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11354543 No.11354543 [Reply] [Original]

Malazan Edition
>why so many Malazan posts recently?
>when did you drop the series?
>if you completed, how many months did it take?



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>> No.11354578

First for Sanderson a dude who writes books.
Lots of them.

>> No.11354599
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Zero regrets.
Great series.

>> No.11354610

It's not hard when he writes the same plot over and over.

>> No.11354701
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Are there any good YA fantasy/sci-fi novels?
I remember reading The The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (not /sffg/) a few years back which is clearly aimed at teens but I found it to be quite good.

>> No.11354744
File: 287 KB, 500x800, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be away for a couple of days, might miss next thread. Cheers.

Downloads: https://b-ok.xyz/s/?q=the+stars+my+destination

>> No.11354763

Watership Down
Howl's Moving Castle

Are all quality novels.
If you like common YA tropes then there's a lot of material you'll like, just filter out what's obviously for teenage girls if you're not into those tropes.

>> No.11354778

I dropped it before I started reading it desu. After WoT, ASoIaF and Stormlight I realized that epic fantasy is for nerds.

>> No.11354780

I read the Earthsea novels about 20 years ago, maybe I should revisit them.
Also are the Discworld novels really YA?
I've read about 10 of them I think and if I remember correctly they don't really contain any YA tropes and are mostly comedy.

>> No.11354787

the emperor's soul is good, is all of sanderson's novels are all this good or did i just read the good one?

>> No.11354799
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can anyone recommend some good space opera? something that evokes pic rel: mercenaries, starfighters, smuggling, things like this.

>> No.11354800
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I've read the three overlong Mistborn novels and they were terrible and I have not read anything by Sanderson since and probably never will.
Seriously, I could write a neural network that writes better prose than that god awful shit.

>> No.11354828

Novels don't need to contain common YA tropes to be YA.

>> No.11354837

I thought it was a Trump joke

>> No.11354838

are you that guy who told me to read mark lawrence instead of sanderson

>> No.11354851


>> No.11354857

>if you completed, how many months did it take?
4-6? Not sure.
The first five-ish I knocked out in about a week apiece, but my ambition flagged an I had to space them out between other books. My total reading rate also suffered in that time. Long books.

>> No.11354859

>skips the only one worth it
>reads all the other shit


>> No.11354868
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You're that First Law shill, aintcha?!

>> No.11354896
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Are you and >>11354838 this guy really disagreeing with me on the level of prose in the Mistborn novels?
It's bottom of the barrel.

>> No.11354927

I actually like Sanderson's work, but I don't think it's top-level prose. It's for sure not bottom of the barrel however. We're not talking Sarah J Maas.

>> No.11354957
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did anyone read these?

>> No.11354959

It serves its purpose which all told isn't much.

>> No.11354960

You've never even read Maas.

>> No.11354964

One. Dull as dishwater.

>> No.11354986

Just finished Lord of Chaos, book 6 of Wheel of Time. The ending was one of the best I've seen in a sci-fantasy book.

Is it true that the series go downhill after this one?
Because it just got better after every book right now.

>> No.11354987

>reads shit
>drops the good one


>> No.11354994

took me like 2 months to read malazan

>> No.11355015

Oh, just like the show then.

>> No.11355038

You shut your whore mouth

>> No.11355039

I will politely ask you to return to Reddit or /v/ or wherever you came from.

>> No.11355050

Less shit stock footage, though, presumably?

>> No.11355062

I really loved the show so I started reading them but they are pretty bland, like reading just the anime subs. Not sure if it is the original writing or the translation but I am 2 books in and unsure if I should continue

>> No.11355097

nah the anime has something the book didn't. maybe it's the translation, hard to say.

>> No.11355125

good visuals and voice acting and an overall tolerance for bad writing because it's an anime not a book

>> No.11355130

>reading Senlin's Travels
>wife goes missing after literally the first chapter
Are there any solid books about climbing a tower or some unknown object? Besides Dark Tower and Diamond Dogs.

>> No.11355161

Vince doesn't use goodreads much anymore. I wonder what happened to him.

>> No.11355171

the sequel to The Crimson Queen is done and will be released sometime next month

>> No.11355172

Never posted on either of those.

The Japs have their issues with pacing and exposition, but I've honestly never found anything as slow and over-explained as LotGH. I had to drop it after struggling through the first two seasons because even though I was intellectually interested in the setting it completely failed to engage me. And I can enjoy older television like I, Claudius just fine.

>> No.11355180

dude neither character is right or wrong, which is political system is better is like grey and shit best thing ever

>> No.11355186

>good visuals

>> No.11355191

And you never read Sanderson. Stfu and kys

>> No.11355195

regardless of what you think of shitty old animation the designs are nice as fuck

>> No.11355198

He was an artifact of your paranoid little brain.

>> No.11355206

Places in that novel are fucked. First I thought they in Klapistan in book one, then book 2 made it sound like they moved to Asia (the city name), then how they talked about wall made me feel it was china.

>> No.11355229

Why don't you return to /b/ or /a/. This is the literature board .

>> No.11355230

Two problems I have with Malazan
-I couldn't shake off the "game that turned into a novel" feel of Malazan.
-The influence of Black Company is too much

World building etc aspects are great, story is okay but I really wish he moved a bit away from black company trope and while a game they played on GURPS can be an inspiration I believe he stayed far too loyal to the game which became detrimental to the book

>> No.11355234

Manga is literature

>> No.11355243

You stopped using it after you saw me tracking you?

