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11371186 No.11371186 [Reply] [Original]

What is the literary equivalent of EoE?

>> No.11371190

the bible

>> No.11371200

Wouldn't the old testament be more applicable?

>> No.11371255

i dont understand this. anno himself admitted the biblical imagery was superficial.

>> No.11371361

None. No book could match the depth of Evangelion

>> No.11371372


>> No.11371382


>> No.11371410

i don't know, which popular ya series has a lot of superficial references to religion and philosophy?

>> No.11371412


>> No.11371418

The philosophy of redemption

>> No.11371433

it's not philosophically superficial, though; one of the soundtracks: "hedgehog's dilemma" is a direct reference to Schopenhauer's.

>> No.11371444

>not philosophically superficial

>> No.11371450

that was just a single example. i hope you don't think Hegel was also superficial.

>> No.11371455


>> No.11371458

>random namedropping is not superficial

>> No.11371465

no u

>> No.11371497

Except the fragments of Heraclitus.

>> No.11371504

So this is the power of anime fans...

>> No.11371508

it wasn't random namedropping. you could very easily find an analysis on how anno obliquely references hegel if you just google it.

>> No.11371516
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Evangelion is an anti thesis against the Bible, especially against the New Testament.

>> No.11371533

you feel like actually saying something about what exactly is being subverted by Eva and what the alternative it proposes boils down to?
I swear to god, there has to be a correlation between animefaggotry and making posts that consist in a making a broad claim in a single, short sentence without elaborating on what they mean or providing an argument for their position.

>> No.11371546

We're not in a seminar, retard.

>> No.11371548

we're not on /a/, brainlet-kun.

>> No.11371551
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I think there is a correlation between you and being mad.

>> No.11371733
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What a mistake of a fucking thread this was. I generally enjoy crossboard discussions, but I'll make a point of reporting /a/-related threads in the future.

>> No.11371844
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literally the same story

>> No.11371848

I'm more /a/ and /g/ than /lit/, but I imagine there are plenty of comparable books, unlike the lack of comparable other anime. This is why NGE is even special.

>> No.11371871

so could someone buy the rights off gainax and finally distribute it on blu ray because i'm dying to see this series and i don't want to risk my computer because of a dodgy torrent

>> No.11371885

Just torrent it you'll be fine

>> No.11371889

don't do it anon it makes mustard gas!

>> No.11372190

Girls Drums and Dangerous Pie: The Sequel

>> No.11372239

> you must be this stupid to believe that joke

>> No.11372246

this desu

>> No.11372255

all anime is racist and sexist

>> No.11372258

Sartre and Camus's fiction works

>> No.11372263

unironically this
seriously think about The Revelation
What kind of ending is that

>> No.11372273

Its on the web you mong lmao just download it haha

>> No.11372286

Here's a safe dl if you want. Not exactly blu-ray quality but it's decent enough.


>> No.11372688

Nigger, he only used them because they looked cool and because he liked Devilman
Fuck off.

Holy fuck, why are anime fans so dumb ?!
Like 50% of Eva is a "homage" to older mecha anime. It's not even that original or deep.

>> No.11372705
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Thats what I was thinking

>> No.11372921

Harry Potter

>> No.11372942


>> No.11373093

I don't think being there because it looks cool = being entirely superficial. The Old Testament stuff evokes a view of the divine as uncanny and threatening. That's why it's cool.

>> No.11374045

Is Pynchon a closeted weeb?

>> No.11374078

Arno Schmidt. Daddy issues, kabbala and underage waifus included.

>> No.11374124
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>It's not even that original or deep.

this is what pseuds like to tell themselves

eva has more going for it than the majority of live-action shows out there today

the self that wants to be released from the pain and confusion of human relationships finds this release only at the cost of its own selfhood: this is the catch-22 Shinji confronts and accepts in the Instrumentality.

shinji is not wounded, he is his wound. the only way to escape the pain of being a self is to escape the self that is in pain, that IS pain. suffering is not a bug of embodiment, it's a feature. ontological differentiation guarantees the existence of suffering itself, hegel says the Fall is fundamentally the fall into differentiation/multiplicity, and hence the possibility of evil.

but there are degrees of differentiation. the series presents this as a dichotomy between Angels and Humans/Lilim, between the loneliness of the absolute self and the loneliness of crowds.

angels are monadic beings, absolutely self-determining (an angel in embryo grows into the form that reflects its desire, it is not bound by facticity), they have their principle of conditioning inside themselves (the S2 engines), the sole members of their species (hence the power of their AT fields), and yet for that are terrible lonely, desolate beings. the boundaries between humans are weaker but this doesn't actually alleviate their condition.

the series is, in a way, a metaphor for the Great Work, the reconciliation of selfhood/individuality with the other/the mass. the point with infinite space. Angels are points: in Rebuild 3.0 we get a glimpse inside Zeruel's core, it is a totally silent void that exerts an extremely powerful repulsive force on any who try and enter (namely, Shinji), because angels are beings of pure negativity in the Schellingian sense, the self utterly absorbed in-itself that will not tolerate anything outside this solipsistic self-absorption - which is why see Shinji begins to distingrate as soon as he pierces through into the core.

the only relief from this vise-grip is a return to the 0, Instrumentality, the Ground or Brahman where "you are everywhere and nowhere". like I always say, the series is about conquering the will-to-nothingness in oneself and accepting the pain and ambiguity inherent to existence. any pining for consolation in the Beyond is really just the pining for the nothingness of the void.

gendo and SEELE are damaged, disillusioned old men who'd rather sweep all the pieces off the board in a fit of despondent rage than brush themselves off and try again. it's on Shinji as the Third Child to overcome in himself the pain that has consumed his father.


