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11365840 No.11365840 [Reply] [Original]

>author uses C.E., B.C.E

>> No.11365850

it's such a butthurt move tbqh. Like the date is still referring to the death of Christ and everyone knows this

>> No.11365994

ackchully... its anthony hopkins and cleopatreons calendrical reforms of the 21st and a half century by the mayan/yugas arithmetechyrian mechanism that adjusted the regulation of the numerator.. not your rare collectible sand demon

>> No.11366243

I know, right? Why can't everybody use the Hijri era system?

>> No.11366266

>author uses centuries instead of the much more useful Japanese era system

>> No.11366283

>author uses BCE instead of the superior years before present

>> No.11366311

I always thought that too. Regardless of someone's views or belief in Him, Christ ushered in a new era of humanity

>> No.11366332

>writing about old things at all
couldn't be me

>> No.11366342

when I die they'll start using BBC

>> No.11366454

This and surely the "Christian era" would be quite a bit later. It takes the same damn numbers but manages to make them far less accurate.

>> No.11366568

>be historian phd candidate
>attend seminars, lectures, conferences
>historians use AD-CE, usually AD, but neither of them raise any eyebrows
>go to mongolian basket weaving forum
>autistic (usually catholic for reasons I don't understand) manchildren sperg about CE

>> No.11366572

that's because phd students just aren't redpilled

>> No.11366595

>author refers to chronological time instead of kairological time

>> No.11366597

Before B-anon's Cumming?

>> No.11366604

bet ur "historians" rarely (if ever) own libs

>> No.11366739

>Like the date is still referring to the death of Christ and everyone knows this

>> No.11366762

>not using the Hebrew
>Hebrew year is 5778
>the year Jesus would've used

>not using the Chinese
>Chinese year is 4716

>not using the Assyrian
>Assyrian year is 6768

>not using Mayan long count
>1,874,011 day or

>not using the Hindu
>Vikrami Samvat 2075

fun fact Jews think the messiah arrives some time before their year 6000.

>> No.11366796

>he doesn't use AUC

>> No.11367048

C.E. means Common Era not Christian Era

>> No.11367061
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>> No.11367360

It does seem silly to de-christianize the calendar by changing the names while still having year 1 start in the same year Jesus was born, especially since the other alternative is choosing an arbitrary event as the basis for year 1, which would require every textbook, biography, and cataloged records and legal codes to be revised.

>> No.11367372

It's because this is the only period in history when humanity has collectively used the same dating system, hence it's the "common era."

Some Chinese warlord overthrowing a dynasty 1500 years ago would not have given a rat's ass about some crucified preacher on the other side of the world, so to say he was operating in the year 500 "of the Lord" doesn't really make much sense. From the perspective of modernity, however, he was certainly operating in year 500 of the same collective era we all use, and hence the name switch.

>> No.11367388

>ringer ravaged faggot keeps spamming these threads
The more you do it the more I use it.

>> No.11367401


>> No.11367402
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>doesn't use AUC to date everything

>> No.11367408

I don't care WHAT you think, BUB

>> No.11367501

>death of Christ
Isn't it the birth of Christ retard?

>> No.11367519
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>> No.11368284

It does stand for "in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ", so the christian connection is still there.

>> No.11368403

Yes, so AD and CE begins with Christ's birth, not after his death. If BC were "before Christ," which it is, and AD were "after death," there would be 30 years in between.

>> No.11368412

Before big cunt

>> No.11368416

What was the purpose of the change? It seems so pointless.

>> No.11368425

>he doesn't use meters

>> No.11368465

>believing in time

>> No.11368505

time is a meme, humans are fucking retarded

>> No.11368529


Christ cuck

>> No.11368539

It's supposed to start with the year Christ was born in not his death.

>> No.11368561

Google common era and see what pops up

>> No.11368800
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>Christian Era
>Before Christian Era