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File: 790 KB, 2000x1124, 426_20170928_musk_2000x1124[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11340983 No.11340983 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?


>> No.11341010

he must've been an annoying lad

>> No.11341017
File: 640 KB, 1200x1756, 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be the biggest meme in tech industry
>build an empire on nothing but promises and failed experiments
>reads Schopenhauer and Nietzsche
>can't comprehend the contents
>reads brainlet book
>has his life changed
Next he'll tell us that the Big Bang Theory inspired him to become a self-proclaimed tech guru

>> No.11341025

why is he so reddit?
he abuses the women in his life
wont say anything explicitly racist but will allow racist policies at his company
absolute pseud
thinks stemlording will fix the future

>> No.11341027

still is desu senpai baka

>> No.11341034

I'd gladly take Elon's side instead of you fucking autistic teabags on this forum who lack any form of value and flaunt with your non-existent pseudointellect

>> No.11341036

this is so stupid it makes me angry

>> No.11341043

Honest question, but what is wrong with STEM? without stem we wouldnt be here posting this. there would be no pc or internet

>> No.11341080

Name the top ten intellectual communities of history. None of them had the internet. The same would be true of the top one-hundred if you were knowledgeable enough for selection-bias not to kick in.

>> No.11341081

i dont have an issue with stem, i am a stem major
im just sick of the stem circlejerk where everything else is pointless and fancy technology will save us by itself and no one besides the genius engineering and math students will find a job. its pretty strong on reddit and the engineering heavy uni i attend

>> No.11341089

Wow there are actually people like this? Now I understand why you guys call them "STEMfags", really sound like fags

>> No.11341105

yep. majoring in stem is great just dont be a delusional asshat redditor

>> No.11341251
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>> No.11341338
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>what is wrong with STEM?
Industrial society and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.11341340

>without stem we wouldnt be here posting this
Exactly. We would all be outside getting gfs and making a life for ourselves. Or at least we wouldn't have to worry that a nuclear war would wipe our civilization out every time a president makes a mean remark about another country.

>> No.11341345

Lol are you seriously saying we shouldn't have all this technology? What a narrow-minded view..

>> No.11341355
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One-track minded people, as your post well demonstrates.

>> No.11341364

>muh ancients
Humans have gotten progressively better at every art, physical activity and field of inquiry over time, with drastic acceleration of this process in the last century. That you surround yourself with idiots has little to do with this.

>> No.11341368


>> No.11341381

I'm saying there is nothing to indicate that life with technology is inherently better than life without it. Sure you can talk about medicine saving some lives, but I can also talk about nukes, drone warfare, internet surveillance and much more. But hey, at least we've got them dank memes, right?

>> No.11341391

In your post you were hinting towards this technology being a bad thing, why don't you just be grateful for what we have? The way the technology is being used now sure it could be better, but doesn't make the technology itself dumb, humans are dumb, not technology.

>> No.11341394

We better start reading sci fi now instead of philosophy

>> No.11341404

Or you know, read whatever you want. Don't dictate what other people should or shouldn't do. Get off of your high horse. If everybody would read philosophy, we would only have autists on this planet. Name me one philosopher who was happy, protip: you can't, they're all miserable cunts.

>> No.11341409

Most STEMfags are logical positivist retards

>> No.11341415

>Humans have gotten progressively better at every art

>> No.11341420


>> No.11341433
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> they're all miserable cunts.
On the contrary. Seneca did quite well. Epicurus

pic related.

>> No.11341449

God I wish I was him

>> No.11341454

There is no point talking about technology if you're not talking about humans using it. Unless you're one of those stemlords who are so passionate about developing new things that they become completely oblivious about what will happen when people get to use them.

>> No.11341491

Name ONE (1) contemporary scientist or entrepreneur with good tate

>> No.11341529


>> No.11341549

I mean, Paul krugman chose his life because of Arthor C. Clarke. it is not that surprising

>> No.11341685

Why is /lit/ obsessed with this guy?

kek, this probably describes most of us here.

I bet you see yourself as an unappreciated intellectual

>> No.11341690

>Why is /lit/ obsessed with this guy?
People who aren't chronic procrastinators and ineffectual losers trigger the wannabee literary greats of /lit/.

