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11341769 No.11341769 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone recommend me some books about the after life? I’m currently agnostic, but I’d love to believe in god.

>> No.11341782

how could a book written by a man cause you to believe in a god?

>> No.11341785

man is made by god

>> No.11341786

An agnostic wants experience, not teaching. Put yourself in God's hands and see where he takes you.

>> No.11341787

Dante's Divine Comedy

>> No.11341789

Yea sure recommend him a ponderous doorstopper which is more about 13th century politics and art than Religion. Might as well recommend he learn Tarot

>> No.11341791

you haven't even read Dante, shut your mouth

>> No.11341794

I have but you clearly have not. His book is entirely secular.

>> No.11341803

yeah maybe if you're a brainlet with no knowledge of Aquinas

>> No.11341824

The Psychedelic Experience and weirdly enough Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.11341866

Why beyond good and evil?

>> No.11341902

Read William Buhlman.


Check the videos section.

>> No.11342577

The Egg by Andy Weir. its really short and online for free

>> No.11342621

There is no afterlife.

>> No.11342631

how do you know?

>> No.11342642

there is no afterlife its made up
no other animals believe in it, and because everything human goes-with the body. there is no need for it to explain anything and if it is at all like sleep then its irrelevant, most descriptions of it are logically incoherent and suggest imagination, insanity or stupidity

>> No.11342668

Even if I accept everything you said, you still can't make the absolute statement that it does not exist.
>everything human goes-with the body.
can you rephrase this?
>there is no need for it to explain
this is really beside the point.
for cave people, there was no need for special relativity to explain the natural world around them.

>> No.11342701

I hate people like you that just jump to conclusions and think they have all the evidence.

>> No.11342714

THE ROMANS (not christians they can never be roman byzantine is a disgrace to both rome and greeks)

>> No.11342727

Yo like what if we made a library of babel for human consciousness with the help of a computer-god. Would that be an avenue for an afterlife?

>> No.11342788

I hate people like you that just insult a poster without adressing any of his/her points

>> No.11342794

>no other animals believe in it,
Have you asked them? The birds are firm believers, ask Francis.

>> No.11342800

no everything i said is clear, and its just what is the case
it doesn’t matter, it is the case that when we die there is nothing
yes, they worship the Earth and nothing else. they don’t speak of heaven beyond this life and no organism besides man ever has. we’re in a void and when we die we return to it, accept this now when you are young do not cling to afterlives when you are old and pathetic

>> No.11342864

You will be pretty confused after you die and there is not nothing.

>> No.11342882

I don't believe in an afterlife but if there is one I'm just gonna be like HOLY FUCK THE AFTERLIFE WAS REAL FUCKING DOPE LETS CHECK THIS SHIT OUT
I think it'll be pretty tight

>> No.11342914

Read the Bible, King James Version, but acknowledge that it is filled with allusions to older mythology, metaphors, and symbolism. It is not all meant to be interpreted literally.

>> No.11342932

Why do you want to believe in god?

>> No.11343263


Well, considering how fucking massive and mysterious the universe is, I find it hard to believe that there isn’t life after death or that it wasn’t created by a supreme entity. It doesn’t make any fucking sense to assume it’s pointless when we don’t even know all the shit within our own planet. How can some retard assume there is nothing OUTSIDE our planet ?

Nietzche is fucking retarded

>> No.11343267

Jesus this embarrassing.

>> No.11343270

You can’t even refute

>> No.11343290

Why do you draw the relationship between a mysterious universe and life after death?

>> No.11343291

Read what you just wrote outloud, and then apologize for wasting my bandwidth and time for being made to read this.

>> No.11343292

Just because it “sounds” cringy or whatever doesn’t make it false. Get a grip faggot

>> No.11343300

Because if there’s such a massive universe with more mysteries than we could count it’s safe to assume that when we side it isn’t the end. There is a lot of shit that we just can’t see right now

>> No.11343304

>when we side
When we die*

>> No.11343331

This is literally god of the gaps. Fuck off kid. Just because we can't explain it doesn't mean a leprechaun made it.

>> No.11343339

Doesn’t there’s nothing either, also I never said a leprechaun made it.
I’m not adhering to any religion, that’s fucking stupid.

Eat a dick

>> No.11343353

Somehow people arrive at the conclusion that just because something is strange or seemingly inexplicable, it must be a product of [regional specific god], and get all butt twisted at the idea that all gods or deities are a potential when you play with god of the gaps, because it's a fucking retarded 5th grade apologetic argument that the "cool and hip youth pastor with a mowhawk and likes *gasp* secular buttrock presented to your retarded ass while walking around campus and trying to have a 'real honest talk about god with you' and maybe get some money out of your gullible ass too."

>> No.11343360
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You have to be 18 years or older to post on 4chan.org

>> No.11343366


>> No.11343373

How the fuck would you know there isn’t life after death?
>regional specific god
I literally just said that I don’t adhere to any religion, I simply state the fact that this universe we live in has a vast amount of mysteries and earth is fine tuned for life.

To just go “AGH ITS NOTHING WE DIE AND THATS IT” because you’re a ducking pessemistic fuck head makes you the retard

>> No.11343375

This is going in my cringe compilation

>> No.11343381
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What you need is a mystical experience, not books. Take some DMT

>> No.11343383

>"We don't know"
>Well since we have 0 positive evidence for literally any deity, I'm just going to assert that a leprechaun is behind all of this mystery
>Can't prove me wrong cause we can't know and we don't know

Holy shit, is this your first time on this board? Do you talk to people about this stuff IRL? Like you genuinely and passionately profess this level of dumbassery to people?

