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File: 109 KB, 490x318, Depositphotos_10537319_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11361233 No.11361233 [Reply] [Original]

The State of Genre Fiction Edition.
>how does it make you feel that litrpg will only rise in popularity?
>what would be your response to big publishing putting out litrpg?
>do you think that litrpgesque books are the future of the genre?
>last litrpg you read, how was it?



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>> No.11361246

hello I want a novel with a lot of cute and exotic waifus for the MC
no anime

>> No.11361250

Nyneave is like 29 or so.

>> No.11361257

What would be the least silly weapon for a female warrior to use?

>> No.11361258

Dropping my life's long reading list of fantasy and science fiction
Fantasy https://pastebin.com/raw/7Avvx7fz
Science Fiction https://pastebin.com/raw/KSmw8dsL

I think is finished. Any comment is welcome.

>> No.11361259


>> No.11361261

Poisoned wine

>> No.11361270

her wits

>> No.11361276

A sword, smaller than average.

>> No.11361318

I think litrpg is going to be labeled as problematic and sexist even though its readership is by and large extremely liberal.

A gun.

Failing that, some kind of spear.

>> No.11361326

All I know is that litrpgs are an easy way to make money and I'm going to cash in on the craze before the gravy train leaves.

>> No.11361333

> I think litrpg is going to be labeled as problematic and sexist
Well most of it is.

> its readership is by and large extremely liberal
wat? citation needed.

>> No.11361338

It's popular with the reddit crowd and reddit = liberal or whatever.

>> No.11361342


>> No.11361353

sanderfag a hack

>> No.11361356

you mean like dragonlance? i liked it. the first 6 books at least. it was wholesome and comfy.

>> No.11361365

how exotic? ants and orcs?

>> No.11361382
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>citation needed.
well the writers are, often you can tell by their looks and politics in the book. its that or guys who like to write as if its the 80s

>> No.11361385

is this disputed. his books always have major flaws and the only question is if the other stuff was good enough to make you ignore them

>> No.11361396

Daniel Black is LITRPGesque. He is far from liberal. He even laughed at at a democratic institution being inroduced [persons who read the series please correct if wrong].

>> No.11361398
File: 35 KB, 279x445, 51ptU4L3XnL._SY445_QL70_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude gets abducted by ayyliens and put on a planet with dinosaurs to survive. its ayyliens and monstergirls galore.

>> No.11361404

>"Got a new skill ! Time to go test it out!"
>Leaves his village
>Walks into the ancient nearby forest
>Finds the oldest, largest, most magestic tree

>> No.11361417

he is clearly a weeb having fun, one of the few fun books of the genre I read (and I read a lot). liberals are not the only ones in the genre, you get conservatives like Daniel Schinhofen, who are conservative about everything except getting their dick wet. you also get some guys in the middle

>> No.11361421

Why do they still keep stat sheets in audio books?
is it well written?

>> No.11361427

>is it well written?
i think so. its mostly about the survival aspect. i mean there are some sex scenes and obviously mc gets an alien girl harem but its really mostly focused on actually staying alive.

>> No.11361430

trees need to be exterminated. theyre the niggers of flora.

>> No.11361434
File: 469 KB, 2518x1024, 98gw62cv80vz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LitRPG: because lets suck all the tension out of a story by just having it be a video game.

>> No.11361437

literally the en tire ecosystem as well as all human civilization is built from trees

>> No.11361444


>> No.11361447

>author constantly uses onomatopoeia
never seen this done before reading Recluce

>> No.11361449

stinging nettle are the niggers of flora

>> No.11361455

>unchecked forests actually harm the ecosystem
>trees that grow too large sap the water and light from smaller plants that are more efficient in making oxygen
>trees carry infections in their fruit that they pass on to animals and humans
no trees are niggers and need to be removed.

>> No.11361456

Trees sitting there, growing for hundreds of years, having dozens of species of animals living in them or eating at their fruits/seeds, harming noone

And some RETARDED PROTAGONIST comes along to destroy them
For NO REASON either, they could punch anything ! But they chose to punch trees ..

>> No.11361462

fuck you trees.
you know what you did.
humanity wont forget.

>> No.11361467

well in some cases its one of those "you can die for real" video games. it being a video game does not mean you can't lose, it also means the main focus is the character intersections. how well it works depends on the writer. Thousand Tales: How We Won the Game is not a very good book (as far as I can tell) but its about a guy from some collectivist hell hole who has his brain digitized and is transformed into a griffin. often the concepts end up played out only because the authors make no effort to think up a new angle

>> No.11361485

Fuck you for providing life sustaining oxygen mother fucking trees

>> No.11361490
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Give me all your books on climbing mysterious structures/towers. I've got a list growing.

>> No.11361499

it is all a plot of the trees. humans use to be nearly immortal. but due to the forced intake of oxygen our bodies have grown used to oxygen which is actually harmful to us since it accelerates the aging process by constantly damaging our cells.
trees are are evil scum and have planned and successfully executed a longcon to diminish the glory of the human race.