>> No.11355262

You were tracking ((Vince)) for two years. That he just noticed is doubtful.

>> No.11355265

what should i expect from elantris?

>> No.11355275

the game feel was there but how did it detract from the work?

I haven't read black company but I assume you mean all the grimdark malazan soldier parts

>> No.11355308

sanderhack a fag

>> No.11355340

I don't know, maybe its personal but sometimes it feels so obivious. There is a party and there are quests. There is an important NPC but players ignore it and kill him immediately (he even mentions this in one interview). The tropes of players meeting at tavern and raising to top..
Maybe I played too much games and read too many "oh the game I played would be an excellent story" fanfics. I don't know, just personal taste I suppose.

>> No.11355355

>tfw the new and exciting web novel you picked up hits a lul

Why aren't you reading reverend insanity yet, anons?

>> No.11355364

>. There is an important NPC but players ignore it and kill him immediately


there isn't really a party I can think of, unless you just mean people traveling together, Karsa randomly killed someone important on the tabletop but I don't think they put that in the books

>raising to top

what does this mean.

I can't think of many times characters met in taverns and its not like when it did happen it felt weird.

far more obvious to me was that Shadowthrone and Cotillion were PC's since they got wanked so hard and maybe Dassem as well

>> No.11355367

>reverend insanity
why dont you read lohp like the rest of us patrician

>> No.11355371

Too busy writing my own, anon

>> No.11355477

>I can't think of many times characters met in taverns
Didn't Kellanved, Dancer, Dassem, Surly etc. start the whole Malazan empire from a tavern?

>> No.11355490


I'm just on a huge "evil protagonist" kick at the moment. I like how they don't come off as edgy and broody when written by someone who lives in the nightmare world that is low income mainland china.

My el diablo.

I'm literally blatantly ripping off as many different series as I can right now also.

>> No.11355505

true, but that was offscreen

>> No.11355526

C;mon, that's not Abercrombie's pic. It's a pic of the Sanderson-Abercrombie lovechild, it looks like Brandon and moves with the speed of Joe's plots.

>> No.11355579

Is the new show any good or did they tone down all the genocide

>> No.11355631
File: 108 KB, 662x1024, 1508100653928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of getting The Night Land by Hodgson and Awake in the Night Land by John Wright. But I can't get both at the same time, due to some import tax bullshit that would overcharge me, so I'm wondering which of the two would be better to get?

>> No.11355637

there was quite a lot set around that one tavern in darujistan

>> No.11355640

go for nick wright

>> No.11355649

well it made sense because they retired, they weren't like a main party of characters or anything

>> No.11355693

I couldn't deal with all the "tell don't show" in Malazan, It felt like I arrived late and I'm now stuck watching the credits.

Also the fan base is seriously creepy, they behave like cardboard cut-outs of what a marketer thinks fantasy readers act like.

>> No.11355694

Can't member but I do member he mentinoed it in the podcast, he was a minor character but his notion of "oh muh playurs did this so I just included it in the novel" shows that he puts accuracy of the game over style/form/function.
Tavern is a big trope and a lot of the fantasy games start with tavern. Dragons of Autumn Twilight is another example.
Also how players become kings-rulers-emperors-gods is an old ass trope.

Maybe you are not bothered by it, thats okay and its great but for me Sandersons novels reek of that familiar "I played this game now I'm writing a novel smell" which I cannot tolerate.
Again just a personal taste

>> No.11355700

Because Worm/Ward are the only ones I know about.

>> No.11355767
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W-wait you noticed me.. ha. it was just a joke... yeah a joke...

>> No.11355805
File: 21 KB, 318x419, 18600590[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading this.
Pretty dang entertaining. How's the rest of the series compare?

>> No.11355886

Nah, it's like his second best work and most of the others are shit. Havn't read his short stories tho.

>> No.11355902

>Wheel of Time
>a sci-fantasy book

>> No.11355915

It's boring as fuck, the characters are horribly one dimensional and the ending is meme tier.

>> No.11355917

By sci-fantasy I meant it was wone of the best endings I've seen in both sci fi and fantasy, not that WoT is sci-fantasy.

Tough the story is in the future, so one can argue that it is also sci-fi.

>> No.11355922

>was one

>> No.11356051

There are a couple weak books around 5 and 6, but otherwise it stays about the same level with some low and high points throughout.

>> No.11356067

Do those fucking seals ever get what's coming to them?

>> No.11356136
File: 76 KB, 368x500, 61-W8tG4S6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the ebook cover so cooler?

>> No.11356139

Damn, they upgraded their space ships from PS2 to PS3 graffix.

>> No.11356141

I can't think of anything i'd describe as "Seal" in that series. Squids get their home world hatcheries nuked into surrendering. Which is actually one of the least plausible developments in the series, tho the author makes it better in latter books by displaying logical consequences of that.

Ohh.. maybe you mean the bureaucratic seals. In short, yes, they do. Long version involves them being implicated in illegal genetic experiments in front of a galactic, not sure what exactly happens to them after that but i distinctly remember it being amusing and unpleasant, but not planetwipe sort of unpleasant.

>> No.11356143

Are B.V. Larson's other series any good?
Or should I stick to Undying Mercenaries.

