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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 8 KB, 288x347, 288px-PlayboyLogo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11369508 No.11369508 [Reply] [Original]

>Playboy: For many years, American letters seemed dominated by Southern writers, but, as you have said, “during the last ten years the large percentage of the more talented American writers are urban Jewish intellectuals.” How do you feel about this shift in ethnic, geographic and literary emphasis?

>> No.11369511
File: 626 KB, 1000x733, Capote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, it has brought about the rise of what I call the Jewish Mafia in American letters. This is a clique of New York-oriented writers and critics who control much of the literary scene through the influence of the quarterlies and intellectual magazines. All these publications are Jewish-dominated and this particular coterie employs them to make or break writers by advancing or withholding attention. I don’t think there’s any conscious, sinister conspiracy on their part—just a determination to see that members of their particular clique rise to the top. Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow and Philip Roth and Isaac Bashevis Singer and Norman Mailer are all fine writers, but they’re not the only writers in the country, as the Jewish literary Mafia would have us believe. I could give you a list of excellent writers, such as John Knowles and Vance Bourjaily and James Purdy and Donald Windham and Reynolds Price and James Leo Herlihy and Calder Willingham and John Hawkes and William Goyen; the odds are you haven’t heard of most of them, for the simple reason that the Jewish Mafia has systematically frozen them out of the literary scene. Now, mind you, I’m not against any particular group adhering to its own literary values and advancing its own favored authors; such cliques have always existed in American letters. I only object when any one particular group—and it could just as well be Southern, or Roman Catholic, or Marxist, or vegetarian—gets a strangle hold on American criticism and squeezes out anybody who doesn’t conform to its own standards. It’s fine to write about specifically Jewish problems, and it often makes valid and exciting literature—but the people who have other messages to convey, other styles and other backgrounds should also be given a chance. Today, because of the predominance of the Jewish Mafia, they’re not being given that opportunity. This is something everyone in the literary world knows but never writes about.

>> No.11369517
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>Playboy: Aren’t you opening yourself up to a charge of anti-Semitism?

>> No.11369521
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>Capote: No, because anti-Semitism has nothing to do with it. As I’ve already indicated, I would be just as opposed to a clique of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant authors and critics exercising exclusive control over American letters and excluding talented Jewish writers. I’m against ghettoization from any source. And let me point out that this Jewish Mafia is based more on a state of mind than on race; gentile writers such as Dwight MacDonald who toe the line are made honorary members, while gifted Jewish writers are read out of the club for nonconformity. Irwin Shaw, for example, an excellent writer of Jewish origin, has been damaged by the Jewish Mafia, which has studiously ignored him, despite the fact that his early short stories are superior to any of the contemporary idols. Almost as many Jewish writers as gentiles have suffered at their hands. The ax falls, ecumenically, on the head of anybody, Jew or gentile, who doesn’t share this group’s parochial preoccupations. The regrettable aspect of all this is that there is so much room for diversity, plenty of space for everybody, if the Jewish Mafia could only accept that other people exist.

>> No.11369537

Well, /lit/? Do you think he was being antisemitic?

>> No.11369542

how many times do we have to go over this?


>> No.11369597


>> No.11369615

Do you think Jewish nepotism might play a significant role as well, with regards to what Capote was talking about?

>> No.11369640

They don't, and that doesn't have anything to do with this.

>> No.11369684

What is it really about, then?

>> No.11369711

T. human biodiversity denier
Go back to Vox where you belong
It would be nice if some could produce one speck of evidence for his claims

>> No.11369721

>I'm smarter than you
>that's why I have to cheat
Generally the objectively smart Jews work in finance. If not that then academia, almost never journalism except for rare outliers like Charles Krauthammer (who you will note did not want to be a journalist). NEVER EVER in "writing". There's a documentary about one such guy, properly certified a genius at a young age, the child of two physicists. He's in finance, not drooling onto an antique typewriter like Chuckie Safran Foer.

>> No.11369725

I like that you try to restart the entire conversation. The claims were already made. You have made no effort to deal with them.