>> No.11361501

I only know tower of druaga and dungeon seeker

>> No.11361516
File: 272 KB, 795x1200, alloy_map_1_world-webres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for books, not /a/. I wish Tower of God was good

>> No.11361521

>audible hopes you have enjoyed this program

>> No.11361528

I can think of books were characters are dungeons or dungeon lords but no tower shit, maybe 1 erotic cyoa

>> No.11361534

My own novel's over 80,000 words so far and I'm at the point where I'm wondering what the fuck I'm going to do with it when it's done.

Send it out to agents?
Self-publish on Amazon?
Cut it up and turn it into a web serial?
A combination of two of these? Maybe all three (in reverse order, I'd presume)?

The end goal is to make some money, obviously, but I'm not expecting big bucks.

>> No.11361536

>this book has been broken into 2 parts o make your download faster, you have reached the end of the part but not the end of the book

>> No.11361541

amazon self publishing is the best option for you. it probably wont sell gangbusters but it will net you starting capital so you can invest in marketing.

>> No.11361545

self publish and put parts on wattpad. If you have no connections publishing is out, if you have connections you could take a shit on a paper and it would get published, I have seen autists get published

>> No.11361546

web serial ofc

>> No.11361547
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What. I'm not specifically looking for litRPG or YA or something, this concept isn't all that rare but apparently it is more scarce than I think.

>> No.11361555

> some sex scenes
I think the author has toned the sex down a lot in the most recent books. Before it was smutrpg, now its just litrpg.

>> No.11361558
File: 761 KB, 526x904, K5YkyvE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a action movie that ends with a cut to this guy going DANG THOSE GRAPHICS WERE INTENSE.

>> No.11361566

meh, sex is what makes it worth reading.
like jumanji or ready player one?

>> No.11361571

What are some good superhero books?

>> No.11361572

Is this some spinoff of that garbage wildwastes?

>> No.11361576

Is Red Rising any good?

>> No.11361577


>> No.11361580


>> No.11361581


>> No.11361596

Helldiver fingers does it all

>> No.11361598

hell no. Its another story of nonsense societies with MC full of pointless rage and self importance

>> No.11361604
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>> No.11361623

Kavalier and Clay is the one standout out there, outside of that Viscous is alright and Wild Cards has some very good stuff and a lot of meh stuff (if nothing else read The Sleeper by Zelazny and the three other stories he did with the character).

For an outside shot Worm is good but it's a webnovel that would be the second longest novel ever if it counted so even though the quality is decent it's a massive investment.

It's really fun for a first read but I don't like the sequels as much and RR is very annoying to reread because of some of the plot twists.

>> No.11361627

Her tits.

And post 'em

>> No.11361632

Worm is the only decent one I read.

>> No.11361633

I read the first three and didn't notice any real tonal difference regarding sex. Are there more, or did you just get used to it?

>> No.11361637

That is more of a dr.doom vs religious reed Richards revenge plot

>> No.11361638

I just watched the first episode of Wakfu and the villains bled out a tree. Thought of you.

>> No.11361646

I imagine and Ent when treeposter posts.

>> No.11361675

how do the french do it? wakfu is as much fetish bait as totally spies was. how do they keep getting away with it?

>> No.11361687

So I've finally finished Swords and Deviltry, I'm kinda disappointed, It's the worst S&S book I've read so far.

But I noticed it was written after Swords Against Death, so the collection I'm reading isn't in publication order but chronological order, is the earlier stuff better?

>> No.11361689
File: 1.07 MB, 1545x1704, Screenshot_2018-06-22_21-00-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea but Islam will solve it I'm sure.

>> No.11361697

oh yeah i completely forgot that france and the uk are pretty much caliphates at this point.

>> No.11361715

t. 50% white America

>> No.11361719

I for one support this recent tree bashing 100%.
They make me claustrophobic.

>> No.11361726

>implying im an ameriturd
fat chance. im austiran and my country actually deports mudslimes and allows me to carry guns. the only thing i have to content with is jews. but they wont let their only safe haven in yurop fall.

>> No.11361728

There's barely any in book 4 and what there is is essentially just a one line "they slept together"

>> No.11361730

t. serb living in austria

>> No.11361731

honestly i dont mind that much like >>11361427 said im mostly reading it for the survival aspect.
that reminds me of kyonyuu fantasy. i watched the hentai intending to jerk off but stayed for the story and then i played the vn for the story. without even getting off once on it. its fucking weird.

>> No.11361735

>implying i have any part of shitskin in me.
hwyto ginger master raceo.

>> No.11361738

t. "white albanian"

>> No.11361742

are you compensating for something?

>> No.11361751

>t. turk living in austria

FTFY, serbs are genetically turkish.

>> No.11361798

Before I give you one.

You're not confusing liberal with leftist are you?

>> No.11361837

Her vagina, of course....

>> No.11361853


>> No.11361877

>I get all my news from disreputable online sources

>> No.11361887
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What if we stop being faggots and check out this insightful request >>11361490

>> No.11361934
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Give me ONE LitRPG to read.

>> No.11361935
File: 430 KB, 1589x2500, illo_shadows_for_silence.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody Loves Large Chests. Jump on the bandwagon. This is the actual monthly reading book.