>> No.11374160
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the Great Work metaphor isn't even a forced reading. Angels are the sons of the masculine Adam/Kaworu, humanity of the feminine Rei/Lilith, and their reconciliation is what births a God (and in fact the actual stated goal of the FAR). recall Shinji's final conversation with Kaworu and Rei, where they say they are the words "I love you" and represent the hope for a better tomorrow, an end to the cycle of generation and dissolution.

it's only through the reconciliation between the centered, active masculine individuality and its dependency on a feminized Other to keep itself from imploding into an autistic ourobouric black hole that this condition can be healed.

in a way the series is more hopeful than shinji breaking down crying at the end will lead you to believe. there is a Way Out that isn't a defeatist slinking back into the womb, we just haven't figured it out yet. the only way out is through. the game has to be played because there is nothing but the game. you weren't made to play it, it made you to play itself. you have no existence outside its arena, its victories (joy, fulfillment, love and friendship) can't be uncoupled from this playing, which is what shinji thinks instrumentality can provide but ultimately fails.

in a way eva is a bit Nietzschean, man is a creature of the earth, the ether is not his home, the soil is, his joys are only immanent joys

>> No.11374164

I really enjoyed this write up, thanks anon

>> No.11374165

didn't read lol

>> No.11374249

Notice also Unit-01's position on the Tree here: >>11374124

it occupies the sephirah Tifereth, the equilibriating center of the entire system and representative of the perfected divine individuality, the dynamic balance between the negative and positive polarities of the Tree. and how many times has Unit-01 been on the brink of apotheosis, taking in both human and angelic material into its body/soul?

also notice the Tree is inverted, because instrumentality is an inverted transcendence, a return to the pre-individual slush and not actually a consummation of the individual

anno intended none of this but it's like he couldn't help not being in a kind of weird subconscious dialogue these ideas, cause dark nights of the soul will take you there one way or another

anyways glad u enjoyed it

>> No.11374933

Sorry man, but this is just pathetic.

>> No.11374940


>> No.11376351

Not him, but Anno has made it pretty clear that most if not all of the imagery of EoE is just rule of cool. The base themes are depression, social isolation, anxiety, self-loathing, etc.
Everything higher than that is just random confluence of cool looking/sounding Western religious iconography.

>> No.11376354

I swear you pseuds would forget to breathe if it wasn't automatic

>> No.11376357

It's not pseud to realize where the cut off point for serious messages are in a work per the creator.
But please next you'll tell me how Devilman has some super deep meaning behind it's religious iconography.

>> No.11376366

Nah you're a pseud dude, you wouldn't know deep themes if it bit you in the taint.

>> No.11376371

Deep themes that you projected onto the work from selective and imaginative interpretation of iconography and references that were included sheerly for aesthetic value by a foreign, detached creator.

>> No.11376381
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>> No.11376384

The Phenomenology of Spirit, The Sickness unto Death, Beyond Good and Evil, and Being and Time back to back

>> No.11376385

It's amazing to me how obsessed people like you are with formalities over content. It's like you need to have a checklist for what you're allowed to think deeply about. Goodnight anon.

>> No.11376388

is this show worth watching? Tried the first ep but didnt care for it

>> No.11376395

a lot of symbolic imagery , religion memes here and there

sweet robot fights

go for it.

>> No.11376401

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about. Anno and his team had passing knowledge of some esoteric/philosophical shit, through it all in with some reference material, and allowed the results to stick differently for every fan. This is an excessively common thing in media, to blend together a bunch of already recognizable and expressive concepts and throw it all out without much more thought as flypaper for the audience.

It works so well in EoE because Anno is a prime aesthete, but that doesn't mean there's anything there beneath the surface level. Like
Is just copied from some shit Anno or someone on his team saw in a book with no real added thought. "neon genesis evangelion" is just made up neat sounding words the team liked. Abrahamic religions and their weird spinoffs were somewhat popular foreign concepts in Japan at the time and still are, and connecting them to oriental religion would be easy.

The Phoenix from the X-Men also reference Tifareth but nobody's pretending that was ultra special super mega deep. Because it wasn't. And neither is this.

>> No.11376420

>one day and four hours ago
I wish this board had mods

>> No.11376446

i agree with you. sorry, i phrased that poorly.

>> No.11376469
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fuck off, eva is deep and Anno is the master

>> No.11376470

what you wrote resonates deeply with what i saw when i wacthed the series

>> No.11376495

t. someone who does not understand art at all

An artist might paint a painting completely based on what he thinks as cool or whatever and it still might be "deep" even if he never specifically intended it to be. You don't need to be a philosopher to create something that matters philosophically and can be studied. A dry thousand paged book is not the only way to describe the human experience of reality, nor do you need to have set out to do just that to succeed in doing it.

>> No.11376500

cool buddy, im glad


>> No.11376502

honestly hands down the best animu i've ever watched, i can't quite remember but the first few episodes might have been a bit boring boring but it's the whole experience that matters.

>> No.11376521

no, just the religious parts, but Eve never portends to actual exegesis. The apocalypse is just the setting of the show.

>> No.11376552

the tv anime itself is perfectly okay but avoid the movies at all costs
pseud garbage
the tv series is self-contained anyways and the whole point of the show is to lead up to the final two episodes, everything else is filler

>> No.11376644

I understand with not wanting to watch the rebuilds but EoE is worth a watch.

>> No.11376647

>not superficial

>> No.11376657


>> No.11376697

> Anno has made it pretty clear that most if not all of the imagery of EoE is just rule of cool
One comment made towards elemntary school children is not "made it pretty clear" especially when all the religious themes use match up and aren't just randomly strung about.

The only shit he meant when "added to look cool" was the cross explosions when the angels died and third impact happened. All the other religious themes have actual meaning within the show.

>> No.11376705

The script of EoE.

>> No.11376710

>eva has more going for it than the majority of live-action shows out there today
Nobody really holds Grey's Anatomy or Brooklyn 99 to some kind of intellectual standard, you know.

>> No.11376714
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11376717

EoE is pretty filler for pretentious brainlets.

>> No.11376719

My point was that the majority of live-action shows aren't smart, so the comparison means nothing.

>> No.11376753

devious maids is one of the highest-ranked and most intelligent shows that have aired on mainstream tv in the recent years, fuck off

>> No.11376761

I haven't seen it, so I apologize for my potentially incorrect assumption.

>> No.11376773

thanks for being understanding and honest you should definitely watch it. imho if it were a book it'd become a generation-defining classic, but way too many people are off-put by it being a tv series about maids

>> No.11376781

What's intelligent about it. Sell me on it

>> No.11376808

well going by the name its got maids, that has to account for something atleast.

>> No.11376818

okay so there's these maids right? and they're in beverly hills and there's drama and comedy (usually cases of the girls showing off their razor sharp wit), and there's mysterious killings and this huge amount of lore and backstories that unravel before you and these philosophical questions about life and other such things and the plot twists never cease to entertain it is like a drug for the thinking person of the 21th cent YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT

>> No.11376852

t. 12yo Girl

Surprised there aren't any "and like, they're in beverly hills and like, there's drama..."

