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/lit/ - Literature

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11377188 No.11377188 [Reply] [Original]

>Book you're currently reading
>Last book you read that became a personal favorite

>> No.11377220

>Flight Attendant
>A History of Zimbabwe - Mlambo
>The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k - Knight

>> No.11377232

>Fanged Noumena and Magpie Murders
>Probably Steppenwolf

>> No.11377236

>Philosophy PhD
>The Overstory - Richard Powers
>Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino

>> No.11377239

>freelance graphic artist and editor
>Good Omens

>> No.11377242

>Kolyma Tales
>A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.11377248

>unemployed, quit my job a month ago
>confessions of st. augustine
>a monk's guide to a clean house and mind

>> No.11377254

>>Indian Navy Reserve Officer OF-4/University Student
>>A farewell to Arms
>>Hirohito's War
Darwin8U on GRs?

>> No.11377257

>x-ray tech

>> No.11377262

>Darwin8U on GRs?

>> No.11377276

>The Aenid, Ligotti's Short Stories, Libido Domainandi
>The Master and Margarita

>> No.11377278

>studying finance
>The Magic Mountain

>> No.11377305

>none at the moment, student and college bookstore soon
>No Longer Human

>> No.11377331

when does baudolino get good? It's been retarded ever since zosimo joined, like i'm 400 pages in, it's so bad, there's no plot, or I'm just not getting the references, the whole ardzrouni thing was even boring,

>> No.11377354

>biochemistry research technician
>The Cave - Saramago, it's garbage
>The Longships (The Voyage of Red Orm)

>> No.11377359
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>Stalin : Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941
>Caligula by Aloys Winterling

>> No.11377402

>The Odyssey
>Heart of Darkness by Conrad

>> No.11377431

>CIA data-mining thread
No thanks.

>> No.11377432


Geotechnical Engineer

>Book you're currently reading
Non-Stop by Brian Aldiss

>Last book you read that became a personal favorite
Wizard of Earthsea

>> No.11377459

>27 incel reject, no friends either
>NEET and no future
>La Peste
>I don't have a favourite book

>> No.11377467

based old /pol/ anon

>> No.11377528

Valet attendant
I’m reading Pappus’ Collection, Keynes’ General Theory, Ptolemy’s Almagest, the rest of Hamilton’s Federalist Papers (I’m almost on Judiciary branch), and when I can fit it in, Proclus’ Commentary on the First Book of the Elements.

Through Proclus I get to learn how absolute bullshit Neo-Platonism was. But his insights that bridge the gap between Platonic and Aristotleian mathematics is interesting

>> No.11377531

And the last personal favorite is probably Aristotle’s Metaphysics

>> No.11377534


>> No.11377539

>student of german literature and linguistics

>> No.11377545

>Manufacturing engineer
>Hart Crane's collected poetry
>Moby Dick

I was going to reply to any interesting poetry posts but there weren't any

>> No.11377589

You sound like a nice man.

>> No.11377620 [DELETED] 

>Secondary school student
>Cien Años de Soledad
>Kafka's Metamorphosis

>> No.11377633

>Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.11377642

Thanks :^)

>> No.11377682

Seven Pillars of Wisdom
The Rainbow

>> No.11377700
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>low-ranking government official in a European country
>"Leo Strauss - An Introduction to His Thought and Intellectual Legacy" by Thomas L. Pangle
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra (I'm sorry)

>> No.11377701

>Student/Barista/Session Musician
> Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest by Eola E. Clark, Essential Dialogues of Plato
>John Muir - Wilderness Essays

>> No.11377710

>student of history, part time tour guide
>Sophocles theban plays

>> No.11377738

You sound like a pretentious cunt. Maybe a woman, but if not then probably just an American.

