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1137216 No.1137216 [Reply] [Original]

got into this series when i was 14 or so, read all the way up to this book(which took forever to come out.) then the author died. is the continuation any good at all? some other rand is apparently finishing the series. worth reading?

>> No.1137233

Book 12 is better than books 8-11, so . . . Brandon Sanderson is a pretty good (fantasy)-writer.

>> No.1137235

Yes, it's worth continuing. tGS was surprisingly good.

>> No.1137240


True, plus tbh Sanderson has more pace to his story teliing, and it is far more engaging now. I'm eager for the next one.

>> No.1137249 [DELETED] 

Yes, I'm glad Sanderson didn't do a disservice to WoT. I'm eager as well, though not as eager as I was for tGS and will be for MoL, mainly because the middle will have less Rand and more Mat and Perrin. Though I actually thought Mat was pretty funny in tGS and Perrin finally grew his balls back, so I shouldn't be so pessimistic. I just wanted to see what's up with Randy boy now that he's become the Dragon whole (mainly, what are the effects of the "fusion", just sane or is he Morning Lord Rand?)

>> No.1137247

Sandersons a great author. Elantris is one of my favorite science fiction books.

>> No.1137252

Yes, I'm glad Sanderson didn't do a disservice to WoT. I'm eager as well, though not as eager as I was for tGS and will be for MoL, mainly because the middle will have less Rand and more Mat and Perrin. Though I actually thought Mat was pretty funny in tGS and Perrin finally grew his balls back, so I shouldn't be so pessimistic. I just wanted to see what's up with Randy boy now that he's become the Dragon whole (mainly, what are the effects of the "fusion", just sane or is he Morning Lord Rand?)

I just hope Sanderson's Mormon sensibilities won't stop me from reading some sweet, delicious Aviendha reunion

>> No.1137257


dat pg-13 sex scene

>> No.1137258

I think it's definitely worth reading Sanderson's books. If you stuck with it through Path of Daggers and Crossroads of Twilight, you can handle Gathering Storm. It's actually quite a good book, things happen - exciting things! It's really, really enjoyable if you're a fan of the series.

I am actually really, really excited for ToM - in particular, I can't fucking wait to see what happens with Mat because Mat is pretty much the coolest. Did you read the sample chapter Sanderson posted? It was GREAT.

I do agree that it would be fucking awesome to see how Happy Rand is doing, and the fallout of Rand not being crazy, and not being a complete asshole to everyone ever. I'm sooooo glad that shit happened. But I can wait to see that shit, you know?

Anyway. Yeah, I love this series, I've been reading it for nearly half of my life and pretty much all of my conscious life, and I'm going to be sad as fuck when it's over.

>> No.1137261

More like approved for all ages

Nah, I haven't. I once read a couple of sample chapters on different books but it only left me gnashing my teeth in expectation so I stopped it. I haven't kept up on the ToM publicity stuff at all. I didn't do it for tGS either and I was so positively surprised by it that I'm doing it again.

Well, off to visit relatives, you fine WoT gentlemen.

>> No.1137267

tGS was the best Wheel of Time book in quite a while. There's some pretty kickass exciting shit going on in it as well.

I just hope in the next one the story actually progresses and it's not a Crossroads of Twilight remake.

oh man did you hear Rand is sane again? Let's explain our emotions about that for seven hundred pages!

>> No.1137269

I would be okay with this (okay not for a whole book but there are pretty huge ramifications for Rand being not-crazy and pretty much every main character has some interaction or perspective on it and I want to see a lot of that shit.)

>> No.1137272

yes, but I'd rather that it's revealed during and in between other events rather than being the sole focus of the book.

it IS awesome! I'd rather have it be proven awesome than to just read about people saying THIS IS SO SHOCKING! AREN'T YOU SHOCKED? I AM SO STARTLED AND SHOCKED, WOW.

>> No.1137273

oh, i see what you are saying, and i agree

>> No.1137277 [DELETED] 


It would be interesting to know what his other names and doings have been throughout the turnings of the Wheel of Time. We know that the soul of the Dragon was Lews Therin in the Age of Legends, and now Rand al'Thor, but due to him being spun out only twice per each full rotation of the Wheel - we know practically nothing else.

And as he has been spun out and had his little fight as the Lord of the Morning a thousand times a thousand before; why did Jordan pick this incarnation of him to tell about? Will he be able to "kill" Shai'tan? Or will it just be another turn, amongst millions before and millions to come?

In the end of tGS the Dragon realised why he is having the fight, and not just cracking the world like an egg to end it all - the power of love. But, some small part of me, is thinking: I don't think Jordan would have written about just any normal turn of the Wheel . . . and the other small part is hoping that he did, so that the Wheel would keep on spinning, Dark One being locked away at the moment of creation, Lanfaer releasing Him from the prison in search of power, and Dragon leading the companions in a make-shift attack on Him, to die and to be born again - to maybe hold her in his arms once more.

>> No.1137282

why would you even bother writing that post? You just spoiled a bunch of shit for everyone who hasn't read up to the series, just to tell everyone that you're speculative.

I mad.

>> No.1137284

This is what spoiler tags are for! I hope we've all learned a valuable lesson.

>> No.1137287
File: 19 KB, 300x300, sick-of-these-motherfucking-assholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>to hold her in his arms once more

Give me a Fucking Break.

>> No.1137288
File: 486 KB, 1920x1200, emma_watson_widescreen_4-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Deleted the post, am sorry.

Have this Emma as a gift.

>> No.1137289

Makes sense in context, IMO.

>> No.1137294


As I said in that post; generic power of love. Sentence in keeping with the book's end.

What's with the captchas being filled with random symbols; have to "nigger" half of them whilst usually just typing the thing out.

>> No.1137295
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alright, I'll take it.

But I don't wanna see any more shit like that around here again.