>> No.11376858

still sounds more intellectual than eva desu

>> No.11376866

> There are murders, backstories, and inferred philosophical questions
> One of the most intelligent shows that have aired on mainstream tv in recent years

Hard to make that conclusion from your words

>> No.11376867

Are there any other anime series that have the same psychological analysis as Eva? Something that also scratches my /lit/ needs? I quite liked Eva, but Lain and Cowboy Bebop just didn't hit the same spot desu, something that has very humane, relatable characters like Eva.

>> No.11376868

Just like no book could match the depth of your cock in your dad's arsehole lmao

>> No.11376872

fuck off, you don't know anything and if you call other people things like how old they are then you aren't any better
it is

>> No.11376877

None, maybe Berserk

>> No.11376880

Are you memeing? You couldn't have sold me a poland spring in the desert

>> No.11376882

Pingpong the animation maybe? Like it very much personally.

>> No.11376902

what else is there to say? it's not my job to write you an essay, go read a review if you want an indepth look at the series brainlet

>> No.11376926
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Japanese culture ain't free. The realm of the Gods has to be defended by the noble sacrifice of the kamikaze pilots. Anno Hideaki aka "The Ultra(man)-Autist" is not an artist, he is an otaku and probably a pedophile as well. Shinji and Reiko not Shinji and Rei ok. 天皇陛下万歳。

>> No.11376944
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Head Games desu~

>> No.11376959
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try Steins;Gate or monster

>> No.11376977
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I'm sure there is some weird intersection between people that say Evangelion is just empty imagery and the authors have no intention of saying something with that and people that likes biblical hermeneutics.

>> No.11376984

Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo for sure. Gorgeous psychedelic animation of a science fiction retelling of the Count of Monte Cristo. Can't go wrong with that.

PsychoPass is alright and while Cowboy Bebop didn't hit the right spot for you I can't help but suggest Samurai Champloo, which I liked more personally.

But seriously, Gankutsuou.

>> No.11377012

Damn, you guys are pretty dumb for people who's favourite hobby is reading.
You're just as annoying and dumb as /a/.

>> No.11377013

What made you think that anyone here reads?

>> No.11377020

Well, after reading this thread, I can confirm that's true.
Most of this board spends its time watching subpar anime instead.

>> No.11377046

>babby's first well constructed timeloop narrative

you're mistaking solid craftsmanship for depth

>> No.11377049

>Something that also scratches my /lit/ needs?
Try the visual novel Wonderful Everyday.

>> No.11377059

I do like the manga Emma, which is about a Victorian-era maid, by the same author who's currently doing Otoyomegatari, about the lives of Central Asian Muslims in the late 19th Century, focusing on the traditions of marriage.

>> No.11377070

Ashita no Joe is a lot like Raging Bull, about tragic and misfortunate people finding meaning or drive through boxing.

>> No.11377140

The unwritten third act of Infinite Jest.

>> No.11377153 [SPOILER] 
File: 198 KB, 602x342, 1530026567104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manga adaptation

>> No.11377251

...was fairly mediocre

>> No.11377387

Whatever the correct answer to this is, Rei remains best girl.

>> No.11377724

Misato > asuka > rei

>> No.11377765

Rei is the /lit/ girl though.

>> No.11377772

Further proof /lit/ has shit taste

>> No.11377779

t. Hideaki Anno

>> No.11377910

Rei > Misato > Maya > Asuka

>> No.11377995
File: 165 KB, 1857x430, 1487522484663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys reifag

>> No.11377999

fuck off with the waifufaggotry

>> No.11378031

This is precisely why Rei is the best though,look at all that autism.

>> No.11378384

Can anyone give a few legit recommendations I've only seen a few in the entire thread?

>> No.11378408


>> No.11378423

You made an awful idotic /a/ thread you stupid fucking faggot, read Phenomenology of Spirit, Girard’s Violence and the Sacred, Baudrillard’s Simulacra and Simulation, Nietzsche’s Will to Power and Zarathustra, the Gnostic books, Freud’s Totem and Tabboo and Jung’s Man and his Symbols. Also familiarize yourself with the Egyptian book of the dead and Corpus Hermeticum and Aleister Crowley’s book of Lies and Book of the Law. Finally, you will need to be capable of thinking for yourself. Why is EoE filled with invagination symbolism? Why are violence and sexuality linked? What is it that compels Shinji to strangle Asuka twice? Maybe Being and Time would help as well. You have to think for yourself.

>> No.11378458

Mononoke for aesthetics.

>> No.11378492

Not OP

>> No.11378880

I enjoyed your write up but you're wasting your time posting it here for all the brainlets to shit on

>> No.11378913

I do it for guys like you. you're absolutely not wrong tho

>> No.11378938

La mort de l'auteur

>> No.11378954

>what is the equivalent to psuedo-deepshit for fedora wearing weaboos

>> No.11378966

Literally what depth
Meaningless christian references and edgy shit =/= Deep
Fucking hell I hate Eva fans grow up

>> No.11379014
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>all those tears of rage due to waifu wars

>> No.11379051

i didnt really understand the show. seemed retarded. i wanted to fuck asuka and rei though

>> No.11379054

The other day there was a thread with the OP image being some fragment of some russian book where he talked about a "liberal" guy. It was literally "DAE people r sheep?" and yet people pretend this is high culture, profound achievement or some shit.

Robots killing each other is just as meaningful as that crap and at least you're consuming something that took actual skill (physical skill) to create, and is therefore automatically more laudable than any writing.

>> No.11379082

Not Misato?

>> No.11379091

Rei > Misato > Asuka

>> No.11379577

Has anyone in this thread seen Argento Soma, Rahxephon, Soukyuu no Fafner and its sequels, or Mobile Suit Victory Gundam?

>> No.11379589

Honestly, can confirm. It's good, maybe not as good as fan anon thinks, but it's a clever little series.

>> No.11379604

"understanding" Eva is entirely dependent on how much you can relate to Shinji, the entire thing is really a psychoanalysis of Shinji, even to the point that the genre jokes and 'deconstruction' of Mecha takes a backseat to it.
That's also why there's a huge divide between people who positively identify with Shinji and people who absolutely fucking hate Shinji, Shinji isn't meant to be a likable or redeemable character at all so how much you can tolerate him has to do directly with how much empathy you have for him and the rest of the series is built around his mental state.

>> No.11379622

Casshern Sins, Yuru Yuri, the original Gundam series followed by Char's Counter-Attack (after that, you go watch the 0079 films and continue on into Zeta). MSG is often cited as inspiration for a lot of mecha, NGE included. Try Ergo Proxy as well, and probably Texhnolyze.


