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/lit/ - Literature

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11358761 No.11358761 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good /lit/ if I want to get /out/ more?

I mean outdoorsman guides, travel literature, poems about nature etc

>> No.11358780
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Lake Isle of Innisfree by Yeats
Romantics are pretty /out/
Robert Frost has some good ones too
Half of being out is just getting up and doing it, not reading about it. I'm not telling you to go and climb Everest on your first time out, it's a bit like building a fire: start with the tinder (easy walks on the beach, through forests, swims in lakes etc) then onto some thicker kindling (multi day hikes, hunting) then you add the logs once the fire has enough heat (once you've built up enough skill from the cumulative time you've spent out)

>> No.11358785
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yeah I'm looking into getting more /out/ over summer

I've done my Duke of Edinburgh (up to silver), and I went trekking in Nepal years ago, so I still got some good memories from that

Plan today is to just go walk out in the countryside and bring a book with me; I know the area so even if I get a bit lost (which I kind of hope I do) I can make my way home. Recently it dawned on me that on days off I can just spend the whole day out in the country, reading books and shit

>> No.11358964
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Whereabouts in the world are you? I'm assuming brit/aus because of DoE. The reason I ask is because I recommend the ocean as an underrated /out/ location. Secluded cliffs and coves are pretty comfy to chill in, good for reading too. Surfing isn't exactly lit friendly but the time in between sets (anywhere from 30 seconds to 10 minutes) can give you a lot of time alone with your thoughts, completely removed from technology

>> No.11358976

Now, I don't know where you live, but the best option is to just go. I used to,ive in a farly large city but at least a forest was never more than 30 minutes with bus away.

>> No.11359003

Pan and Growth of the Soil by Hamsun
A Hunter's sketchbook by Turgenev

>> No.11359045
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I live in England, down in a coastal town of Dorset.

But yeah I'm gonna go walkabouts today, bring a copy of Wolfe with me and take note of what's out there and what I ought to bring next time round. There's lots of quiet beaches around as well, so I might just go monging out floating on the water some times.


>> No.11359074
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Nice bruv, go well

>> No.11359088

Bushcraft by Mors Kochanski is the best.
His videos and pamphlets are also incredible for knowledge.
May not be quite as useful since you are in England, but almost everything is derived from it as the methods he uses are generally applicable. Cody Lundin, for example, is one of his students and applied the lessons to the desert.
The Wilderness Survival Guide by Joe O'Leary is a more recent book by a British author. I thought it was quite good.
The Tent Dwellers is a classic about fishing in Nova Scotia.
Can't really think of any stories specific to England though. Perhaps some of the bushcraft forums would have specific local information, and maybe some of the Ray Mears shows mention them.

>> No.11360226
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OP here. Just been out for a good five hours. Fucking hell going /out/ is great. Been out along the coastal fields, cliffs, woods, and beaches today. Didn't read too much as the views I found at reading spots were good enough, but I did spot a good few quiet places to read at. Pic related: obligatory look at me I'm read a book image; good little spot that.

>> No.11360322

Anglos are slime and shouldn’t be allowed in nature, not that they have racial instincts to be in nature

>> No.11360335
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Whatever you say, American mutt or mainlander poof.

>> No.11361050
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>> No.11361063
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>> No.11361065

I think you may be missing the point...

>> No.11361066
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>> No.11361074

I know obviously to get out you gotta get out, but by /out/ I also mean learning about /out/ (as in the board and activity) related stuff

>> No.11361092
File: 563 KB, 3510x1620, good cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Sand County Almanac is like the bible of environmentalism

Desperate Journeys, Abandoned Souls: True Stories of Castaways and Other Survivors

In a Patch of Fireweed: A Biologist's Life in the Field

The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness, and Greed

The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature

Camping and Woodcraft by Horace Kephart

Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West

Hail, fellow /outlit/!

>> No.11361115

Rachel Carson's books are good

>> No.11361145

Thanks. I think it's cute Hojoki was included, as it ended with him unhappily realising that he had just became attached to the idea of being a hermit and living the cozy off-grid lifestyle.

/out/ wise I've explored a fair chunk (but still small, which is good) chunk of the coast nearby, next up I'm heading to the woods

>> No.11361749


>> No.11361860

Try England Have My Bones by TH White.