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11375173 No.11375173 [Reply] [Original]

>The living substance is being which is in truth subject, or, what is the same, is in truth actual only in so far as it is the movement of positing itself, or is the mediation of it's self othering with itself. This substance is, as subject, pure, simple negativity, and is for this very reason the bifurcation of the simple; it is the doubling which sets up opposition and then again the negation of this indifferent diversity and its antithesis (the immediate simplicity). Only this self restoring sameness or this reflection in otherness within itself - not an original or immediate unity or such - is the true. It is the process of its own becoming, the circle that presupposes its end as its goal. Having its end also as its beginning; and only by being worked out to its end is it actual.

w-what did hegel mean by this bros?

>> No.11375309

h-help me bros

>> No.11375317

I’m sure my interpretation would be off by a bit, but pic related from Hegel’s Science of Logic might add some perspective

>> No.11375323
File: 65 KB, 750x313, 8BAD61A1-453F-4232-B83A-687777EA4A01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the becoming of pure being to determinate being that relates the two and defines them, making substance actual.

>> No.11375380

a == !!a

>> No.11375389
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, Hegel_Introduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11375438

i don't get it bros, help me!!!

>> No.11375488

There is that which exists (as part of material reality). There is too that which exists in the realm of ideas (which can only be seen as such inside of our minds). For everything that exists, there is an ideal version of it (that which it should be), which differs from real examples of it. When the real is confronted by the ideal, there must be some kind of reconciliation between the two (either by modifying one or the other). The product which comes as a result of these two is the synthesis of them.

>> No.11375508

but where does the absolute come into the picture? help me bros!!!

>> No.11375578

The Absolute is the initial cause for all, and thus, the agent that guides this process of things becoming different from that which they formerly were.

>> No.11375591

Hegel says being and nothing pass into each other, but isn’t nothing more necessary since it needs no cause, and therefore the Absolute?

>> No.11375592

but doesn't hegel define the absolute as nothing but this movement itself? help me bros!!!