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/lit/ - Literature

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11344748 No.11344748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was once reading a book in a park and a dude passed by with a girl and said, "Reading some Shakespeare?" and he and the girl laughed and kept walking. I said nothing as I tried to understand the apparent putdown. I wasn't reading Shakespeare.

WTF was this...? Like drive-by anti-intellectualism? I think I was reading a hardcover copy of Inherent Vice with the jacket off, so it looked pretty nondescript. Did he think I was making a spectacle of myself by reading on a park bench...if so, that's fucking ridiculous.

Maybe others might have had a witty rejoinder at the ready, but I was too baffled, and besides, I don't consider it a good idea to talk back to rude strangers unless absolutely necessary.

Why has this memory stuck with me after all these years? I don't know! It was such a beautiful day, I was on the bench reading, and all was well, and suddenly I'm the object of someone's incoherent joke...

I guess reading in public was too obvious a demonstration of readerly habits for this insecure fellow and his friend?

>> No.11344755

You might have what some people call the "faggot face"

>> No.11344761

You forgot to add

>proud stoic

>> No.11344765

Cut the guy some slack, asserting dominance is, like, flirting 101, it wasn't anything personal you were just a prop he used in a effort to make this girl wet.

>> No.11344855

asserting dominance by being ignorant and mean dries out any girl worth taking out

>> No.11344861

Topkek. Just like my virgin/Chad memes

>> No.11344865

caring about what illiterate jocks say?
we don't do that here.
reading (out loud if you will) in public is your birth right of a citizen in cultured society.

>> No.11344898

>He didn't go berserk and beat him up.
Start lifting bucko.

>> No.11344918

must be an american thing.. I have couple of persons ask to take my picture while im reading and drinking beer on the bench.

>> No.11344923

not necessarily a good thing

>> No.11344939

I think its good. both were girls and tourists.. I just look like student and give good vibes ...should have ask them to show them a city or something, but im little autistic too

>> No.11344965

if only that was true.
If you aren't socializing,building connections,becoming popular,constantly working with the goal of money in mind you are a failure to normies.We are bottom of the barrel trash to anyone who wants mindlessly indulge in hedonism.

>> No.11344979


>> No.11344981

Take pride in knowing that his character flaws reduced his relationship with that fair dame into ruin later down the road, and such is the circumstance of all his congenial affairs until the brute learns otherwise that his behavior is beneath the kind of a gentleman.

>> No.11344986
File: 43 KB, 726x248, bap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If you were physically intimidating this would never happen.

>> No.11344988
File: 44 KB, 530x457, jamesholmesfanmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reduced his relationship

>> No.11344996

>drive-by anti-intellectualism
This made me chuckle.

>> No.11344999

Stop typing like a fag.

>> No.11345004

Lol virgin confirmed. Go back to your bench shakespeare the big dicks are walkin here.

>> No.11345008
File: 48 KB, 317x381, Shrek_smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they look like this guy?

>> No.11345011

Reading too much PUA rubbish? No girl will find that attractive, you bellend.

>> No.11345025

I can't. I am a fag. Does this bother your fear of penetration? Come hither, I'll show you what you are missing.

>> No.11345042

first time this meme made me laugh

>> No.11345048
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>> No.11345051

Look at this filth. You think a gentleman walks around with these slag? Surely even you must know that these are nothing to brag about. Imagine the insecurity and moral turmoil that haunts the poor soul which commits to one of these.

>> No.11345130

Not at all. Ignorance and meanness are completely irrelevant, it's all about how well you own an assertion, with confidence and attractiveness. There is no preference in this, every girl (every human) is the same.

>> No.11345145

The first guy was a brainlet, but this... embarassing

>> No.11345153

It's about security vs. insecurity, not nice vs. mean. Girls don't give a shit about nice vs. mean. Look at the millions of girls literally crying about XXXTentacion, and he raped a girl with a grill fork. But he was confident as all hell and he was "trying to change" so he got them soaked.

>> No.11345155

>first time this meme made me laugh

>> No.11345157

They probably had some inside joke, boys and girls have these

>> No.11345161

>Reading too much PUA rubbish? No girl will find that attractive, you bellend.
Maybe your problem isn't literacy so much as talking like David Mitchell.

>> No.11345166

>young Martin Sheen face
fucking brutal

>> No.11345173

Damn that nibba bases

>> No.11345185

If this isn't some kind of post-ironic joke/bait which I didn't get, maybe you are reacting to bad to this. Sometimes males, expecially in company of girls an/or when they're drunk, act like douchebags, without a real reason. Really a different thing if someone start talking shit to you or launch something at you.

>> No.11345188

Why are women so impressed by brutality? But ignorance and cruelty?

>> No.11345229

Other people are not your friends OP. As soon as I walk outside I can see their contempt and disgust in their eyes, they hate me, and "the other" is absolutly repulsive as well. This is what city life is like in a global deracinated culture, other people dislike you, you are in their way.

>> No.11345261

ok Fyodor

>> No.11345272

>not revealing you're actually reading The Leviathon
>not telling him if it hadn't been for the laws of this land, enforced by strict physical punishment and the divine rights of the state, you would have dashed his head against a rock and mated with his girl on top of his corpse

>> No.11345276

>letting the government stop you
real sexy, anon. Girls love that shit

>> No.11345291

That's true, doing things in America is always seen as you doing it against someone.

>> No.11345296
File: 364 KB, 460x432, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect usage. Bravo anon