>> No.11356145

>the bureaucratic seals
Yeah, those. The Nairbs. Fuck them.

>> No.11356175

>B.V. Larson's other series

Kinda fine but meh. Worth reading if you enjoy milsf genre and dont mind some iffy logic. I dropped it eventually because i got tired of gaffs, absurdities and plotholes, but it's not bad as genre fiction goes.

>Lost Colonies Trilogy
The setup is great, the ending is 50/50 felt like it needed an extra book to deal with one of the menaces properly, but outside of that an interesting take.

>Rebel Fleet
Ehh... this one... I didn't like this one, not really. It harkons back to the discussion about pulpy milsf vs milsfy pulp. In this case it's pulpy milsf, and its worse off because of it. I dropped it halfway trough the series because it kept putting me off with all the cat sex, plotholes, "coincidences" etc. Overall I would not recommend it unless you are very tolerant of breaks with logic.

No clue. Haven't red.

>> No.11356189

>cat sex
Now we're getting REAL pulpy.

>> No.11356211

>implying that it's not in the far past
>implying future and past are not basically the same in the WoT universe
There's a reason for basically every character having a name from Arthurian legend.

>> No.11356218

In fact, I was going to say that on my post as well, but I thought it was just too much info and no one cared.

>> No.11356225
File: 31 KB, 345x250, Book-of-the-New-Sun-Feature[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I've ever read a book and really felt like the author was much smarter than me.
No really, it makes me feel like a brainlet, but not in an off-putting way.

>> No.11356228

I read it and thought it was nothing special but people keep praising it so I feel like a brainlet.

>> No.11356253

>I feel like a brainlet
You probably are.

>> No.11356261

You just need to know that the narrator lies more than the guy from The Name of the Wind.

>> No.11356265

Didn't you think that Herbert was smarter than you while reading Dune?

>> No.11356403

alright fuck it I finally pick this up. nearly done with black company.

>> No.11356438
File: 257 KB, 993x1600, A_Century_of_Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's go back in time and kill Hitler, lol
>great, now we gotta kill Hitler in all the other timelines, lol

>> No.11356444

is there actually fiction where the nazis are the good guy?

>> No.11356505

"Worldwar" places earth on a defensive from alien invasion during WW2. They aren't exactly good guys, but it's probably as close as you are gonna get.

>> No.11356542

man in the high castle series, probably by accident
no idea about the novel

>> No.11356546

>he only watched the shitty TV show
I pity you.

>> No.11356550

History isn't fiction.

>> No.11356552

the first season was pretty bad but I actually kind of enjoyed the second one

>> No.11356565

same but it's only good for smith and kido

>> No.11356574

Dropped it after the first. I was hoping it would get better but gave up. The book was too good and I felt the series was really dragging it through the dirt. It was insulting.

>> No.11356584
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>Malazan Edition
>>why so many Malazan posts recently?
>>when did you drop the series?
>>if you completed, how many months did it take?

currently reading House of Chains
i finished Memories of Ice way back in December, after reading books 1 and 2. read all three of them back to back to back and got totally burned out on the entire genre altogether.
probably take me a couple months for this one. this stuff is NOT everyday reading for me, not anymore. don't want to get totally burned on it again

>> No.11356586
File: 53 KB, 638x481, 1321994113663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open mithc goodreads site
>first review is calling trump a nazi

>> No.11356591

People aren't allowed to call things what they are anymore? What a timeline.

>> No.11356599

Ender's Game. I kid you not.

>> No.11356606

Not him but no, Herbert is not a good writer but somehow Dune is a great book.

>> No.11356653

>Herbert is not a good write
He really isn't. He wrote tones of books and we only heard about Dune, I agree.
But that doesn't mean that he and Dune outsmart everyone on /lit/ including me.

>> No.11356668
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>> No.11356713
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We are currently reading da hooligan book.

>> No.11356716

I've read two Malazans. Overall I enjoyed it, but I'm looking to read somewhat shorter books right now. Currently going through the Black Company, reading the Silver Spike. I was already forgetting that it was grimdark fantasy, but then the music lesson scene came around.

>> No.11356766

I don't like this "crazy people are just normal people with super powers" meme

>> No.11356768
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>> No.11356938
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Might give this a try then, a couple reviews on Goodreads have peaked my interest.


>> No.11356998

>Protag uses a fake name that is just a small variation on his real name
>Noone ever notices

>> No.11357008
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>> No.11357010
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>game they played on GURPS

I was fucking wondering about this, and lo, /sffg/ confirms my suspicions. It's bizarre how you can tell which characters were PCs at some point in Erikson's games since they fit all the cliches. They all have cool, overpowered shit, used to travel in adventuring bands, were members of parties with other immortal shapeshifting badasses, and the ones who aren't explicitly evil assholes have fuck all for personality. Oh, and everyone masturbates over these characters about how cool and badass they are whenever possible.

>the game feel was there but how did it detract from the work?

You'd really have to be from /tg/ to understand, but the gist of it is that Erikson was the GM, and many of the major characters in his story were his PCs. Tabletop is an entirely different medium from prose, just like prose is an entirely different medium from film. Certain things do not translate well, and trying to force that square peg into a round hole makes the story suffer. Most players aren't concerned with anything other than gaining loot and leveling up and looking like a total badass, which is why all those super important badass characters seem flat as cardboard and why the events of the story seem ultimately pointless and irrelevant. Instead of filtering out details and changing characters to aid the story, Erikson just transferred everything over.