>> No.11379625

Damn, what Daniel Day-Lewis movie is this?

>> No.11379676

Crews of New Hamsterdam.

>> No.11379677

>Yuru Yuri
But why?

>> No.11379701

Ironic... A jungian psychologist finding E.V.A shallow? An interesting proposition there bucko.

>> No.11379716
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, cap_[Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_04_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[2C3A4497]_00_06_21_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure. Maybe I wanted to throw off any credibility my post may have had, or perhaps there is some interesting commentary on social interactions behind the persona Akari tries to project to participate in the social circles of her more interesting classmates.

>> No.11379748

Yeah I recommended the show to some of my friends who happen to be very outgoing and determined. They didn’t like it, of course.

>> No.11379759
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>yfw you realize the third act is the first act and the book is a cycle. A cycle of an Infinite Jest.

>> No.11379771

I'm on season 1 episode 2 now. I hope you're happy, motherfucker.

>> No.11379789

It's not nearly the same kind of downer/mindtrip as the majority of the shows I listed are, but it actually is pretty interesting to watch how Akari is basically just a doll that the rest of the cast uses as some kind of medium for their more meaningful interactions. There's one episode in particular that comes to mind involving a toy car and time travel. Think it's in the second season.

>> No.11379820
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He's talking about the plot and characters not the imagery, you Big silly goose

>> No.11379859

Rei is the best girl, if you like Asuka you are fucking beta fag, actually, you are a zetafag, and you better get the fuck out of my way

>> No.11379869
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>> No.11379877

unironically nice list

>> No.11379885

I've never seen Evangelion without spoiling much, what makes it so good?

>> No.11379908
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>> No.11379946

It's a very different mech anime. Starts out as a typical mecha but slowly undoes most mecha tropes. There's lots of symbolism and themes, which some people say should be taken at face value. Both endings are highly controversial and leave a shitload of unanswered questions with many different possible interpretations. I think the endings are why the show is still argued over 20+ years later, especially arguments whether the show really is deep or not. Characters are also pretty memorable because they're highly flawed.

>> No.11379978

Just watch it desu

>> No.11380043

Hit a nerve?

>> No.11380054

Bible symbolism and depressed kids thrown at a wall to see what sticks

>> No.11380083

Holy shit what a lazy excuse to not explain your position

>> No.11380093
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Honestly. Have if the /a/ posters MUST be baiting real hard because this shit is too retarded.

>> No.11380164

I agree with this post and I love Steins;Gate

>> No.11380202
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I'd argue that Evangelion ties in with the corpus of modern Japanese fiction that spreads from anime through movies to video games. People who can emulate this neo (or post-) romanticism are Takashi Miike, Anno, Yoko Taro... I would leave Kojima out of it. They are also new sinceritists in a way, but romantics first and foremost. I would not bother with symbolism that much, it's clear that it's important but what's more important is the fact that they're not afraid to be pathetic, tiresome or care what the viewer will think. They jerk their characters around until they're bloody puppets leaking ichor. And you can even feel anger, not towards them but towards the poor meat they're flapping around! I still need to spend couple of thousand hours of watching and playing their content + finishing up Nabokov, Woolfe and Dick in order to get a better understanding. I'll pass forty when that happens.

But my point is that the importance of symbolism is overstated.

>> No.11380210

It's quite possible that Big P's next novel will have a mangaka protagonist. Set in late 80s Tokyo.

>> No.11380277
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Is Anno Christian

>> No.11380360

references to philosophy doesnt really made it any more philosophical, besides they didnt do anything with the hedgehog dilemma, it gets dropped somewhere in the show and was never really brought up again.

>> No.11380458

No, he's agnostic

>> No.11380507

I think I like Angel's Egg more than Evangelion, even though I like Evangelion. I know they're very different, but for me Angel's Egg is more like conceptual apparatuses being freed from the forms of inferiority, and developing for themselves independently of the need to represent a narrative through symbols or exposition. There is a narrative in AA, but it's a much more powerful one because instead of philosophical concepts being represented through explanation, the philosophy is dramatized, which almost always makes for a much more compelling work I think.

>> No.11380587

Mushishi is the only other anime that is as /lit/ as Eva and there isn't really much of a psychological/character aspect, Kaiba is maybe the closest in that regard but it's still a tier below Eva, maybe look into punpun or lily-chou chou for similar feels in different mediums.

>> No.11380745

The evangelical teenagers were obviously forces working against god if you choose to read it that way. They are quite obviously the secular forces of the future that would seek to challenge god on the day he is returned to command armies against the gentile nations. This getting wrapped up in the dramatic theater of intellectual supremacy and teenage hysterics is exactly what satan wants because then the state Tokyo-3/UN step in to save you from this crap and then you find yourself a soldier of man fighting the terrible wrath of god. Nobody in evangelion gives a hoot about human life or duty to a god, so you trolls suggesting the bible should go huff a muffler, and if you're being genuine at least that would make you a little bit smarter.

>> No.11380777

Ender's Game.

>> No.11380795

He called hideo kojima a god in Bleeding Edge

>> No.11380815


>> No.11380821

bro, this kind of forums was born in Japan and they've always being associated with anime culture and similar stuff. So, It's pretty common to find anime fans in all the boards, even in /lit/. I'm pretty sure many of the users grew up watching anime, and though they recognize the superiority of literature over anime (in general terms), they still have affection for anime. That said, there are some animes worth watching.

>> No.11380980

I've never watch neon genesis evangelion
Is it worth it?

>> No.11381007 [DELETED] 

I don't know how much time you have on your hands but you can decide well enough from the first three episodes. I thought it was going to be a gory space opera with angels being aliens, but I still come away happy because of mil/tech porn and exciting scenes set to classical music.

>> No.11381010

do you want cultural insight into modern Japan? Do you like single-character destructive psychoanalysis? Do you like genre deconstruction?
If you answered yes to any of those, Eva's p. good

Just be aware, there are 2 versions of the end of the show. End of Evangelion is a movie version of the intended ending that the studio didn't have the budget to create completely in the original anime, but the events of the last 2 episodes happen simultaneously with the events of EoE and were always planned as the same thing.

>> No.11381020

Are you underage?
Are you a highschool dropout?
Is your IQ in double digits?
Are you a virgin?

If all of the above applies, then you'd probably love it and think of it as deep and intellectual.