>because you’re a ducking pessemistic fuck head makes you the retard
lel, he needs a leprechaun to give his life meaning instead of giving it meaning himself

>I simply state the fact that this universe we live in has a vast amount of mysteries and earth is fine tuned for life.

And a random pothole is also fine-tuned to hold filthy rain water, you fucking leprechaun worshiping weirdo.

>> No.11343388

The only book ever written on the subject is this: http://digitalphysics.ru/pdf/Kaminskii_A_V/Kolak_I_Am_You.pdf

>> No.11343392

The Hermetica is said to have been written by a god.

>> No.11343405

what skyrim mod is this?

>> No.11343406
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Your comparisons are trash.
>he doesn’t give life a meaning himself
Never said that.
>and a random pothole is fine tuned to hold water
And a random universe is fine tuned to support life

>> No.11343418

Man you're the one who keeps asserting that because we can't explain the spooky space it had to be a leprechaun, I dunno why you're getting all sp00ked out by the idea of free will and self-agency and like, super basic philosophical metaphors. You probably have a hard time with stuff that isn't digestible in the form of YouTube videos, huh?

That or you can't read, have an un-developed personal belief system, or as I've already suspected, you are a glaring retard, and luckily since this observation is based on evidence, I can safely conclude that all three of my conclusions are correct.

>> No.11343427

>The Hermetica

>> No.11343431
File: 188 KB, 1280x720, Simulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet atheists are all to eager to slap their dicks together over 'simulation theory' which posits that a being that exists outside our reality and not bound by our physical created our universe and maintains total control over every aspect of it. Really makes you think.

>> No.11343438

No, it doesn't, because I've never heard of this except in science fiction or people who try to misconstrue atheists as people who just hate [regional specific god]. Are you scared of people who don't take things at face value, anon? I get the creeping feeling that there is some part of who you are that is scared of being wrong about your belief system.

>> No.11343442

At least it's not The Kybalion

>> No.11343444

>instead of giving it meaning himself
You can't actually do that under a purely materialistic worldview. Meaning is a spook that cannot be quantified and therefore, according to you, doesn't exist period. If you want to be self righteous about your supposed rationality then at least have the guts to see your philosophy to it's inevitable conclusion and don't chicken out with some bullshit about 'making your own meaning' which is practically indistinguishable to any religious dogma

>> No.11343454
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>No, it doesn't, because I've never heard of this except in science fiction
Then you live in a bubble and don't really engage with people often. Not surprising, but just because you haven't personally heard of it from your basement that you rarely venture out of doesn't mean simulation theory isn't bandied around quite often in circles of people who identify with the "I fucking love science" crowd. Elon Musk, the modern technocrats poster boy is a big proponent of it.


>> No.11343455

I'd rather be my own god than worship The Leprechaun and pretend I have agency, choice, and feeling. It's a much safer assumption than The Leprechaun, if we're being rational here.

>> No.11343465

Ah, I see. You hate a caricature of atheists, and to be fair, you should. The caricature is laughable at best, obnoxious and self-righteous at worst. Atheism is a lack of theism. Of any religion, but you can be an atheist to the Christian God in favor of leprechauns.

Though some how this seems strange in comparison to the idea that there is a god? I mean, I thought you didn't want to adhere to a religion of any kind, yet you're demanding a "god" and not some matrix bullshit? I don't get it. You SOUND like you have a religion in mind.

Have I perhaps been rused? A clever ploy to ply my penile while I argue with leprechaun worshipers aboard the Laotian Lotion Lair?

>> No.11343469

Not really but as long as you realize that you're dipping off the rationality train before it reaches it's final destination it makes you no different than a religious person who gets off at a different stop. Either see your philosophy all the way through or you have zero claim to any kind of intellectual or rational superiority.

>> No.11343471

>Meaning is meaningless
>Nobody is a moral constructor
>*Kant teleports behind u*

>> No.11343484
File: 296 KB, 500x327, Faces of Atheism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The caricature is laughable at best, obnoxious and self-righteous at worst.
Is it really a "caricature" if the atheists actually act that way? I can certainly understand your desire to want to distance yourself from them, but nobody forced atheists to post pictures of themselves on reddit overlaid with quotes proclaiming their supposed intellectual superiority over religious people. They did that themselves, it's hardly a caricature when it's observed behavior.

>Though some how this seems strange in comparison to the idea that there is a god?
There are excellent rational arguments for the existence of God and the vast majority of honest atheists freely admit the deism is a perfectly reasonable position. The problem is when you start proclaiming atheism as the only rational position to take, when it clearly isn't, especially when your atheism is based on the presupposition of materialism being true and then deciding that materialism actually doesn't matter when you claim you can do something as ephemeral as "creating your own meaning"

In short you're simply intellectually dishonest.

>> No.11343488

>free will
Also the fact that many religions have predicted the future and have said many things that have turned out to be true in science kinda makes you the dumb ass

>> No.11343539

The existence of a creator god is not incompatible with free will. It's not even incompatible with Christianity.

>> No.11343557


Gods divine plan says otherwise.

>> No.11343563

muh Molinism

>> No.11343569

>The existence of a creator god is not incompatible with free will
Ironically, materialistic determinism is

>> No.11343603

SPIRITISM, Allan Kardec books, Doctrine of Spirits.


>> No.11343613

The continuation of spiritism is given By Osvaldo Polidoro(Allan Kardec reincarnation and others great peoples ), here u can understand more GOD.


>> No.11343621

I forgot a site with a lot of linguages to read, here:
