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11374345 No.11374345 [Reply] [Original]

What's the funniest book you've ever read?

>> No.11374366

The laugh time I got a good laugh while reading was during a passage in Fear and Loathing on the 72 campaign trail where HST joins a Nixon youth march just so he can call John Chancellor a faggot.

>> No.11374373
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Your mom's diary, chucklefuck.

>> No.11374390

Maybe not the funniest ever but the comedy in Lolita is seriously underrated

>> No.11374403
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Kek, that book is highly amusing throughout.

>the part where HST is covering the Ed Muskie campaign and gives his press pass to a drunk hobo so he can go dick around doing something else
>the hobo gets on the train and proceeds to verbally abuse Muskie the entire ride
>Muskie goes on to lose the Florida primary

>> No.11374445
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Roasted sweet potatoes are like illicit sex in the old Chinese saying, "Having it isn't as good as not having it." The smell is better than the taste. When you smell it, you feel you must have one, but once you actually sink your teeth into it, you find it's not really anything special.

>> No.11374456
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This shit is hilarious

>> No.11374549

Catch 22 desu

>crab apples

>> No.11374613
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this book is really funny i love it. you gotta know the russian lore

>> No.11374743

The funny part about that is that he didn't even mean for that to happen despite the fact that it's totally something he would do.

>> No.11374817

Gotta say this book seems interesting. How are the English translations?

>> No.11374828

Right Ho, Jeeves.

>> No.11375143
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the story about il duce made me laugh so hard i teared up on public transportation

>> No.11375158

Don Quioxte. Pure timeless humor that has influenced every comedian and every bit of comedy writing since its publication.

>> No.11375230

A part in War and Peace where one of the Bezukhov's daughters gets cucked out of her dad money, then she starts to ramble on how life is unfair for the good people made kek. Then the part later where she and Anna starts fighting outside her dad's chamber was another kek.

>> No.11375238

Fear and Loathing

>> No.11375359

confederacy of dunces

and this

>> No.11375367
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>> No.11375637
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>> No.11375696
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>based on a true story

>> No.11375787

>confederacy of dunces

>> No.11375790

It's amazing how many people don't get the humor in the book. I know a person who read it who said it was overly drab and bleak

>> No.11375874

Based on a true story by Norm Macdonald

>> No.11376027

I think that's a joke, anon

>> No.11376071
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Worst. Person. Ever.

>> No.11376127

your diary desu

>> No.11376360

Is The Last Black Unicorn actually good? I've seen some of Tiffany Haddish's stand up comedy and it's the sort of thing I feel like I shouldn't really like but I can't get enough of her.

>> No.11376369

have you guys heard of irritable bowel syndrome before

I know the book is making a light giggle and that's cool but fuck me if IBS isn't one of the most painful things I've ever gone through physically and all because I ate one fried egg