>> No.11377796
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>Research Assistant / Student
>Notes from Underground
>Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters

>> No.11377800

>Student/Pizza driver
>Napoleon the Great by Andrew Roberts

>> No.11377805

>Book you're currently reading
>Last book you read that became a personal favorite
The Third Policeman

>> No.11377807

>sound of the mountain
>anna karenina

>> No.11377809

>Holocaust Museum Docent
>Mein Kampf

>> No.11377818

>college student
>120 days of sodom
>stephen king it

>> No.11377887

Grocery store
Faust pt. 2
Joseph and His Brothers

>> No.11378030

Always nice to see a fellow anon who’s also wasting his life :)

>> No.11378042

Of Mice And Men
The Grapes Of Wrath

>> No.11378054

Wow but you ignored mine... >>11377359
I feel betrayed...

>> No.11378068

You didn’t seem miserable enough. Pleasure to see you here, though.

>> No.11378069
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>studying pharmacy
>The Magic Mountain

>> No.11378075

>Architecture student
>V. - Pynchon
>El Aleph - Borges

>> No.11378099

Well, in all fairness, I really enjoy being a NEET.

>> No.11378113

>computer engineering major/physics minor
>Children of Dune
>Snow Crash

>> No.11378120
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>> No.11378128

>student/store clerk
>Picture of Dorian Gray/American Psycho
>Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11378137

>The Idiot
>A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.11378139

>English teacher
>The Waves

>> No.11378140
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>Stephen King

>> No.11378143

>'Titus Andronicus' and 'The Trial'
>Ulysses (Currently my #1 book)

>> No.11378151


>> No.11378155

>business student
>moby dick

>> No.11378167

>American Psycho
>Absalom, Absalom

>> No.11378232

>les miserables
>Suttree by Corncob Tortilla

>> No.11378266

>Baudolino by Umberto Eco and The Solar Lottery by Philip K Dick
>Cathedral by Raymond Carver

>> No.11378294

>part time student part time server at a comfy thai restaurant
>narcissus and goldmund

gonna read magic mountain next, i got a nice "modern library college edition", looks beautiful.

>> No.11378495


>> No.11378570

>Just got out of the army, now trying for law school
>The Illiad
>Hitler Moves East by Paul Carrell

>> No.11378707

Why was this painting in Solaris?

>> No.11378733

>student and software developer
>The People in the Trees and The Trial
>The Winter of Our Discontent

>> No.11378734

idk, probably because it's so plain and 'everyday', they are in space, confronted by some kind of sentient life form who plays with them, this painting just adds more to that 'alienation' and how far they really went.

>> No.11378743

>IT guy at a law firm
>Silence by endo

I got fucking memed on to get into this field. It would be better if I had my own office so I can just fuck around and read.

>> No.11378776

>Student / Bartender
>The Hero of Our Time
>The Master and Margarita

>> No.11378787

>Uni student studying CS and Computer Engineering
>Just finished Solaris by Stanislaw Lem and The Dispossessed by Le Guin

After a year of just reading /lit/ approved classics only, I‘m getting back into SF and suddenly feel way more enjoyment
I truly am happy to be a pleb

>> No.11378790

>freelance writer
>The Things They Carried (1990)
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.11378796


And I’m currently reading some collection of essays by Lem

>> No.11379004

>fintech software architect
>Bros Karamozov + complete Calvin and Hobbes
>The Nix

>> No.11379022
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>> No.11379053

>About to graduate with computer science degree (spent 4 years mucking about aimlessly in community college before picking a direction)
>Nichomachean Ethics
>Go Down, Moses

>> No.11379062

>Naked Lunch (it's awful)
>The Tunnel

>> No.11379073

>Gov't & History uni student
>Wilson - A Scott Berg
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.11379083

>unemployed due to legal issues. Expunged next month tho so only 2 more months of NEETdom back on the infosec gravytrain drug free lads!
>The Portable Chekhov and Moss Roberts Three Kingdoms
>The Martian Chronicles - Bradbury

Getting clean gave me the chance to rediscover my love of literature. It hasnt been.smooth to say the least but I can only.hope to be stronger over time.

>> No.11379088

What's it like being a janitor?
What's it like being a receptionist?
What's it like working in the grocery store?

I genuinely really love hearing about jobs like these.

>> No.11379096

Im not him, but i loved my janitor job back in UNI. Shit was so cash

>> No.11379115

I'm jealous of the superintendant guy at my building works from 8 till 3, screws in some light bulbs than chills in his office watching tv for hours. Apparently those guys don't make bad money either

>> No.11379143

Yeah we did that, a 10 hour shift was like 6-2pm, always left early.. we washed mirrors emptied trash cans putzed around with the vaccume and dipped out of there by 2 the latest. The manager guy i worked with was making 65k, comfy but not millionaire money. Low stress job. One day i worked with a different crew and we jjst watched The Patriots all day haha!

>> No.11379153



Settler’s: Mythology of the white proletariat

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.11379177

The Compleat Angler
Journey to the End of Night

>> No.11379247


How is it compared to other Steinbeck? (East of Eden/Mice and Men)

Are you understanding the Iliad?

What did you like about Master and Marg? It seemed so cheesy to me

That's what I've heard, Naked Lunch is important historically but just sucks to read

I feel like Journey used to be talked about more here

>> No.11379259
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>Assistant Manager
>The Slynx
>Midnight's Children

>> No.11379402
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>29. My birthday is in a few days. Scary.
>Potato factory worker
>Assemblage Theory, Manuel DeLanda
>Dear Cyborgs, Eugene Lim

>> No.11379426

Whays that book about? Looks cool, neat title, but i don't recognize the author.

>> No.11379476

>Full-time student, part-time fast food employee
>The Red and The Black
>The Song of Roland

>> No.11379485

>The Book of Disquiet
>Anna Karenina?

>> No.11379503

>College Student and Gas Station Attendant
>A Book Forged in Hell
Spinoza's Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age
>The Martian

>> No.11379516

>Part time student and janitor
>The Castle - Kafka
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - Joyce

>> No.11379536

Spinoza! Everyone's favorite heretical Jew!

Seriously tho spinozan checking in. Preferred translation of the Ethics?

>> No.11379548

>Most recently Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.11379591

>CNC Machinist
>The Fellowship of the Ring

>> No.11379614

>The Histories
>History of Byzantium state and society

>> No.11379671

>Martial's Epigrams
>Martial's Epigrams, but before that Ibsen's plays

>> No.11379698
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It's about superheros discussing how no matter how you resist capitalism, you remain complicit in its growth. Also comic books, modern and postmodern art, and protest.

>> No.11379808

>The landscape of history
>Mason & Dixon

>> No.11379883




The Gulag Archipelago

The Idiot

>> No.11379904

sushiman and studying to culinary school
war and peace
a brief history of time

just bought dune and do cyborgs dream of electric sheep, will i like it?

>> No.11379923

How did you get into carpentry? How do you make a living?

>> No.11379931

Is Powers worth reading? He seems very propped up by the industry but what I've heard about the content of his books holds the potential of something interesting.

>> No.11379937

>senior in high school
>the doors of perception

>> No.11379952

Automation Troubleshooter at a tire factory
>Book you're currently reading
Anti-Tech Revolution by Theodore Kaczynski
The Elementary Particles by Houellebecq
Napoleon the Great by Andrew Roberts
>Last book you read that became a personal favorite
bronze age mindset

>> No.11379956

>Antique dealer
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>The Sot Weed Factor

>> No.11379964

By living with my mum still. It's shameful but she needed the company after the divorce and I needed a place to stay. But it works out because we're more like good friends than anything.

