is not a drug, it is a question and the answer is always yes.

>> No.11384255

Are you me?

>> No.11384388


>> No.11384413

French just sort of naturally say, I know to speak, meaning, I know how to speak. Or, I know to swim.

Fucking savages.

>> No.11384444

I drank a few beers by myself again, I'm still curious on how I'm getting out of this NEET lifestyle, it has to happen soon.

>> No.11384446

beating up jews of course