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11350962 No.11350962 [Reply] [Original]

Read the first book. Is it worth to continue with this saga? I've heard that basically the rest of the books are trash.

>> No.11351283
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>> No.11351325

Read up until God Emperor.
Jesus Christ dude, you really won't regret it. This fucking series is a roller coaster of awesome, as reddit as that sounds to say.
The characters and universe just get more and more interesting as it goes along. Dune really is like Star Wars only for not-retarded people.

>> No.11352704


Follow the golden path

>> No.11352721

How does this book compare to Foundation by Isaac Asimov?

>> No.11353544

What's so bad about 5 & 6?

>> No.11353553

Well for starters it's actually pretty good

>> No.11354014

lmao Asimov is shit tier

>> No.11354155

It's hard to describe without spoiling anything but Dune can be likened to travelling up a mountain with book 4 being considered the peak and then5&6 going down the mountain

/spoiler the story feels really different from the other 4 parts with a focus on completely different characters from a different faction.

I gave up early into book 5 because I didn't find it interesting so I consider the story to end at 4

>> No.11355081

There's a faction of women that use their sexy vagina powers to mind control people, a guy gets time slow down powers and uses it to kill everyone in a split second, a little girl can control the worms etc. I haven't bothered with the 6th book after the 5th.

It reminds you that it's a scifi series.

>> No.11355084

I haven't read foundation since I was like 13, but I remember it being pretty good, is it really trash?

>> No.11355126
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Tfw I didn't know that Franky boi didn't finish the series until I read chapterhouse then couldn't find the next book.

>> No.11355158

If you read science fiction for the prose then probably.

>> No.11355188 [SPOILER] 
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That 3500 year old boomer who thinks he knows what's best for everyone.

>> No.11356450

Was Leto II the only furry to truly to have become one with his fursona?

>> No.11356611

He was a scaly you clown.

>> No.11357416

Oh buddy you're asking for it now

>> No.11357542
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don't listen to stupid cunts. all the books are great. especially the last 3. the 5th, heretics of dune, is my favorite. it's a special series. a special achievement of our species.

>> No.11358125

You are a special breed of stupid.
Heretics a shit

>> No.11358136

Messiah is a fun read. They get progressively worse after that.

>> No.11358149

Yea, especially the last book.

>> No.11358192

Thanks for making this thread. I just finished the book yesterday and was wondering the same. I think I'll give #2 a shot.

>> No.11358251

>recommended for everyone who read Dune and knew they weren't in it for the long run
I think it's a little pretentious calling anyone who finished a thousand page science fiction novel and decided they want more isn't "in for the long run".