>> No.11380070

Sounds good

>> No.11380097

Commander in the Indian navy?
Merko zada nhi pata reserve officers ke bare mei but university student hote hue itni achi rank kaise ho gyi
And bharat apka shukriya ada karta hai

>> No.11380114

>The Future of an Illusion, Sigmund Freud
>Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.11380121

>Failing Lit Student [not progressive enough :)))]
>Anna Karenina/Atlas Shrugged

>> No.11380153 [DELETED] 

Ham in the Rye
Crime and Punishment

>> No.11380160


>> No.11380165

>Student/ Pharmacist assistant
>Cosmos - Carl Sagan
>Typee - Herman Melville

>> No.11380185
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>Banking Process Analyst
>Currently reading A Rebours
>The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket

>> No.11380184

>120 Days of Sodom
>The End of Alice

>> No.11380230

>student, laborer
>Narcissus/Goldmund, Savage Detectives
>A Frolic of His Own

>> No.11380234

Thoughts on Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.11380237

Yep. I'm the dude who posted above and I'm pretty much a human screwdriver. Just loosening, tightening, and replacing screws all day long. I have a ton of downtime to read. I have to hide since where I work is frequented by rich lawyers and their useless wives who go into conniptions if they see me reading and complain to my boss. I don't really make a whole lot ($14.00/hr) but it's not bad for now.

>> No.11380289

>Full time security guard+full time study
>Essays in Idleness and Hojoki
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.11380291 [DELETED] 


>> No.11380299 [DELETED] 

>b8? Why? i am not understand

>> No.11380335

Wyf even is devops? Aws?

>> No.11380350

You will like Electric Sheep. Idk tbe other. >>11379964
Do you bang?
So many journoz here... who do yall contribute for?

>> No.11380363

>Water Music by T.C. Boyle
>Tasso's L'aminta

>> No.11380364 [DELETED] 

Steppenwolf is best than demian?

>> No.11380437

That's grotty.
We do drink together though.

>> No.11380546

>U.S Army Criminal investigations command
>Clockwork Orange
>Selfish Gene

>> No.11380556
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>Air Weapons Systems Technician, Canadian Armed Forces
>Alamut - Vladimir Bartol
>No Longer Human - Osamu Dazai

>> No.11380591

>Retired chancellor
>Culture of critique
>Mein kampf

>> No.11380727

Generally easy - minimum wage, minimum effort - with inconsistent business. I work 5.30-14.00 or 1.30-22.00. Started off as a cleaner which was very unsupervised. Ideally I'd work nights so I could read/write when it is quiet.

>> No.11380764

Mythology - Edith Hamilton
The Pilgrim's Progress

>> No.11380812

>War and Peace
>Swann's Way

>> No.11380822

General physician
The New York trilogy by Paul Auster
The book of disquiet by Pessoa, one of the best things I've read in the last 5 years.

>> No.11380845
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>in between jobs :(
>Kafka on the Shore
>The Egg

>> No.11380855

>Leaves of Grass
>The Glass Bead Game

>> No.11380861

>None/soon to be student

>> No.11380951

>unemployed, just kinda drifting
>Slow Homecoming - Peter Handke
>The Cowards - Josef Skvorecky

>> No.11380977

How did you like the Handke? Just yesterday, I've finished On a dark night, I left my silent house by him. Did you read it in German?

>> No.11381000

>The Luzhin Defense
>Love in the Time of Cholera

>> No.11381033

>student (poly sci / women's studies double major)
>Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

>> No.11381035

It's a translation sadly (NYRB edition) but it's well done and the prose is nice, I haven't really read enough to pass judgement but I like what I have read so far. I get the feeling he'd be more talked about if it weren't for the whole Milosevic controversy.

>> No.11381043

Line cook, getting my certificate to be a high school English teacher
>Book you're currently reading
The Short Reign of Pippin IV
>Last book you read that became a personal favorite
I don't remember which I read most recently between Cancer Ward, Johnny Got His Gun, and Sophie's Choice, all three were around 2-3 years ago.

>> No.11381046
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>In the Miso Soup
>Name of the Wind

>> No.11381060

>Brothers Karamazov
>Don Quixote

>> No.11381065

> 18
> law school (in a country where law school is 5 years course after high school)
> Don Quixote
> the above, and Crime & Punishment

>> No.11381068

>soc work w hospitalized people
>faust, nietzsche & philosophy, ij, contributions to psycho-analysis, character analysis, nietzsche and the vicious circle
>on the genaology of morals, kafka on the shore

>> No.11381070

I salute you bhai. Jai hind. Also only use one right arrow for greentext.

