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11345027 No.11345027 [Reply] [Original]

how do i write a realistic love story when i've never had a bf before??? im a fembot

>> No.11345039

Read good love stories and steal from many different sources until you have your own unique storyline

>> No.11345038

Using other life experiences, your imagination, taking inspiration from other books, music, film. Observing others. Your story will be inferior though.

>> No.11345040

not in my diary desu

>> No.11345041

Honestly i know this is probably bait but...
Don't, you cannot write a realistic love story unless you're comfortable with writing something that is pure self indulgent trash and nothing more. Which is what i do.

>> No.11345050

5 1 . 5 0 7 4 ° N , 0 . 1 2 7 8 ° W

>> No.11345052

You shouldn't be bound by realism, just go for the ridiculous.

>> No.11345055

Goddamn how much of a failure does a woman have to be that they cant get a bf with the swath of dudes out there.

>> No.11345056

just b urself

>> No.11345057

you can tell when a romance is written by a fembot or a normie?

>> No.11345059

like you would write anything else, using your imagination. I mean Tolkien wasn't a hobbit either

>> No.11345066

post tits and I'll critique a short story for you

>> No.11345091

Yes but none of us are hobbits. Now imagine having been in a long relationship and reading some teenager's "realistic" love story.

>> No.11345110

is a narrative poetry book marketable??

i want to write a book of poetry that are also short stories

>> No.11345126
File: 334 KB, 422x509, 364CD0D3-78CB-4E84-926B-362BFDFB679A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no bf

>> No.11345134

Presuming this isn't bait
Why do you need to? I hope this doesn't make me sound like a dick but, maybe you should wait until you get some experience with men to write about having a relationship with one? I mean, it's not that hard to find a guy willing to give you a chance.

>> No.11345136

Yes it is. I have many issues and know that nobody wants to be burdened.

>> No.11345140

Hormone therapy doesn't make you a woman fag

>> No.11345142

Are you white?
Do you have nice feet?
Do you have a penis?
Is it feminine when flaccid?
Is it 8 inches of bulging flesh as thick as a can when erect?
Would you be willing to ravage my throat with it and push it down so deep that you cum directly into my stomach?
Would you also be willing to piss down my throat?
Could you do the same to my ass?
Can you let another guy ravage your holes as I watch in the corner, jerking off?
Would you be willing to marry me as a plethora of black bull semen expands your stomach from the inside, thus making it look like you're pregnant?
Have you read The Ego and Its Own?

If you answered yes to all these questions then I'll your boyfriend bby and show you what love is all about

>> No.11345148

no to all

>> No.11345151

What are your issues, if I may ask? Unless you're a quadruple amputee, schizophrenic, or 800 lbs I doubt they'd be an absolute destroyer of all romantic prospects.
As far as the hating yourself and thinking nobody wants to be burdened by you thing goes, I've been in that same position but from a male perspective, all I can say is that you'll never find happiness if you don't try.
Once again, hope I don't sound like a dick.

>> No.11345154

No wonder you're single. What kind of a guy would want a girl like you

>> No.11345159

Fuck you man.

Quadruple amputees are hot. You can use them as onaholes which is straight up the hottest shit ever.

>> No.11345187

weird kinks, anxiety, depression, bad childhood, socially inept, eating disorder
i have tried and failed so im over it

>> No.11345203

It's going to be more difficult yes, but there are plenty of great lovestories where the characters never actually date, but long for each other unknowingly. You could perhaps right it from the angle. Maybe a Cyrano type thing?

>> No.11345204
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A lot of people have those. I've got all of those other than the eating disorder. People are people and that includes all of the messy stuff. I'm sure that there's a guy out there who'd love to try to make your life complete. I'm not going to pressure you into action anymore but if a guys tries to connect with you please do give him a shot.
I hope you get where you want to be in life, Anon.

>> No.11345218

Why would you ever pressure a woman ‘into action’?? The sexual nature of contemporary reality is sick. You don’t need to have sex with everyone that you find attractive. I know I don’t, and I am in a nice relationship.

God bless you OP, look for that emotional relationship

>> No.11345222

date me and we can begin making experiences

>> No.11345231

i trusted a guy like exactly 1 year ago and i was too messed up for him. i dont want to be hurt again so im a fembot

>> No.11345232
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I wasn't talking about sex at all. I was talking about her getting the courage to ask a guy out. You're the way that made my comment sexual.

>> No.11345273

A realistic love story is not self indulgent trash at all. Lermontov and Tolstoy have accurate depictions of how men and women fall in love for example. The princess that Pechorin seduces when he's hanging around at those healing waters is an especially good example.