You can certainly tell which characters were PCs at one point since they dictate the majority of the events of the setting. Kelly and Dancer were obvious. Brood and Rake were two other notable player characters. They were even in an adventuring party together with that Envy girl and both have badass unique weapons which get mentioned all the fucking time. Putting PCs in your story like this wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all so fucking central.

>I couldn't deal with all the "tell don't show" in Malazan, It felt like I arrived late and I'm now stuck watching the credits.

That about covers it for me too. Reading Malazan is like being a dad and having your chubby 15 y.o. son try to read you the transcript of his latest D&D session. "Dad! Hey, dad! Jimmy's character just killed a god with his own sword! It consumes the souls of its victims and chains them forever in the warren of-"

>> No.11357011

Important questions before I read
-any GRI
-any milf pussy
-hows the magic
-are there are young /children characters at all
-if there are children does the plot revolve around the protagonist putting his life on the line for some brat he never met
-does anyone stupidly throw their lives away for someone they just met
-no. of POV
-is there some cliched evil overlord that needs to be taken down
-hows the sex scenes
-are succulent mature cunnies abused

If these answers are favourable I might read.

>> No.11357019

>Protag builds masterful disguise but continues to destroy old-growth trees despite being well known for this
>Noone ever notices

>> No.11357028

>Reading Malazan is like being a dad and having your chubby 15 y.o. son try to read you the transcript of his latest D&D session
That was a very specific and precise description there anon..
Happy Father's Day. Tell your son to lay off the sweets.

>> No.11357031

>-any GRI
>-any milf pussy
>-hows the magic
>-are there are young /children characters at all
MC is around 15 iirc
>-if there are children does the plot revolve around the protagonist putting his life on the line for some brat he never met
>-does anyone stupidly throw their lives away for someone they just met
>-no. of POV
a few
>-is there some cliched evil overlord that needs to be taken down
>-hows the sex scenes
no sex scenes

>> No.11357034

I tried to find this months ago after Will Wight kept going on about it but I couldn't find an illegal copy and forgot all about it

Might read next week

>> No.11357038
File: 64 KB, 770x477, 20120330treehuggermain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop touching trees without permission anon.

>> No.11357039

i can upload the book or audiobook if you want

>> No.11357048

So.. it's basically YA? I see it's shelved as did not finish on goodreads.

Does he do cool stuff with his magic like engineering?

>> No.11357051

>i can upload the... audiobook if you want
I want Will Wight's cradle series audiobooks please.

>> No.11357060

>He: "You know, Foyle, I admire you."
>Me: "Go to hell."

>> No.11357074

cheers but it's not needed, I just got it off of ebooks

>> No.11357098

giving rothfuss too much credit

>> No.11357204

Why do all these chinese books use phrases like "common as cabbage" or "killing them like chickens" when both those things come from the new world ?

>> No.11357269

because they don't

>> No.11357275

turkeys and potatoes and you might've been onto something

>> No.11357345

based treeposter

>> No.11357369

Go to hell, you.

>> No.11357420

If you plan on reading them both then get the Night Land first. Also order House on the Borderlands by Hodgson at the same time if whatever tinpot despot in charge of your dipshit country allows it, you'll thank me later.

>> No.11357563

Looking for stuff about prison planets, rich vs poor metaphors, shit like that

>> No.11357567

Like reality?

>> No.11357608

>Looking for stuff about prison planets
Treason by Card

>> No.11357609

>rich vs poor metaphors
The Dispossessed

>> No.11357672

Give me book titles about climbing up mysterious towers or structures.

>> No.11357702

sufficiently advanced magic by andrew rowe

>> No.11357715

>For those of you that are checking this out from the "LitRPG" community, this is not a pure LitRPG - it's more of a mix between a traditional fantasy novel and a LitRPG. There are no user interfaces or chat logs here - this does not literally take place within a video game, just in a world that is intended to *feel* like a RPG world.

sweet baby ray's this smells like bullshit but I'll check it out

>> No.11357734

>Give me book titles about climbing up mysterious towers or structures.

Don't read it, it's fucking awful.

>> No.11357787

its god aweful. also protags gay as fuck. literally and figuratively.

>> No.11357800

Well shit
Amazoncore chart fucking when

>> No.11357803

wat, the protag isn't gay..

>> No.11357807

>dude asked me out to a ball
>starts internal monologue about how hes maybe actually attracted to him
>not gay

>> No.11357812

theres no actual homosex

>> No.11357815

Give me one good "Androids are people too" book that doesn't fall into:

>Why would society mass produce sapient replicas of themselves
>Why is there no "in case of uprising" button on all of them

>> No.11357818

it starts with a thought.
it always does.

>> No.11357822

it starts with sin
& degeneracy

>> No.11357830
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On the last thread we talk about the hero's journey, I am rescuing the link to a short documentary because I think you guys deserve to see it. Is really good and focus on the cyberpunk anti-hero, if that's how I should call it https://archive.org/details/cyberpunkeducator

>> No.11357835

>1745 reviews
is this THE litRPG, /sffg/?

