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11379000 No.11379000 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>philosophy major at liberal arts school
>underage but drink and smoke and party a little
>have a couple friends and a girlfriend
>meet a kid at a party who is on acid and trying to convince people to smoke DMT
>hippie hair, hippie regalia, the whole nine yards
>he is also philosophy major
>we take classes on ancient and modern philosophy and logic and metaphyics and ethics and aesthetics and political philosophy
>he is doing a lot of drugs but pulls it together into magnificent syntheses
>one day he starts telling me about how he "completed the system of german idealism"
>"all knowledge is auto-initiatic"
>"dialectical history is mortal kombat"
>"kanye west is an alien buddha"
>"the body without organs is stirner's unique"
>"the reconciliatin of theory and practice is found in theoria or theosis whereupon the text can be created ludically"
>"philosophy is both midwife and mother"
>"there is a pythagorean relationship between muses, music, and musicians... A muse squared plus B muse squared equals C muse squared"
>"if you look closely everyone is three people"
>"the phenomenology is a bildungsroman to the boddhisattva path"
>"socrates was a shaman"
>"make oneself like the dead"
>"the work of art depicts the birth of the artist"
>"the homunculus is the daimon"
>"everyone has synesthesia"
>really cool stuff, totally fascinating
>two weeks later he drops out of school
>never hear from him again
>supposedly "schizophrenia"

>> No.11379021

Ideas are a dime a dozen and if he never does anything but ramble at parties on drugs I don't care how interesting he is, he still never figured out that techne is the other half of the fight. Nothing buggers me more than collegiate faggots like the one in your story.

>> No.11379032

echoing other dude, that guy should get the hell to producing the contents of his mind into reality rather than mulling over them by himself to himself

>> No.11379040

You know communication of ideas is techne right? The fact that op is interested is proof the drug guy had some skill in rhetoric.

>> No.11379042

White people should keep to STEM. Only Meds can comprehend philosophy.

>> No.11379089

Stem IS philosophy.

>> No.11379100

Stem USED TO BE philosophy. At present it's been shorn off by ad-men and stem disciplines have been relegated to puzzle-oriented brainlets. Blame industry if you're smart.

>> No.11379114
File: 986 KB, 500x658, 35886E00-F35C-4417-B65B-062BC29204A1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And articulation is a craft just like anything else. If you aren't moved to tiers by the artsy photos of tomatoes compensating every time you walk into
a subway, then you're admitting to hierarchy with respect to techne. I contend that some college stoner's articulation of common ideas and stoned rhetoric is analogous to sweaty tomatoes in this context.

What say you, anon?

>> No.11379120

Or it might be proof that OP is a brainlet who was wooed by bad rhetoric, mightn't it?

>> No.11379128

That's what I get for phoneposting :^(

>> No.11380653

Why communicate though? At least in that method. Wouldn't it imply antagonism and set him up for confronting himself and his narcissism? Not that I know the guy that well, it just seems like I do, I guess. I had a gf like him once.

>> No.11380779

>he is doing a lot of drugs but pulls it together into magnificent syntheses