>> No.11369746

>famous gentile writer complains gentiles are prevented from becoming famous writers by nefarious Joos
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

>> No.11369785
File: 84 KB, 1080x520, 1 sjPnLBXAPGtPJyxQwLVwpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not really an extraordinary claim. Just like Capote said in the interview, everyone knows that Jews run the entertainment industry, but nobody ever addresses this topic. I mean, just look at the founders of the Big Eight studios:
Marcus (((Loew)))
Louis B. (((Mayer)))
>20th Century Fox
William Fox (Born Vilmos (((Fried)))
Joseph M. (((Schneck)))
>Columbia Pictures
Harry & Jack (((Cohn)))
>Paramount Pictures
Adolph (((Zukor)))
Jesse L. (((Lasky)))
>RKO Pictures
David (((Sarnoff)))
>United Artists
Douglas Fairbanks (Born Douglas Elton Thomas (((Ullman)))
>Universal Studios
Carl (((Laemmle)))
Charles O. (((Baumann)))
>Warner Brothers
Harry, Albert, Sam, Jack L. ((((Warner)))

>> No.11369810
File: 1.91 MB, 2339x3119, Allen_Ginsberg_1979_-_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEVER EVER in "writing"
Fuck off

>> No.11369826

"The liberal intellectual who laments the predominance of dead white males in the college syllabus or the lack of minority representation in the judiciary uses fundamentally the same argument as the anti-Semite who objects to the prominence of Jews in the arts, sciences, professions, and in commerce. They both assume that something must be amiss—a conspiracy—if any human group is over- or under-represented in any human activity, achievement, or institution."

>> No.11369831

Try reading. What he says is that the means of becoming famous -- getting talking up in reviews and republished in journals -- is closed to one group plus its ideological allies. What's funny is you're trying to deny this to people who have seen the opposite, the effortful hyping of talentless people, six million times. Now prove to me that Hollywood exists or I'll call you names. Just that fact that *you* come out of the woodwork instantly, normally first reply, trying to make this sort of thing go away in the clumsiest manner, is all the case we need. If I were to claim that woodchucks make good pets or that Hannibal Barca never existed, nobody would call me names, demand my thread be taken down, or wtite angry letters. Those claims are clearly ridiculous and wrong but only one discussion gets your sort of reply.

>> No.11369838

To this point Capote was a respected, internationally famous, professional writer, and here he is talking about his industry. If Anthony Bourdain were to make a claim about the culinary trade, who would hop up and down demanding proof?

>> No.11369843

Except that Jews are the embodiment of slave morality and the dead white males are the embodiment of master morality. Of course there are exceptions, but this is just a general trend that can be observed throughout history.

>> No.11369845

You have a persecution complex.

>> No.11369861


>> No.11369871

>drug-using open pedophile
>specific field is poetry
>famous because he exploited rebellious teenagers who knew how to read as opposed to just wanting to get drunk
Okay dude, I'll trust the pedophile addict poet with my 401k and medical advice.
To OP's point: if Allen Ginsberg were a gentile, not only would he not be beatnik royalty, he'd be in prison.

>> No.11369877

The projection is strong enough to suspend a bridge with this one.

>> No.11369887
File: 146 KB, 319x360, mubtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some fag who coudn't write

>> No.11369896

Burroughs was a gentile drug-using murderer and beatnik royalty.

>> No.11369906

that strengthens my point

>> No.11369909

here's your (you)

>> No.11369918

So you don't think there are any associations between slave morality and Jews? You don't think there are any associations between master morality and "dead white males" who created empires and civilizations?

>> No.11369929

Who had to flee the country because he killed his wife while high. He was an old-money WASP, if you're under the impression that this puts him in a separate group from the nation wreckers then you probably think "Christianity" and "Hinduism" are anything but educational categories. Oh by the way, you might have noticed that technically non-Jewish allies were introduced in the original posts.
There is no mass media promoted clubmember Jewish writer (who is professionally primarily a writer) who can hold a candle to an average Jewish physicist or financier. To include Ginsberg.

>> No.11369957

You know what's funny in this connection would be to look up the real reason the Cossacks hated the Jews, or look up the French cleric Agobard, or look up the observations of Byzantine and Spanish clerics, or look at the Agriprocessors debacle, or look at the inside-the-wire murder that happened at a koloniya claimed by Israel many years ago. There is a common thread uniting all those things and it's not blood libel or the Passion. It's slavery.

>> No.11369963

What, that people who adopt slave morality seek to invert traditional values like strength and courage and somehow spin them as negative traits? This is the very reason why academia is suffering right. People have been indoctrinated, thanks to the entertainment industry and progressive liberalism, into believing that being a victim is actually a good thing because it gives you power and influence over others instead of actually doing something to earn that power and influence.