>> No.11357840
File: 69 KB, 660x660, 1528503375779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A mesmerizing tale reminiscent of the wonder of Ready Player One and the adventure of Game of Thrones

>> No.11357842

author & protag are black

>> No.11357844

author thinks of himself as the inventor of litrpgs.
his books are more spreadsheet than actual story.
read the first book and youll see for yourself.
they are incredibly shit. utterly horrible.
the only notable things that happen is everyone is evil and protag gets his dick cut off and then bleeds to death before respawning.

>> No.11357857

give me good litRPG titles then
will take ne

>> No.11357860
File: 134 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-06-22-11-13-58-189_com.flyersoft.moonreaderp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why litrpgs are bad
who the fuck want to read stats like this?

>> No.11357866

Ready Player One tbhfam.

>> No.11357870

ever notice how the books recommened arent actually litrpgs or have just very minor elements of stats and numbers?
this is exactly why.
the people that like actual litrpgs like the land though are the same sort of people that like ready player one and go to gaming conventions.
so horrible people with shit taste in a nutshell.

>> No.11357875

What is wrong with Ready Player One?

>> No.11357877

everybody loves large chests

>> No.11357878

People who want to make an RPG like their all time favorites Final Fantasy 7 and Mass Effect. Sadly, they couldn't cut it in their school's computer science program so this was the third best thing behind just doing a tabletop game.

>> No.11357884

Absolutely everything.
There isn't a thing right with it.

everybody loves large chests, emerilia, the blue mage raised by dragons, apocalypse gates,

>> No.11357886

>half the second books is a four amred futa demon fucking a succubus senseless.
yeah. its pretty good.

>> No.11357895

I'm supposed to start the Stars my Destination but I'm intrigued enough to read what I know is garbage.

>> No.11357901

is apocalypse gates a webnovel?

>> No.11357904


>> No.11357913

lotta litrpg's on royalroadl.com

>> No.11357923

Software by Rudy Rucker

>> No.11357924

everybody loves large chests is a webnovel. its pretty good also i think dantes immortality. that was decent too. theres more crap though. sometimes you find something good in a pile of shit though.

>> No.11357929

Sure theres a few stories that seem nice, then they only ever got 20 chapters, or get 1 chapter a month
Oh well

I think the whole point of LitRPG's is that they embrace how awful they are
So like that Legend of Randidly Ghosthound is a fun read

>> No.11357930

Bester is great

>> No.11357942

I finished Christie Golden's new Warcraft Novel, 'Before the Storm' today. Her characterizations continue to be off putting, especially in the case of Genn Greymane and Sylvanas Windrunner. Alright borderline YA Novel nontheless.

>> No.11357944
File: 33 KB, 735x343, dfghj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man.

>> No.11357998

Give me one good "Androids are people too" book that doesn't fall into:

>Why would society mass produce sapient replicas of themselves
>Why is there no "in case of anti-tree uprising" button on all of them

>> No.11358015

Upload please? Can only find the first one in the usual places.

>> No.11358021

listen to the audiobook instead. you can hear the succubus "ahegao".

>> No.11358027

the whole thing is on royalroadl plus way more unpublished stuff

>> No.11358191

The Harry Dresden series...Jim Butcher knows how to write a character and an amazing world.

>> No.11358199

Fifth Head of Cerberus, if colonialism is ok.

>> No.11358200


>> No.11358206

>dresden files.
>mary sue urban fantasy story where the mary sue still ends up being a beta-male.
yeah its "amazing"

>> No.11358216

>What is wrong with Ready Player One?
Everything. It's a list of pop culture references pretending to be a book, written by a 45 year old manchild. It's one of the few books I wish I had not wasted time reading.

>> No.11358219

He maybe Mary Sue but Beta? ok.....
Its written by a GUY unlike 99.98% of the UrbFan genre so that's a BIG plus. Not everybody likes every fucking thing, just throwing out a good series. .02

>> No.11358241

the dresden files are objectively bad.
just because its written by a man doesnt make it good.

>> No.11358246

>GUY authors

>> No.11358250

The problem with Dresden Files is more that the main character is a giant tool and that the recent books have felt phoned in.

And without fail Dresden will either try to protect a woman and fail, or will push her away from him because the last one got hurt by being close to him, which will cause her to get hurt by the bad guys anyway.

>> No.11358267

What is this thread for then?
Here's some then...
Stephen Donaldson The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant...Pretty much a Rape by the main character shapes the whole fucking series
Fallen Dragon, Pandora's Star, The Night Dawns Trilogy....Peter F Hamilton a fucking God among Science Fiction
Neal Asher Polity Novels good shit
David Drake and Steve White The Starfire Series..good ol Space Naval Warfare
The Dahak Series David Weber...fun space opera
Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion..you shouldnt be breathing if you havent read these 2.
Kingkiller Chronicles Patrick Rothfuss...Flat out AMAZING just wish he'd fucking write the 3rd book.
The Passage trilogy...probably the Best Vampire series I have ever read.
Death's Head by David Gunn..he wrote 3 in the series but the 1st one is the best...2 words Sven Tveskoeg.
Old Mans War duh
Currently reading Roak..by Jake Bible series...pretty cliche Bounty Hunter with a code scifi, decent so far, when a character proceeds to rip an arm off a 9ft tall Ursine hopped up on space meth then kills him with it, yeah you have my attention.

>> No.11358280

Well I like Harry. Fun series. Maybe a bit campy, but I like the supporting char's as well...and the fucking Denarian's are one of my all time favorite villains.