>> No.11361942

consuming earths, devouring skies
updated 2-3 times daily

>> No.11361945

I read that up until the mage started masturbating in the dungeon and stopped.

>> No.11361948
File: 424 KB, 1588x2500, starchart_scadrial_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so you didn't read the book. Guess you need a refresher. :-DDDDDD

>> No.11361949
File: 56 KB, 386x500, 51u2C9ECedL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the cover art so fucking bad? Why do Fantasy/Sci-Fi covers suffer from this?

>> No.11361953

>As if I give a shit about what occurred in a shitty story about a mimic murdering dumbasses who come into a dungeon to fuck and boosting its arbitrary stats

>> No.11361957

yea maybe if it was a brother sister couple who were fucking, and the mimic raped them + impregnated both of them

that would be more to you're liking ?

>> No.11361959

Because cover art is expensive and self-publishing usually means the author can't afford the expense.

>> No.11361960
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>> No.11361962

A competent story would be.

>> No.11361966
File: 470 KB, 1588x2500, starchart_threnody_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read on a Kindle so I miss most cover art, unfortunately. It's also probably self-published so what are you expecting here?

>being this defensive over the internet
Lurk for at least two more years before posting, underageb&.

>> No.11361977

>You're underage if you call a litrpg shit

Letting amazon self-published garbage be discussed in these threads was a mistake. Rothfuss and GRRM are better than this.

>> No.11361986

>mfw I'm a physical plebeian so I can't read LitRPGs

What should I do? I don't want to get a Kindle.

>> No.11361991
File: 445 KB, 1364x2048, WoR_EPHEMERA_BRIDGE4_v_fmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries, friend. We have you covered.


>> No.11361998

Wait, you don't own a smart phone?

The entire series is available online at royal road.

Because gone are the days when one can get Frazetta tier art for $35.
Although if someone ever creates a gallery type website for connecting westeners with chinese digital artists this might change.

>> No.11362013

if you value your time dont read litrpgs

>> No.11362104
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>> No.11362109

>reading on a phone

>> No.11362111

Why are there no western magical girl books?

>> No.11362114

Because that is gay?

>> No.11362126

Onyx Boox guys, is an e-ink device to read e-books the patrician way. Is Android based so after that download F-Droid, is a secure software appstore, from there download "Document Viewer". It can do epub, pdf, cbz, etc.

>> No.11362157


>android based

>> No.11362158
File: 788 KB, 2048x1359, WoR_MAP-BATTLENARAK_v0_fmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night, /sffg/.
Somebody have me a download link for ELLC 2 by the time I wake up. :-)

>> No.11362185

where do you read then?

>> No.11362228

lol if you don't have your Spanish manservant Enrique hire a Franciscan monastery to transcribe your epubs as illuminated manuscripts

>> No.11362253

>not understanding what android gives
>not willing to pay 800 for an e-ink device
>using /pol/ level argument to discredit a product
Is plebeian bingo with you.

>> No.11362284

If you need a hero, you did the right thing. If you don't mind a little cheerful amorality then stick with it. It's fun.

>> No.11362297
File: 55 KB, 1008x720, 1521264883320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's not. Fuck it, I'll write it. The protagonist will be a 12 year old black girl who lives on !Earth in !Detroit. Her honest,humble,and hardworking father is shot coming home from work by his fellow people of color who resort to crime thanks to the marginalization and discrimination of their people.

This traumatizes her to the point where she enters a fever dream and is travels a landscape of 5th dimensional creatures that breaks down the very concept of reality in her mind. Once she wakes up she finds a tattoo on her chest and that she's far more acrobatic and faster than before.

On the day she has to testify for court she's kidnapped by the men in the gang that shot her father. After taking beatings from them and believing she'll die while they walk free to harm more people the tattoo shines and she transforms. She uses her power (allows her to swap the existence of two people as long as she touches them. If she touched a successful banker and a drug dealer they'd take each others place in life and reality would rewrite itself to accommodate) to swap her existence with the gangsters and causes them to kill each other.

She over exerts her power and passes out and finds herself in a hideout of another magical girl (who has the power to deliver punches that delivers a specific feeling that she's experienced). It turns out that magical girls like her have deeper ties to the city, and world, and she's upset the local magical girls who have their hand in the criminal underworld of !Detroit.

>> No.11362302

You forgot to mention climate change

>> No.11362309

I wouldn’t be friends with you nerds if anyone paid me. Your books are shit snd anything you have to say is shit. If i were forced to be around you in person i would find sn excuse to leave as soon as i could. Why you fucking losers are allowed to stalk me is a fucking mistery to me.

>> No.11362344
File: 106 KB, 960x638, you(you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why are you here?

>> No.11362379
File: 77 KB, 500x410, all-these-flavors-and-you-choose-to-be-salty-meme-19251969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11362434

I'd link you a genetics chart, but you've probably seen it 100 times by now being either a catholic serb in denial or a literal shitskin.

>> No.11362437
File: 120 KB, 1013x1520, 1529667424225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have this yet?

Real sure it's gonna suck.

>> No.11362442

Just read the first book.

Absolutely amazing, the only litRPG I've truly enjoyed.