>> No.11381072

Aditya Pareek on goodreads?

>> No.11381073
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guys, how do you cope with work in terms of having free time for reading, I could use some advice? my neet days are coming to an end.

>> No.11381074

you don't cope

>> No.11381076

I just read in the evenings and occasionally in the morning if I happen to be up a bit earlier than usual.

>> No.11381132

Which country is that?

>> No.11381140

>philosophy student on vacation (NEET)
>The Master and Margarita

>> No.11381218
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>stationery engineer
>essays and poems of Ralph Waldo Emerson
>moby dick

>> No.11381219


>> No.11381234

Read during travel, before sleeping at night.


>> No.11381237

Looks like a girl giving a BJ

>> No.11381238

Glad I'm not the only one

>> No.11381264

yeah i also thought so since i have gotten many blowjobs

>> No.11381267

>The Sun Also Rises

>> No.11381270

>implying people are not making shit up to look good anyway

>> No.11381288

>babby's philosophy from a terrible emperor
Develop taste you fucking kafir.

>> No.11381307
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>Teaching Gooks English
>For My Legionaires, by Codreanu
>Lord of the Rings

>> No.11381316
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>trying to impress people on an anonymous board

>> No.11381327
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>The Man Without Qualities
>Swann's Way
Yeah I really don't know what's keeping 25+ people around here. 4chan is all cool and stuff but only when you're in your early twenties. After sitting here for 5 years and further frequeting this place becomes a bore. It's not like I'm some hardcore oldfag or smth but even I do feel the dullness of the folks coming here only to discuss their dank meme philosophers or rate each other's tastes.

>> No.11381331

>For My Legionaires, by Codreanu
>tfw Romanian but haven ever read this
I did read his prison notes one lonesome Christmas. They were sad as fuck and very comfy. Would recommend for depressed people.

>> No.11381335

>Teaching oriental history at uni
>Son of Heaven - David Wingrove
>Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan

>> No.11381340

Just you wait. You'll be here into your late 30s. I said the same when I was around 17, and I'm turning 26 in two days.

>> No.11381385

I sincerely hope that this place won't be around in my late 30s. Just imagine the cesspool.
Leaving /lit/ and 4chan in general isn't that hard. It usually happens automatically after realization that the majority of posts here are insincere and just hot opinions coming from people who don't know shit and whiny faggots who are afraid to take responsibilities in life. And it is to be expected from the people in their early twenties, there is nothing wrong about it. Hell, I am a whiny and ignorant bitch 90% of the time. And in that regard, I do act my age.But when a person in his thirties comes here to post peterson memes and his latest stack purchases, it's kinda sad.

>> No.11381388

It's really good and insightful, amazing how stoic and courageous he was, give it a read. you can find it

>> No.11381398

That's more of a problem with /lit/ than anything else, as /lit/erature generally attracts brainlets and women.
/his/ is miles above /lit/ in terms of content, and that's with the board being 30% /pol/ tier.
/lit/ has just turned into pure faggotry and spins around the same dull topics like Zizek and Land. Any attempt at a serious conversation is quickly buried under new threads of 18 yos asking about books they'll only pretend to read and that everyone else here has read a long time ago. Not to mention that the hordes of right-wingers unironically shilling Catholicism has stopped being fun ages ago.

>> No.11381415

I dunno, I don't come to /his/ that often. Although I'm interested in history, an average /his/ poster look like a dork too obsessed with some narrow time peroid and it's aesthetics. And that's a bad thing, as it has nothing to do with history. They look like /vg/ posters who shill their favorite videogame fandom, and the difference is that their 'lore' isn't fictional.

>> No.11381418

How long have you been a NEET? Did you go to uni?