>> No.11341695

I'm 14 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man thrice my age.


>> No.11341698

>Why is /lit/ obsessed with this guy?
The Peterson meme is losing steam so people who don't actually read need something new to post about.

>> No.11341714

>Name me one philosopher who was happy
Most of them. Most of the miserable ones were a few existentialist betas.

>> No.11341722

>Most of them. Most of the miserable ones were a few existentialist betas.
certified brainlet

>> No.11341727

It's not /lit/ per se, it's internet commies who obsess with the guy, and they also happen to infest this board as much as /pol/luters do. Same with Memerson.

>> No.11341735

What are you talking about? The existentialists were among the least unhappy. You could accuse it of being a self-help philosophy without depth but you can't reasonably claim it doesn't work.

The anti-self-help philosophy types are the ones who fashion philosophies of depression or of a new Absolute. Possibly more authentic, but definitely less happy.

>> No.11341747


>> No.11341767

It's copypasta, faggot.

>> No.11342584

name me one person who is happy, protip: you can't, we're all miserable cunts.

Anon I would suggest you consider that none them of the would have become so knowledgeable and righteous in their guidance and inspiring of millions of people had they not enjoyed and loved whatever kind of philosophical inquiry they were into.

>> No.11342597



>> No.11342598

Dude, shut up. Lit is varied. You'd have to be stupid to think there aren't some people on this board who have either accomplished things or in possession of an authentic intellect. If you are so negative just go kill yourself.

>> No.11342603

We are objectively less virtuous

>> No.11342616

we’re inferior stone masons, oil painters, composers, hand-to-hand natural (no PED) warriors, inferior survivalists, inferior writers, inferior poets and mystics its relatively obvious we traded convenience for depth and affect which was what colored ancient life and gave an impetus for investment in culture fron the whole race
yes, 110 iq white guys and asians with craned necks and beer bellies qho think making bridges means things about their worth

>> No.11342687

In defense of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer, he tried reading them when he was 14, so I can see why he didn't enjoy them.

>> No.11342799

>if you are so negative just kill youself
hey you dont have to go that far

>> No.11342846

Reminder that we found segments of his writings in Herculaneum

>> No.11342977

>without stem we wouldnt be here posting this
Wait, aren't you arguing FOR stem?

Honest answer: tech became the new christianity, unironically. There's a very popular line of thinking (which Musk is a part of) where tech will fix basically all human problems in the near future and completely reshape the universe and AI will do physical work while we'll merge with machines and chill in the post-scarcity communist utopia on Mars. It's awfully reminiscent of the christian expectation of the Second Coming. The human being is in both cases deeply flawed, inescapably sinful in the christian view, or feeble, dumb and mortal in the technoreligious view (just look at the recent CGP Grey videos - the guy is absolutely terrified of death). Instead of accepting the real human, in all of its complexity and flawed nature, both build fantasies instead of facing the reality here and now (Just look at the OP article - Musk rejecting complex philosophy in favour of one humoristic sci-fi book.) and deny human needs and our intrinsic "messiness". (We're basically robots from the STEM perspective, or a small link in the chain of evolution towards intergalactic AI or some shit, and in much christian art and writings you'll see despisal towards and rejection of the material world and life, seeking asceticism and obsession with vague religious fantasies, so you end up with flagellants, for example.)

Tech is useful, sometimes. Medicine is a very valuable thing, obviously, but the internet is already a questionable contribution. It has fragmented and further banalized the culture, it is full of misinformation (just look at all the growing conspiracy theories) and creates echo chambers. Now we have women whoring themselves out on Instagram and some of the most powerful people on planet throwing insults on each other over Twitter like children. This shit is fixing some and creating more problems at the same time.

>Humans have gotten progressively better at every art
Art as such doesn't progress, it only changes.
>physical activity
The point of physical activity isn't to be the best, the point is that you are improving yourself.
Before there was a guy who could run 50 miles in 5 seconds and now there's a guy who can do that in 4.9 seconds. Who gives a fuck, how is that relevant to anyone?
>and field of inquiry
Knowledge accumulates. Yet, things only seem to be getting more and more complicated and difficult to explain. Look at physics, we now know that a cat can be dead and alive at the same time if we don't look at it. What wonderful knowledge that is! (Yes, I know that's an oversimplification but the point stands - we haven't fully explained anything yet and things still don't make sense.)

