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11350146 No.11350146 [Reply] [Original]

Just read Storm of Steel, what would you recommend next ?

>> No.11350159
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Maybe more of his works, maybe a nice hike in the countryside with a flask of homemade mushroom soup and a copy Asser's Life of King Alfred the Great

>> No.11350185

Maybe. I tried, for fun to get a sense of his religious and political views - so i can know who this man is. But he sometimes seem like a complex character, anyway thats fine most people change alot over time

>> No.11350201

The Glass Bees is Junger's most immediately relevant work.

>> No.11350261

>Ernst Junger
The Glass Bees -> Eumeswil

>World War I
All Quiet on the Western Front -> The Great War: Myth & Memory

>> No.11350279

marbot's napoleonic memoirs and spot the weird parallels with jünger

>> No.11350296

what version? 2000 or 2011?

>> No.11350306

Since this is a Junger thread, what did Junger think of technology?

>> No.11350336

just bumping. Would like to know the answer to this, too.

>> No.11350528
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This documentary might answer some of your questions. Definitely worth watching.

>> No.11350792

Yea i have seen this, its very good. But from this i get the impression that he likes technology? the whole thing doesn't make sense

>> No.11350834
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I Tried to read The Worker: Dominion and Form but I got super bored by his weirdly nietzschean metaphysics and circular reasoning. Does the book have anything of value to teach me or am I justified in dropping it?

>> No.11351086

Sometimes it seems like late Juenger didn't really care much about anything anymore, he was more or less detached from everything.

>> No.11351092

the good soldier svejk

>> No.11351108

If you want to keep it WWI related, I would suggest All Quiet on the Western Front for a different German perspective. Poilu for a French perspective. And Goodbye to All That for an English perspective.

>> No.11351124

The Forest passage

>> No.11351135


>> No.11351136

Journey to the End of the Night so your gay faggot dilettante war boner dies

>> No.11351140

Check out "A Rifleman Went to War" by Herbert McBride.

>> No.11351172

I read the 2000 version and it was great, so go with that I guess.

>> No.11351196
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>> No.11351673
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man that's so much better than the newer cover

>> No.11351680

who hurt you?

>> No.11351742

good book, i can reccomend

>> No.11351794

Gay book

>> No.11351796

good lord that's hideous

>> No.11351803

Read the 1929 edition before Junger started reediting it to make himself look less like a proto-nazi

>> No.11351816

Just remembered Ian Mcullen from Forgotten Weapons did a review of it.


If you guys are into military literature I highly recommend his reviews, they make up for quantity with quality.

>> No.11351840

Thinking about ordering it desu

>> No.11353057

Good Bye to All That by Graves.

>> No.11353099

this desu. found a copy and enjoyed it even more than the current cucked penguin version

>> No.11353115

I was talking about Glass Bees

>> No.11354418

cant find this version

>> No.11354461

>Read the 1929 edition before Junger started reediting it to make himself look less like a proto-nazi

This sentence sounds weird to me. What Junger did was to edit the books to spite the nazis. Witch was then often branded as the quiet version, and it was branded as unpatriotic and soft its "because of its descriptions of fear and failure"

Well im bought the newest edition so to speak, that is the version im reading right now. I couldn't find another version of the book and i heard that this version is fine anyway.

is it really that different?

>> No.11354465

ouch, a lot of bad spelling, sorry about that

>> No.11354506
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Where on earth can i get the 1929 version? I cant find anything anywhere on the internet

>> No.11354537
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this guy bought both the penguin and 1929 version and sounds very displeased with the new version (penguin)

>> No.11354612

the penguin modern classics edition translated by michael hofmann is still a translation of what junger wrote. junger revised the text himself many times.
what he calls the 1929 edition is presumably the english translation (by basil creighton) of the 1924 edition, junger's first major published revision. it's the most nationalist edition of the book.
hofmann points all this out in the introduction to the penguin modern classics edition. he's a respected translator, it's not like he's got anything to hide.

>> No.11354624

If that retard had actually read the introduction to Hoffman's translation he'd know about JUNGER'S revisions to the work

>> No.11354653

It's on Libgen.

>> No.11354724

Blizzard of Brass

>> No.11354818


>> No.11354824

well yes that is true, would still be nice to read the old one

>> No.11355466
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What did Jünger mean by this ? Did he intentionally take out the word "lord" ?

>> No.11355623


Ein schöner Tag, so wahr ich Leben atme!
Ein Tag von Gott, dem hohen Herrn der Welt,
Gemacht zu süßerm Ding als sich zu schlagen!

Den Kanonendonner im Rücken, empfand ich das Dichterwort nach:

Fürwahr ein Tag, von Gott gemacht,
Zu besserm Ding als sich zu schlagen.

I wouldnt overinterpret that desu; as you can see Jünger also changed things like "süßerm" (sweeter) to "besserm" (better) -- might be just changing the metrum from the blankverse of the play (prince of homburg) to fit a more common sing-songy poem-form. also since Jünger gives only the two lines, he might've wanted to have "Gott" and "gemacht" in one line, because since ur not in the flow of the play like with Kleist, its smoother to read when u have no line break in the middle of the sentence

also those translations are horrible to outright false

>> No.11355681


in case ur wondering, a more literal translation of the relevant verses would be

A day made by God, the high Lord of the world
for sweeter things than fighting

forsooth a day, made by God
for better things than fighting

so there's no "the maker of the world" in the Jünger one originally

>> No.11355966

Dispatches by Michael Herr (Vietnam) is the best on the ground war journalism I’ve ever read.

My War Gone by I Miss it So by Anthony Loyd (Bosnia) and Generation Kill by Evan Wright (Iraq) are also good

>> No.11356208

Black Edelweiss

>> No.11356516

thank you! very interesting

>> No.11356539

a book by a journalist, sounds boring but indeed it was good review - and according to wikipedia a lot of it is fiction?

>> No.11357660

i bought my copy online from a small store in germany. i just went through amazon looking for resellers and then bought directly. i think they were in dusseldorf

>> No.11357662

yeah there is a lot removed from the penguin version that changes the flavour of the book. the penguin version reads like a smart and somewhat somber story of war. the original is fkn bloodthirsty

>> No.11357713

Gay opinion

>> No.11357784

I thought it misrepresented his views to be much less reactionary than they truly were, or maybe he just mellowed out later in life IDK

>> No.11358315
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Use pic related.

>> No.11359596


No fucking shit. He made it out of WW1 after taking three wounds and died in the 90s. Why would he give a shit in his dotage?

>> No.11359738

Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Harper

>> No.11361127

you are gay

>> No.11361129

god fucking dammit i want this book, i almost done with the penguin version

>> No.11361160

its probably impossible to get the old version here in scandinavia