>> No.11381423
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Read a very little bit every morning, read, if you can, in your way to work and back, read a little bit on lunch break, read most after you're home and had some rest, and read some before you go to bed.
You always read anon.
Sure, you'll read less not being a filthy neet, but you'll appreciate it much more.

>> No.11381427

I graduated uni, did a military service, had a quick streak of low-paid jobs. Technically, I am employed now, but my job is so easy I don't have to do virtually anything and can stay at home all week. That won't last for long though.

>> No.11381495

I've been doing it for more than 10 years and I have no idea why.

>> No.11381509

I ordered Discourses and Selected Writings by Epictetus a couple of hours ago :^)

>> No.11381520

>I dunno, I don't come to /his/ that often. Although I'm interested in history, an average /his/ poster look like a dork too obsessed with some narrow time peroid and it's aesthetics.
You just haven't been there enough. And I also don't know what you expect... most people specialize in one field or another. I know some things about the Greeks, Romans, and the USSR, but I'd be hard-pressed to tell you a single thing about the British monarchy or something like that.
Still, overall /his/ is a force for good. Lots of people have been turned from bad ideas through it. It's the very opposite of /lit/ where people are digging their own graves and having as narrow-minded a view of the world as possible.

>> No.11381549
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>Philosophy student
>Reflections of an Unpolitical Man

>> No.11381585

>nothing, I planned to read a bunch of philosophy book but stopped after Spinoza cause I realized it was a waste of my life
>Heart of Darkness

>> No.11381615

>Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte - robert aspery
>Clear and present danger- Tom Clancy

>> No.11381739

>Full time philosophy student, might get a part-time job soon
> histoire économique et sociale du québec (1760-1850) - Fernand Ouellet
> La révolution industrielle du Moyen Âge - Jean Gimpel

>> No.11381746

>American Psycho
>Freedom by Jonathon Franzen

>> No.11381749

Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts is better

>> No.11381751

I didn't say that being specialized is a bad thing. I'm saying that most of the time (and that is just my observation) people on /his/ tend to have very superficial knowledge about a certain culture, as the only thing they care for is pure aesthetics (in a derogative sense). They might know all the ministers in german goverment during WW2, they can distinguish mauser 98 from mauser 98k and post nazi pictures all day long, but when it comes to understanding the Nazi ideology and what really happened in germany and why during this time period — they would provide you with the most common and cliche lines from the textbooks at best, having no personal opinion or research whatsoever.

>> No.11381755

professor of engineering
the bible
the bible

>> No.11381761

And at worst-case scenario they would just shill you with stupid ass lines like "Hitler did nothing wrong" and "life was way better in Roman Empire" — and they don't even understand that history is not about who did wrong and who did good.

>> No.11381771

>IT /database engineer
>Berdyaev's Meaning of History
>Guenon's Man and his Becoming according to the Vedanta

>> No.11381776

i like you

>> No.11381849

>stopped after Spinoza cause I realized it was a waste of my life
alright, what are you studying in school and what are you doing in your free time besides reading philosophy?

>> No.11382395

Not the guy you responded to, but another journalist in the thread. I write for my city's weekly paper

>> No.11382404

>NEET, altho that might soon change once I get my new glasses - I might be able to get a forklift permit for free and since I'll be able to see way better I figure I'll be able to pass the training and exam, and driving forklifts all day is an easy way to make good money. Anyways that's my tentative plan at this point.
>Flowers for Algernon
>Storm of Steel

>> No.11382412

>wondering wtf to do for college
>portrait of the artist , joyce

>> No.11382513

>Software Engineer at big tech company
>Urth of the New Sun

>> No.11382583

>History teacher
>Neuromancer (I know, pleb taste, but somehow it clicked on me)