>> No.11369992

So you're saying Jews created anti-semitism?
I'll buy that.

>> No.11370026

That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that people have been conditioned into believing that being a victim paradoxically gives you more power and influence thanks to slave morality (which is an inherently Jewish concept) as opposed to earning that power and influence via traditional values like courage and strength thanks to a perverted inversion of values that plagues academia and the entertainment industry.

>> No.11370038

American "literature" is horrendous with few exceptions, Jew or gentile.

>> No.11370039

right and that's retarded

>> No.11370158

Look at the holidays of the Jews. Apart from a few, like the New Year or the First Fruits, they are all dedicated to reinforcing a boogeyman myth. Evil gentiles who think of nothing else but killing us -- they don't even want to rape us, they're just brainless killing machines -- tried to exterminate us, but instead we exterminated them. And again. And again. Read their mythohistory in the Bible, same thing. Compare their claims to actual historical grievances.
"Anti-Semitism" as Abe Foxman would describe it has never existed. There have been people with varying degrees of a case and surely some of those people were wrong. There never was an Amalek killing Jews just because they were Jewish. It's a self-justification system. It's actually just like a little brat being sent to her room -- "YOU *HATE* ME!" No, your father does not hate you. You are receiving a specific punishment because you did something wrong. You can admit that and get over it or you can "set fire to the rain" and create neurotic matrices in your head where you are always totally justified.

>> No.11370166

There is a fundamental difference between the so-called overrepresentation of whites (11.5% of world population) in the history of Western civilization and the overrepresentation of Jews (less than 0.2% of world population).

>> No.11370168

Name 5 Jewish holidays without googling.

>> No.11370172

I'm trying to look for a point in your words but I can't find it.

>> No.11370177

Prove to me that the sun exists.
By the way I grew up with Jews and know their holidays roughly, if I name them they'll be misspelled or something and JIDF will say see, the Bible doesn't say what it says because this guy misspelled a holiday he doesn't celebrate. I have two there about there's also the feast of tabernacles, passover, the day of atonement, the completion of scriptural reading (very minor holiday where people who have been reading torah in a progammatic way reach the end), and hannukah.

>> No.11370182

And none of those fit your description.

>> No.11370190

Oh wow, lack of reading comprehension as an argument. Try looking at the numbers. Compare it to the ridiculous idea that blacks are to whites as goyim are to Jews, in other words, the proportions are way off but an innumerate person might see it as reasonable. Do you see a difference between the summer that separated your earliest and your elementary schooling and the summer that separated your high schooling from your secondary education? They're both summers, after all.

>> No.11370193

So the bible doesn't exist. Somehow I always suspected. But you have declined to prove to me that the sun exists, so I guess we'll all freeze.

>> No.11370197

>So the bible doesn't exist.
literally what?

>> No.11370204

why are you so bootyblasted at the thought that the Jews really are that much smarter than you?

>> No.11370210

JIDF trick. Completely ignore everything that was said and presume to demand a credibility check using fatuous and mus-evaluated data. Quick, tell me Hillel's first name. It will prove nothing, I don't care what it is, and when you say the right answer, I will either reject it using pilpul or quibble about topicality.
It's Hillel by the way.

>> No.11370214
File: 852 KB, 879x1475, Hillel Jewish Students 2015 %.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says the kike academic

>> No.11370217

Now there's something that hasn't been demonstrated once in this thread. There was an academic who had some data on that, but you guys unpersonned him. Rather an own goal.

>> No.11370220


this probably explains truman's trajectory from living legend to "murder by death"

>> No.11370227

who is "you guys"?

>> No.11370230

How would "IQ" explain the well-known and frequently demonstrated tendency of not having a career if you piss off the Jews, but you can totally s*** all over everyone else (with PC and Muslim violence now temporarily narrowing that down quite a bit)?

>> No.11370231

t. lefty in denial

>> No.11370236

Know who I'm talking about (the unpersonned academic, not "you guys")? If you know him, then you know "you guys." If you don't then your claims of Jewish IQ are just that.

>> No.11370237

Noam Chomsky still has a job I believe

>> No.11370249

You realize that Theodore Dalrymple is of Jewish descent, right?

>> No.11370254

you do realize that's not an argument?

>> No.11370262

What, you don't think that his ethnicity has anything to do with his views on Judaism?

