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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 478 KB, 1366x768, tree_and_fog-1366x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1136293 No.1136293 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get people to do short reviews of NEW books they get? I'm a bit tired of /lit/ being full of classics and not much else. What does that say about us that all we read is the old crap or overly established?

>> No.1136300

having at least a couple every month or so would freshen things up.

>> No.1136299

if I haven't read it, it's new to me!

>> No.1136301

Because every new book is some stupid fight club da vinci code bullshit and has no class.

>> No.1136303


well obviously and even more obvious that's not what op was referring to when he said new

>> No.1136305



how's that for class

>> No.1136310
File: 498 KB, 556x1000, scorch_atlas_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody read this yet?

>> No.1136313
File: 1.35 MB, 300x169, 1281027599133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a bit tired of /lit/ being full of classics and not much else
>/lit/ being full of classics

>> No.1136324


you know what op meant. People are so quick to complain.

On that note, OP, you do know why people here talk about all those "classics" and I doubt your complaint will change that.

>> No.1136329


I read it. Didn't like it much. If you can check out any of his short stories online, just read a couple of those. The ones in the book are good, but it's the same overly-cute wordsmithing thing over and over, always vague on actual plot and essence.

>> No.1136336
File: 253 KB, 396x594, Edge of Eden cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this came out November 2009. I really enjoyed it, and I think it's awful that nobody else even knows that it exists.

>> No.1136339


that name is really really familiar. I think i heard about it on npr last year. other than that I dont remember much about it

>> No.1136337

4chan is 16-24 yr old males. 16-24 yr old males read the classics because they're in school, or trying to prove their literary merit by reading what they're "supposed to read".

New releases are for adults. The world of publishing, and best-sellers has nothing to do with 4chan's demographic.

>> No.1136352


what is the story of this book?

>> No.1136358


>> No.1136365

There's about 1.5 million books published every year. I doubt there's more than two dozen good books in there, many of which got a tiny print run and no reviews anywhere. In the end, the reader's choice is either to buy books pretty much at random and dredge through infinite amounts of crap to find a hidden gem, or simply rely on critics and read the "popular" stuff that you have inadvertently already heard of. So it's a pretty bad deal for the reader to attempt new books when there's a gigantic wealth of older, proven material waiting to be studied!

>> No.1136367

don't waste your breath...

>> No.1136370

Takes place in the 1960s. British family moves to some island filled with niggers in the Indian ocean. The mom starts acting depressed and bitchy because she misses England. The dad starts cheating on her with a hot native chick. The two loli daughters enjoy life in a tropical paradise even though their family is falling apart. Eventually the mom stops being a bitch and tries to win her husband back from the native chick. Supposedly the native chick is using magic (gris-gris) to make the father fall in love with her, but it's realistic fiction and it's possible that the magic doesn't do anything at all and it's all just a coincidence. Great setting and characters. Usually I hate books written by women, but this was great.

>> No.1136377


Your approach of refusing to read anything published after the 15th century isn't very good, either.

>> No.1136381


maybe those few good books are not push out there and many are turned down b/c the people who would like to read them instead of all the other crap are too busy reading dated, proven material.

Let's get behind some new books. Someone posted the windup girl a few weeks ago, go out and read that. There is this eden book here, /lit/ needs to go out and read that.

>> No.1136383

you do know Nabokov was last century right?

>> No.1136389
File: 73 KB, 299x400, wonka_fucks_shit_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creates 1000+ off-topic threads
>yet still tries to claim intellectual superiority over /lit/

>> No.1136400
File: 10 KB, 251x251, 1282353367097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only off-topic thread I ever posted was about Stagolee

>> No.1136405

>claims intellectual superiority
>isn't familiar with hyperbole

>> No.1136408


you are the worst tripfag on this board

added to ignore so i never have to read your shitty waste-of-time posts against

>> No.1136411


shut up man. You're turning this thread into an off topic number.

>> No.1136417

do note that that happens sometimes regardless of the content of my posts


>> No.1136421
File: 71 KB, 381x425, wonka_look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks nobel prize-winners, intellectual theists, and stagolee and Quinten threads are /lit/-related
GTFO bitch

>> No.1136422


/mu/ discusses new bands because cool kids know about new bands.
/lit/ discuss classics because yadda yadda yadda.

>> No.1136428
File: 2.09 MB, 379x281, 1280182154773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people on /lit/ still don't block cancerous tripfags

>> No.1136432

>nobel prize-winners
ugh, of course this is /lit/-related. More so than wish-list begging.

>intellectual theists
It's agreed upon that discussions like philosophy are allowed on this board since it's the closest to it.

I already admitted stag thread was off-topic but alot of us needed that emotional release. i gave us an outlet.

>> No.1136442
File: 27 KB, 261x221, wonka_gaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, Bitch. It's Off-topic


>> No.1136448

>can't refute argument
>resort to insults

>> No.1136454


You have not mentioned any of Gene Wilder's books. You, sir, are off topic.

>> No.1136460

if you had kept it to nobel prize in literature winners, then it would have been quite on topic.

>> No.1136466
File: 25 KB, 299x400, wonka_fucks_shit_up2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unable to accept that he spams shit
>implying Wonka can ever be off-topic

>> No.1136469

>if you had kept it to nobel prize in literature winners
It was that. My pic was of authors only & the statistics were about literature winners.

>> No.1136484
File: 22 KB, 261x221, wonka_gazee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to sage his own shit-tier fuckups
GTFO bitch

>> No.1136495

i don't understand what you're accusing me of so I'm gonna go now.

>> No.1136502

nobody else wants to contribute? one on-topic post ITT?

it's hard to type on ps3 but:

God Is Dead (FICTION!!!) by Ron Currie, jr 2007
not trolling christfags, if god came to earth in human form and was killed, how would Man react? narrative gathers pieces of that reaction worldwide. so good that i actually returned to bookstore and paid full price after browsing.

>> No.1136518


does he die completely? By that I mean did he give himself mortality and when that is over so is he?

That idea, if in that book, intrigues me. I shall ponder this. thanks anon

>> No.1136570

Sorry, OP.

We only talk about books that have been analyzed by critics for decades (at least), that way we don't sound dumb when we regurgitate the opinions we've been told to have.