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11354888 No.11354888 [Reply] [Original]

If you are as good a writer as you think then write the best sentence or paragraph you can that utilizes the phrase "sexual holocaust".

>> No.11354933

>A bed of permafrost?
> A name neurally embossed?
>A line uncrossed, recrossed?
>Sexual holocaust

>> No.11354935

Lolo Ferrarie was like a sexual holocaust for sperm of he balls. His ejaculation was like a train and her boobs like Auchwitz.

>> No.11354951

that doesn't rhyme unless you pronounce holocaust like a retard

>> No.11355055

It works fine. How do you pronounce holocaust?

>> No.11355111

"Gahdamn," he remarked, "got my dick all shriveled like this a motherfucking sexual holocaust."

how it did?

>> No.11355160
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>> No.11355248
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Her bountiful rose-quartz bosom had begun to heave milk as dark as glowing jet black stones. Completely made artificially by compressed fiber cartridges. Brought to frame by South Sea pearls draped around her neck and festering her black and pink nipples that were a paradox of gangrenous biomodication. The behemoth books were also wearing a Max Mara swing coat.

>> No.11355345

Like raging Scamander a deluge of blood and semen erupted from the tip of his penis staining her face, her breasts, the sheets, everything all over, and the sexual holocaust was complete.

>> No.11355361

Michel Houllebecq detected

>> No.11355375

Reported, sexual Holocaust

>> No.11355381

More importantly how do you pronounce recrossed you weirdo

>> No.11355449

"Sexual holocaust..." he mumbled absently, slowly leaning over towards me until his ear almost touched mine. "Stop with that, whatever it is", I answered, despite feeling a vague interest in his words, stemming more from boredom than anything else.

>> No.11355549

"I don't believe it happened"
"At all?"
"Nope, not even a little bit"
Jakob clenched his jaw to keep it from hitting the floor, how could someone in 2018 deny the Sexual Holocaust

>> No.11355568


Man as long as you're not irish or german or latin those should rhyme.

>> No.11355835

As soon as I saw the picture OP posted, I just knew that I would unleash an sexual holocaust upon this woman. I would call her every name in the book, from slut to whore, from mommy to mother. Every nook, every cranny, every crevice would be well touched by my hands, tougue and cock. Her vaginal fluids would be the tears of this holocaust, my sperm would be the dead of this holocaust and the flaky stains on her dress would be the ashes of our every own sexual holocaust.

>> No.11356299

>I would call her every name in the book, from slut to whore, from mommy to mother.
wouldn't this work better as simply "from mommy to whore"?

>> No.11356471

David Fellberg's marriage was dying. He and his wife Diane had stopped talking a long time ago, not to mention making love. His sex life was a tragedy. It made him even more frustrated, because he couldn't just jerk off to soothe his anger either. Ever since his orthodox, Buchenwald-surviving na-na had called masturbating a "sexual holocaust", because so many potential Jewish lives were lost, it'd always made him feel too shameful to properly enjoy it.

>> No.11356775

Yeah, you are right. I would be better that way.

>> No.11356788

The way you wrote this makes it sound like what you think a writer sounds like.

>> No.11356801

Now that you say that, I think there might be some truth to your words

>> No.11357289

First, I started with dates. I was finished teasing myself with interactions that I knew would give me little pleasure while giving others them vain material satisfactions. I was done with stimulating my and their senses, at the cost of confusing the hell out of me. Then, I moved away from even hinting at romance. No more wry smiles, flirtatious jokes, double takes, games, or other hints of affection. It was necessary to fully commit to this new lifestyle, to see if it indeed would cure me of my obsession with sex and love. I know they can be separated, but I don;t know how. And so finally, the pornography had to go. No more fantasizing, no more glancing at shapes of skin in public only displaying my weakness for all to see. No more browsing online for false experiences, for ammo to feed into the irresponsible and mentally unfit gun wielding maniac that is my mind. It's been 5 years since I initiated this sexual holocaust, and I still occasionally catch myself staring off into flesh, hoping to turn this reality into a fantasy I once clicked on. I am tired, but the road is not over, and if there is a bridge I either haven't crossed it or never even noticed that it has been crossed. I am now on a journey with no final destination. I am lost and at home in this search for the meaning of love, and if I die on this trek so be it. But I do hope there is an end to this suffering.

