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11362600 No.11362600[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does Hitler's book from the 1920's still resonate so well after nearly 100 years?

>> No.11362613

Because the jewish problem has yet to be dealt with.

>> No.11362624

hitler is a kike

>> No.11362659

Wasn't Jesus a jew and hated those that abused the word of God and not the jewish people in general?

>> No.11362695

All the Jews that believed in Jesus became Christians

Modern Jewish rabbinical Talmudical is the Pharisees religion

The difference between the religion and ideology of Jesus and the Pharisees is like the difference between day and night

>> No.11362701

so the yids that jesus expelled are jews but jesus isn't because of what happened later?

>> No.11362708

Callingbjesus a Jew is like calling Muhammad a pagan because he was born one

>> No.11362710

>atheistic Jew

>> No.11362712

Asking jew-woke Christians for their opinions on these things is futile. Too hard for them to juggle the dissonance of knowing how jews think and thinking the one they worship was a good one.

>> No.11362726









>> No.11362732

die teen

>> No.11362734

Jesus wasn't because of his teachings and how he thought, I suppose he (the guy you're talking to) would say in this case. Everybody knows that Jesus was a Jew racially.

>> No.11362968

All Jews are atheistic, they hate YHWH for abandoning them, hence their obsession with debasing God and other father figures

>> No.11362974

People that come to /lit/ come to get away from you /pol/ retards

>> No.11363004

Wasn't it they who abandoned god? Jews think of themselves as god, which is part of the problem with them. Psychologically their tribal religion has done a number on them.

Half the people posting about the jewish question probably have nothing to do with pol. Everyone knows about the problems jews are creating these days, wake up, retard.

>> No.11363006

So Jews who convert to Christianity (like Marx's Father) aren't Jews anymore?

>> No.11363007

no, it only worked once

>> No.11363017

and of course, a bunch of more times for all of Jesus' disciples and saints etc. etc. But then it mysteriously stopped working at some point.

>> No.11363051

No, they're still racial Jews. Jesus was only a Jew in the religious sense.. Being from "Galilee of the Gentiles" he belonged to some other ethnicity/race that was eventually forcefully converted to Judaism by Aristobulus

>> No.11363853

If I recall correctly, the thing about God was that He promised a Messiah that would basically save the world, but that didn't come for centuries after the times of Moses, it came during a time when the Jews were living as part of a larger Roman Empire. By that time, a group called the Pharisees had evolved, Jews who were using religion as basically a prop while being the real source of money and cultural influence.

It was at that time, when Jesus came to Earth, after a virgin girl (same lineage as Abraham long ago) was made pregnant, and Jesus was born. However, despite a miraculous birth and having extremely powerful, performing miracles, Jesus was not liked by the Pharisees, because He was upsetting the power structure, and did not like them, as they and others believed that the Messiah would be rather different. One of that particularly confused and upset them was that the Messiah wouldn't accept ONLY Jews as it had been interpreted, He would accept Gentiles (non-Jews) as well. So, in light of all these things, they decided to have him killed, using the Romans to rubber-stamp the execution and using a brutal Roman execution technique--the crucifixion.

>> No.11363882

That would solve the problem of the man who claimed to be the Messiah, or so they thought. But Jesus knew that He was innocent and did not protest this treatment, and in the process, forgave the sins of humanity (or, not as a whole, just those who would admit it), so that animal sacrifices would no longer have to be made to please God the Father. After an excruciating death, the Romans buried him in a tomb (the tomb was requested by someone else, it wasn't common practice for prisoners), but after about two days (seeing as how Jesus died on Good Friday and rose on Easter morning, that's not quite three), the body disappeared after a large earthquake that caused the Roman soldiers guarding it to flee like rabbits. The women who witnessed it brought the news to the remaining disciples hiding out, and soon all was revealed--Jesus was there. They thought he was a ghost, but Jesus was hungry (being dead for a few days must work quite an appetite) and asked for some fish, which He ate.