>> No.11362448

theres no way a book with this good of a cover can be good
>self published
theres no way. someone read it just to confirm

>> No.11362665

Going by the Amazon preview it seems fairly average, but I'll give it a point for a ghost (the flumph looking thing on the cover apparently) annoying the protagonist by sticking it's ghostly tentacles through her head.

>> No.11362669

Also the book does have a editor listed.

>> No.11362682

something good with magic academy arc please
and no romance if possible

>> No.11362696

harry potter

>> No.11362697

he said something good

>> No.11362702
File: 350 KB, 1315x2001, 81F5hjf8qbL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody read this? I'm a huge fan of Wayne Barlowe's paintings, but i'm a bit hesitant in thinking that he'll be a good writer

>> No.11362728

which of these have you read and liked?


>> No.11362807

It's just the author using a different name.

>> No.11362815

Heart stopped when I saw this picture. I fucking loved it and it's probably my favorite book on Hell and demons in general. I can say Wayne Barlowe is just as talented at writing as he is at painting. Marvelous descriptions of battles and very human, compelling characters, nothing is cliche at all and it's like a breath of fresh, sulfurous, warm air in an otherwise underrated genre of fiction taking place in Hell.

>> No.11363013

Seinlen ascends or sufficiently advanced fit pretty well.

Tower of god inspired me to read these because of towers.

>> No.11363026


>> No.11363117

Sorry, I miswrote. I meant tits.

>> No.11363170
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>> No.11363219
File: 68 KB, 325x499, nonstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading Non-Stop by Brian Aldiss.

Really enjoying it thus far, about a 3rd in. Anyone else read this?

>> No.11363256

>Female warrior
It'll suck

>> No.11363292
File: 66 KB, 647x594, 1529674661070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jay is a giant whingey faggot cuck

>> No.11363297

I was thinking the same thing, that cover art. wow.

I'm trying to read it right now, hellscape literature is my jam.

>> No.11363309

dragonlance any good?

>> No.11363311

wtf is litrpg?

As in a sourcebook for rpg? As in novels based on rpg? What?

That shit has already been around for years and decades.

>> No.11363313

self publishing also means its garbage

>> No.11363317

one of Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space short stories

>> No.11363332
File: 63 KB, 620x899, image041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahh fuck, didn't see that.

They're just stories that use a strict adherence to video game mechanics.

>> No.11363344

Litrpg = Western Isekai Light Novels. I don't know they're being shilled so heavily though, did we get linked to from Reddit again?

The first couple are extremely mediocre then it goes massive downhill.

>> No.11363351

>Litrpg = Western Isekai Light Novels. I don't know they're being shilled so heavily though, did we get linked to from Reddit again?
i think its the lack of interesting new books. i dont know why but nowadays everything seems to be formulaic. not that litrpgs arent but their settings tend to be unusual. i also appreciate how the people that read them know what they want and arent lording over people how their choice of fiction is superior to others. they know what they want and discuss it without pissing of other people by acting like snobs. i can appreciate that.

>> No.11363378

It's like a let's play of World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG in written form. And that includes the loot so you will have the character deciding on what gear he wants to wear and talking about items of rare/epic/legendary quality.

Maybe try to use capital letters and apostrophes.

>> No.11363390

Yea if only ToG was good, amirite

>> No.11363391

>Maybe try to use capital letters and apostrophes.
Where do you think you are?

>> No.11363395

where do you think you are?

>> No.11363396

"The quality of posts is extremely important to this community."

>> No.11363407
File: 128 KB, 231x353, 16096824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not that litrpgs arent but their settings tend to be unusual

>> No.11363424

Any litrpg authors that graduated Magna Cum Laude?

>> No.11363443
File: 77 KB, 640x643, The queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not.
That would require some actual smarts.

>> No.11363486

Why is Robert Jordan so bad at portraying nobility fairly? They're all just a bunch of cartoons.

>> No.11363497
File: 38 KB, 310x490, High-Rise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically High-Rise fits this bill

>> No.11363578

Dragonlance managed to stay consistently decent throughout most of its main books.

>> No.11363599

I read a bunch of it when I was twelve or so. The main series and the twins stuff were alright but it's not something I've ever returned to.

>> No.11363690

>Responding to obvious bait

>> No.11363706

>not using ghost tentacles on her vagina
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.11363782

Does anyone have good quality Farseer trilogy PDFs?

Gen.Lib only has EPUB omni and tetris quality PDFs.

>> No.11363790

why do you need pdfs? w10 can open epubs natively if you don't want to use a standalone application

>> No.11363796

I have stone age e-book reader. :<

>> No.11363806

try http://b-ok.xyz/s/?q=farseer+pdf

>> No.11363816

Wow, thanks - didn't know about that site.

>> No.11363834

can we make our own /sffg/ epub collection? mega or google drive?

>> No.11363867

>mega or google drive?
Those options get reported by assholes and the account banned.
The solution is a private server but no one wants to host it and pay for it.

