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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 651 KB, 1024x768, gyoza-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1136965 No.1136965 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone know if that incredible book archive anon posted a while back is still out there? it was so fackin awesome! the one with like 4000+ books? i had downloaded it and have literally been in heaven until about a week ago...
...when my laptop was stolen.

shit sux. i just want to go back to the days when i could search any major literary work ON MY COMPUTER and be reading it in seconds.

in return for any info, i will make potstickers for /lit/.

>> No.1136967

I'll bump for you - don't know the book archive but I wanna see those pot stickers!

>> No.1136971 [DELETED] 


>> No.1136969
File: 3 KB, 126x95, 1262232412622s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, if the anon who actually made that archive is out there, i just want to say that you are one of the highest quality human beings on the planet.
you changed my life.

>> No.1136983
File: 3 KB, 126x95, 1262232466382s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit thanks anon. are you hosting this? mind if i make another thread to share the fortunate news?

better get crackin on those potstickers

>> No.1136990

Requesting illegal content is against the rules


>> No.1136993
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lol wow. i dont even..

>> No.1136996

Being a fag is gay!

>> No.1136998
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>> No.1137001
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almost done... mmmmmmmm can you smell that?

>> No.1137010

I know that the archive was hosted on mediafire first.

Currently searching for it

>> No.1137019

Is not entirely what you're looking for, but here is something like an alpha-version of the archive:


>> No.1137021

i believe that thread was archived.


>> No.1137032


>> No.1137034
File: 3 KB, 126x95, 1262237991859s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, found it: http://4chanarchive.org/brchive/dspl_thread.php5?thread_id=666381&x=3700+ebooks+Updates+His+eBoo

you guys should all download this!!!!!! even if you dont have an ereader. even if your not on your own computer. even if you cant read.

>> No.1137039


11,021 ebooks

>> No.1137070
File: 721 B, 17x11, jpn-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck, really? just thought that was someone hosting 3700ebooks files.. omgomgomg wow. man, it will take a while to get all that onto a local drive though...

>> No.1137155

anyone know how to download all the books from this at one go? rather then author by author?

>> No.1137158
File: 4 KB, 127x127, 2345687654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rather then author by author?

>> No.1137167

anyone know how to download all the books from this at one go? rather than author by author?

Sorry i am from singapore my english isn't all that great :/

>> No.1137182


>> No.1137184


no, you have to do it author by author

>> No.1137187

Wow, this is great. My library is really lacking.

>> No.1137188

lol you dirty liar
btw a few of us have been curious as to your gender in light of the recent tybrax is female scandal.
Also wheres the webcam of trybrax u promised :(

>> No.1137189

how did you download it? author by author?

>> No.1137191

relevant to my interests

>> No.1137192

jizz. in. my. pants.

>> No.1137194

someone fucking answer already since it looks like im not the only one interested in know how to download all the books at one go

>> No.1137197

Right now I'm just going through the shit that I've been wanting. Also, would I be able to use one of those kindle things with these?

>> No.1137199


you do have to do it by author, but there's a BAT file to extract the texts out of the jpegs, also one that only downloads the authors you don't already have.

and i keep my personal life off of 4chan, so you can't know my gender, and she hasn't been on msn

>> No.1137202

if you're so protective of your identity stop fucking tripfagging then.

Look at the OP of this thread, THIS is how tripcodes are supposed to be used, only when relevant to the thread. If you fucking want a username go to an actual non-anonymous forum.

>> No.1137201


yes you'd be able to use these books on your Kindle.

if you don't have a Kindle however download Microsoft Reader (it's free) it's an ebook program that makes reading .LIT files alot easier on a laptop/pc

>> No.1137204
File: 29 KB, 500x377, u mad dog in a hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this tripcode has anything to do with my real life identity

i've seen you post a similar post before.

>> No.1137205

Is there a difference between ebooks and .txt?

>> No.1137207

Fine, shrug off my first point.
What about the second point i brought up.

>> No.1137212

Looks like he/she didnt want to acknowledge the validity of your second point chap.

>> No.1137213
File: 64 KB, 665x598, spin that chair real good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


e books come in several formats, .txt files (opened in notepad) .htm files (opened in your internet browser) .pdf fies (opened with adobe acrobat or a similar program) .lit files (opened with microsoft reader)

your kindle will be able to read all of these file formats so you'll have no trouble with that, it's just that reading them on your desktop/laptop can be difficult with some layouts and navigation ect, microsoft reader is a program that acts like a kindle on your screen, allowing you to turn the pages etc, just making it easier on the eyes, i'd definately reccomend it for computer screen reading!


the one about the non-anonymous board? i am a member of some of those, but i suggest you block people who use tripcodes if you have an issue with them, there's an add on for all browsers and a google search will get the results, just copy and paste my/others trips into the tripcode section to block us, alternatively just block a ! and we'll all be blocked :)

happy posting!

