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/lit/ - Literature

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11378521 No.11378521 [Reply] [Original]

>test reading for a friend
>his work contains the phrase "a cis male"
Fuck me. To be /lit/ is to suffer.

>> No.11378527

What? Who gives a fuck

>> No.11378531

Get a new friend desu.

>> No.11378601

These things have implications.

>> No.11378606

They have implications if you're some sort of bitch bugman who gets his values from 4chan

>> No.11378608


get your shit together OP.

>> No.11378673

>Mommy, he said something I don't like it. Bully Bully!

>> No.11378674

If it's brainwashed propaganda, tell him

>> No.11378708

Imagine complaining about contemporary conforming vocabulary on the literature board

>> No.11378709

It's feeling that way. He's had the sense to mention FGM, but the current situation is a literal rape culture and he hasn't shyed away from using that term.

>> No.11378724

I mean if this is the kinda person you associate with youre probably a fag too op. Its ok thats a pretty key demographic people are trying to reach out to these days.

>> No.11378731

t. soiboy boomer bugman externalisation of qualities I'm insecure about

>> No.11378741

What’s your problem with this phrase? It’s just means non-transgender male.

>> No.11378747
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So just a male.

>> No.11378754

It's not the phrase, it's what it implies about the user. It'd like hearing a non-historian use the term "Roman salute".

>> No.11378758

Who gives a fuck you insecure bitch. Surely you already know this "friend". Honestly you're acting like a fucking woman mate.

>> No.11378764

No it means a non-transgender male retard

>> No.11378770


>> No.11378774

>it's what it implies about the user

What does it imply, that he is a caring human who is sensitive to the plight of minorities?

>> No.11378775

Great point bugman

>> No.11378782

libtards BTFO epic style, praise KEK!

>> No.11378783

4chan told me that is a cu'ckish thing to do
so like the bitch I am I hate him for it

>> No.11378786

Does it also mean a non-fish human?

>> No.11378788

At minimum It implies that he has extreme political beliefs.

>> No.11378792

It could be used to describe either a fish human or a non-fish human. By the information that is given, it means a non-transgender male.

>> No.11378793

Yeah, a normal male.

>> No.11378799

Yes, being transgender is statistically abnormal. Brilliant observation.

>> No.11378801

It just implies that he has probably the same view of the transgender issue as most psychiatrists.

>> No.11378804

yeah and most psychiatrists are bugmen retards
unlike me a smart man who gets fed his opinions from /pol/

>> No.11378809

Kek why is leftypol like this. It comes off so fucking weird.

>> No.11378814

No, it doesn't. Psychiatrists wouldn't use that terminology. He clearly learns from a different school.

>> No.11378815

seriously it is an unbelievably lame form of trolling

>> No.11378817
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hurr yu eida godda be pol tribe lyke me or u da leftipol enemeh

>> No.11378818

there is literally NOTHING wrong with being deranged

>> No.11378821

Act like a real proof reader/editor and give him an honest, real world critique of his "writing". It sounds like he's just trying to reinforce his own fragile belief system.

>> No.11378822

This. OP don't worry about being a deranged faggot who felt the need to post his precious fee-fees on /lit/ because his friend used a naughty word.

>> No.11378831

Fuck off tranny cunt

>> No.11378833

>le who cares does it affect you, bigot?

>> No.11378836

why do you people "trigger" so easily

>> No.11378839

If you get your knickers in a twist because someone used the word "cis" then you're a faggot

Not even a tranny, just don't like all these hypocrite soiboy pol faggots who think they're a level above those they hate

>> No.11378846

Sorry for not being on so many layers of irony that it basically broke my brain and can only post like the guys I hate so much. YEEIKEESS

>> No.11378847

I would, but what could I actually say beyond "most people won't know what you're talking about"?

>> No.11378855
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>> No.11378883

You clearly have good intension so I'll take you seriously. Assuming that this is my problem, how would I fix it?

>> No.11378909

Congratulations! You have once again succeeded in posting a thinly-veiled 'literature' thread with the intention to gossip like a schoolgirl!

>> No.11378952

Does the story relate to transexuals or is it just being used to describe a standard male? If so that is pretty clowny

>> No.11378965

There's a single trans character. The situation was along the lines of "I haven't picked up that particular skill because I'm not a cis male".

>> No.11378976

I mean it doesn't sound like what a transgender male would say, and the writing feels autistic, but I see no reason for outrage.

>> No.11378984

It makes sense in context.

>> No.11378993

start listening to what people are trying to say instead of focusing on single words and ignoring the rest. lunatics can be fucking crazy without using new-fangled words and using buzzwords doesn't actually invalidate what a person is saying if they actually use it coupled with a coherent opinion.

>> No.11378996

is the tranner autistic?

>> No.11379009

No. The magic that was being used is allegedly not the sort that a female would know how to use, although now that you mention it, I can't see why that would be the case.

I'll take on your advice.

>> No.11379060
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>this thread

>> No.11379095


>> No.11379189

Go to bed Contrapoints.