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File: 75 KB, 900x750, martin-heidegger-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11345779 No.11345779 [Reply] [Original]

Will his Black Notebooks ever be translated?

>> No.11345786

Is that where he gives the lowdown on the Jews?
We could translate it

>> No.11345807

Yes. Please do.
I don't even know if they ever published it in the original German.

>> No.11345850


>> No.11346077
File: 12 KB, 322x322, wokak cross-eyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in this is incomprehensible to me. Am I a brainlet?

>> No.11346100



>> No.11346117

>try to have any sort of discussion with materialists
>"but dude heidegger was a nazi wtf lmao"
This idiot and his stupid decision of falling for the nazi meme totally destroyed his philosophical endgame.
I hope he comes back to life just so he dies again.

>> No.11346137

>search "Jew"
>no matches were found

>> No.11346145

>search "redpill"
>no matches were found
How is this guy supposed to be a nazi again?

>> No.11346309

Aren't they on Amazon? I know I've gotten ads for them before.

>> No.11346332

only in america my dude. I'm french and all of our philosophers are straight up degenerates so we don't have this problem

>> No.11346353

Honestly, compared to how many careers were absolutely destroyed by post-war revisionists, it's amazing how well Heidegger's influence was preserved. Really speaks to the importance of his work . . . also helps a lot that he was famous before the war.

>> No.11346359

>responsible for a man’s greatness
bye /lit/

>> No.11346362

They've been translated in Italian, so I'm pretty sure there's an english translation.

Heidegger is widely discussed by everyone in the academia,I'd go as far as say that at least in Europe he was far more read by the left than than right. If anything they tried to minimize his involvement with Nazism just legitimize him, and desu he was coy about it like a coward

>> No.11346368

>Heidegger is widely discussed by everyone in the academia
This fortunately isn't true in the States. Heidegger dug a rabbit hole, and the rest of continental went down after him. It's rare that a single person can destroy an entire discipline, but a Nazi would be the one to do it.

>> No.11346384

In philosophy, it kind of is. If nobody reads and interacts with the ideas that you produce then it isolates your work from the annals of human thought and ends your philosophical development with your death.
A great example of this is Lev Shestov. I think his work is incredibly interesting but because of the fact that he's not widely studied his foot print on the world of ideas is negligible.

>> No.11346389


> Heidegger is widely discussed by everyone in the academia

t. someone not in academia

no one reads heidegger anymore. i'm getting my phd in philosophy and there are legit like four people in the us that discuss heidegger. even fewer in europe.

>> No.11346400

What the fuck you're talking about, He's by far the philospher I had to study the most. I don't know how it is in the US, but here in Italy you can't fart without someone going on about Vorhandenheit and shit.

>> No.11346411

He's very big in Russia and Iran. Also, maybe Japan; I know that he was a major inspiration for almost all of the post-war writers in the Kyoto school at least.

>> No.11346447

>the rest of continental went down after him
I see no shortage of Heideggerians even in the US, disciples of his went there, Marcuse went there... take Arendt, she even died there, even. Hubert Dreyfus died last year, Agamben and Derrida aren't exactly unheard of in the US... On top of that many of the aforementioned disciples are Jewish and none are anti-Semitic.

Analytic thought dominating the philosophy departments in Angloland has little to do with Heidegger's political association, Anglos were yelling at the British Idealists for being too continental long before WW2, and the Gesamtausgabe is a project that began only in 1975.
>fewer in europe
lol nope

>> No.11346459

i doubt that person has contributed anything, this is such an impotent view of human relations. People exert themselves on others disproportionate to their own size compared to the whole. Heidegger and Nietzsche are read because of their power not because of social influence over others.
everything you people do is worthless compared to Heidegger and Nietzsche, there is no reason to read any philosophy post Heidegger.

Imagine getting a PhD in phil or english or classics or an MA, imagine not realizing how pathetic you are

>> No.11346466

>did interview on why he was a Nazi
>stop them from printing it until you die so you never have to defend anything you say
what a lad

>> No.11346474

Let me guess: you're American. It's okay sweetie, not every nation is apt for philosophical thought.

>> No.11346483

That's the thing that honestly bothers me the most.
Christ almighty, you're a philosopher own up to what you think. I wonder if he's ever read Crito when all that shit went down.

>> No.11346526
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>there is no reason to read any philosophy post-y.