What is always impossible is to write a love story from the perspective you yourself had when falling in love, and the reason for this is that love always contains something which could charitably be called mystical, and more cynically delusional. The experience of the person falling in love is a clusterfuck of contradiction and intensity that can only really be made sense of if you explain it away by some higher unseen principle instead of an edgy pragmatic view of it.

it is always enormously boring hearing people talk about falling in love in pretty much the same way and for the same reasons it's boring hearing about their dreams. breakups on the other hand are extremely fertile ground for art and make up a ridiculous proportion of the content of secular art. This is because they are reality coming back in to the fantasy world, forcing the delusional(or if you prefer somehow enraptured) people to confront the reality of their behavior. A similar effect can be produced by showing the transition of obsessive romantic love to the affection that characterizes long term relationships. You have a meeting of the beautiful dream world and the unpleasant(to various degrees) but familiar real world.

Actually the best example I can think of is the short story The lady and her little dog, which ends with a not that subtle implication of the ruin which is going to come to the romance that has completely torn these two people from their real lives, and it is precisely because now their love world and the real world are touching each other as they are abandoning their families(it's not actually clear if they are really going to do it, or if he's just fucking around at the end, the whole last bit seems to be written sort of ironically). It is possible that I am reading in this constant juxtaposition of the purity of their love and their complete secrecy but I am pretty sure it's the point.
>He always seemed to women different from what he was, and they loved in him not himself, but the man created by their imagination, whom they had been eagerly seeking all their lives; and afterwards, when they noticed their mistake, they loved him all the same. And not one of them had been happy with him. Time passed, he had made their acquaintance, got on with them, parted, but he had never once loved; it was anything you like, but not love.

Here he thinks that only Anna knows who he really is, as though he has some inner essence but she barely knows him at all, in that the two of them have only ever had these brief secret encounters, and everything is set up exactly so nothing else can ever come of it- unless they really do just go off with each other and here he hints that

>> No.11345275
File: 45 KB, 393x503, Forget Him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The search for romantic actualization in our modern landscape is one that is inherently fraught with pain and disillusionment. I could go into my own experiences with relationships ending badly in the past or the fact that I have a lot of fucked up things about me that I sometimes feel mean I'll never be able to make a woman happy but I really don't think you want to hear that and I kindof feel like I've already harped this too strongly when I don't know your history or position. I just know that I haven't given up on women and I think that makes my life better.
So, I'm just going to reiterate that I hope you find what (or who) ever it is that you need to be happy.

>> No.11345281

>She adored him, and it was unthinkable to say to her that it was bound to have an end some day; besides, she would not have believed it!
and then immediately afterwards(next sentence) he sees himself in the mirror and thinks this:
>His hair was already beginning to turn grey. And it seemed strange to him that he had grown so much older, so much plainer during the last few years. The shoulders on which his hands rested were warm and quivering. He felt compassion for this life, still so warm and lovely, but probably already not far from beginning to fade and wither like his own.

I mean I think it is just obvious what he's doing here, but it's possible he really means to contrast some eternal pure love with the decaying and impure elements of the world. Doesn't seem like a very Chekhov thing to do though tbqh.

this post went massively overboard but yeah

>> No.11345313

I just went and checked and Chekhov wrote this while he was falling in love with the woman he married which makes me even more sure of what's going on here. He is trying to represent the experience of love in its purest form and he has to detach it entirely from the real world to do so. The parts of the story where Gurov talks about how transformed the world is by his present condition are probably completely sincere and transposed from Chekhov's life, but instead of putting it in a scenario that leads to integration with the rest of their lives he makes it impossible and then alludes to the degradation of the love if it were to happen.

Maybe at the time he wrote it he was just having a sort of tryst with her, which is apparently what he normally did, and he thought that's all that would come of it. Either way, whatever he was privately feeling, in the text itself that is what comes across imo. There are bits that hint that he's not talking just about love either, but about an entire range of transcendent beauty and meaning that people just cant seem to act in accordance with in the real world, but that is present in it if they choose to see it, which is maybe how he views the problem in general.

>> No.11345328

You can't you should write what you know instead.

>> No.11345334


>> No.11345381

>im a fembot
But before you do, do you want to go for a coffee sometime?

>> No.11345389

>actual in depth discussion of literature on /lit/
get out.

>> No.11345396

Practice by writing sexually charged fanfic of your favourite onscreen romances. Then post them to tumblr.

>> No.11346524

but many people write historical fiction for example in modern times despite never having been there

>> No.11346534

This post >>11345091 already kind of covered that point.