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/lit/ - Literature

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11375310 No.11375310 [Reply] [Original]

Would you guys take a class called 'Introduction to Critical Theory," or "Medieval Visionary Literature"?

>> No.11375318


>> No.11375320

Medieval because critical theory is pure garbage

>> No.11375362

why, please elaborate and make sense - I have to decide now

>> No.11375387


>> No.11375395

i would drop out of university and get a real education on my own at the library

>> No.11375413

>you guys
>help us mine data, take our survey, tell me about your breakfast preferences, etc
You know what goes in the options field.

>> No.11375450

Shut it up

>> No.11375609

If you can't decide, it doesn't matter which you take.

>> No.11375614

medieval visionary literature by a country mile

>> No.11375615

Theory is often required because advanced courses assume you know basic theoretical ideas. If that seems relevant to you, take that. If you jus5 want a good class, take the Medieval one..

>> No.11375621

First one. Medieval literature is almost universally garbage. We don't call it the dark ages for nothing.

>> No.11376776

I think I’ll take crit lit cause I know nothing about it

>> No.11376793

Introduction to Critical Theory any day. The Alchemist is visionary literature lmao

>> No.11376803

Homer didn't need any critical theory to write the Odyssey, so it's deeply unnecessary. So is Medieval literature.

Therefore, choose the one that will give you the most pleasure. What do you prefer: pseudo-philosophical babble or beautiful works of poetry and prose?

>> No.11376805

>implying sage is a downvote

>> No.11377592
File: 593 KB, 1239x1902, 6C70AD69-7306-4694-AEED-90C1C10FD90A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the course description for the critical theory class!

>> No.11377626
File: 816 KB, 2510x790, Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 1.37.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is the teacher of the visionary literature class

>> No.11377717

Derrida is a chad

>> No.11377754

Critical theory is such a fucking joke. It's literally liberal indoctrination.
We had to have gender theory, race theory and Marxism shoved down our throats in addition to Freud pseudoscience bullshit and all because they say it helps to interpret texts better.
Literally nothing at all i was taught in that class was relevant or applied to anything.

>> No.11377761
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>Homer didn't need any critical theory to write the Odyssey, so it's deeply unnecessary. So is Medieval literature.

Therefore, choose the one that will give you the most pleasure. What do you prefer: pseudo-philosophical babble or beautiful works of poetry and prose?

>> No.11377875

It had me until Lacan.

>> No.11377960

This can't be real

>> No.11378253

It is :’(

>> No.11379084

no I read books instead of "taking classes"

>> No.11379364

Both seems interesting, critical theory is both useful if you want too use it and criticize it.
Medieval Visionary Literature depends on if it's your thing.

>> No.11379550

you can learn basic theory in your own time. people like derrida, foucault, lyotard (?) are not respected in academia anymore; do not waste an option on them

>> No.11379559
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>queer theorist uses theology


>> No.11379563

do not take this class you idiot

>> No.11379608
File: 150 KB, 960x638, 1524070924893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abstract geometry
>materialist metaphysics

As much as I admire the basic insights of post-modernism, I don't understand how anyone can take themselves seriously when applying theory that IN PRINCIPLE can't accomplish anything. There are no fixed meanings, so why go looking? Approaching some archane text through a po-mo lens and discovering that it can REVOLUTIONISE OUR CONCEPT OF IDENTITY is hardly fucking revolutionary at all--ITS THE ONLY FUCKING THING YOUR LENS CAN FIND. I'm so fucking glad I go to a conservative uni where this stuff gets only a passing mention.

>> No.11379640

this is not a useful argument per se. if everything is merely a construction, then everything is a construction, and can be judged based on different grounds (than a correspondence to 'truth' -- coherence? pragmatism?)

>> No.11379726

How do move on from pomo? What comes next?

What that anon means is that the "professor" went looking with identity theory in mind and found a new text about identity theory.
It's flawed because you are using a lense that will only yield information on the lense.

>> No.11379732

Coherence and pragmatism are just other forms of "truth"

>What comes next?
Nothing, you go back to the beginning.

>> No.11379752

But we can't throw away 2000+ years of philosophy because of pomo. Something ust come of it.

>> No.11379767

that's a very pomo position... there is such a thing as truth, but it's not constructed. that's a very important distinction. some things are necessarily true, whether you think it or not

>> No.11379770

We wouldn't be throwing it away. It's just about getting rid of this linear view of progress that something NEW has to follow po-mo.