>> No.11381021
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eoe is unironically one of the best films ever
this though

>> No.11381028

no it's racist and sexist

>> No.11381044

>evangelion literally means "new testament" in greek
t. greek

>> No.11381066

It's completely irrelevant what Annos intentions were or what his knowledge of the symbolism he used was


>> No.11381080

Thanks I'll download it
Definitely gonna watch it now

>> No.11381092
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>> No.11381295
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Ergo Proxy

>> No.11381589

Again, while I can understand what you got from it, I still understate the importance of symbolism. I enjoyed Angel's Egg for its desolate atmosphere but I like Evangelion more because the plot is more coherent. I can pick up various meanings along the way. But even if I miss them, I'm fine.

In Serial Experiments Lain, which is my favourite anime, it was enough to hear the wires hum to immerse myself in the atmosphere.

>> No.11381593

Serial Experiments Lain
Shigurui for the insight in the mind of a medieval man (read manga)

>> No.11381617

Thanks for posting this for me

>> No.11381636

I just watched this series
It was okay, but the symbolism was really heavy handed to the extent that I can't understand when people say the symbolism is the best part

>> No.11382366
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>humane, relatable characters


>> No.11382386

Echoing SEL recs here.
Kinda bummed I didn't post that.

>> No.11383057

With fivethousand kilometres ahead of him, he is headed toward certain death.

>> No.11383594


>> No.11383604
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What's the literary equivalent of Oreimo?

>> No.11383757

sincere question, pls respond

>> No.11384103

I watched Rahxephon but not the others, should I check them out?

>> No.11384134
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>they didnt do anything with the hedgehog dilemma

>> No.11384197
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But Zeta is shit. SHIT!

>> No.11384200

>not relating to shinji

dirty fucking normie, you shouldn't be on 4chan

>> No.11384202

shinji's a bitch

>> No.11384643


>> No.11384950


>made up neat sounding words

It more or less translates to "New Beginning, Gospel or 'New Testament'" as the other anon pointed out. The name makes sense given the plot.

>> No.11384959

Battlefield Earth

>> No.11384969

this has to be saved

>> No.11385425

How? I know Aragorn and Arwen are distant cousins but that's no incest theme. Children of Hurin has brother/sister but it's just some gay shit about killing themselves when they find out.

>> No.11385770
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I can't believe no one suggested Rahxephon to this
Not my file so don't complain about the filename

>> No.11385899

shut the fuck up fag

>> No.11386532

/lit/ is about collecting books, not reading them.

>> No.11386557

generally a great analysis, but
>the Great Work metaphor isn't even a forced reading. Angels are the sons of the masculine Adam/Kaworu, humanity of the feminine Rei/Lilith, and their reconciliation is what births a God (and in fact the actual stated goal of the FAR). recall Shinji's final conversation with Kaworu and Rei, where they say they are the words "I love you" and represent the hope for a better tomorrow, an end to the cycle of generation and dissolution.
big time off point here anon

>> No.11386566

but that's the patrician way to go
if at least 90% of your collection isn't unread then you're just a posturing pseud

>> No.11387063

was a asukafag until i saw this post
the reifags were right

>> No.11387088

keep posting anon
fuck the haters

>> No.11387311

You can literally write a very long wall of text, you can even make 2 posts. Every once in a while a user will choose to make a long well thought out post that some anons actually choose to read. But you've fallen for the unsubstantiated one liner post with no elaboration meme. You then go on to post your smug anime girl + "you mad" post as soon as anyone asks for elaboration. It's fine to throw out a poorly thought out thesis into a thread, some anon's might use it as a jumping off point. Sometimes that happens in the form of an anon shitting on the thesis or simply asking for an elaboration.
/a/ dialectic
thesis>anti-thesis>Umad faget>no u

>> No.11387324

One could literally write a book that contains everything that happened and everything that was implied by EVA.

>> No.11388482

Childhood's End by Clarke, The Instrumentality of Mankind by Smith, and The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World by Ellison (RIP) all influenced Anno in the creation of Evangelion.
End of Eva's cover is based on the cover of the anthology The General Zapped an Angel by Howard Fast.

>> No.11388489
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Forgot pic.

>> No.11388502

Why do they have depressed horny 14 year olds pilot the God robots though

>> No.11388545

They explain why they can only use 14 year olds in the show. They Evas (at least 01 and 02) contain the souls of their mothers and they are the only ones who can sync with them effectively.

>> No.11388609

The 14 year old part is never specifically explain though. Just that the pilots aren't interchangeable for that reason.

>> No.11388922

Which lit caries the message 'get into the robot'?

>> No.11388926

the hobbit

>> No.11389021

Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2

>> No.11389023

It's an anime made by a man who hates anime fans
EoE is one of the greatest films of all time

>> No.11389032

RahXephon is really bad though >>/m/16634970

>> No.11389388

Any work about depresion.

I watch evangelion at 14 y.o was good, I just watch more anime and stop it around 18 years.

Now 10 years later found people begin insane obsessive with it, depressive teenage lack mom love,hate father had desire three women sexual(sumissive women,mature mom love and crazy women) and gay experience become cult obsess audiovisual work.

>> No.11389396

Jordan "Get your shit together, bucko" B. Peterson's 12 Rules of Life

>> No.11389399

But the man who hates anime fans is himself an anime fan. It's more about self-loathing than trying to call other people out.

>> No.11389405

Im watching this right now, Shinji just saw Asuka’s corpse

the film is freudian and hegelian-heideggarian. V heavy existentialist and dialectical themes. Miyazaki is trying to traumatize the viewer however and was a pseud illiterate

>> No.11389410

Hey Kantbot, unless this is you, its not, kill yourself you stupid fucking hack. This random anon on 4chan just made a better two post analysis than your sprawling banal pseud excretion on autistic mercury you fat fucking kike

>> No.11389412

I think it's definitely a bit of both.
But with EoE he wasn't really trying to call fans out, that sounds like something you'd say if his intent was purely malicious.
He was telling otaku to be more introspective about how they interact with anime.

>> No.11389414

It's Hideaki Anno

>> No.11389422

no he is every single omega male in existence faggot leave

>> No.11389852

Which of his books has all that?

>> No.11389859

Good post

>> No.11389925
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What's the /lit/ equivalent of this?


>> No.11390175

Good psychological drama.

>> No.11390358
File: 154 KB, 950x1150, estragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floornight is inspired pretty hard by Eva. It has a lot of cool and weird stuff, shame most of it is discarded at the end because the author used the book as "just a writing exercise lol".

>> No.11390366
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>but it wasn't intentional!