>> No.11346571

>I see no shortage of Heideggerians even in the US, disciples of his went there, Marcuse went there... take Arendt, she even died there, even. Hubert Dreyfus died last year, Agamben and Derrida aren't exactly unheard of in the US... On top of that many of the aforementioned disciples are Jewish and none are anti-Semitic.
If he had any impact, it was most likely delegated to the social sciences and literary criticism. It's probably a better place for them as they had some decent insights even if their work doesn't stand on its own. Off the top of my head, I can think of one philosopher who really draws from him, Dreyfus.

>> No.11346574
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Die Philosophie der Erlösung translation when

>> No.11346582

The Anglo world is the only place where philosophy actually occurs. The continental tradition amounts to nothing more than posturing in favor for whichever form of authoritarianism in en vogue at the moment.

>> No.11346615
File: 179 KB, 1280x720, American Salted Snow Flakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop making the rest of us Americans look bad, please.

>> No.11346659

I’ve never heard anyone serious dismiss him for that reason.

>> No.11346673

It's impossible for even the most despicable of Americans to look bad in the presence of those from countries where these frauds and their fake philosophy are taken seriously. It's an illegitimate field that exists solely for for political reasons. Nietzsche was a great writer, and his works of of the highest literary significance, but there's no justification for frauds like Heidegger or Derrida. Just try grilling someone on it; it will always boil down to their work best supporting the brand of authoritarian politics they're fond of.

>> No.11346687

Derrida was a socdem just sayin

>> No.11346696

Socdem societies tend to be very restrictive. Lot's of state interference with speech, and Derrida's work is used to justify it. But fair enough, t is an incredibly soft and cushy for of authoritarianism.

>> No.11346702
File: 155 KB, 532x531, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. You're cringy. You're an embarrassment to our country. No one fucking likes you. Go watch some more YouTube pundits and get off my home board.

>> No.11346717

I don't get my politics from youtube. My views of these so-called thinkers comes from my engagements with their supporters and followers. Being suckered in by their flashy tricks is far more shameful, especially since you did it willingly. At least the Euros are raised on it.
>get off my home board.
I've probably been here longer than you.

>> No.11346757

this is good b8

>> No.11346786

I bet some deleuzian banged ur oneitis and now you think only TRUE and LOGICAL philosophy done by REAL ANGLOSAXON MEN is real and the rest of the world can't see the truth because MUH FEE FEES.

>> No.11346815


Who is he?

>> No.11346827

I fortunate enough to live in a country with very few of these. Hell, I haven't met people who have even heard of Deleuze, and those that have (myself included) don't really get laid very often.
>rest of the world can't see the truth because MUH FEE FEES.
I'd say that their goals are just different from the discovery of truth. They can see it, but they purposefully (and very logically, given their position) choose to ignore it.

>> No.11346843

The fact that you still talk about seeing the truth as if there is any possibility of any intersubjective absolute truth makes me think the deleuzians are a tad smarter than you

>> No.11346866

What? There's already three volumes translated in English.

>> No.11346869

More interested in the Zollikon Seminars desu

>> No.11346873

Is the impossibility of intersubjective absolute truth an intersubjective absolute truth? That all philosophy in the continental tradition seems to be nothing but empty, recursive rubbish seems pretty absolutely true too, so I guess we have two of them now.

>> No.11346894

It's something that has so far been true and shows no signs of changing in the foreseeable future

>> No.11346903

get off my board

>> No.11346918

>this is a good enough standard for the continental
Damn, no wonder you guys have to resort to flashy linguistic tricks. You really have nothing to say, but hey I can't blame people for selling snake-oil to the French public. I'd do it too if I were in the same position.
>my board
In all likelihood, I've been posting here longer than you. Go back to /r/badphilosophy if you want to desperately rationalize our worthless discipline with epic memes.

>> No.11346919

>it’s impossible for truth to exist because no one has found it yet

>> No.11346922

All the passages on Jews/Judaism were collected and translated by Richard Polt here:


>Even the thought of an agreement with England, in the sense of a division of imperialist "jurisdictions," does not reach the essence of the historical process that England is now playing out to its end within Americanism and Bolshevism, and this at the same time means within world Jewry. The question of the role of world Jewry is not a racial question, but the metaphysical question about the kind of humanity that, without any restraints, can takeover the uprooting of all beings from being as its world-historical "task."

