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/lit/ - Literature

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11379683 No.11379683 [Reply] [Original]

>Shakespeare was meant to be watched, not read!

>> No.11379687

That's objectively true.

>> No.11379688

This is totally worth its own thread.

>> No.11379702
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>M-muh metaphors!

>> No.11379801


So Aristotle was a nu-male?

>> No.11379893
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>Shakespeare isn't that great because he stole all his plots like the story of Hamlet existed before it y'know also he didn't even write his plays

>> No.11379906

Obviously. The fact that you have to ask that shows you are unbearably soi.

>> No.11381483


Was Shakespeare a nu-male too?

>> No.11382550

That's technically true, but it's actually best in this day and age that you READ it. You'll learn much more that way.

>> No.11382951

>he didn't even write his plays
I know you're quite obviously joking, but what misconception are you referring to?

>> No.11382970
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>reading screenplays

>> No.11383002

>the plays in the first folio are the unadulterated work of a single mind, Shakespeare's, and weren't amalgamated and polished years after his death by a committee of writers

>> No.11383032

if this is the case then why is much ado so clearly an early draft full of errors that seem to arise from the working process? wouldn't they have corrected them?

>> No.11383077

They probably did their best going by the quality of the quartos

>> No.11383080

why would they have kept in characters who are in the scene but not referenced and say nothing for the whole scene? seems clear that shakespeare didnt stage the plays with them on the stage and it was just some kind of remnant from an earlier draft.

>> No.11383093

Who knows? Had a whole mess of papers and prompt scripts to compile into something publishable. Can't have been easy to fix everything

>> No.11383104

There is a famous thing about how the man Shakespeare didn't write his plays
He made a young black girl write all of them and he took credit
Not even joking, niggers actually believe that

>> No.11383107

i think even reading through once before publication that would be noticed, it seems like strong evidence that they tried to preserve shakespeare's work as best as possible while maintaining readability rather than polishing him up

>> No.11383147

It's easy to overlook that stuff, especially when you've got one guy working on one scene and another guy on another, nobody sees the bigger picture. Multi million dollar movies have teams of people looking for this stuff and you still get continuity errors in huge movies.

>> No.11383155

theres a continuity error and then theres multiple instances in the same play where a character is stated to be present in the scene and then does nothing for the whole scene and the other characters act like she isn't there.

why is it just in much ado? why isn't this a problem in romeo and juliet? because shakespeare probably just used this rough draft to stage his play and didnt put those characters on stage, and they preserved his work despite it not making the best sense.

>> No.11383161

Keep replying if you want more threads like this in the future.

>> No.11383191

better discussion in here so far than in "books to help my depression", "uhhh... so just how many /lit/izens had a fan-fiction stage in their life?", "/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General", "chart thread", "ITT: Post an album, get a book recommendation" and countless others

>> No.11383200

I just don't want this place to become /v/ tier. I'd rather have this place be slow as mud and filled with posts that look like old men using the internet for the first time than be an eternal shit show of one line baits with 300 replies.

>> No.11383211

this is relatively good though. the """quality""" threads on /lit/ that begin with an OP writing a fucking multi-post essay on one aspect of one specific chapter of Anna Karenina or whatever always lead to crappy, narrow discussions.

>> No.11383213

why does it matter what if the OP was low effort if the actual thread is a fairly intelligent conversation about shakespearean authorship, would you really rather be posting your favourite book to get recommended an album?

>> No.11383259

Have you seen what he looks like?

>> No.11383273
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>> No.11383288

Nabokov, Housman, Dennis, Pope, etc all agreed that Shakespeare's plays were just great occasions for his poetic writing. He wasn't even the best playwright of his day

>> No.11383298


>> No.11383300

>he reads plays

>> No.11383301

Or the intern was adding the stage directions for that play and his work wasn't spot checked thoroughly.

>> No.11383316
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>> No.11383494
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>if shakespeare was alive today he would be directing transformers

>> No.11384604

Literature is nu-malistic

>> No.11384834

>Homer and Hesiod were meant to be recited and heard in Ionic Greek, not read translated over to English/French/Spanish/German.
This is what I always answer to people who say this. They never speak a word about the way in which Shakespeare's plays were meant to be digested again.

>> No.11384878

He'd be like Paddy Chayefsky or Charlie Kauffman; making occasionally self-aware but emotionally complex works everyone would want to work with and everyone else wants to watch.