>> No.11342987

That's because he's rich you whore.
You lack any kind of integrity, your opinion means nothing.

>> No.11343008

Good post

>> No.11343011


you answered your own question, faggot

>> No.11343018
File: 255 KB, 666x607, pepe23332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normiehikers guide to the galaxy
really Elon? really?

>> No.11343040
File: 76 KB, 585x1024, 585px-Burj_Khalifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inferior stone masons
Concrete is stone.

>> No.11343062


>> No.11343211
File: 197 KB, 1069x1390, chetniks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Bolitho's "Twelve Against the Gods" on Musk's recommendation and it was great.

>> No.11344382

He meant he didn't care about the opinions of pseuds who aren't even worth 1/1000 of his net worth

>> No.11344411

gooed post. altought without technology i couldnt listrn to joanna newsom songs.

>> No.11344416

>both build fantasies instead of facing the reality here and now
chirstianity doesnt do that

>> No.11344432

Take a group of 1000 healthy and intelligent modern people. Put them on an island with a sandstone quarry and basic bronze tools. Tell them they need to recreate the Great Pyramid of Giza if they ever want to get off the island. They have all the tools the ancient Egyptians had, but no modern technology.

Those people are never getting off that island.

>> No.11344436
File: 249 KB, 248x459, bugs_easy_on_the_carrots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without stem we wouldnt be here posting this
would be better for all of us

>> No.11344435

How does it not? It actively discourages investigation into physical and psychological truths out the notion that all you need is "faith" to be "saved" and that only the after-life can provide us with ultimate truth.

>> No.11344452

>It actively discourages investigation into physical and psychological truths

>> No.11344477

>"We happened to have some books by Nietzsche and Schopenhauer in the house, which you should not read at age 14," Musk told journalist Alison van Diggelen. "It is bad; it's really negative."

Interesting that he says it's negative, rather than wrong. So you're telling me we should shield children from negative things even if they are right?

>> No.11344492

Usually I would call Musk a brainlet STEMlord, however in this case I somewhat agree. Not that I think reading in-depth philosophy at a young age is "harmful", just that too many young kids, who have literally none of the emotional maturity or life experience to fully digest the meaning of the ideas, read these things as a crutch for the actual psycho-social development that should be going on at this age (you know, like, hanging out with friends and learning how to talk to the opposite sex) and end up falling somewhat stunting their growth to a degree (nothing that can't be undone, however.)

>> No.11344511

Okay but philosophy aside, do you honestly think anyone gives a fuck about your opinion of someone who is up there with Henry Ford and John D Rockerfeller? I don't care either way for the guy but calling him a brainlet is fucking pitiful mate, really makes you look like a bitter little prick. Get a life.

>> No.11344520

>Why is /lit/ obsessed with this guy?
internet commies not knowing they are the attack dogs of the corps betting against his (oil, etc.)

>> No.11344522

Your mistake is associating industrial expertise with a genuine wisdom. I'm sure Musk would be wonderful at increasing profitability of my cambodian basket weaving business by 1400%, but I wouldn't necessarily come to him for answers concerning the human psyche, moral guidance, metaphysical insight, etc.

>> No.11344532

OH what a crime! people are good at things they specialise in! for someone who talks about "genuine wisdom" you sure as shit are thick as shit.

>> No.11344556

Why are you taking this so personally?

>> No.11344569

He's annoyed he's talking to a pretentious useless tard.

>> No.11344599

It sounds like you just need to spend some time with friends desu

>> No.11344604
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>> No.11344791

finally someone puts this into worlds, remember when me and some marketing execs completely reformulated americas leftists after occupy Wall Street?

Good times, not even bernays could have pulled what we pulled.

>> No.11344971

this x100

>> No.11344978

Right and he inherited his wealth... oh wait no, it's because of a dizzying list of accomplishments that you could never match even if you had 100 lifetimes.