>"Prophecy" is the technique for fending off what is destinal in history. It is an instrument of the will to power. That the great prophets are Jews is a fact whose secret has not yet been thought through. (Note for jackasses: this comment has nothing to do with "anti-Semitism," which is as foolish and abominable as Christianity's bloody and, above all, non-bloody attacks on "heathens." The fact that Christianity even brands anti-Semitism as "un-Christian" is part of its highly developed and refined power technique.)

>> No.11346950

every attempt so far has resulted in even more confusion and sometimes a genocide here and there

>> No.11346959

To be fair, pretty much every ideology has resulted in at least one genocide.

>> No.11346982

>stop trying to figure things out or you’re literally Hitler (tm)

>> No.11346983


tl;dr - continentals are mostly anti-realists and consider 'truth' to be a kind of unconcealing or vitalism

>> No.11346996

> trying to figure things out
better luck next life duderino

>> No.11347001

>'truth' to be a kind of unconcealing or vitalism
Care to extrapolate?

>> No.11347187

lol I like how the bait guy never actually gave a critique of anything that either Heidegger or Derrida ever said.
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11347233

They literally didn't say anything. There isn't a single concept or sentiment expressed in any of their work. It's empty language designed (we must remember that these are highly intelligent people) to induce delusions in their interpreters. It allows their acolytes to dodge criticism too, and most efficiently further whatever authoritarian cause currently occupies them.

>> No.11347326
File: 1.34 MB, 256x196, 299b36c07856b63f5e19ea175b56ad1c206fe83e7b2563b0bc582ab3f2750f84.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not that I don't understand Mathematics; It's that Mathematics is conspiracy upheld by a cabal Jewish degenerates masquerading as Communistic Nazi Frenchmen. THOSE NUMBERS DON'T ACTUALLY MEAN ANYTHING AND EVERYONE WHO SAYS THEY DO IS JUST PLAYING ALONG TO DEFEND THEIR EVIL NAZI COMMUNISM!
You're a silly person, Anon.

>> No.11347378

Math has many qualities that can demonstrate its legitimacy. The works of the continental tradition don't. As I said before there is literally nothing expressed their writing. It's purpose is to induce psychosis there's nothing more to it.

>> No.11347405

First, the point is that I can use your argument against any discipline because you're not actually saying anything about the arguments within it. You're just saying that it's obviously insidious because of how insidious it is.
Secondly, Illustrate the way in which it's purpose is "to induce psychosis". That's a ridiculous claim and, if this isn't bait, you're retarded.

>> No.11347892

Huh, thanks anon.

>> No.11348263
File: 1.64 MB, 680x499, d65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeb pic

>> No.11348671


literally wrote my master's dissertation on heidegger. he's obviously extremely popular for people studying continental philosophy, except that there are few straight-laced heidegger scholars anymore. andrew mitchell is one of the only guys i know who actually falls into this category, works at a good university, and is not emeritus. all of the other guys (krell, steinbock, sallis, etc) are either retired or dead. heidegger studies got revived slightly but only to discuss the nazi connection.

i also studied in europe, where the nazi thing is case closed: he's a fucking nazi.

so, i misspoke. i shouldn't have said that no one *reads* heidegger. of course everyone reads heidegger. the number of actual heidegger SCHOLARS working at good universities, however, has been decimated.

there are, for example, zero job postings at the moment looking for heidegger scholars. compare that with kant or plato and you can start to get the picture. yeah, everyone reads heidegger for sure but as far as what people are publishing in? heidegger has been eclipsed certainly now by merleau-ponty and probably by husserl. i have met many more deleuzean scholars and foucaultians than heideggerians. there is even a significant contingent of heidegger scholars that have moved back to german idealism.

he's popular, but academia has turned their back on him. probably because of the nazi shit, to be honest. also because heidegger is too ethereal and most philosophers choose to publish stuff on things they can actually sink their teeth on and get a paper or dissertation published about.

>> No.11348692


> there is even a significant contingent of heidegger scholars that have moved back to german idealism

let's not forget the badiou and spec-real/ooo camps. for fuck's sake i've heard more papers lately on sloterdijk than heidegger.

>> No.11348779

Actually, just as the Nazis were the only ones to do anything of value in politics in the 20th century, it wasn't surprising that they turned out to be the only ones doing anything of value in philosophy in the 20th century.

