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11368677 No.11368677 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about military leadership/strategies that can be used in everyday life?
things like the art of war

>> No.11368683

id like to make a war with her pussy xD

>> No.11368693
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>how do i make them pay /lit/, they made fun of me

>> No.11368702
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Id be hard pressed to apply Sun Tzi to daily life unless I was a general or a pro gamer. For more practical manegerial info check out Han Fei Tzi.

>> No.11368707
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ToC from ^^

>> No.11370012

The Warfighting Manual of the USMC

>> No.11370024
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>> No.11370037

The Prince is the best answer for this.

>> No.11370402

ADRP 6-22

>> No.11370520
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yet another deluded middle manager pretends his shitty photocopy repair company is somehow comparable to an army. where tf does your navy seals fetish come from?

>> No.11370526

Quick rundown, please?
Wanna see if it's worth reading

>> No.11370532
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>not subjecting your interns to a corporate version of BUD/S

>> No.11370549
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there's some nice stuff in here about governing the state with virtue and so on. you might like this. a lot of chinese philosophy is also about statecraft

there's also the way of the generals by zhuge liang.

>Knowing People

>Nothing is harder to see into people’s natures. Though good and bad are different, their conditions and appearances are not always uniform.
>There are some people who are nice enough but steal.
>Some people are outwardly respectful while inwardly making fools of everyone.
>Some people are brave on the outside yet cowardly on the inside.
>Some people do their best but are not loyal.
>Hard though it be to know people, there are ways.

>First is to question them concerning right and wrong, to observe their ideas.
>Second is to exhaust all their arguments, to see how they change.
>Third is to consult with them about strategy, to see how perceptive they are.
>Fourth is to announce that there is trouble, to see how brave they are.
>Fifth is to present them with the prospect of gain, to see how modest they are.
>Sixth is to give them a task to do within a specific time, to see how trustworthy they are.


his advice to his son is also good:

>Without learning, you will not broaden your abilities;
>Without quietude, you will not accomplish your learning.
>Being scattered, you will not achieve true excellence;
>Being reckless, you will not control your own nature.


>> No.11370683


>> No.11370699

Clausewitz On War is what you are looking for OP

>> No.11370834

36 stratagems. It's surprisingly good.

>> No.11371119

Legalist philosophy. How to run a state and manage people. Have a strong military and many farmers. Dont trust anyone else. Wield power appropriately. Beware of anyone whos not a military man or farmer. Dont promote people who dont deserve it.

>> No.11371173

I was also once 13

>> No.11371183

but he's not leading a country he's leading a team of three interns and the secretary to create a powerpoint to impress corporate during q2 preparations
the 10 bucks to purchase this book would be more effectively spent on some pizza and drinks to keep the team happy

>> No.11371189


>> No.11372173

Read Baltasar Gracian.

>> No.11372975

Book of five rings Miyamoto Musashi

>> No.11373006

Basically just look up the commandant's reading list

>> No.11373105


>> No.11373142

Anything can be applied to everything if you are not a brainlet, you being unable to see that you unsuitable for reading or really anything intellectual whatsoever. You are better off just becoming an engineer or something similar.

>> No.11374545

Strategy by B. H. Liddell Hart.
as for applicability to everyday life, I think so. The central thesis of the book regards to use of the so-called indirect approach. It's very broad and abstract, I sure one can think of ways of applying it.

>> No.11374772

Jokes on you, op is James (mad dog) Mattis

>> No.11375588

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

>> No.11375590

oh shit

>> No.11375981


>> No.11375989
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Oh no, the lust for milfs has begun, how did I sink this low?

>> No.11375997
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Killing Hope by William Blum
Rogue State by William Blum
War Is a Racket by Smedley Butler (the most decorated general in U.S. history)
The Phoenix Program by Douglas Valentine
The Way of the Knife by Mark Mazzetti
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace by Gore Vidal

>> No.11377091

Based China posters. Art of war, legalist, and zhuge liang (kong ming) are all in RoTK, though not exclusively military strat. It does include a shit ton of military strat. and tactics.

ht ww threekingdoms.com/

>> No.11377094

Are you a military leader or strategist?