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/lit/ - Literature

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11366493 No.11366493 [Reply] [Original]

what's some essential nyrb-core?

>> No.11366506

the bible

>> No.11366518

Culture of Critique

>> No.11366547 [DELETED] 

somewhat based
infinitely based

>> No.11367960


>> No.11367963

Anything by Zizek

>> No.11367992

amsterdam stories
sex and character
the ego and its own
jakob von gunten
patrick leigh fermor
persuasion and rhetoric

>> No.11368017

stoner, skylark, butcher's crossing the list could go on

>> No.11368020

New York Review of Books

>> No.11368032


This meme really needs to die out

>> No.11368117
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Pic related and also Hard Rain Falling

>> No.11368133

Black Wings was so hyped up and I was beyond dissapointed when I read it. I don't think it had any "literary merit" in the slightest, much less all the praise they heaped on it. The Postman Always Rings Twice does the same things as does then ten times better.

>> No.11368134

The House and Its Head by Ivy Compton-Burnett
Manservent and Maidservenr by Ivy Compton-Burnett
The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton
Stoner by John Williams
English Renaissance Poetry: A Collection of Short Poems by John Williams
Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis

>> No.11368183

Life and Fate

>> No.11368205

Was about to say this. Good shit, except for the kike propaganda.

>> No.11368326

my diary desu

>> No.11368512

>amsterdam stories
Nice to hear that this is known of outside of the Netherlands

>> No.11368581

Why does everyone hate nyrb now? Missed this meme

>> No.11368606


Also how is their edition of dead souls?

>> No.11368643

Just wait a month, we'll all go back to liking it again.

>> No.11368644

is hard rain falling just genre fiction?

>> No.11368674

why is this person so offensively ugly and repulsive?

>> No.11369273
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They tweeted a screenshot of someone on /lit/ shit talking and a few butthurt anons still aren't over it. Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.11369283


>> No.11369289


Stop taking photographs.

>> No.11369432

that's hilarious.

>> No.11369440

are you fucking retarded? that's clearly a photoshop. it's making fun of the way nu-males pose with their gay video game purchases. notice the DOTA logo on the fat guy's shirt.

>> No.11369467

because you're a closet faggot who feels the need to sexually evaluate men with big beards?

>> No.11369500
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>> No.11369505

I liked it a lot

>> No.11369609

not at all. if you're thinking it's "crime fiction" or whatever, it's really more of a character study of a guy who's at the absolute bottom rung of society and doesn't have any illusions about getting out. 10/10

>> No.11369713

wtf i hate stoiner now

>> No.11369771


>the point
>your head

>> No.11369792

stop saying stoner god damnit now i have to hate this book

>> No.11369797


Pynchon, DFW, Joyce, Dostoevsky, Dickens, McCarthy

>> No.11371069

What's wrong with the book in op?

>> No.11371081

literally none of these are nyrb you mong

>> No.11371083

Someone liked it and publicly expressed enthusiasm once

>> No.11371093

Fuck the people who made us look bad in that one NYRB twitter post!

NYRB is one of few publisher that publish obscure gems.

>> No.11371096

That face makes me want to whack it off with the club of the forgotten sport of golf.

>> No.11371097

This is outstanding. Sunday night /lit/ doesn't even know they should hate it and yet this man has everything I want

>> No.11371098


>> No.11371493

butchers crossing is really good especially if youve read moby dick

>> No.11371499


>> No.11371501


also this - and augustus

their dead souls is good also

>> No.11371550

why? I read both, the latter prior to the former...dont see what you mean?

>> No.11371590

Proensa is exit-tier

>> No.11371666
File: 75 KB, 186x238, rich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I made that original shitpost

>> No.11372955

moravia obviously

>> No.11373203

Ah gotcha

>> No.11373355

well, they called us lit bros

>> No.11373376


I don't know. The quality of the board is seemingly spiraling forever downwards.

>> No.11373380

>a photoshop
You sure anon? Just looks like he's holding a book, must be a pretty good photoshop.

>> No.11373449

just got "War and the Iliad" in the mail today, first one I got
I have to say it's pretty nice, good design and paper, smells nice

gonna start reading after a few chapters of a novel

>> No.11373496

Just like the white race desu

>> No.11373530

For a while it was replaced by everyone just saying 'The Bible' in response to every fucking recommendation question.

>> No.11373551

Zama by Antonio di Benedetto

>> No.11374123
File: 97 KB, 680x798, 1520363597832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying less than 30% of this board is undergrads who cream themselves any time their favorite Great White Male™ is mentioned

>> No.11375167

generally if you need a paid middle-man to tell you what to think about a filtered selection of books then you're ... guess what ... a fucking idiot

>> No.11375180

three cheers for that. Also, I don't want a Jew telling me what to think

>> No.11375710

>persuasion and rhetoric
this is on nyrb?