>> No.11348799

Lmao nobody cares about American academics, it's either creationists arguing that humans rode dinosaurs, feminist vegan dance theory experts or the occasional programmer who'll make an algorithm to give people the burger and porn they didn't knew they wanted at any given time. The sooner you're walled in the better

>> No.11348807


i was starting to forget why i never come to this board anymore

>> No.11348855

>you people
>there is no reason to read any philosophy post Heidegger.
didn't finish the job
>Imagine getting a PhD in phil or english or classics or an MA
getting a MD so I don't have to
>imagine not realizing how pathetic you are
as opposed to you who don't even know who you're angry at, let alone why
making shit up

>> No.11348860

Maybe you should be more open minded to ideas instead of instantly condemning them because your professor and colleagues say it's wrongthink.

>> No.11349455
File: 39 KB, 425x428, Comfort of the Awakend Saxon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for you to make any argument of value.

>> No.11350800


>> No.11351105

Is this true?



Nothing= being

>> No.11351118

It's truly dumb

>> No.11351120

Hey youre the guy from the podcast arent you?

>> No.11351130

So what is "what-is"?

>> No.11351133

incredible self own and incredible lack of imagination
im not angry at anyone, inhuman forces soak up all of my ire. You responded to my post like a nigger redditor, why would i even take you seriously? You people, as in the board, think that publishing papers post Heidegger has meaning and you eat up tax payer money and subsidies (which all unis in all countries are built off of) to flatter yourselves while complicating the confusion of doxa and sophia which plagues society today. You’re nothing but cystic presences in the human psyche. Nothing to be mad about, anymore than one is mad at a disease. You know that you do nothing, everyone in this thread knows they’re tax leeches and inferior to dead people. >>11346582
analytics are the most dangerous kind of authoritarians entrusting cybernetic logic with the whole of human epistemology

>> No.11351143

this is great

>> No.11351162

hey can you tell me what the deal with krell/sallis is? i keep seeing them lately, sallis wrote daemon life right?

>> No.11351547


>> No.11351596

Tell that to materialists

>> No.11351657

>heidegger has been eclipsed certainly now by merleau-ponty and probably by husserl
does that mean pharaoh(1999)poster has a job now?

>> No.11353201

Different anon, but Krell was the author of Daimon Life. Not too familiar with most of Krell's independent research or work, but I think he focuses a bit on Nietzsche? I know he did the English translations of the Nietzsche lectures.

Sallis is kind of all over the place, and seems to have absorbed a good deal of Heidegger, but maybe filtered through Heidegger's student, Gadamer? He does a lot of readings of Plato with hermeneutic and phenomenological concerns in mind. Very cool and exciting, even if not as deep at the end of the day.

>> No.11353307

what is recent husserl scholarship like?

>> No.11353404

>Note for jackasses: this comment has nothing to do with "anti-Semitism," which is as foolish and abominable as Christianity's bloody and, above all, non-bloody attacks on "heathens." The fact that Christianity even brands anti-Semitism as "un-Christian" is part of its highly developed and refined power technique.

What did Heidigger mean by this?

>> No.11353482

1) Kek

2) Uh, what DID he mean by this?

I mean, it looks like he's clarifying the difference between a Nietzschean observation about prophecy and the relationship between prophecy and Jews as a people and mere biologicist-based racism? I guess? He was pretty obsessed with Nietzsche by this point, and this looks like something written with Nietzsche on the mind.

>> No.11353722
File: 20 KB, 500x273, dead delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i take this bait

>> No.11353730

read Heidegger if you want to contribute to the thread

>> No.11353746

dreams do come true thank you jesus

>> No.11355548

It still seems pretty active, even in light of the Nazism. Polt is still active, Capobianco and Sheehan have both been doing a bunch of work settling overall interpretations of his work, there's still regular work done by the Heidegger Circle, etc. His name probably has faded to some extent, but he's written about far more than MP, for example, who's kind of always come and gone like a fad.

>> No.11355680

They have been published in german, but not all of them.

>> No.11355690 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 1200x743, 1529604558189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11356053

>he can't read German
Shouldn't be reading Heidegger Tbh

>> No.11356365
File: 7 KB, 236x226, disgusted (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black Notebooks
>he doesn't rage against niggers anywhere
WTF Heidegger, seriously?

>> No.11356373

GREAT post

>> No.11356399

thanks dude I sure hope I can be as good of a contributor as you some day :)