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11352143 No.11352143 [Reply] [Original]

Why did they do it?

>> No.11352168

Hemingway did it because he was subject to ECT therapy that destroyed the language center of his brain, he killed himself after realizing that he couldn't write anymore

>> No.11352176


Being an epic meme man when life started getting boring because of his single lung impairment he decided to pull a spiderman and turn himself into a rhizome


Turbo-faggot in denial his whole life. A sham of a being and the wear of self loathing got too much to bear.

>David Foster Wallace

Too sincere for this world. Struggled to find love for himself and those around himhis whole but he just couldn't do it. Had to end it before he could accept living a lie of an existence.

>> No.11352180

That seems like only the end of the story. Why did he take up Electrotherapy in the first place?

>> No.11352182

According to Dave Sim Hemmingway's wife tricked him into shooting himself.

>> No.11352185

> life started getting boring because of his single lung impairment

Not contesting the epic meme part, but lung impairment can ruin someone. The constant feeling of suffocation would certainly be enough to make me want to off myself as well.

>> No.11352189


>I'm not saying I wouldn't have changed the Nardil (or that I would have). But the family never had the chance to decide if Nardil was worth the risk, or not, because the doctor made it very obvious that it wasn't.

>NB: he was wrong.

>> No.11352192

Family convinced him to do it in response to his lifelong struggle with depression which was worsening with age

>> No.11352197

Deleuze was in agony, DFW was a hack fraud faggot, Hemingway was a mentally ill closet case alcoholic who was talentless and aware how inferior he was to Melville and Joyce, Salinger, Fitzgerald etc

>> No.11352198

Yes. I can't remember where I read it, perhaps it was Houellebecq. But suicide by jumping is a very common cause of death for those with the condition because they often build a habbit of prostrating themselves outside windows just to push air inside themselves and from there it becomes a building temptation to make a full jump
Even so one would think someone with something to live for (i.e. not Deleuze) might tolerate the pain.

>> No.11352203

Ok so why did he have a "lifelong struggle with depression" as you put it in bugman speak

>> No.11352207

Parental abuse as a child and some fucked up shit he saw during multiple wars, probably

>> No.11352213
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>aware how inferior he was to... Salinger, Fitzgerald

>> No.11352218

>and some fucked up shit he saw during multiple wars

kek don't believe his lies. Hemmingway didn't see shit

>> No.11352230

>what is On the Quai at Smyrna
>what is A Way You'll Never Be
The summer itt is out of control

>> No.11352234

Why didn't we save them?

>> No.11352245

>what is
Bullshit he made up. Holyfuck, you actually believe half of what Hemmingway wrote was real?

>> No.11352257

>was an acclaimed news correspondent for multiple wars/conflicts
I'd tell you to kill yourself but you've made it pretty obvious that you'll never accomplish anything that Hemingway did

>> No.11352266

Hemingway because since Joyce died he didnt have anyone to protect in bar fights

>> No.11352267

>>was an acclaimed news correspondent for multiple wars/conflicts

Yeah you wonder why you fuckgullible idiot, making shit up was how he got acclaimed.

>> No.11352278
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>> No.11352279

>Too sincere
he was a post modernist, nothing sincere there. his bloated IJ was a waste of time

>> No.11352290

DFW's entire goal was to transcend post-modernism through New Sincerity
He failed and that's probably why he killed himself

>> No.11352291

He actively wrote about directly executing German soldiers and saying he was such an edgy tough guy he felt nothing. When in reality its well recorded he spent the entirety of the war outside combat, first as a male nurse then after being injured in a shelling was confined to hospitlization
His war stories are all complete fabrications, based on hearsay from others at best because he was a big faggot sissy in reality

>> No.11352297

>he was a post modernist

In the same way Hitler was a Socialist

>> No.11352303

His whole family had mental problems in the first place. His father, a brother and a sister commited suicide too. His son was trans. It's obviously because of the genes (and being surrounded by your suicidal family).

>> No.11352307

No, SOME amount of his war stories are absolute fiction based on hearsay. And he participated as a war correspondent after WWI.
I never said he got messed up in the killing fields, I said he saw some shit which he clearly did.

If you want a complete WWI LARPer you're looking for Fitzgerald

>> No.11352329

No, he did go through that but almost everyone in his bloodline killed themselves at that age. This is just silly drama, his wife did put him on electroshock therapy but thats not why papa ernest shot himself, he was destined to have that mental illness triggered

>> No.11352339

The destruction of his language abilities was the final straw for Hemingway; he'd almost certainly have killed himself anyways but according to his family's account it was in direct reaction to realizing he could no longer write that he committed suicide when and how he did.