>> No.11363934

I read it, was pretty great

>> No.11364233
File: 346 KB, 1375x2048, WoR_SKETCHBOOK-LAIT_fmt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boxxy T. Morningwood
>accidentally the ENTIRE village
Welp that was a fun end

>> No.11364237

>The author of the beloved Kushiel novels returns to epic fantasy with a whole new adventure. Chosen at birth to be a shadow—one bonded to the Sun-Blessed Princess Zariya of the House of the Ageless, and sworn to protect her—Khai has spent his whole life in the desert, preparing for his role. As his presentation to the princess draws near, however, Khai discovers he is actually bhazim—born genetically female, and raised as a male


>> No.11364271

people here report piracy?

>> No.11364277

thats a weird looking dog

>> No.11364282

Yes, I blame /v/edditors crossposters though. We literally have a board to share illegal stuff but only /v/ seems to defend corporations rabidly and report and humiliate people who pirate games. /a/, /tv/, /mu/ nobody gives a fuck about piracy except /v/

>> No.11364292

it has autism

>> No.11364293
File: 45 KB, 318x457, 27838712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody tried this?

>> No.11364302

>report and humiliate people who pirate games
we're not games though, i like to see something like this but /sffg/ approved

>> No.11364315

I'm just saying don't be surprised if the account get banned, that's all (I hope it doesn't though)

>> No.11364348
File: 399 KB, 1500x1500, williamgibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Gibson a hack? When I read his Sprawl books, the only one I ever did like was Neuromancer, but not as much as everyone else seems to love it. Count Zero and Mona Lisa Overdrive had a couple of cool ideas, but they were really dull and went nowhere with their stories. He seems to do the science part of science fiction alright, but when it comes down to giving them a story, it just falls flat.
Is it because I'm a bit too late with his books, and they've really lost their "WOW, HE PREDICTED X BEFORE X??"-factor that every brainlet seems to praise him for?

>> No.11364372


>> No.11364415

We post pleb filters of series.

>> No.11364423
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>> No.11364477
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>> No.11364480
File: 41 KB, 570x428, williamgibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, definitely one of the best prose stylists in the genre, but prone to the convoluted plots, vaporware, overly happy endings, often desperately whoring for the 'new cool'; didn't really stayed punk enough but never went to edginess and reddit. actually, one of the rare sf writers I'm not ashamed to read. but if upcoming book - agency is bad as it's synopsis then I'm out.

>> No.11364488
File: 122 KB, 463x738, 1462138615577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you use a file converter?

You could have read the sticky on /lit/, instead you had to let another hand feed a site that's literally mentioned in it.
Kill yourself.

>> No.11364542

Agency is probably gonna be his most dystopian cyberpunk work yet, based Gibson

>> No.11364565
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>> No.11364568

Hi. I need help. I remember reading a book series, like 15 years ago when I was 7-9 years old. It was medieval setting and the main characters were... err, animals - rodents, mainly.

>> No.11364573
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>> No.11364577


>> No.11364596
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22 books

>> No.11364670
File: 291 KB, 1522x2339, 81mu7jmrWnL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished reading Solaris for the /sffg/ reading group and have a couple of questions:

>what happened with Sartorious? You never hear about him after the things stop appearing near the end

>what was the deal with the straw hats?

>> No.11365230

I'm a fan of the Burning Chrome collection, Neuromancer, and Count Zero. Mona Lisa Overdrive was cashgrabby but I still liked it. Then I hated all three Bridge novels. Ok, hate's a strong word but I only kept reading them to see if there was anything I liked but nope. He changed his prose and I had zero connection to the plot and protagonists. I did like Pattern Recognition but haven't read anything else yet.

You'll get tired of them long before book 22.

>> No.11365381

She may be around 29 but she’s written like she’s closer to 14

>> No.11365495

I really really liked the 3rd book of the Three-Body Problem
That entire series was so fun, and I really felt I learnt somethings about China, at least
So weird how it went from sort of realistic thriller-thing, to super abstract and just messing around

One thing that always bugs me in sci fi, when thing leaves "marks" on space-time, why would they follow the exact planets/solar systens they where made by around.
I feel such things shouldn't move around with orbiting systems, rather be grounded deeper in the layers of space, really makes no sense that a stain on spacetime should follow your planet around, when it could move about and at least are spinning in orbit, around a sun that is spinning in orbit in orbit of some galaxy

I just don't get the fixed points in space scifi sometimes got, when there really are no space coordinates as I think, everything is just in motion relative to everything else

>> No.11365499

>More importantly, it gave her the opportunity to test her new hammer out on trees,

This fucking author....

>> No.11365503


>> No.11365507

Whoever writes everyone loves large chests

>> No.11365510

Was a very interesting book, Peter Watt's Freeze Frame heavily borrows from the idea of a generation starship's forest transforming into a mutated ecosystem out of control, I recommend you read that next.

>> No.11365511 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 579x768, DLYoKnhUQAAMMJZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't?

>> No.11365537

Blue board faggot. Enjoy your month off of 4chan.

>> No.11365541

does people look at this and think; yeah this is hot, no one will be put off by trying to figure out if it's supposed to be hilariously edited or just a total subtlety fail

>> No.11365551

every loves fat women

>> No.11365641

We are never told what happens and never told why the hat. Those are only two in the long long list of things that the story drops to instead talk about reading books in the library.

>> No.11365750
File: 186 KB, 500x635, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. Thanks.

