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/lit/ - Literature

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11363876 No.11363876 [Reply] [Original]

How was she so good at laying down myths and archetypes that resonate with humanity? She did it better than even Homer or JRR tolkie. A woman of all people was the final boss of /lit/

>> No.11363877

nice bait will unfortunately work

>> No.11363924

How is it bait, common people talk about it the way they quote the bible. when do they do that with anyone else

>> No.11364347

she´s a hack, like stephen king

>> No.11364349

Stephen King has nice books tho, desu

>> No.11364352

I'm not sure that makes her work any good. Hell, Dragonball Z really resonates with a ton of people, and that doesn't make it a masterpiece.

>> No.11364353

Hey, King is better than Rowling.

>> No.11364362

Why dont she write new book like harry potters son actually turning to evil trying to resurrect voldemort and maybe killing harry and hermione and the others must teach their kids to fight this young potter gone evil/dark side would make a fucking kickass movie too

>> No.11364366

>a hidden magic school that you can go to instead of real school. none of your "muggle" peers gets to go.
its little kid kino

>> No.11364492

The son kills Ron and Harry runs away to an island somewhere all depressed. Only strong independent leader Hermione is left to fight the forces of darkness. Harry helps a bit after the new OC mary sue comes and kicks his ass but he ends up dying anyways.

>> No.11364497

at least stephen king is not a lefty cuck

>> No.11364509

you take that back

>> No.11364511
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Rowling researched the Western Esoteric Tradition deeply before writing it. If you are familiar with the magical paths of Crowley and the Golden Dawn, you will immediately see how she uses Magick with a K to inform it, which is what elevates it above juvenile pabulum to the sphere of eternal initiatic realities.

>> No.11364538

This man gets it.

Some of us would go as far as to say she was an actual initiate. True Magister Templi of sorts.

>> No.11364545

She ganked it. Just yesterday I looked up a Greek figure named Hermione in reference to what I was reading in some Shakespeare and the first stuff that came up were pictures of Emma Watson.

>> No.11364558

Hermione, derived from Hermes, in the Potter Mythos represents intelligence, just like the Promethean figure of the Greek myth. The wisdom of the Gods.

You were a brainlet not to understand the reference. The Potter mythos is complete work with deep research into the Greek, Roman and Hermetic myths and has every fitting archetype for the (enlightened) reader

Harry embodies the Wound of Amfortas through his scar, for it is a fatal and redeeming Quality through which a process of transmutation is described in the books where he faces his Dweller on the Treshold (Voldemort) to redeem the Light in Darkness.

Even Tolkien could not achieve such degree of symbolism woven into the myth, but that is mostly because Tolkien was not actual adept of the Hermetic knowledge.

>> No.11364564

Harry Potter is children's trash, faggot, the ass gravy of literature.

>> No.11364581
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Her cracking milk milks are the final bosses in Titty City Showdown: The Game.

>> No.11364584

>Harry Potter is children's trash, faggot, the ass gravy of literature

For brainlets like you.

But for those of us sophisticated and well versed in myth and history: it is a true treasure house of images.

>> No.11364593

She is the culmination of all those late 20th century, early 21st century maxims. Follow your dreams. You are special. Et cetera. She trusted her wonder and created something wonderful.

Her stories have a sensuous element (young teens, a secretive castle, playful magic) that have invited occult and fetish speculation. People want to pin down the what, the why, because ultimately, JK Rowling just a nigga and they can't let a nigga live.

>> No.11364600

Harry Potter fags are the worst. Rowling is a hag and what she produced is not literature and you queers should not be allowed to post here. Reported.

>> No.11364609

It's good YA, why are you gonna let faggots ruin something that was made for children? You're basically just serving the faggotbase by being insecure.

>> No.11364623


Again we see brainlets without common knowledge talking of things they cannot fathom.

The books clearly describe the complex Alchemical process.

The first book "Sorcerer´s Stone/Philosopher´s Stone" is a clear reference to the latin axiom: "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem"

After we enter the Dark Night of the Soul phase which ends up in the Goblet of Fire where the ashes of Magus are burnt up in his Great Karma to rise up as the Phoenix.

Even likes of William Blake could not describe it in such simple, yet effective manner even though he was one of the firsts to mythologize the contents of his imagination.

>> No.11364634

esoteric mysticism is ultimate brainlet hours, go jump in a pond you absolute loser

>> No.11364654

The lightning bolt scar is, in addition, a direct reference to the natural man who is wounded by the Lightning Flash of the Qabalah.
Voldemort is Choronzon; the Horcruxes are Kelipot
Severus and Albus are Severity and Mercy as the two faces of the Father to one below the Abyss, a Father who veils the scarlet woman fo Binah with his Law
>After we enter the Dark Night of the Soul phase which ends up in the Goblet of Fire where the ashes of Magus are burnt up in his Great Karma to rise up as the Phoenix.
this guy gets it. It is an instructive myth that will be useful when any Seeker traces the path of that revelatory Snitch into that night of Gethsemane and cries that his gods have abandoned him.

>> No.11364738
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>She did it better than even Homer or JRR tolkie

Let's wait and see if her work lasts half a century first.

>> No.11364752

You dont seem to understand that even if civilization would collapse, Potter would live on. People would tell the stories and adventures of Harry, Hermione and Bill and in centuries to come they would be mythologized, maybe even adopted to certain pantheons. Legends never die.

>> No.11364757
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>wound of Amafortas
> His wound will not heal and Amfortas is in constant agony, relieved a little only by his daily bath in the lake. When the opera opens, Amfortas has had a vision that only an ‘innocent fool’ who has been ‘made wise by compassion’ will be able to relieve his suffering by regaining the Spear from Klingsor and using it to heal the wound.
>"innocent fool"
Would unironically enjoy a black knight sequel with martin lawrence using this plot

>> No.11364781

bad bait, rowling is unironically a bad writer that appeals to kids and brainlets

>> No.11364803
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sneaky attempt at a peterson thread

>> No.11364834

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Harry Potter. The tale is extremely occult, and without a solid grasp of Western Esotericism most of the ideas will go over a typical reader's head. There's also Rowling's creative outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation - her personal philosophy draws heavily from the Typhonian OTO for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the gnostic revelation to truly appreciate the depths of these telesmata, to realize that they're not just stories- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Harry Potter truly ARE hylics- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the wisdom in Rowling's esoteric quote, ""No, he must have known you would always want to come back," which itself is a cryptic reference to the Manichaen epic "The Evangelion" by Mani. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those uninitiated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rowling's genius unfolds itself in his personal writings. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Harry Potter esoteric tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the XI level OTO initiate eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 aethyrs of my own (preferably lower) location.

>> No.11364840

Kenneth Grant is a pseud hack, literally worse than Rowling

>> No.11364843

JP has been so influential all discussions will be about him without even knowing about it. Artists will all begin to channel his ideas.

>> No.11364948

>common people talk about it the way they quote the bible

only middle class white women quote harry potter

>> No.11364961

Your apostrophe looks kinda weird.

>> No.11364974
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>> No.11364977

It's faggier than I thought.

>> No.11365011

>Can't understand even the most basic Hermetic symbolism in a book for children
Good luck with Joyce, brainlets

>> No.11365015

This thread is a 2/10.

>> No.11365036

its just ripped off from a few mythological stories, probably read about them in viral facebook articles too. the scar is "i want my character to have a cool looking scar on his forehead, now what reason for that might there be" its fucking wish fulfillment trash about a lonely depressed kid that is secretly the hero of a magical world that no-one knows about.