>> No.11390451

>Televisual equivalent is Twin Peaks (or the Prisoner)
.Videogame equivalent is Metal Gear Solid
>Cinematic equivalent is 2001 A Space Odyssey (or both Blade Runners)
>Operatic equivalent is the Ring Cycle
>Pop musical equivalent is In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
>Comic book equivalent is Jack Kirby's Fourth World (or The Invisibles)
>Literary equivalent is Gravity's Rainbow (or Moby Dick)

>> No.11390470


I dunno man, the first part of Birth of Tragedy up to the point where Nietzsche starts rambling on incoherently about Wagner comes to mind. Also Momo.

>> No.11390870
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like this anon?

>> No.11390906


I hate to be that guy but I don't agree with some of these. I think you're correct in reflecting how they all incorporate Eva's theme of the internal self existing in turmoil with the outward world but many of them are missing a key quality that Eva uses to make that point so spectacularly: the juxtaposition between its characters' dramas and the impending Apocalyptic sublime.

Melancholia is the only film that springs to mind which attempted something like that. Solaris maybe too (less end of the worldy though).

>> No.11391125

There is an explanation in the show, that is completely irrelevant though, it's just an explanation. The reason is that Anno probably wanted to include some "growing up" aspects to the story and the main character being a child fits him well, he could well be an adult but then we'd have to have a huge backstory to explain why he's such a coward, just make him a child and it automatically makes sense.

>> No.11391130

>depressive teenage lack mom love,hate father had desire three women sexual(sumissive women,mature mom love and crazy women) and gay experience
certainly has all the parts it needed to be a cult classic though

>> No.11391222

>the juxtaposition between its characters' dramas and the impending Apocalyptic sublime.
Have you read Moby Dick?

>> No.11391269

Tarkovskyan tripe devoid of meaning that is not so much repulsive due to its lack of salience but due its author's and fans' audacity to claim that this is intentionally so and for the better.

>> No.11391313


Of course baby.

>> No.11391336

yes, good work, anon kun. This will be a paste for the new generations

>> No.11391359

Why would anyone use Yotsuba instead of tomorrow for screenshots?

>> No.11391518
File: 1016 KB, 384x288, 1525293136610.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, if you're still looking. It's the best quality out there and safe


>> No.11391529

Devilman: Crybaby

>> No.11391535


>> No.11391597
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Not anime, but the Drakengard/Nier video games share similar elements with evangelion. The writer and director is a huge evafag, also.

>> No.11391608
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>muh soundtrack

>> No.11391614
File: 950 KB, 1280x4024, ping pong 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aku no Hana is perfect if you ever went through a really pessimistic/angsty phase.
Ping Pong the Animation is also great.

>> No.11391633

galactic pot-healer has the same ending (everybody joins a hive mind, mc rejects that offer and chooses independence, at the end he's lonely and regrets it)
lots of sci-fi have that exact premise

>> No.11391738

The whole fucking show could be summed up as a weeb hedgehog's dilemma, you mong. It's literally a central theme throughout the whole thing.

>> No.11391961

I don't recall Anno being the one to say that, but someone else on the production staff.

Also, aesthetics aren't superficial.

>> No.11391965

>End of Evangelion has more going for it than the majority of live-action shows out there today.

I really wish people would stop misattributing what Evangelion does to End of Evangelion.

>> No.11392004

I started watching once I saw this thread, couple days ago, since it finally made me decide to give it a try though I am not an anime fan (similar happened with Bladerunner, where I never cared for it and after constantly seeing it refrenced all over a single boring thread with a neat screenshot caused me to give it a try and it is the best movie I have seen in the last 5 years or so).
I only finished watching the movie part 1 hour ago and now reading this thread.
I think it was worth it but at the same time this thread is pathetic and doesn't need to be read after completing the series and EoE.

>> No.11392091

It was the entire point of the show you fucking moron, just because they weren't constantly mentioning it by name doesn't mean they just ignored the concept

>> No.11392101
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>>Pop musical equivalent is In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Weighing Souls with Sand by The Angelic Process is much closer in my opinion
>>Cinematic equivalent is 2001 A Space Odyssey (or both Blade Runners)
These are alright but I'd say Solaris is closer like the other guy mentioned, there are even some scenes that are very similar between the two

>> No.11392404
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Boogiepop Phantom
Haibane Renmei
Kino's Journey
Now and Then, Here and There
Tatami Galaxy

>> No.11392437

Fafner starts out as a deliberate Eva Clone (per director and creative staff interviews from a decade+ back), but it quickly evolves into something very cool. Lots of slow parts for around the first half of the series and contemplative things going on, but it's tempered with very creative fight choreography (Exodus turns this up to 11), and rich character interaction and introspections. Suffers a bit from the odd mid aughts color stuff, but that's not an issue by the movie and its sequel series. Absolutely incredible franchise . Tiny western fanbase, but it's fairly popular in 11land. Definitely in the /m/elancholy genre though.
Start Original series--Dead Aggressor, then watch Right of Left (a prequel that is better viewed after, but if you find Dead Aggressor is too slow, RoL may be worth looking into to get you primed for the tone of the series writ large), Heaven & Earth (movie that is as much a sequel to Right of Left as it is Dead Aggressor. Then watch Exodus and enjoy the action packed feelstorm of a heroic tragedy it has really always been. After that you can join us Fafnerfags in the eternal wait for the next movie.
There is the power creep associated with mecha, but it's extremely organic and intuitive rather than just lol here's an upgrade (although there is maybe a tiny bit of that too in the first series).

Argento is a slow burn, but it falls into the Eva-lite category. Not great, but still a good watch.

Victory, I believe was a strong inspiration for NGE in the first place (Anno has also said this more or less in an interview he did with Tomino). It's also just good and has strong thematic ties with this style of series.

Majestic Prince is another series I really enjoyed, and I guess I might describe it as a fun version of this vein of series. Similar motifs about communication and sacrifice, but it's (mostly) lighthearted.

Sorry for the delayed reply, but hopefully you'll at least check out Fafner.

>> No.11392465

Thanks anon, I haven't watched much mecha but I'll give this stuff a shot

>> No.11392466

Gotta chime in for Solaris.
That fucking ending is brutal. Shit the whole damn movie.
Especially the ending. The way they jam up the soundtrack and the memories of an abandoned home traded for a false one in despair. What a goddamn mindbender.