>> No.11370266

Stop playing games son it's a sign of immaturity

>> No.11370276

Well, since he concluded Judaism was nonsense at around the age of 8, I'm hazarding a guess of "No"

>> No.11370287

Oh oh oh but what about that one Nazi who hid a Jew hunh hunh hunh I got you there.

>> No.11370295

You're wrong about that. He rejected the notion of God, sure, but so do half of American Jews.

>> No.11370296

AN Chomsky's a militant Zionist and an invaluably influential cultural engineer. His quibbles with mainstream Jewry are pinhead angels and they are in warm agreement that American culture should be broken down and remade into something more to their liking.

>> No.11370302

I'm aware, so apparently being Jewish doesn't have much to do with one's views of Judaism.

>> No.11370307

>an academic was unpersonned
>this one academic was not unpersonned

>> No.11370314

>Chomsky's a militant Zionist
I really have to applaud you guys. I almost thought you were all being serious for a minute there.
Take a bow guys, you had me fooled.

>> No.11370320

are you trying to allude to MacDonald? He was not the person to discover that Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs

>> No.11370322

Judaism as a religion, sure, but as an ethnicity, no.

>> No.11370323

So a writer walks into a room and makes a claim about his industry ...

>> No.11370328

>MacDonald did original IQ research
Nope. MacDonald analyzed the research of others.

>> No.11370330


>> No.11370331

>Judaism as a religion
well that's what it is, so yeah, if you're trying to talk about Jewish culture, which is a separate but related thing, just say that.

>> No.11370340

His own description of himself. He criticizes excesses (which is enough to outrage people to his right) but he never attacks the central conceit.

>> No.11370344

>Jewish ethnicity, nationhood, and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish people, while its observance varies from strict observance to complete nonobservance.

>> No.11370355

thank for you repeating what I said.

>> No.11370357

like I said, take a bow boys.

>> No.11370383

Pretty sure the guy "is a Mick" but is not named Mac-something. If you are truly familiar with Jewish IQ then you know this guy, because this is the guy that gave the world that information. And then he got Cricked.

>> No.11370389

>because this is the guy that gave the world that information
Whoever you're alluding to, no he isn't

>> No.11370391

I just want to emphasize how you can be a Jew despite complete nonobservance to Judaism. Do you think being Jewish has an effect on how you perceive the world?

>> No.11370395

>whoever you are alluding to
Bad luck old sport.

>> No.11370398

Sure it can. But I'm not aware of much evidence of it in Dalrymple's case. He was raised with basically no sense of Jewish identify so far as I can tell, religious or secular. And even if he was, it wouldn't invalidate what he says.

>> No.11370401

Here's your (you), you've earned it buddy

>> No.11370421

>And even if he was, it wouldn't invalidate what he says.
This is where we fundamentally disagree. Sure, it might not completely invalidate what he says, but does the fact that Dalrymple, out of every writer in the country, was the one who got published seem even remotely suspicious to you? This is what Capote was trying to say. Out of every single fucking writer, the publisher went with the Jewish one who wrote an article about how Jewish conspiracies are complete nonsense.

>> No.11370428

this is an ubelievably silly paragraph.
For me to sit here and explain to you all the reasons why would force me to treat you like a child so I'll refrain.

>> No.11370430

Oh hey, I don't know what you're talking about, but just to let you know, you're wrong.

>> No.11370434

Please explain it to me. I want to be enlightened.

>> No.11370440

Dalrymple's an objectively good writer. You want to denonstrate this tendency, find extremes, outliers, and mistakes. Make them explain how Ishtar was a product of Jewish IQ.

>> No.11370447

1. Lots of gentile writers have gotten published saying Jewish conspiracy theories are all non-sense. For that matter plenty of Jewish ones have gotten published saying the opposite.
2. The Manhattan Institute, which published the article the quotation in question in no way published that article for any Jewish-related reason. Dalrymple writes regularly for their website and a number of others on almost entirely non-Jewish related topic. He became famous for his observational essays about the British working class (read: white niggers)
3. I doubt most of the people who have ever published Dalrymple are even aware of his ethnicity, given that he
A. Almost never mentions it.
B. Has the certifiably goyishe name of Anthony Daniels.
C. Is mainly interested in writing about white niggers and third world dictators.
D. Is totally non-observant religiously

>> No.11370451

As an addendum, Dalrymple writes for fucking Taki Mag, do you think they hired him for his ethnicity?