>> No.11365776
File: 120 KB, 1000x500, der_totengraebersohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff is really great
too bad it's not available in english

>> No.11365878

>not using an android tablet

>> No.11365901

Maybe anon doesn't want to go blind by 30

>> No.11366053

>unironically not reducing the bright
Maybe he won't go blind if he has brain matter in his head.

>> No.11366060

t. audiobooker

>> No.11366065

>deaf at age 30 from too many audio books

life is rough for a dedicated "reader"

>> No.11366066

Nice try brainlet but wrong. Why don't you go do some research before you spout nonsense on the internet.

>> No.11366073

>hurf durf audiobooks are bad
Kill yourselves

>> No.11366080

I have android tablets, e-readers, and physical books. Anyone who'd read on a tablet over an e-reader is batshit.
wow, lacking in reading comprehension
imagine that

>> No.11366094

>Anyone who'd read on a tablet over an e-reader is batshit
I have to agree with that.

>> No.11366179

I've listened to over a thousand audiobooks and i will be 30 next year, still not deaf.

>> No.11366216

What was "the entertainment" that finally did the deed?

>> No.11366227

Foundation by Asimov, there is nothing more pretentious and overrated than that
Golden age my ass, more like the jewish age, mirite

>> No.11366231

Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.11366269

No, you're not right. It's Edward Gibbon meets American exceptionalism. The scrappy can-do American upstart rebuilding civilization after the old world collapse and skipping over the dark age to boot.

The only jewey part is the last volume, but that was written in the eighties.

>> No.11366307
File: 1.59 MB, 400x287, 1503088655006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I just finished BotNS for the first time. Feel like I need a cigarette and a cold shower. Does it get better than this?

>> No.11366331

>Does it get better than this?


Reading it a second time, then wrapping up with Urth of the New Sun.

>> No.11366390

>escaping from an underground prison through a dark blind cave
>while around naked with a girl
The absolute madman.

>> No.11366428

racism against trees is hilarious

>> No.11366437


yo did u dudes ever hear this song, rush is kinda gay but its not a bad tale of class conflict in the forest u feel

>> No.11366444

Is not even pro-industrialism.

>> No.11366446

>rush is kinda gay
No, fuck you and your shit taste in music.
Rush is great.

>> No.11366516

>rush is gay
Fuck off /mu/

>> No.11366519

I've read it. His writing is fine.

>> No.11366524


bros u'll never get to have sexual intercourse with literary qts if u admit to listening to libertarian prog rock bands

>> No.11366530

I'm asex and I already have a gf

>> No.11366532

Ok faggot, I wasn't going to see what that video is about. If by any means is bearable I am going to return here and laugh at your /pol/ tier post.

>> No.11366539

Nig, i'm so lit when i walk into a library panties in a 3 mile radius just evaporate.

>> No.11366541

bro t's over q t's

>> No.11366543

wat? u get buttblasted when someone insults rush but don't even know the song "the trees"?

>> No.11366563

It was bearable, fuck off.

>> No.11366587

If it weren't for my backlog, I'd be re-reading BotNS right now.

Also, a friend recommended Jack Vance. Is he "read sometime in the future"-tier, or "buy a copy and stay up late right now"-tier?

>> No.11366697

He's one of my fave reccs from here.

>> No.11366747

>Everybody Loves Large Chests
Is volume 2 up somewhere? Nothing on mobilism.

>> No.11366758

It's a webnovel, google it

>> No.11366793

to be fair the volumes are much better than the novel. they have actual editing and proofreading.

>> No.11366797

Search for it on royal road you faggot.

>> No.11366803

sure but the webnovel is way ahead

>> No.11366808

I couldn't find one either on mobilism or bibliotik. I might end up buying it once I sift through my current backlog.

>> No.11366839


>> No.11366932

Sounds like an interesting relationship, anon.

>> No.11366961

I think you guys should visit some the novelties in 4chan like the CYOA thread on /tg/ >>>/tg/60488555
Choose Your Own Adventure authors dwell there and might even accept requests.

>> No.11367139

>going to nu/tg/

>> No.11367141


>> No.11367151

Implying what exactly?

>> No.11367159

You first mr. shitposter.

>> No.11367167

/tg/ isnt what it used to be.
>hfy threads are just reposts no original content anymore
>elf threads happen only to sexualize the elf never to discuss proper treatment of your elf slaves or how to get them down from trees if they dont wanna come down
>actual /tg/ discussion is plagued with sjw cancer and kikestarter drama about which new meme game system to use
>no more settlers of catan threads
>no more threads about breaking game systems or expsing flaws that send gms and game makers into panic mode
>no more unlich the unmaker campaigns

yeah nah /tg/ a shit.

>> No.11367172

>implying the elf threads are the only kind of creature discussion
>implying there is not a new regular general now for boardgames like catan
>implying there is not a new regular thread about system design

Yeah, nah, you are just shitposting.

>> No.11367180

/tg/ is nothing but generals now. It's /vg/, wallowing in its own shit, but at least /vg/ knows it. /tg/ still tries to meme about "getting shit done!!" but it doesn't actually get shit done anymore. It's just the same people endlessly circlejerking about the same shit. Any hope for it actually progressing died when /qst/ was born.