>> No.11392476

this shit look ugly as hell

>> No.11392501
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>> No.11392526

Great news, anon.
If you ever happen to stop by /m/, make or find a Fafner thread, and say you're from /lit/ and share your thoughts. One thing I loved about watching Exodus while it was airing was how several of us were able to predict what was going to happen based on dangling plot threads that telegraphed payoffs some 10 and 4 years out. If you tune in, the show is extremely rewarding and internally resonant.

I'm sorry I'm gushing, but this series is just really special to me, and stands out in a way that very few other pieces of media and literature ever have. Given how small the community is, it's hard to find much discussion about it. A lot of people dismiss the character and mechanical designs out of hand, which is a real shame because the amount of care that has clearly been put into this story and world is just really beautiful. The way that the ensemble of characters interacts with each other and develops together is awesome. How everything progresses makes sense, and on the half dozen (probably more) watches of the series I'm always finding new little pieces of trivia that enhances my understanding and appreciation for the way that everything is constructed.

I said it starts slow, and it really does, but if you can make it through (I usually find people I introduce say the 6th episode, others say 11 or 12) it really pays off in dividends.

Anyway, long post is long, but I sincerely hope you end up enjoying Fafner (and any of the other titles I rec'd). Godspeed.

>> No.11392665

Book of the New Sun is like 1000 Evangelions in depth, and the Christian references make actual sense.

>> No.11392680

Eva is anti-Buddhist and anti-Gnostic (Gnosticism being buddhism for white people). SEELE is clearly a gnostic mystery cult, Instrumentality is a gnostic ritual meant to destroy matter (created by the evil demiurge) and leave only spirt/orange juice.

The Christian references are superficial, but Christianity is opposed to Gnosticism, as is Eva.

>> No.11392688

By a used Platinum DVD for $50-100 of ebay or whatever. It will look 99% as good as a new Blu Ray release would.

>> No.11392736

>Christianity is opposed to Gnosticism
Absolutely false. Many aspects of Christianity like its dualism and its understanding of evil are all adapted ideas from Gnosticism.

>> No.11392741

Gainax holds onto those rights like a Jew hoarding gold because artificially starving the market allows them to run rampant licensing fees and keep pushing out secondary material that makes shitloads of money (like the ReBuild movies)
The last new release of EVA was a $400+ DVD box set that sold like fucking hotcakes as a limited special exclusive to Japan and, as far as I'm aware, has never been ripped, and Gainax is going to keep it that way because really they aren't making a whole lot of money on anything else.

>> No.11392745

looks much better in motion. You'd probably say the same thing about Devilman Crybaby though

>> No.11392824

>The last new release of EVA was a $400+ DVD box
Most recent one I know of is the anniversary Blu-ray (also some exorbitant fee) and it was ripped.
The [2d4u]/[EG] encode is spectacular.
Ping pong is good, but I personally don't care for the art style and it's not hard to see why a lot of people would be turned off by it.

>> No.11392937

As far as watching the series the problem is, it's pretty much the most influential anime of all time... And I say problem, as if you've watched much anime at all in the past two decades, you've seen everything the series has done, likely hundreds of times, so it's going to come off more than a bit stale. Rei and Asuka are pretty much the archetypes of every other anime girl that came after them, in any and all genres, as are many of the other Evangelion characters.

The movie, however, stands the test of time, being the anime equivalent of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

Mind, if The Wall ain't your thing, get a copy of the movie with the American VA's Director commentary, and watch that. It's comedy gold.


>> No.11392943

>understanding of evil are all adapted ideas from Gnosticism.

>> No.11392948

Anno just fucking with the American VAs over stuff like Asuka being pregnant is incredible

>> No.11393066

>I didn't read Revelations the post

>> No.11393132
File: 23 KB, 480x360, fullmetal alchemist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>psychological analysis
>and also scratches /lit/ needs
Fullmetal Alchemist, the original anime. NOT brotherhood, not the manga, the original anime

>deep psychological themes
>transcends simple drama into complex issues
>deep characters
>not your half-assed anime with silly comedy
>metaphysical implications go beyond simple reasoning
>actual tragedy in front of your eyes

And after that watch Conqueror of Shamballa.

>> No.11393299

>it's pretty much the most influential anime of all time
I will throw down a gauntlet and say the original Mobile Suit Gundam is a strong contender, and likely more deserving title, for this distinction.

>Rei and Asuka are pretty much the archetypes of every other anime girl that came after them, in any and all genres, as are many of the other Evangelion characters.
I think this is a pretty myopic view. Haman Karn of MSZG and MSGZZ or Linn Minmei of SDF Macross and DYRL fame, over the course of decades, I'm positive have had an overall larger impact on female characters. Hell one could probably make a moderately decent argument that the Purus 1 & 2 could be proto versions of Asuka and Rei.
Also, Misato is a straight up aping of Marbet from Mobile Suit Victory Gundam. Old men with plans have been around for a long time before Gendo. List continues.

Also, GitS '95's rendition of Motoko--which released shortly after NGE began airing, concurrent productions is my point--played a major role in popularizing the stoic hyper-capable, female characters as we see in Noir's Mirelle and Ergo Proxy's Re-al.

Hotblooded Redheaded Pilot isn't something that Asuka invented either. Many examples like Frozen Marvel and Gaw Ha Lecee from earlier decades are strong indicators that this 'archetype' isn't anything new.

>tl;dr anime didn't begin in 1995

>> No.11393340

Anon, NGE took the broad tropes of Mecha and then presented perfect paragons of those ideas to a much, much larger audience than anything that had been seen before even in Japanese otaku circles. It really can't be overstated just how fucking big of a cultural milestone Evangelion was in Japan.
It didn't invent anime but it crystallized the popular conceptions of anime for a very long time, arguably only the recent trend of seasonal mass-production/adaptation series has begun to buck the trends popularized by Eva.

Gundam was big, but Gundam always acquired its largest audience reaction well after or well into the original airings of a season/series. Compared to that, NGE hit like a fucking sledgehammer in the popular consciousness.

>> No.11393395

I'll give you that, for this genre, it was more that Gundam set the tone until Evangelion flipped the table over in a rage, but of course, Gundam's tropes all still live on, and yes, were core to Evangelion as well. (Though there was another, non-gundam mecha anime that had a similar religious apocalypse ending, before EoE, though its name slips my mind just now.)

However, I can't name a tsundere more tsundere than Asuka before her, and well, every tsundere since seems to be Asuka revisited, and any dictionary definition of that term will have an image of her next to it. Rei's silent doll genius archetype (whether you call it kuudere or dandere) I can place in some pre-1995 anime, but certainly afterwards, every other show had one of her. In both cases, often copy-pasta'd with the same basic appearance, sometimes to the degree you could tell what their personality was going to be before they even spoke.