>> No.11358283

get out and dont comeback

>> No.11358285

>Kingkiller Chronicles Patrick Rothfuss...Flat out AMAZING just wish he'd fucking write the 3rd book
Holy fucking shit just return to Reddit already.

>> No.11358302

Yeah you got me good with the Reddit. Damn. Wow. I was remarking that the Series isnt a paint by number Supernatural Heroine Noir Romance bullshit but actually has good char development, great action, good humor, some darkness running under the whole series, good supporting char, some great villains...and Parkour.
That was my point. Hate it all you want, but Jim B. knows how to throw down.

>> No.11358310

holy fuck. Talking about fucking LitRpg series and Four Armed Futa fucking...yeah, I can see the writing on the wall. Clearly. goddamn.

>> No.11358313

damn bro..two reddit strikes and ya ass gone

rip i guess

>> No.11358314

This thread is for the usual 4chan posts: being contentious and belligerent. You obviously need to Lurk Moar

>> No.11358317

But I don't like audiobooks.

>> No.11358372

I'll tell you what is wrong with Kingkiller. It's a shallow, cliché wish fulfillment fantasy hiding behind good editing (only first book), "poetry" and fancy words. There's only one category of readers that generally like the book, pretentious people that like to imagine that they are consumers of the fine arts but actually prefer power fantasies and wish fulfillment. The fedoras of the SFF world. The kind of reader who would praise Brandon Sanderson as the next Shakespeare if he only bothered to put some songs and incomprehensible words in his books.

>> No.11358378

Also, LitRPG, webnovels, smut and other crap people in this thread read does not pretend to be something it is not and neither does the readers. It's lowbrow stuff and they don't deny it.

>> No.11358417

Re: The anon who tricked me into reading 60 chapters of "library of the heavenly path."

You bastard, got me good.

>> No.11358452

I'll tell ya what's wrong with it, Bitch lost his virginity to an immortal sex fairy and then proceeded to tell him that he was great for his first time. That and the 2nd book really only appears to be an extended training sequence, he doesn't learn anything amyr/chandrian which was the whole fucking point of the series I though. Instead Rothfuss spends 700 pages telling us how Kvothe learnt to fight and fuck.

>> No.11358480

your welcome
also emperor's domination is one of the unique ones

also cd and de from wuxiaworld

>> No.11358734
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>> No.11358855
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Okay y'all got me good with Everybody Loves Large Chests thatt first chapter ending WEW
I'm more curious at this point to see how he writes an entire fucking book about the Mimic and hopefully its growing intelligence

>> No.11358858
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What's the verdict on pic related, /sffg/?

>> No.11358863
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>Hyperion, Old Man's War, Culture saga, The Long Way
What order do I read them in?

>> No.11358869

Shit is pretty good huh.

That name and cover are saying it's going to suck but I really don't want it too.

>> No.11358876

I started reading it but could not get past the begging of book when MC was leaving first village.

>> No.11358880

it's written by the guy who made this site, which should mean it's good


>> No.11358891
File: 190 KB, 750x750, series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost finished The Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks

it is a good series and audio book narration is 10/10. Would recommend

>> No.11358918

do you guys read several books at a tine or wait to finish one then move on to the next book

>> No.11358921

I see absolutely no benefit or reason to read several books at the same time.

>> No.11358931


>> No.11358951

i mean do you start another book before finishing one

>> No.11358965

I often read books of different kinds at the same time, alternating between them to avoid getting stuck on one if I'm not enjoying it.
I.E. a nonfiction book alongside a light fiction book and a more challenging one.

>> No.11358973

>author thinks of himself as the inventor of litrpgs
>published 2015
Nani the fuck?

>> No.11358998

I hate that fantasy spends so much time on worldbuilding. I want a cool and interesting setting like everyone else does, but I want it kept in the background and to never become the focus of the work. Focusing on it takes something interesting and shoves it down your throat until you hate it and just want the story to be over with. It's like the opposite of rape in fantasy books, which there isn't enough of.

>> No.11359012

World building is easy, writing a story isn't.

>> No.11359016

if they're the only two things you disliked then you liked the books better than most.

>> No.11359019

I really like the wow world and lore but all the novels I've read have been pretty bad, it's a shame they can't find a good author to tell those stories

>> No.11359034

I was interested in this series until i found out it has a sanderson-esque magic system and is about people spraying different coloured plastics out of their hands. Is it as goofy as it sounds?

>> No.11359038

If you can't give an accurate description of what a fantasy book is about *without* mentioning the world at all, it's not a good book.

>> No.11359046
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tfw no good series with established, somewhat detailed obscure pre-something big event lore where magic is only a mummers tale but still exists, where political conflicts take place while a world destroying menace is rising

>> No.11359055


>> No.11359058

this sounds familiar...

>> No.11359061
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>> No.11359064

i maybe read something else at bedtime if I'm doing a book on audio or have some non-fiction on the go.

>> No.11359067

it has hard magic system and logical in the context oft that worlds setting, but not goofy. At least i never thought of it as goofy

>> No.11359073
File: 16 KB, 464x187, 65464949645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I hear there's one book...

>> No.11359075

Star Wars original trilogy

>> No.11359076

Movie of the old star is the book you are looking for lad.

>> No.11359079
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Suggest fantasy series based on this image.