>> No.1137214

More like "it"
Fucking bitches everywhere tripfagging

>> No.1137217

Or rather than make other people have to download shit to remove tripcodes, why not just fucking stop tripfagging? What sort of purpose does it serve?

Frankly i think most of the tripcodes are attention whores who just want to be acknowledged due to the fact that no one probably gives a shit about them in real life.

>> No.1137221

Thanks for clearing that up dude.

>> No.1137225


i'm going to work now so this will be my lasp post untiul later today unfortunately!

i do apologise that you feel that way, but such sweeping generalisations about real life are very silly!

i suggest you email moot@4chan.org for further information regarding tripcodes, he might be able to help you with your problem, also the reason i tripcode is because it makes people like you mad! it's very funny i think to have you all complain and bitch about us, then say you're just giving us the attention, then get mad at us, then continue to bitch about us.

haters gonna hate

i hope i cleared some things up for you!

>> No.1137226


no problem, i'm sorry there isn't a faster way, i think some more information is in the readme file but i'm not sure how much that will help you

>> No.1137230

Oh yes, continue to ignore addressing my second point.

Also, you do realise the rules state that trip-coding is only for when establishing your identity is NEEDED right?

>> No.1137237

pretty sad that you are proud to be an identifiable shitposter

we just have to wait for you to grow out of it, like all the other kids

>> No.1137264

u know what guys, i was talking to an irl friend who happened to be an oldfag from waaay back, and the dude said people used to SIGN IN to 4chan. said his account still works and everything.

>> No.1137270

also, not all tripfags are shitscum. "ac" on /p/ is always dead-on, and there was an awesome dude known as milkjar guy on /ck/ that was really cool. sometimes i like just know that its that same human on the other end of a reply. i mean with these two people, i have to admit that it was nice to sort of be able to follow them - this being an anonymous, unarchived board and all, it made things special.

i get kind of disappointed in lit when it comes to stuff like this. you guys can be real ignorant assholes at times. yeah bitches like brown and ty are obviously faggots and are hated for a reason, but not all tripfags are scum.

>> No.1137799

Being from Singapore =/= excuse for bad grammar.

>> No.1137890

youre lying to cover up for tybrax. post the other 3 pictures of her from that thread pls

>> No.1137959
File: 274 KB, 359x3976, get rid of the bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what was your second point sorry? i seem to have missed it?
back from work now and would have missed this if it wasn't bumped :)
you seem to be misinformed, there are no rules against posting with an identity, on any board.

the global rules can be viewed here:
and the board specific rules for /lit/ can be viewed here:

hopefully reading them will allow you to become a better contributor!

ah you call me a "shitposter" but if you actually look i am the person who helped the anonymous poster in need within this thread, trying my best to clear up issues about the ebook downloads!
(also please post again if you were having any problems anon and i can see if there's anything more i can do) while you posters try to derail the thread! Now i like to see myself as contributing to the board, and you posting your harsh words on here which don't help the OP in any way is just detrimental to the quality of the board as a whole. But now you're aware maybe you can work towards bettering both your posting quality, and subsequently the board! No need to thank me! :)

Unfortunately i think you were misinformed, since this site was created on October the 1st 2003 as a place to discuss anime (the /a/ board) and has always been a place which required no login details to post :

Now you're saying i'm a faggot and i'm hated for a reason etc, when i tried to help you and the subsequent anons in this thread, if you can't see that then i'm not going to force you to open your eyes, as i like to say, "a good deed is it's own reward!"

>> No.1137965


no unfortunately i do not have those pictures saved, but i will try my best to fuffill any other request you may need as long as it's posted on this board, if there's something i CAN'T help you with i would not post in that thread, unlike some people who just like to swear!
well shucks, i suppose they have the right to!

>> No.1137974


>> No.1137980
File: 135 KB, 595x483, u mad cuz im stylin on u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u mad?

>> No.1137995

I'm the guy that saved them all and yet you all reposted the legs one after I told you not to. I guess I'll just keep them the others to myself.

u jelly?

>> No.1137999

I tried to talk to Brownbear once, as it is my policy to ignore tripcodes and treat everyone the same. We had a nice couple of posts talking about plays. When no one else responded, he proceeded to shit up the front page for at least a day afterward, just talking to himself and bumping with pointless images, contributing nothing to the thread, contributing nothing to /lit/. It was disheartening to witness that kind of pathetic attention-whoring. At first glance, I thought he was a bro.

>> No.1138935


i am terribly sorry, i will try harder next time just for you.

no lie

>> No.1139093


nice trips

>> No.1139198

bump to see if anyone wants to reply to my earlier comments?