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11340012 No.11340012 [Reply] [Original]

Curious what non-fiction exists on sexual fetishism, sexuality, and sexual practices across species as well as relationships, love, and cohabitation patterns among humans.

Preferably books that aren't just mere enumerations on the different sexualities, but rather studies about sexuality and fetishes as it/they develop/s with empirical backing.

>> No.11340161


>> No.11340190

Coldness and Cruelty by Deleuze is a good un

>> No.11340210

Thank you, not empirical but keeping in mind

>> No.11340221
File: 316 KB, 840x578, 22405523_872484372914137_8671197569350123361_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the theory is they are sins that distort and depend on the continuous distortion of mans' will. they develop by exposure, curiosity and sometimes pure (((coincidence))), it really matters not, what matters is man's struggle to purify those fetishes and aim sexuality towards the good and beautiful, instead of the sick and twisted

>> No.11340342

I'm gunna tie you up and break something on your genitalia if you wax altruistic in my thread again

>> No.11340348

>and break something on your genitalia
Your cherry?

>> No.11340351

hopefully something that cracks or snaps over the perfunctory pop

>> No.11340364

Sexuality must be eliminated.

>> No.11340392

oh great thanks

>> No.11340399

most sexuality these days is perverted, ruined by porn and promiscuity, it's a cry for help, a distraction for lost souls

>> No.11340403

You're welcome.

>> No.11340473
File: 25 KB, 333x499, 41LN1F3dTqL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading this among other things and it's probably one of the better analyses of the topic of BDSM psychology as it's written by actual psychs and not some memelord blogger. The book is mostly case study interviews of patients with following analysis or discussion of a given subtopic. Not exactly what you're looking for OP but close enough to warrant a mention.

>> No.11340503

So recommend a book that critiques pornography.

>> No.11340508

Go read actual scientific literature on porn instead of pop science books.

>> No.11340517

Promiscuity and pornography are as old as civilization

>> No.11340529

Capitalism isn't, and the interaction is interesting.

>> No.11340538

Oh yes, in no way have culture and technology changed.
Sexual behaviour has always been the same bro.

>> No.11340580

the bible

>> No.11340774

You're still not mentioning any books

>> No.11340845

Do you know any philosophical or psychological works dealing with the eroticization of death? Asking for a friend, haha.

>> No.11340895

I appreciate it nonetheless
Who cares? Read the literature on cellphone usage
Lol, what? Ancient Rome had signs for brothels in the STREET

>> No.11340909

Sounds a bit like the weird stuff Bataille was into. Also Sade I guess? But that's more about pain and unending destruction.

>> No.11340941

I'm particularly interested in double suicide like in Patriotism or killing/being killed by your lover like in In the Realm of the Senses. I don't think Bataille directly addresses this in L'Erotisme, but it's been a while since I read it. I might be wrong, the ritual aspect would probably be right up his alley.

>> No.11340954

OP here. If anyone would like to also add thoughts/evidence why sex is criminally understudied, I'd greatly appreciate the understanding

>> No.11341242

Hmm... The thing is that the relation between death and eroticism (which leads to the eroticization of death often enough) is far too common in literature, but specific authors aren't that easy to find because it's a bit of a cliche. The only non-fiction that immediately comes to mind is psychoanalysis (both Freud and Lacan, probably others as well).

>> No.11341249

Can you give me a text, please? I know next to nothing about either. I can read French, if that helps. I obviously don't know how much of Lacan's seminars etc have been translated, but that shouldn't deter me.

>> No.11341258

> thoughts/evidence why sex is criminally understudied

Foucault's History of Sexuality (don't know which volume, only read bits and pieces) does detail at length how sex, at least in the Victorian era, was a kind of secret that was constantly talked about at the same time, which gave it a certain false mystique along the way (pornography and chastity / purity being two sides of the same coin so to speak). Deleuze & Guattari mention the same thing (in Anti-Oedipus and in other places) by quoting D. H. Lawrence's essays (Pornography & Obscenity being the big one, but he had at least another one on the same theme, can't remember the name of it).

>> No.11341274

nice passive aggressive numale response

>> No.11341292

It's a bit more difficult to pinpoint since the relation between sex and death is rather implicit in psychoanalysis, but you can check the footnotes here:


Many of Lacan's seminars (more accessible than his Ecrits) can be found in English on libgen, probably all of them can be found in French (although I haven't checked) either there or on some Lacanian site (there are quite a few these days).