It's also impressive that, while Gundam has been setting the tone for generations, Evangelion managed to have this much of an impact in a single anime season. Be it in literature, film, or anime, every now and again something comes along and gets enough attention to do that.

At the same time, one can make this claim of any popular anime. Sailor Moon wasn't the first magical girl anime and built on the tropes of previous ones, but it sure as hell affected the theme of all the subsequent efforts and infected several lines of shows outside the magical girl genre.

>> No.11393440

Watch Texhnolyze, it's not as overtly analytical as Eva but it's fucking great. Be warned though, it's extremely slow to start and brutally depressing.

>> No.11393452

He didn't actually say that. How braindead do you have to be to watch it and still think that's true anyway?

>> No.11393486

Anime didn't begin in 1995 but it definitely peaked then.

>> No.11393590

honestly the art style kinda fits the show

>> No.11394123

The impure fool of Roberto Calasso, totally.
Also the Dictionary of the Khazars of Milorad Pavic
Another would be just like poetry from William Blake
But also the avant-garde madness of Italian author Giorgio Manganelli, specifically in Dall'Inferno, Hilarotragoedia and Centuria.
Trust me, I'm right.

>> No.11394148

why do you think so?

>> No.11394170

In parallel Final Fantasy 7 Cloud,Sephiroth, Tifa,Aeriths redefine JRPG.

>> No.11394191
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>> No.11394328

Mostly in his later works. "Evening Edged in Gold" has everything, but its kind of inaccessible. "Scenes from the Life of a Faun" has some good apocalyptic imagery. "The Egghead Republic" for some creepy science fiction. "Leviathan or The Best of Worlds" is fun and pretty accessible if you just want a quick introduction to Arno Schmidt in general. You can grab pretty much everything he has written and get the same weird mix of psychology and gnostic mysticism present in evangelion.

>> No.11394650

Eva is literally an entry level anime, I used to think it was special until I watched more mecha anime, and Ideon was much deeper
Fuck off, Tomino Gundam is Kino.
This right here

>> No.11394710

Picked up.

>> No.11394728

Eva is superior to Ideon in every way. Especially in design. After watching Eva I can't stand the awful uninspired clunky design of the mechs in any other shows.

>> No.11394750
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Don't reply to namefags.

>> No.11394821
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Cool. Good overview. I'll check those books.

>> No.11394998

Honestly the first 15 episodes are pretty awful,with the important character defining bits being random and few/far between
But it all pays off for the last few episodes and EoE

>> No.11395070

EoE frankly saves E from itself
The first 10-15 episodes are garbage

>> No.11395128

Absolute pleb opinions. Episode 15 is one of the best and definitely the most underrated episode. So many subplots built up in the first half of the series are explicitly revealed with very significant developmental events all occurring in this one episode; preparing the viewer for the sharp change in tone in the next few episodes. This significant episode would not have its significance if not for the nicely paced world building and subtle subplots of character defining moments in episodes 1-14.

It's so strange that a literature board doesn't understand the fundamental qualities of a good narrative. These ADHD fucks can't stand anything paced thoughtfully and have zero taste for any sort of subtle detail or nuance.

>> No.11395270

I appreciate the fuck out of the anti-shonen tendencies of the series

>> No.11395276


>> No.11395281
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>only one rec for Monster
Dissapointing. It's the closest to a Dosto novel I've seen in anime.

>> No.11395305

There are far better ways the show could have incorporated most of the subtle themes and character building interactions that occur
Maybe including 15 specifically* was a mistake,but honestly the build up episodes mostly blur into one another so you'll have to forgive me if i mistake red herring episode for filler episode for macguffin episode etc

>> No.11395418

Not him, but I agree the Voltron "Robeast of the Week" thing went on for a bit longer than it needed to (though at least it was every other week). Not that it may not have been seen as a necessity, given the target demographic.

Also agree, while the anime was good for its time, it's that movie that immortalized it. Without EoE, it would have been forgotten by now, but as it is, it'll be somewhere in the cultural consciousness for at least several more generations, and likely continue to have influence by proxy for some time beyond that.

>> No.11395437

Monster is fucking shit

>> No.11395495

You're fucking shit.

>> No.11395502

I'm probably biased but I don't think there are any filler episodes in Evangelion. All episodes contribute to the narrative in some way whether explicitly significant or more subtle. People meme about magma diver and I agree to a degree but because it is silly not because it is filler.

>> No.11395503

not really
Dostoevsky is more optimistic while monster is pessimistic

>> No.11395513
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>That 30 year old boomer who prefers Rockstar to Monster

>> No.11395560

I don't see that. Dostoevsky was just as rough about perfect idealism and salvation, just looking at The Idiot. I think both authors maintain there being a lasting good despite the rigorous trial it's put through, proved by sincere good being at all constant components and triumphs of certain characters. And overall I don't think they're so much about looking at a conclusively victorious good and life-affirmation, but the worth of striving for it.

>> No.11395612
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>> No.11395710

Cool. Hope you like it.

>> No.11395760

>it'll be somewhere in the cultural consciousness for at least several more generations, and likely continue to have influence by proxy for some time beyond that.
Like Star Wars.

Then someone will remake it, and it'll be shi... Oh wait, someone already did that.

I wonder how often that happens in literature. I've not gotten into a lot of series, preferring one-offs.

Only one I can think of that fell to this pattern, off hand, is Dune. That stayed in the family, at least, but still... Dammit, Brian.

>> No.11395881

Are you referring to the rebuilds? I'm aware they are a sort of meme but they are not as bad as Reddit may claim. I'd say they are far from shit and are a nice alternative narrative/ ending to the original tv premises.

>> No.11395930

Eh... Dunno what Reddit thinks of it, but I'll give you that the first two don't deserve the hate they get, given the time allotted, and being largely, story frame per story frame, remakes, with updated, and often objectively better, animation.

That last one though... Captain Harlock Misato and "OMG We're all 14 forever!", etc. etc. That was actually a more thorough butchering than any of the post 80's Star Wars movies - and that's saying something.

>> No.11396237

Yeah I can agree with that example, but the difference is that the rebuilds are alternative narratives to those of the tv series and EoE, Anno has said this himself. This is a pretty different circumstance compared to the Star Wars stuff, so I can forgive Anno for going in a different direction creatively without retroactively changing the original narrative.