>> No.11382771

>Professional Cabana Boy
>The City of Brass
>Senlin Ascends

>> No.11382838

Working in a grocery store is very alright once you get over yourself, if you need to, (thinking you're above dealing with these fucking animals or ever expecting them to clean up after themselves and not destroy the venue in their wake), and divest yourself from any particular involvement with the business such as ownership or accountability for horseshit. Eg/ I work in produce and people intentionally damage shit all the time and rack up our shrink bill which can be infuriating, especially you want to say something to them ("Hey can you just not throw those apples? It bruises them and then they're garbage which means higher prices for YOU") but then you realize, it's not my business, it's not my money, it's not my loss, don't let it affect me. It took me a few years to get over some things but I did, I've been there for 9 years, it's super comfy now, I make about 50k a year and get four weeks paid vacation (according to my 16,000 hours worked), a week of paid sick days per year, and such. Though it is in Canada where that 50k would not equal to as much elsewhere with stronger currencies, but locally, it allows me to pay my mortgage and bills just fine and I've saved about $15k in the last year for a car on top of buying mad other shit (over a G on books, a Switch just for Odyssey, $800 on weights/bench/rack), property taxes and house insurance (~$3500), and etc. Highly recommend to people if they don't feel they're absolutely entitled to some $120k engineering gig because their boomer parents forced them to go to college without passion or a plan of action.

>> No.11382873

>that tension in the last 200 pages of Stalin vol. 2
I'm eager for this fat cunt to finish volume 3. He's taking too long though.

>> No.11383112

Also I would imagine it's somewhat nostalgic given its similarity to the flashback scenes.

>> No.11383127

Did you go to college?

>> No.11383142

What kind of column is it?

>> No.11383144

lmao I've been here since i was 12, it's been 10 years

>> No.11383231

it's totally cool you came from reddit and Jordan peterson, but The Gulag Archipelago is a lot of lies and exaggerations just so u know.

>> No.11383241


>> No.11383242

>Chemistry student
>Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.11383262


>> No.11383270

Support Worker
Penguin Classics "Buddhist Scriptures"
Sanshiro (Natsume Soseki_

>> No.11383329


>> No.11383354

Trying to make it a habit for real life situations

>> No.11383500

>philosophy teacher
>short stories by Edgar Poe / short stories by Chekhov
>Agueev's Novel with cocaine

>> No.11383748


>> No.11383749

How do you like it?

>> No.11383771

>Biology Undergrad
>20 Love Poems and Song of Despair -Neruda
>This one, if that doesnt count then probably the Stranger

>> No.11383775

>Electronics technician/physics freshman

>> No.11383778
File: 708 KB, 408x303, 59DBFA79-3986-4D3E-B274-263877934E65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor of architecture
>Mirandola's Oratio Elegantissima
>The Stonemason

>> No.11383791

Hell yeah Muir

>> No.11383883
File: 423 KB, 768x768, 1529708536885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sell tropical fish
>Road Dahl's Complete Short Stories Volume One: 1944-1953
>Tuomas Kyrö - The Beggar and the Hare
>it was comfy as fuuuck

>> No.11383915

>Software Dev
>The Republic
>The Old Man and the Sea

pls no bully

>> No.11383922

Isn't philosophy PhD redundant?

>> No.11383926

>Supervisor for an oil field service company
>Don Quixote, Based on a True Story, some GK Chesterton
>Everlasting Man

>> No.11383941

no dip shit

>> No.11383957

> student
> Gulag Archipelago
> Beware of pity

>> No.11384017

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
The Recognitions by William Gaddis

>> No.11384060

It's a full time job, not just one column. I'm basically in charge of our paper's music section, but I also write other articles that need to be done

>> No.11384069

which is more difficult?

>> No.11384072

I get ya

>> No.11385191

No, high-school dropout actually desu

>> No.11385387

Software Engineer/Project Manager
Sacred & the Profane
I recently read and really liked Brief Interviews of Hideous Men

>> No.11385904
File: 72 KB, 839x1061, Snapchat-866334641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the same boat. I just want out.

>> No.11385959
File: 119 KB, 480x360, croconion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Student/Factory worker in a printing warehouse
>The Tale of Genji
>Ta Hsüeh and Chung Yung