>> No.11359080

i tried that series about assassins by him but was a bit silly

>> No.11359083

hardly mummer's tale

>> No.11359087


>> No.11359091
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You called?

>> No.11359092

>that guy who just reply without saying anything
whats his story

>> No.11359096 [DELETED] 


>> No.11359100 [DELETED] 


>> No.11359103

Finished Malazan, took me four months.

>> No.11359110

No, not really. I enjoyed what Herbert did with Dune, but I didn't really feel he was operating on a level above me like I did with BotNS.

>> No.11359113

Seconding this. One of my all time favorites.

>> No.11359131


>> No.11359140

Believe it or not it only took me about a a month and a half. I don't have to do much at my work so I just read for like 14 hours a day, and finish 1 malazan book in 3-4 days. That was a few years ago.

>> No.11359213

I would be way more forgiving of it if the books aren't filled with grammatical errors, typos and horrible prose. I remember reading somewhere that the first book was an assignment he had to submit in his writing class and it really showed. Dropped it at book 4 and never looked back. Anyone who recommends that series should be put to the gulags.

>> No.11359283
File: 13 KB, 131x200, catholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to average 500 minutes of anime per day over a whole year.
I couldn't stand that a friend had watched (much) more than I while I was mindlessly browsing 4chan like an anhedonic. Still took my more than a year to surpass him.

Hard work, dedication.

>> No.11359385

Library at mount char

Now fug off and cry somewhere else.

>> No.11359387

>being this new

>> No.11359398

Hyperion's relatively short, read it first.

Old Man's War is a crappy ripoff of The Forever War, read that instead.

Don't read every Culture book in a row

>The Long Way
I don't know what that it, but it sounds shitty.

>> No.11359416

i dont see it on any other boards, is it /lit/ thing?

>> No.11359452

Simon Vance elevates anything.

>> No.11359494

In just two more years you will know japanese

>> No.11359602

>tfw i enjoy magic academy arc
anything like that that isn't some romance bs and YA?

>> No.11359607

>magic academy
>not YA

>> No.11359612

It's a 4chan thing... Jesus fuck....

>> No.11359620

>tfw you regret not trying to learn Japanese through anime.

>> No.11359621

There's nothing to regret since you can't actually learn it that way.

>> No.11359627

WoT has the most shittily written characters in the history of literature.

>> No.11359769

it's just a way to acknowledge that you liked someone's post even if you have nothing to contribute. Kind of like an upvote/thumbs up on another site.

>> No.11359776

please stop

>> No.11359788

what? years ago there wasnt anything like this

>> No.11359791


>> No.11359793

If you can't read ghostwriting you don't deserve it.

>> No.11359795
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>57% through Everybody Loves Large Chests
>shit is less predictable than hard sci-fi wacky shit I'm used to reading
what in the actual fuck kind of timeline did I fall into over the past day, /sffg/

>> No.11359797

is it really that enjoyable? i cant get through more than 5 chapters

>> No.11359802

It's legit very creative.

It gets better.

>> No.11359808

>protagonist destroys a group of innocent bees to prove his power
sick of this cliche

>> No.11359816
File: 2.01 MB, 1987x3056, White Sand v2-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally mimic slice of life

I want this fucker to die but I can't wait to see the wild shit this nigger does to continue getting out of bad situations.

Name five (5) books that feature this.

>> No.11359835

>Name five (5) books that feature this.
my father's diary
my mother's diary
my sister's diary
my cousin's diary
my diary

>> No.11359856

It genuinely happens in Steal the Sky, that's what prompted the shitpost

>> No.11359904

based beeposter

>> No.11359913
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Wheel of Time is giving me cancer but I refuse to drop it.

>> No.11360135

Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, the games we play

Link to the 2nd one: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/rwby-the-gamer-the-games-we-play.306381/

>> No.11360273

>big chests

It is ok but there a very specific part when it felt like the author was dragging out the story for very little to no gain that soured it for me.

>> No.11360290

This link is better actually:

>> No.11360297

any of you guys read last and first men by Olaf Stapledon?
i just finished it and it was fucking great

are there any other books that deal with changing cultures over millions of years?

>> No.11360312
File: 732 KB, 672x480, oh_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Neil Gaiman's Stardust. What did I think of it?

>> No.11360318


>> No.11360321

>RWBY fanfiction
for fuck's sake

>> No.11360325

what book are you on? I don't think that series is anywhere near as bad as people here say it is. I enjoyed it for the most part though the female characters are fucking intolerable and it should have cut a lot of stuff out.

>> No.11360331

litrpg ghetto when?

>> No.11360347

Not the nazis, but the germans soldiers.
Das Boot, it's a minisseries.

>> No.11360376

I find amazing how divisive this series is.
I don't think there's a more "love or hate" series than Wheel of time. It' seems like half of the population considers it as bad as SoT and Eragon while some consider Jordan the best American fantasy writer of all time.

>> No.11360441

Stories with human caste systems? Preferably sci-fi, but not distopian.

>> No.11360444

sorry fer wut

>> No.11360450

>stories with caste systems
>but not distopian

>> No.11360461

It gets funnier when you consider that both sides agree on almost everything.

Almost everyone consider that books 2 and 4-6 are very good while 7-10, especially 8 and 10 are atrocious.