>> No.11357298

whoops, should have read through it. some grammatical errors now fixed

>First, I started with dates. I was tired of teasing myself with interactions that I knew would give me little pleasure while giving others vain material satisfaction. I was done with stimulating my and their senses, at the cost of confusing the hell out of me. Then, I moved away from even hinting at romance. No more wry smiles, flirtatious jokes, double takes, games, or other hints of affection. It was necessary to fully commit to this new lifestyle, to see if it indeed would cure me of my obsession with sex and love. I know they can be separated, but I don't know how. And finally, the pornography had to go. No more fantasizing or glancing at shapes of skin in public, displaying my weakness for all to see. No more browsing online for false experiences, for ammo to feed into the irresponsible and mentally unfit gun wielding maniac that is my mind. It's been 5 years since I initiated this sexual holocaust, and I still occasionally catch myself staring off into flesh, hoping to turn this reality into a fantasy I once clicked on. I am tired, but the road is not over, and if there is a bridge I either haven't crossed it or never even noticed that it has been crossed. I am now on a journey with no final destination. I am lost and at home in this search for the meaning of love, and if I die on this trek so be it. But I do hope there is an end to this suffering.

>> No.11357367
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s e x u a l h o l o c a u s t

>> No.11357388

the sexual holocaust is fiction, Albert. when will humans not fuck? go on. answer. now hit that blunt you faggot.

>> No.11357409

Every person who has ever used spermicide has committed a sexual holocaust. All the little sperms in your body are gathered together on the streets of New Testicle City at the corner of 52nd and Vas Deferens shouting "NEVER FORGET THE 100 MILLION! WE ARE ANDY DICK'S CHOSEN PEOPLE! TISSUESREAL IS REAL!" Then they go back to their sperm apartments and tell their sperm wives and sperm children what a blow they struck today against "all those Adolf Handler worshipers."

>> No.11357412

I didn't understand the jewish people until I saw their womenfolk up close, sexual holocaust.

>> No.11357423

A good writer would know that the first draft of some hastily written prompt wouldn't be indicitive of their best work. Only a narcissist would think their brain farts are worthy of publication.

>> No.11357486

>A good writer would know that the first draft of some hastily written prompt wouldn't be indicative of their best work. Only a narcissist would think their brain farts are worthy of a sexual holocaust.

fixed it

>> No.11357531
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"Us jews, we all like to complain about the holocaust, you know, but I got to tell you, we never speak about what went on in those concentration camps.
-- What do you mean?
-- I'll tell you what went on in those concentration camps. We fucked, Larry. We fucked, every moment we got we fucked, because we thought we'd die the next day. Larry, I tell you that now, we never speak about it, but that's what it is. They'd tell us to shovel, and I'd try to slip my my dick between the shiksa's hand and the stick. I tell you, Larry. I got raped in there, Larry.
-- God.
-- There's no God, Larry. It was a damned sexual holocaust back then, but we created it.

>> No.11358319

That's really good anon

>> No.11358332

"Come on! We'll be late for the Holocaust," giggled Ron.
"What Holocaust?" asked Harry.
"Why the Sexual Holocaust, of course," replied Ron as he strapped on his dildo.

>> No.11358888

The picture in OP's post caused me to rip off my pants and splurge; spraying my semen in what was to become a great sacrifice to Onin. Later, lying on the floor of my bathroom I contemplated the shame, confusion, loneliness and pathetic result of my outburst: the agglomeration of a million years of continuity, my genetic forefathers were swimming down the toilet to their doom in asexual holocaust.

>> No.11358917
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He'd promised to be upstairs in bed hours ago, and he knew that her patience had worn thin. She didn't expect anything from him anymore. He thought this was worse than when she did. The stack of assignments on his right was now almost as tall as the one on his left. The scrawls of red ink bled through to the upturned back pages. He couldn't teach these kids. Any modicum of progress he'd make was lost every year with every new class. At least Sisyphus' rock behaved like it should. He sighed into the quiet kitchen and slid the next assignment from the pile. The title was in bold, italic, and underlined Comic Sans font. "Dickskrieg and the Sexual Holocaust." He sighed again.

>> No.11358941

I raped all those women, and then I killed them. I called it "The Sexual Holocaust".

>> No.11358952

Very good.