>> No.11352348

Mental illness can never force you to do anything, talk about a self fulfilling prophecy. It was his choice and he made it

>> No.11352407

> My life came to a standstill. I could breathe, eat, drink, and sleep, and I could not help doing these things; but there was no life, for there were no wishes the fulfillment of which I could consider reasonable. If I desired anything, I knew in advance that whether I satisfied my desire or not, nothing would come of it. Had a fairy come and offered to fulfill my desires I should not have know what to ask. If in moments of intoxication I felt something which, though not a wish, was a habit left by former wishes, in sober moments I knew this to be a delusion and that there was really nothing to wish for. I could not even wish to know the truth, for I guessed of what it consisted. The truth was that life is meaningless. I had as it were lived, lived, and walked, walked, till I had come to a precipice and saw clearly that there was nothing ahead of me but destruction. It was impossible to stop, impossible to go back, and impossible to close my eyes or avoid seeing that there was nothing ahead but suffering and real death - complete annihilation.

> It had come to this, that I, a healthy, fortunate man, felt I could no longer live: some irresistible power impelled me to rid myself one way or other of life. I cannot say I *wished* to kill myself. The power which drew me away from life was stronger, fuller, and more widespread than any mere wish. It was a force similar to the former striving to live, only in a contrary direction. All my strength drew me away from life. The thought of self-destruction now came to me as naturally as thoughts of how to improve my life had come formerly. and it was seductive that I had to be cunning with myself lest I should carry it out too hastily. I did not wish to hurry, because I wanted to use all efforts to disentangle the matter. "If I cannot unravel matters, there will always be time." and it was then that I, a man favoured by fortune, hid a cord from myself lest I should hang myself from the crosspiece of the partition in my room where I undressed alone every evening, and I ceased to go out shooting with a gun lest I should be tempted by so easy a way of ending my life. I did not myself know what I wanted: I feared life, desired to escape from it, yet still hoped something of it.

>> No.11352438

The Hemingway family has a long and documented history of mental illness, it's in their genes

>> No.11352458

why not?

>> No.11352467

> it's in their genes

>> No.11352475
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>he was sad just because his genes said so

>> No.11352482

Weak-willed, slack-jawed faggots. That’s why.

>> No.11352498

he was prone to developing mental illness because of his genes
Genetics are 40% of depression

>> No.11352508
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>Genetics are 40% of depression

You migth as well say everything is 100% genetics because its how we exist. Stop thinking like a bugman, you have free will

>> No.11352523

>you have free will
lmao ok. you're not just a more advanced ape you have a mystical gift given to you by God or whatever

>> No.11352538

Thats right buddy. Self consciousness is a system breaker

>> No.11352579

Obviously people are still responsible for their actions, but genetics do decide what you are more statistically prone to encounter.
Philosophy that runs counter to observable reality is retarded obscurantism.

>> No.11352593

One of those is not like the others.

>> No.11352674


>> No.11352761 [DELETED] 

ur dum

>> No.11352771


>> No.11352868

>Mental illness can never force you to do anything
Try having a conversation with a schizophrenic.

>> No.11352883

Like me? (Samefag)

>> No.11352901

>but genetics do decide what you are more statistically prone to encounter

Meaningless statement. The genetics of our brain only predicates how the world is presented to us, it is still down to you to decide how to respond to it

>> No.11352909

Schizophrenics are perfectly logical in their own schema of things. Every decision they make is their decision based on their logic as much as it may disturb you. There is nothing involuntary in their actions and it is only the Satanic life denying mechanisms of the pseudo science that is psychology that attempt to deny them to themselves

>> No.11352911

>Meaningless statement
Meaningless statement. It is impossible to act beyond the context of options presented to you. A man with no food cannot choose to eat, a man with injury cannot choose not to feel pain.

>> No.11353049

just like you were born with the tendency for stupidity, people can be born with a tendency for depression

>> No.11353347

deleuze: tuberculosis

hemingway: idk

dfw: his wife wasn't hot enough and he couldn't fuck anyone hot enough

>> No.11353360

>The genetics of our brain only predicates how the world is presented to us
>it is thus down to *your brain* to decide how to respond to it
you are your brain, faggot. no separation.

>> No.11353393

Because they all realized their true talent paled in comparison to the literary public's idealized perception of them. On some quasi-conscious level, I'm sure they each knew that the only way to truly secure an immortal legacy was to become an hero. Mishima—combining his sacrilege sexuality—also knew this to be true.

Death is the ultimate publicity move. Just look at the prehumously sidelined rapper XXXtentacion—now he's headlined.

>> No.11353408

This is a perfect example of sliding down a slippery slope. There are benchmarks for measurement. Even binaries lie on a spectrum. Just because a certain percentage of a given predisposition has been partly attributed to one predetermined cause (of several) doesn't mean that predetermined cause predetermines the entirety of a given set of effects. For instance, it's commonly understood that IQ is roughly 80% inherited. This ratio, god forbid, shouldn't lead one to conclude that *one might as well say* it's 100% because there is literally no conceivable logical reason to do so other than, "I can't conceive ofthe fact that both factors play a role and therefore must force myself to adhere absolutely to one side or the other because that's all my brain can handle."