After spending an unknown amount of time with His friends, Jesus ascended to Heaven, with the Second Coming being not to forgive, but to judge. The story didn't end there, however, rumors spread of the story of his death and resurrection, and the circumstances behind that. Christianity was born.

>> No.11363891

Hitler wasn’t even a Christian, he viewed Christianity cynically and used its rhetoric for votes. He was just a conniving sociopath who was also an extremely talented, passionate, and convincing orator and demagogue. There’s much more intellectual ways of being an anti-Semite besides using Hitler as a model, if you’re gonna hold such an edgy view at least step your game up.

>> No.11363945

Most of the New Testament follows the adventures of a man named Saul (later Paul), a Jew who got off on rounding up and killing Christians, until God stopped him on the road and told him that he was doing wrong, blinding him for several days as part of this process. Paul would eventually preach the Gospel himself as he went around the world (well, Roman Empire at least) while being on the receiving end of persecution. Him and the other disciples and Christians would eventually meet terrible death for believing what they did. The modern Church (Catholic) was founded during this time, with Peter being the first in what would be a line of popes.

Eventually the Jews fought back enough with the Romans that they crushed them, and they went on the move. Ultimately the religious aspect would begin to begin to melt into their culture. A few remained religious, but the aspect of being the chosen ones remained. They began to be a virus that would inject themselves into other cultures and peoples, though would eventually be forced out. Some of this behavior was justified, and some were not. They began to accumulate a bad reputation.

The crucifixion still haunted them. When the Jews arrived in Ellis Island around the early 20th century in America, rules were that as part of signing immigration papers, they were supposed to put an X, but instead, they put a "kikel" (a circle, the Yiddish language having been adopted at some point in the past as part of this exile aspect, rather than the ancient Hebrew). The "kikel" eventually got them a derogatory nickname...the "kikes".

Many were aware of the Jews and their effect on the culture, including Henry Ford, who especially hated the "Wall Street Jews", and a certain failed artist in Germany who felt like the Jews were making a mockery of the culture and the heroes of his country, which again, rings familiar. What he did, or at least, his followers, was so extreme that it shaped history to this day. He decided to have every Jew gotten rid of--permanently. While this would in theory definitely get rid of the toxic culture, there were many innocent people involved this scheme too (even /pol/ would probably agree that just because you were born Jewish you're not part of a conspiracy). Even if the numbers were vastly overestimated, he still rounded up hundreds of thousands of people who just got a bad roll in the genetics lottery. Adolf Hitler co-opted the history of the Bible to fuel his own wicked agenda.

>> No.11363959
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, Jesus_Fraud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus did not fulfill any of the Messianic (pic related) prophecies and was literally a false prophet who got lucky.

>> No.11363977

>Jews who were using religion as basically a prop while being the real source of money and cultural influence
those are just called Jews, guy

>> No.11363984

redpill me on intellectual antisemitism pls

>> No.11363994

Hitler was overzealous with his cleansing, most of the uber-rich jews fled the country anyways before they got rounded up. Now they are all in NYC

>> No.11364018

Fuck off kike
You and your tribe deserve death

>> No.11364023

The Jews, of course, now embedded in the United States, were able to use the Holocaust as a way of gaining power and sympathy. From the 1950s onward, they began a slow but gradual cultural erosion of the United States (predominantly non-Jewish white and Christian) through all the usual techniques, a moral decay, ramping up importing foreigners through a 1960s act that were largely incompatible with the values of the country, mocking tradition, creating strife and division, and pretending to be part of the country when actually not.

That is how we ended up with the country of today.

>> No.11364028

Mary was a descendant of the Old Testament heroes, he was basically a genetic clone of her. All the others are either factually incorrect (like #3, Israel was part of the Roman Empire, and not independent) or are part of the Second Coming.

>> No.11364030

Because (((they))) are promoting it

>> No.11364034

Keep waiting for JEEEEZUUUS to save the huwhite race, it's definitely for the best.