>> No.11370453

>implying American culture has any merit

>> No.11370467

How does that sentence relate to what was written?
>1: Those people over there are breaking up and rebuilding that section of Maple Street.
>2: Oh, so you're saying that Maple Street isn't a steaming pile of dog leavings that should be nuked into magma?
>1: ... dude, what?

>> No.11370650

They are 30% to 50% of the white population in both the NY tri-state area and Southern California, the two cultural centers of the country (NY for publishing in Capote's time, LA for film). Being Jewish is as common as being Catholic or Protestant in NY or LA, everywhere else you might as well be Druze or Zoroastrian.

>> No.11370832
File: 44 KB, 640x434, allen-ginsberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginsberg on Jack Kerouac's antisemitism

>the guy got upset, thinking that (Kerouac) was being anti-Semitic, (which Jack was - but sort of rightfully, because he was being attacked constantly by all the New York Jewish intellectuals who did have a vendetta against him – beginning with a guy named Bernstein, [Theodore M Bernstein] an editor at the New York Times who hated Kerouac

>> No.11370895

Arguing with a Jew is like trying to catch smoke with you bare hands.

>> No.11370917

then suck it into your lungs baby

>> No.11370950

Asians have a higher IQ than whites. Why don't they have similar cultural power to that of Jews?

>> No.11370984
File: 12 KB, 158x250, William-Casey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that The Manhattan Institute was founded by former CIA Director of Intelligence William J. Casey, right?

>> No.11371035

The weakness of the yellow peril is they can't infiltrate to the point where they look like white people. Cultural power can only be gained from within.

>> No.11371398


>> No.11371400

>being this bootyblasted at continually losing arguments

>> No.11371402

Because Asians are stemfags
What is it ab /pol/tards that they need extremely obvious things about reality to be pointed out to them?

>> No.11371405

This type of attitude is why Jews went through mass gassings

>> No.11371437

While he was Director of Intelligence for the Reagan Administration, the United States increased its foreign aid to Israel to $3 billion annually, granted Israel "major non-NATO ally" status, and established the U.S.–Israel Joint Economic Development Group. What that means is The Manhattan Institute was founded by a man whose legacy consists of helping pass legislation allowing Israel to bid on U.S. defense contracts which further reinforces the notion of American soldiers essentially dying for Israel.

>> No.11371439

Not mass enough, apparently

>> No.11371447

Whoooo cares...

>> No.11371456

If you defend jews running societies they don't consider themselves part of boy do I have a delousing agent for you

>> No.11371469
File: 267 KB, 600x468, eugenics-tree.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this?

>> No.11372560

>i'm not going to listen to pro-Jewish opinion if it comes from you pro-jewish people
stop looking for excuses to dismiss your intellectual opponents you vapid socialist.

>> No.11372566

Ronald Reagan also sent troops into Lebanon to die on behalf of...Yasser Arafat and the PLO

>> No.11372590

Name a single war where US soldiers died on behalf of Israel
>nb4 Iraq
Please explain how the US handing control of Iraq to the Mullahs benefited Israel.

>> No.11372601

>has a nuanced and kind of understandable position
>leave it to /lit/tards to muddle it and comprehend effectively 0% of it

>> No.11372614

>111 posts
>22 IPs

>> No.11372709

Actual jew here.

The problem with there being only jews in hollywood is that EVERYONE wants to get into the media industries, but only jews and their personal friends and business partners are being allowed in. The issue is not the jewish presence, but the fact that those jews are keeping all non-jews out.

>> No.11372714

jews are not white, dumbass

>> No.11373180

I don't know why this made me laugh.

>> No.11373329

WW1 & WW2

>> No.11373573

heres your (you)

>> No.11374328

It's also the case that Jews love to hypertribalize and form little cliques, and you can be fully Jewish but still not their kind.

>> No.11374332

Or maybe, just maybe, bear with me on this one, possibly it's that ALLEN GINSBERG WAS AN OPEN PEDOPHILE and one day Kerouac realized it wasn't just a little homosexuality or an occassional crush but unapologetic boyloverism. Maybe. Or maybe Jack Freaking Kerouac was a secret disciple of Hitler.

>> No.11374508

There are actually ways to determine if Jewish people are over represented in elite positions despite their IQ. I don't really have the data/time to do it though.