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11357522 No.11357522 [Reply] [Original]

holy cringe.

>> No.11357560

what's that even mean? they're like 11, regardless, so of course it's silly

>> No.11357566

youll have to forgive me, it took only the first eschaton section for me to abandon this tome of ineptitude.

>> No.11357569

Plagiarized from Donny D, m8...

>> No.11358426


>> No.11358427

He's saying it's derivative of Don Delillo- another very bad writer.

>> No.11358450

>summer just started
>another fucking infinite jest thread

>> No.11358497

im also at that point. are you on the 200 a week schedual aswell?

>> No.11358532


Why is this cringeworthy? I like people who read big books in the summer.

>> No.11358535

i like people who read big books other than the most memed big book to ever exist in the summer
nobody reading IJ this summer, which is apparently this summer's ultimate meme book, none of these guys have ever read Don Quixote, Tristram Shandy, Ulysses, or Moby-Dick. none of these guys have ever read any of those books

>> No.11358565


Who the even cares? It's not like the literary canon is a TV series and if you miss the first episode you don't understand anything of the following ones. He can read and enjoy IJ and then go back to the classics. Yes, he'll may miss some references but if to enjoy a novel you need to have read the entire canon every time, I guess we'll enjoy very little of our contemporaries.
Let the guy read what he wants, then he'll go back to other classics, if he likes. There is nothing bad with someone engaging with a difficult book.

>> No.11358580

Did this post just, dare I say, BTFO /lit/ eternally?

>> No.11358585

t. /r/books

>> No.11358590

I can't speak for the other guy but I've never been on reddit. You seem to know morw about it Perhaps you are projecting.

>> No.11358600

>cringing at one of the only parts of goodhearted fun
>not cringing at wardine be cry

Stop trying to be contrarian summerfag

>> No.11358604

go back to r eddit

i read ij before i read any other book that could be considered literature and suffered for it, for example orin's final scene simply did not parse to me, i didnt understand what was going on.

youre supposed to have read and digested 1984 and understood its place as a zeitgeist cliche for this part of the novel to make sense

>> No.11358605

is the ingerscroll fiasco a metaphore for descriptive/perscriptive usage? its a subject DFW is well versed in and it does have analogs such as pemulius' argument that bending the rules will lead to emotions clouding the understanding of the gane

>> No.11358611

That's several Shakespeare plays you could read instead of this memetrash, and yet you chose not to do that.

>> No.11358613
File: 5 KB, 201x250, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M-muh metaphors!

>> No.11358631

If you've completed Infinite Jest and still indulge in cringe culture, the novel has failed you. You wasted your time reading, you emotionally immature wreck.

>> No.11358637

emotions must be slain mercilessly

>> No.11358638
File: 151 KB, 564x314, nukem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you cringing at ssomething this funny. its like the end of dr strangelove with children.

>> No.11358644

Underrated post.

>> No.11358657


Why is Delillo bad? What's wrong with White Noise? It perfectly telegraphs the mood of living in the US after mass electronic media, which is what good satire does

>> No.11358680


I think you can perfectly understand what is going on in that scene even without having read the other novel. It's your problem if you didn't, the atmosphere of the scene should be enough, the reference makes the atmosphere clearer but it's not essential to get it. Even Joyce said that the references in Ulysses were not the essential part of it.
Also, if what you said was true, we should simply give up reading ancient literature. We possess only 1% of what was written in the ancient world: should this prevent us from enjoying that literature? Take Aeschilus, Sophocles and Euripides - we mainly have Greek tragedies from them and fragments, which is an incredibly little portion of the totality of Greek tragedies written. We are in no position to catch all the potential references of those works, and yet we still enjoy reading them.
You don't need to have read everything else to enjoy a book, nor to read the canon in order. You need it if you are a scholar, but most of us aren't - nor shouldn't be. I like the ironic bullying atmosphere of this place insofar as it pushes you to read more, but I think this way of talking about books - as if there were books you NEED to have read - is extremely stupid if taken seriously. No books need to be read. Novels are there to give you a personal aesthetic experience. If you get something beyond that is because your objectives are different - you want to be a writer, for instance, or a scholar - but the novel, as well as art in general, does not require to be studied.
Reading is not like playing a videogame, where you need to beat low level bosses before you can defeat the big ones. This is the pseud mentality of people who think there is some "final goal" to the act of reading, and read to reach something else instead of reading because the activity in itself is worth something.

>> No.11358681

more like infinite cringe

>> No.11358712

>i read ij before i read any other book that could be considered literature and suffered for it
read it again, goofus.

>> No.11358713

Cringe? It was brilliant, one of the most funny, most imaginative sections of the book

>> No.11358718


>> No.11358816

Yes but you see the PROBLEM is not with the references or anything like that, the PROBLEM is that IJ is a bad book

>> No.11358966

It's one of the best parts of IJ, pleb.

>> No.11359141

Nice lob

>> No.11359160

It pisses me off that every infinite jest thread is full of >meme book replies. You haven't even read it and if you have 'read' it you got 200 pages in and dropped it.

>> No.11359172

Your mind needs to be purified with sincerity

>> No.11359257

DFW fans are decadent neo-pariah cultists. righteousness junkies. happiness elitists.

>> No.11359645


What in God's name are you talking about?

>> No.11359753

The only thing worse than a cult is not being a part of the cult. Abide with us atop the tower of bliss and oneness. Kismet.

>> No.11360003

I'm pretty much reading IJ as an exercise. Figure, if I can get through this, I can get through anything. I'm enjoying it. But, wouldn't say I'm floored, or anything. If I get through it, and hate it. At least, I can say I finished it, and hated it.

>> No.11360038

all of these posts are me, by the way.

>> No.11360043

I've read the Dick and the Quichoot (both deliciously good) and still enjoyed THE INFINITE JOKE ^^.

>> No.11360063

What page does it start on and why is it so cringe.

>> No.11360228

p 321+

idk i enjoyed it

>> No.11361285

>gets mad about people reading the big meme book
>goes on to name other big memes people should be reading instead

>> No.11361290


>> No.11361355

its not cringe it's actually a fantastic scene

>> No.11361438

As a woman, I believe that Infinite Jest is the greatest book ever written. Who else could capture the experience of minorities as adeptly as my literary husbando, David Foster Wallace? The eschaton chapture captures the essence of the most neglected minority of all: gamers. I would know, as a female gamer. ;)

>> No.11361471

orin's tumbler interrogation is meant to come off as a tired gimmicky imitation, completely lacking integrity. just like his career, pickup techniques and his entire life. as his dad-turned-wraith laments about him.


>> No.11361557
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>> No.11361858

haha! Thanks for joining us tonight, poster who is also me.

>> No.11361862

it's an example of wallace trying to look smart and failing miserably

>> No.11362293