With Freud it's a bit more difficult because the concept of death drive underwent many transformations until, with Lacan, it just became a single type, a general formula for all drives, rather than just a counterpart to the life drive in a duality.

>> No.11341294

All of these are speculative arm chair philosophers and not a single one has spent a day in a lab. Foucault's history of sexuality was tepid and unenlightening.

>> No.11341313

It's not that easy to investigate these things empirically or experimentally. Merely asking people on the street isn't enough because you still have to philosophize while you extrapolate. Besides, being such a complex mixture of culture and nature increases the risks of bad concepts.

There are a few experimental philosophers these days (that work with surveys on various topics), but I don't think any of them work on sexuality since it isn't a mainstream philosophical concept (such as asking people about the trolley problem).

>> No.11341583

Philosophy is not the field for these questions. The field is neuorpsychology, psychology, and maybe some cultural studies.

>> No.11341943

Bump because the point of all life is the contiuation of life and no one properly studies the aspect that makes it pleasant, apparently

>> No.11341965

psychology isn’t real, cultural studies is just an excuse to critique life itself

>> No.11342081

Scarlett Letters

>> No.11342087

good try

>> No.11342100

The rigid definition of "philosophy" to most people is just incredible to me. Philosophy is applicable to all of these fields.

>> No.11342115
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Ok you picky bastard. Just listen to some David Bowie or something

Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski

Ties that Bind by Guy Baldwin, edited by Joseph W. Bean

Sexual Outsiders: Understanding BDSM Sexualities and Communities by David Ortmann and Richard Sprott

Radical Ecstasy by Dossie Easton & Janet W. Hardy

Different Loving by Brame, Brame & Jacobs

>> No.11342170

Everything but the first and the last look semi-pseudo-sciency
The last one looks respectable

Thank you for the recs you snarky cunt

>> No.11342225

My pleasure :)))))))))))))) you may want to check out Alfred Kinsey if you're really into the literature but he's dense as fuck. Brett Kahrs "Who's Been Sleeping in Your Head?" tries to do with sexual fantasy what Kinsey did with sexual behavior but it's a lot easier to read.

>> No.11342256

The denser the better. I don't give a shit what midwits read, I want academics to make me feel stupid

>> No.11342288

Good luck, happy hunting

>> No.11342289



>> No.11342299

Libido Dominandi - E Michael Jones

>> No.11342304

Kinsey was a pedophile and his ideas are false there is no gradient of sexuality and sexuality is genetic not culturally enforced, culture is the will of a species or population enforcing itself upon its own form. We allow pederasty in greek warrior culture we punish it in Christian chivalrous culture. Its not a matter of it being socially constructed, certain types simply die off because they cannot propagate within a milieu that is deleterious to their flourishing. Reich and Kinsey are both pedos who molested very young kids and thought it was perfectly fine because they were “sexually empowering and awakening” the repressed and vulnerable. Fascination with sexuality almost always goes with: pedophilia, inceldom, schizophrenia, homosexuality and sex addiction. In fact i would wager my lunch most of the posters in this thread fall under at least one or two of those signs, and easily majority of them are ugly and sexless. All that speech about death drives and libido, no pussy for you, no satisfaction no CLOSURE of the biospiritual ouroboros, wax poetic anons, the pussy won’t be more available, you’re dying every second and becoming more autistic and neurotic with every day in your hovels. Enjoy 3njoi

>> No.11342319

>If anyone would like to also add thoughts/evidence why sex is criminally understudied,
its basically impossible to prove any assertion. After all, we can't (yet) just scan someone's brain, point to an area and say "this is proof that they are attracted to X". So sexology basically relies almost entirely on self-reporting, which is unreliable. Even hooking someones genitals to a machine to measure arousal doesn't do a ton, because we can't see what the subject is actually thinking. Its also different for men and women: men's genital arousal tends to fit the description of what they say they're attacted to, but women's genital arousal does not and seems to react to basically any depiction of sex.