>> No.11379784

So we should adopt a previous philosophy from the past however wrong, however built upon in the following years?
Why will that help us?

>> No.11379791

>How do move on from pomo? What comes next?

there are important lessons to be learned from pomo; deconstruction to an extent; narratology is particularly useful. But epistemologically, the major 'pomo' philopsophers like derrida and rorty were deeply flawed -- outright misleading -- so coming after 'pomo' involves recognizing the flaws and, in a way, i think, returning to more traditional methods (i'm thinking of literary criticism particularly; i'm not qualified to judge other fields).

>> No.11379886


this is untrue, with maybe the exception of Lyotard.

>> No.11380159

I was actually quite with him until he said that shit about identity - why are these fucks so egocentrical? I mean all they care about is persona.

>> No.11380216

I avoid anything "critical theory" related like the plague. That being said, Theological Philosophy is boring as hell.

>> No.11380220

Doubt this is real even for Western (((Universities)))

>> No.11380222

He’s not talking about his identity, but the philosophical concept of Identity. Identity is not equivalent to persona, read Frantz Fanon.

>> No.11380228
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I stand corrected.

>> No.11380256



>> No.11380296

Well, it's not only boring, it's mental poison. You cannot fake this for a longer period of time and stay normal. It is easy to fake but it's like becoming an Astrologist, your soul gets posioned.

>> No.11380336
File: 191 KB, 888x558, sadasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the actual fuck is going on at NYU??

I'm not an American so I always thought the Petersonites were exaggerating

>> No.11380348
File: 149 KB, 876x567, sdadadafa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is madness

>> No.11380355

I wonder if Universities got these kind of wackos on the regular before they became just diploma mills. I mean, were they beaten off the marble porch in 19th century? They're all graduating in Logical Fallacy.

>> No.11380365

>in 19th century?
universities from the 19th century dont even remotely resemble modern schools. The normal curriculum was latin, greek, math and philosophy.

>> No.11380368


Anyway, they're an obvious MLM scheme. They leech off society and are each other's audience.

>> No.11380373

Would depend on the university. I reckon these kind of people would feel right at home in alchemical studies

>> No.11380386

See, this should get an insta-rejection because it's obviously a flawed Sociological research. The degenerate seemingly deals with Otherkin presence on the Internet - so far so good - but instead of making an objective analysis behind the unfortunates engaging in such digital practices, he attemps to mystify it and present it as some sort of 'magic' and 'folklore', which is obviously dishonest. I doubt he's even retarded, he just tries to legitimize his degeneracy rather than looking at it for what it is.

My point being that French philosophy is exactly like this. Whenever someone tells you that you have to actually read a cubic mile of Lacanian literature in order to be able to debate it, don't be afraid to point out you won't do anything of the sort because it's an obvious logical fallacy masquerading as argumentation.

If you're a brainlet then maybe reading about 'reseaching the theory of rain juxtaposed between real world fiction and the metacommunity of an abandoned phpbb discussion board' may seem like it talks about something but trust me, none of these people have anything to say.

>> No.11380393

I like it how disciplines are under quotation marks.

>> No.11380405


>> No.11380459

What uni

>> No.11380465

I'm taking Intro to Critical Theory this summer so if you take it we can hang out.

>> No.11380469

wtf I hate critical theory now

>> No.11380489


>> No.11380501

Yeah lol

>> No.11380518

With which teacher

>> No.11380523

Notre Dame

>> No.11380528


>> No.11380535

Oh, we might be in the same class - that’s so funny

>> No.11380540

So what’s your name by the way, so I know you when I see you

>> No.11380561

Dhruv - yours?

>> No.11380575


>> No.11380580

What if I just spring it on you in person - better that way, suppose we hate each other

>> No.11380585

Fair enough lol

>> No.11380652
File: 56 KB, 621x702, F534B14F-5B87-43AB-B1D8-ACA4021B0A52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don’t see how the histories of illness and homosexuality intersect?

>> No.11381231

I’ll concede this sounds better than the other one

>> No.11381273

Literally the most flawed and naive approach

>> No.11381277

>French thinkers have irrevocably destroyed American and anglo academia with surgical precision that has left continental Europe mostly unscathed

God damn I love the french, this is your comeuppance for half a century of force-feeding McDonalds culture to the rest of the world.