>> No.11367187

>"/tg/ has no more discussion I supposedly like"
"/tg/ has too much I supposedly like in another post"

Fuck off.

>> No.11367190 [DELETED] 

I have an easy solution for you.
You have to go back.

>> No.11367192

We're two different people, mate. It's shocking, I know, but more than one person can like or dislike something.

>> No.11367197

Are proxies allowed on 4chan?

>> No.11367200

Why is genre fiction such utter shit? I used to love it..

>> No.11367211

Are you hating everything just to be contrarian or is a regular jobs?

>> No.11367214

Because history hasn't weeded them out yet. The genre fiction that stands the test of time gets upgraded to literary status.

>> No.11367217

Hmm.. That makes perfect sense, but I feel like I've read all the worthwhile Golden Age science fiction..

>> No.11367228

They think it elevates them when it only makes them look like petulant children in the middle of a hissy fit

>> No.11367231

No, I just want really good stuff that I haven't read already.

>> No.11367241

>tfw the translator aren't updating new chapters on time
fucking fuck

>> No.11367247
File: 145 KB, 770x900, angery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"""golden age"""

>> No.11367248

I get why people read litrpg sometimes you just want some garbage that is somewhat entertaining.
But I don't understand why they shill it so much.

>> No.11367252

Okay buddy, whatever you meme.

>> No.11367261

learn the language pleb

>> No.11367268
File: 12 KB, 258x258, pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off /outerlit/

>> No.11367270

Maybe they are insecure about reading garbage?
Like every other hysterically insecure poster on /lit they should be reading the most obscure of classics instead of reading genre fiction written by some dude who has a hate boner for trees.
Truly baffling.

>> No.11367271

>learn chinese
yeah after 5-7 years i'll finally got to read the new chapters

>> No.11367279

it's a novel but for "gamers"
thats why they shill it so much

>> No.11367280

Who even wants to learn the language of insect people?

>> No.11367285

False dilemma.
In reality pretty much everything is quickly of higher quality than litrpg.
That includes the latest Anne Rice novel.

>> No.11367295

its probably because there isnt much coming out fast. notice how most novels take countless months and sometimes even years to come out?
most of the amazon crowd or the litrpg types seem to turn out a book every other months or so.
i dont think its about the content or the quality of the book. it probably rather is about the act of reading something anything that is released consistently.

>> No.11367297
File: 709 KB, 1393x1800, Vampirella-1-PG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>latest Anne Rice novel
While I mostly agree with you:
>Blood Communion: A Tale of Prince Lestat
that's taking it a bit too far. Gay vampires, excuse me, pansexual vampires are very much litrpg.

>> No.11367309

A gun.

>> No.11367315

a male warrior

>> No.11367316

one of the reasons for sanderson's popularity

>> No.11367320
File: 454 KB, 1280x1024, 1392762942421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never, never, never ever be another Starfist book.

Nine years later and I'm still mad.

>> No.11367325

>2000 fantasy novels released each year
>its probably because there isnt much coming out fast.
And maybe try to put some efforts in your posts, mouth-breather.

>> No.11367326

yea but he's churning out better quality than webnovel shits

>> No.11367333

Yeah, but those are mostly just Tolkien-esque copypastes.

>> No.11367346

Tolkien-ripoffs like Eragon haven't been a majority of fantasy releases since the early 90s.
YA has completely driven Tolkien away. And with the growing popularity of WoT, aSoIaF and the like Tolkien has further become a lesser presence.
And if you include Sci-Fi then there have always been plenty of options.
There are hundreds of review sites, thousands of novels released each year, saying something like "its probably because there isnt much coming out fast." or "Yeah, but those are mostly just Tolkien-esque copypastes." just reeks of idiocy.

>> No.11367357

>Tolkien-ripoffs like Eragon haven't been a majority of fantasy releases since the early 90s.

>Implying 90% of Fantasy isn't swords and spells and orcs and humans and elves and dwarves n' shit

Clearly you don't pay much attention.

>> No.11367361

i think by coming out fast he meant the continuation of one series, by reading one book this month, next month new book already came out
something like that

>> No.11367367
File: 55 KB, 316x475, doorsofstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is it coming out, bros?

>> No.11367368
File: 130 KB, 743x288, throne-of-glass-series-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wants an original series.
>Not reading Throne of Glass.
What's your excuse?

>> No.11367379

has that fuck even started writing it?

>> No.11367386
File: 614 KB, 1520x720, uEJZfIy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11367396

i have it on my library just waiting for the right time

>> No.11367399

>Follows the same sort of naming scheme as RR Martin shit
>Super edgy pail elf looking thing


Somehow, I doubt it.

>> No.11367400

>writing in .doc

>> No.11367403

literally my character in skyrim

>> No.11367405

This, also learn to use Vim.

>> No.11367415

vim might be too much for non programmer

>> No.11367432

I guess you are right. To be honest I haven't picked up Emacs org-mode and use GJots2 instead, is a good writer and outliner I use for all of my writings. Easy to use too.

PS: Not a programmer or even a sysadmin myself but came to love the fast editing from vi-like programs.

>> No.11367507

Does anyone know of any non feudal fantasy with a Borgia, Medici-esque focus on competing families focusing on money and position.

I'm reading Luna series by Ian Mcdonald and surprised i can't recall much fantasy along similar lines.

>> No.11367528

only if he writes in latex.
i a friend of mine is writing articles and short stories for papers and magazines. he does everything only in latex.

>> No.11367546

There was a quest thread called "omnipotence quest" about an omnipotent mage quelling his boredom by fucking with mortals that was hands down one of the best written stories I had seen that year.

It's a shame that the release of dnd 5th edition ruined everything.

>> No.11367594
File: 13 KB, 180x273, 6726568-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also enjoyed the McDonald stuff but don't think there really is something so close in fantasy that focuses on feuding trading or banking houses. Which is a shame. I would totally read a novel about the internal and external machinations of the Iron Bank.

There is this however if you don't mind historical fiction.

>> No.11367614

>listening to the audiobook of the sequel
>the narrator pronounces futa with a Brazilian accent, as a Brazilian word.

>> No.11367628
File: 214 KB, 1280x960, QXvefQZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think futas would be more popular in litrpg.

>> No.11367640
File: 515 KB, 1588x2500, starchart_roshar_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I don't want to read it online. I want to download vol 2 for my Kindle so I can not read it on my screen.

Meh for me, this is a one-off surprise and I don't plan to get involved in litRPG and whatnot on a regular basis.

>> No.11367641

Any /sffg/ related books written in present tense?

>> No.11367644

>Yeah I don't want to read it online. I want to download vol 2 for my Kindle so I can not read it on my screen.
put the jar in a folder then open a console window and type in
java -jar "filename of the jar" http://royalroadl.com/fiction/8894
it will download all the chapters skip updates or messages and put it all in an epub with chapters.

>> No.11367645
File: 132 KB, 1024x967, futuristic_sci_fi_soldier_dude_by_robbiemcsweeney-d8568eo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend something that goes with this image

>> No.11367648

this one is better, chrome and firefox extension just open the royalroadl page and click on the add on

>> No.11367649

oh small mistake its saved as html file that you have to convert with html2pdf or calibre.
i just pipe the output of the file into html2pdf and specify epub instead since im a lunixfag and can do cool stuff like piping

>> No.11367650
File: 292 KB, 765x1225, Embedded-front-144dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embedded by Dan Abnett.
It's a nice, not too soft on the science, fun, mil sci-fi romp.

>> No.11367653

Well okay. Any of you know which chapter the first book left off of, off the top of your heads? I'll go check anyway.

>> No.11367656

Does Linux prevent you from using capital letters?
12 year old Pablo.

>> No.11367659

>being this autistic about capital letters
Not him but you are in the wrong neighborhood.

>> No.11367662
File: 2 KB, 167x22, WEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is 6:30 in the morning and what in the actual fuck do you niggers have me doing? Why is this so long? Why does everything feel like it has to be so fucking long these days?

Not him but please lurk for at least two more years before posting, newfag.

>> No.11367668

Who are you calling newfag, newfag.

>> No.11367672

>capitalizing and proper gramer
>on 4chan of all places
its like you have been here for the first time
lurk moar faggot

>> No.11367673

"The quality of posts is extremely important to this community."

>> No.11367675

No it isn't. Otherwise we all wouldn't be here. Think about it.

>> No.11367676

1. Not the same thing.
2. Wut? is like grammer iS importan suddnely

Don't make me keep going.

>> No.11367681


>> No.11367684

do people read warhammer40k? if so where do i start

>> No.11367687

I wish, nothing of quality so far tho.

>> No.11367690

heres your (you)

>> No.11367693

Writing in proper form shows you care about the quality of your post.
Somebody who can't be bothered with the basic shouldn't be posting at all.

>> No.11367695


>> No.11367698

>>11367693 (you)

>> No.11367700

Dude, he just used small caps.

>> No.11367717

What's your most basic criteria for a fantasy novel? Personally I look at the first few pages and if I see a dumb fantasy name that I can't easily know how to pronounce or that sounds stupid and made-up then I don't read the book.

>> No.11367727

I read the first chapter, if it's meandering I'll drop it.

>> No.11367748

Like I've said before westerners aren't used to the concept of disposable literature, we don't read for "fun" any more.

>> No.11367752

Reading crap isn't fun.

>> No.11367760

Define "shill"

>> No.11367772

I can answer that for him. He means "anyone pushing/enjoying something i do not enjoy"

>> No.11367782

It's difficult consuming Shakespeare while on the train or noisy environment, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.11367827
File: 41 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I've said before westerners aren't used to the concept of disposable literature, we don't read for "fun" any more.

>> No.11367890

Oh. You got banned for the naked woman on a blue board and now you're evading?

>> No.11367946

new thread juseyo

>> No.11367967

we're still on page 4.

>> No.11368096

Has anyone here have read "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Le Guin?

>> No.11368122

We don't read anything written by women, sorry.

>> No.11368199

>tfw you really hate the cocky author but he write some good stuff

>> No.11368295

I'm gonna read it, thanks
here's the link if anyone is interested

>> No.11368303