There are other problems with sexology too, mainly political ones. For instance some researches assert that homosexuality may be caused by hormone displacement in the womb; implying that homosexual people get an "irregular" amount of hormones distributed to them (gay men not enough testosterone, gay women too much). This has a lot of implications that might make egalitarians uncomfortable; it might show that gay men are more feminine and gay women are more masculine because of biology and not entirely due to socialization. Studying the root causes of sexual preference also leads to uncomfortable questions like "if we know how it forms, could it be changed"?

tl;dr: its basically impossible to prove anything and it also is very charged politically

>> No.11342325

Psychology is real but not as practiced in academia. The military/businesses engage in more objective psychological study than academia.

>> No.11342354

My diary desu

>> No.11342412
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I wouldn't know enough to make statements like you're doing but pitting social/culture vs. biology/science and moving the former epiphenomenally through patterns of power on the scale of civilization seems kind of lazy. Granted the opposite route of "deconceptuallizing" can't exactly count as knowledge if that is never shared but I'm sure there's to be found an underlying supposition that can apply to the relevant faculties (in this case it's sex); are attractive people a minority? The hot girl with big tits/ass and small waist is surely a deviant and fascination of that image is a starting point I'm sure has been looked into but regardless do you recommend anything I should be read?
>inb4 bible

>> No.11342433

>t. It's improbable you're not wrong but that doesn't mean you're right

>> No.11342459

Why did it take you fucks so long to post this. Shame on you.

>> No.11342469

read literature on sexual selection and human population genomics, on evolutionary biology (skip evo-psyche, not because its misogynistic, it is, but because its badly researched and written mostly by midwits too stupid for the maths involved). Behavioral genomics is a new field dealing with this question. Most of what you think is cultural is indirecr biological mechanics and extended phenotypes. You’re not going to get a nice equilibrium between humanities and science, science will dance on the skull of subjugated arts like Shiva and there is nothing you can do but PRAY that it leaves you some crumbs to eat off of. Get out now, whatever fake field you attached to is vulnerable. there are frontiers where humanities and the arts can play but certainly not sociology, psyche, anth. its all bullshit. we are attracted to small hips, big tits because it promotes fitness and because sexual selection is a runaway process, headless and without goals. you can destroy a species with sexual selection, many types of birds will die off because of runaway sexual selection. Do not presume YOU know anything because of what respected hierophants of the 20th century told you to think. It should be unbelievably alarming that kinsey and reich were perverts.

oedipus complex real: because of hobbesian-dawkinsian selfish gene dynamics not because of mystical semiotic relations and complexes.

>> No.11342632

story of the eye desu

>> No.11342685

Lol what a fucking idiot this guy is

>> No.11342692


>> No.11342892
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>there are frontiers
Such as emotions behavior and relationships. Science and 'objective analytics' is great for material conditions but I'm more interested in the uncovering of the correspondences of my personal self esteem and existentiality through introspective theoretical desire fulfillment. Statistics and probability and endless causal classifications has little to recommend for my being aside from the imperfect ethical systems and conventionally 'pragmatic' mundane existence. What you're saying also seems more relevant to pre-industrial societies also but that's probably because society is getting shittier

>> No.11343176
File: 245 KB, 1210x962, freud-lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that speech about death drives and libido, no pussy for you, no satisfaction no CLOSURE of the biospiritual ouroboros, wax poetic anons, the pussy won’t be more available, you’re dying every second and becoming more autistic and neurotic with every day in your hovels. Enjoy 3njoi

Not sure if it's relevant to what you're saying, but Lacan was slaying a ton of puss and still constantly talked about death drives and jouissance and "there is no sexual rapport" and other stuff. He was rather conservative, at least in his theory, despite all this though (or perhaps because of it).

>> No.11343875

Thank you for this post. I might actually start to read the softer science/humanistic approach to these subjects based on this.

>> No.11343995

for example:

The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia

Philosophie des Traums by Christoph Türcke (if you speak german)

obviously some freud

MacLuhan to think about the influence pornography has on our erotic perceptions

some biology


don't worry, i'll write a book about the theme :)

>> No.11344023

Literally too stupid to understand that i'm not talking about books.

>> No.11344030

Necrophilia by Anil Aggrawal

>> No.11344035

Also Forensic and Medico-Legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes and Unusual Sexual Practices by Anil Aggrawal

>> No.11344088

wilhelm reich's the function of the orgasm

>> No.11344381

that is a good one