>> No.11358967

You did not do very well am I afraid.
I can't tell if you're being funny or not, so either way you failed.
Nice flow.
Nice, but >>11356299 is right.
This would require some kind of context, but yeah, it's pretty good in a darkly satirical way.
Stylistically mediocre but the content is the most creative so far. Less flowery language, more "in the now" as an actual person would express themselves, but it's good.
lol x 2
lol 3.0
Liked this.
"aseuxal holocaust" is presumably a typo, but that makes for a new take on this game.
Funny and good.

>> No.11359135

You should treat your dick like artillery, let the enemy know it exists, but never show it. The social peace rests on mutually assured sexual holocaust. Nietzsche understood this.

>> No.11359159

It was the time third that week I went into that dreadful whorehouse. The bystanders have already started to recognize me. "Ain't that cop into it, huh?", I can hear them thinking.

As soon as I get in, I see it: their lustful pursuit, the scent of sin. This place reeked of the Devil. These fuckers and whores all deserve a sexual holocaust. I can't wait to be done with this case already.

>> No.11359191

"Mein Fuhrer," said Goebbles. "We are all out of Zyklon B"

The Fuhrer stroke his chin. "Who are left to perish?"

"According to zis," said Goebbles, while scanning his clipboard, "We've eliminated all ze men and able-bodied workers. Ze war effort has since plumetted. We cannot deliver to ze frontlines our weapons and ammunition."

The Fuhrer kept his gaze at the orange sunlight that painted his German Sky. "Goebbles, you ziz not answer my query. How many Juice are left?"

Goebels scanned his clipboard again, this time with more scrutiny. "Ah, it zeems only the women & children are left, mein Fuhrer. We haven't the ammunition to formally execute zem. Our men are exhausted from battle, retreating to work camps as the Allied have destroyed our frontline bases."

"how is your ztroke?"

"Mein Fuhrer?" asked Goebells, with a perplexed expression. "My ztroke? What zo you mean?"

Hitler lowered his head and hid his eyes from Goebells. "In ze olden days, a great war king name Chakah Kan, and ze Golden Horder, dominated all of Asia. Zey zid it not with brute force, zough zey did fought valianty, zey did so through their immense manpower zat penetrated ze bloodline of every place zey conquered."

"Mein Fuhrer? Zwhat do you propose?"

"Ze men are tired no? You know as well as I, zis war is coming to a close. Ze Jews will soon be free, free to poison the world with their lies."

"Mein Fuhrer?" Goebells grew concerned. "Zvat are you going zo to do?"

"Let's just zay," the Fuhrer finally looked at Goebells, "zat we are going out with a bang."

"Mein.. mein Fuhrer? Iz it time?"

"Yes, Dear Goebells. Round up the men and the Allied prisoners, tonight we shall dine in the Jewish bloodline."

Goebells, struck from hearing this command from the Fuhrer, swallowed a large ball of spit and stood erect and saluted Hitler. He took his radio strung around his waist. Static briefly hissed out of the speaker. Finally he spoke into the silence of the once-hissing radio and uttered a final command. "Begin ze Sexual Holocaust."

>> No.11359255

"Ugh," I groaned. "I'm gonna fuck you like a sexual holocaust."
"What?" She exclaimed, as her eyes widened. As I noticed the menorah on the fireplace mantle, I realized I had made a grave mistake.

>> No.11359268

This sounds like an episode of Rick and Morty

>> No.11359274

It's "neurotic Jewish" writing. Larry David did it and before him Woody Allen did it and before him etc.

>> No.11359429

If it wasn't for the now horribly-aged CVS on the corner, I would have no idea that I was in Houston, 50 years in the future. For one thing, I expected there to be, based on the way demographics were heading, more brown people around. Apparently, there were ways of changing genetics. But what this gene-changing perfection did was eliminate males from the society. Everywhere, all I saw were women. A sexual holocaust, as it were. A tall black woman approached me on a futuristic police cruiser.
"Unidentified adult male found. Where is your female master?"
"Uh..." I was stunned into silence. "...did you just assume my gender?"
"Nice try. That hasn't been valid in decades, not since the Transgender Control Act of 2032."
She took out a small bottle of what looked like perfume, and before I could react, sprayed it in my face. As my eyes grew dim and I collapsed to the ground, I could hear her requesting backup as she approached me with handcuffs.

>> No.11359523
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The incels perpetuated their self-victimization until they could no longer come back to the reality in which they had once resided in, The pattern of thinking of a normal human being was one in which the incels could no longer regress to, The sexual holocaust had directed them into a bitter existence that not even sex could perspire to cure them from.