It's also a consensus that Jordan is great at two things: writing endings and worldbuilding.
Meanwhile everyone agrees he made some of the worst female characters ever and wasted too much time writing details you'll forget on the next page.

>> No.11360469

acts of caine, dystopian as fuck

>> No.11360484

You can't have a caste system without it being dystopian

>> No.11360527

LaFM is good but the fact that you get the awkward, preachy near-future stuff out of the way early on definitely helps. Stapledon's history of the 20th century is good for some lulz though. He's my go-to source for showing how anxiety about weapons of mass destruction has almost nothing to do with nuclear weapons per se.

>are there any other books that deal with changing cultures over millions of years?
Count to a Trillion series.

>> No.11360538

its good, and its own story basically

>> No.11360542

Vorksovagian kinda has one but it's only really emphasised in a short story

>> No.11360561

I love Malazan but does anyone else feel like the "lord of tragedy" Dassem is way too much of a too cool for U edgy dude, like Rake is a mary sue but he's still cool while Dassem is just a moping edgelord who is always brooding

>> No.11360627

I really love eusocial insects and I like the aesthetics of hinduism too.

So I'd like to read something like Brave New World, except with more than just happy dumb people babysitting happier, dumber people.

>> No.11360631

I kind find anything on this, google thinks I want to know about Volkswagen.

>> No.11360633

The Culture by Ian Banks :^)

>> No.11360638

Already into it.

>> No.11360643

vorkosigan is the correct spelling, I always fuck it up

>> No.11360646

Wasn't Falling Free a dystopia?

>> No.11360655

Ok, at which point in the The Vorkosigan Saga should I stop? Is Miles, Mystery & Mayhem the last relevant omnibus or should I keep going?

>> No.11360658

I'm thinking of The Mountains of Mourning which is current timeline but still about rigid social order

>> No.11360670

no, you haven't even got to the best miles story yet

>> No.11360674

Not much of a reader huh?

>> No.11360684

Not him but either post proof or BTFO.

>> No.11360687

Thoughts on the EVE novels?

I like the lore a lot, but I don't want to read a novel just for it.

>> No.11360706

You're just fishing for a recc.

>> No.11360747

4, I've been on book 4 for the same amount of time it took me to get through the first 3.

>> No.11360768
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It's tiiiiiiime to




>> No.11360811

desu red rising's is pretty functional

>> No.11360824
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u r liek a little baby

>> No.11360840
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>> No.11360841

Yes, yes, all of our fathers tought us not to be ashamed of our dicks. Back to Stardust; has anyone read this shit?

>> No.11360845 [DELETED] 

The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells

Hm, I might have to sample this weirdness.

>> No.11360849


>> No.11360851

Now write the text above it

>> No.11360856

The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells

Hmm, I might have to sample this weirdness.

>> No.11360863

Not a guess. A taunt.

>> No.11360864

It's that daily time for you to tell me titles involving climbing up/ascending/traversing a mysterious structure, be it a tower or some such.

>> No.11360880
File: 36 KB, 603x294, 499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"nifykin look outha portole sreely pretty, sreely pretty, lookna Port Upotoi swinging roun thole mudball, thole goodole place, it’s maybe not the prettiest place na whole universe but nobody ever said it was, it was home though m that counted frole lot that swat Leander Laptip saw outha portole:"

>> No.11360885

>someone took time out of their day to draw my badly shooped gimp meme image
I'm touched anon.

>> No.11360959

What would be the least silly weapon for a female warrior to use?

>> No.11360960

>dystopian novel

>america is split up into 12 sectors

>constantly attacked by giant golem creatures, leaving everyone dependent on the military and evil government

>main character is a girl from the poorest sector who learns the secret to killing the golems

>no one believes her because she is woman, has to work hard to convince everyone

>turns out the evil government was controlling the golems all along

Where is my million dollar check?

>> No.11360965

a broom

>> No.11360975

>need to download books to read whilst away
>suddenly can't find anything that interests me

>> No.11360987
File: 220 KB, 800x1200, TerminalWorld_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I wholeheartedly recommend Terminal World by Alastair Reynolds
It involves going DOWN a tower, the tower-city Spearpoint, and then further out from it. While descending the tower the technology level of the city regresses, because of the tech-level-zones gimmick of the book, which is fairy interesting. Looks like Mr. Reynolds really took the breaks off from his worldbuilding this time, leaving us with an okay book about traversing a mysterious structure and lanscape.

>> No.11361007

The Last Sacrifice.

>> No.11361014

feersum endjinn

>> No.11361059

There's a sequel to The Two Towers called The Three Towers

>> No.11361117

Bow and arrow.

>> No.11361128


>> No.11361133

Her looks.

>> No.11361134

A gun

>> No.11361157
File: 72 KB, 600x900, woodland-hunter-woman-bow-arrow-firing-45873871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11361194

The net, the whip, the lasso or the throwing ring like Xena has.

>> No.11361206

Someone post the "throwing anus" picture.

>> No.11361209

You absolute meanies.
I’m going for pick axe.

>> No.11361221

I could write a good story about a woman with a bow.

>> No.11361232

Any fantasy books where the protag develops their magic later in life?

kinda bored of reading all these 13-25 year olds discover themselves

>> No.11361235

New Thread

>> No.11361239

Well its a webnovel

>> No.11361292

nice composite bow

>> No.11361296

Daniel Black found it when he was 35.

>> No.11361361

The Bible desu