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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 95 KB, 720x960, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11337978 No.11337978 [Reply] [Original]

rate my stack

>> No.11337986

I'd be more impressed if you read them. But you've proven that you can stack books. Great job, buddy. 7/10 combined purchasing power and stacking ability.

>> No.11337988

6/12, I own 6 of those same 12 books anon.

Personally I'm less interested in the histories and plays and such (for the time being), so instead I have a complete Dover Euclid + the Fagles box which includes the Aeneid.

>> No.11337990


>> No.11337992


Is this what I should start with? In order to fully participate on /lit/?

>> No.11338007
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You followed the chart to a tee, but now to actually read them. see you in the better part of a year.

>> No.11338010


The three on the bottom are well established as the best available English language sources/collections for their authors, and are memes for that reason. But you only need relevant selections from each one, stuff like Republic, Timaeus etc, certainly not the entire brick, in any case.

>> No.11338012

LMAO replace those with Landmark my guy.

And Fagles is quite bad. Lattimore is better. I won't hold it against you, Fagles was my introduction to Homer as well. The binding is nice and those editions are just so attractive (and iconic on this board). But really get Lattimore or Fitzgerald if you want to even pretend you're still reading poetry. And a prediction: you will never read that Plato or Aristotle.

>> No.11338048


>> No.11338119

I like it, but you gotta read it my guy

>> No.11338122
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>> No.11338126

neat thread

>> No.11338140

You have the Greeks. Aall of you need to do is to start.

>> No.11338190

Looks impressive

>> No.11338197

3/10 no Tacitus

>> No.11338202
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I copped Plato's complete works at a used bookstore for $15, feels good man

>> No.11338270
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>> No.11338271
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I got Symposium and The Republic for $1 each, but they're old Penguin prints from the 60s, and pretty gross. Sides of the pages and the cover are stained

>> No.11338279
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Need this before.

>> No.11339344

you only have three of sophocles's plays? my lord

>> No.11339363

>Not getting the atlas editions for Thucydides/herodotus

dun goofed

>> No.11339566

>I'd be more impressed if you read them.
But if he had read them, it wouldn't be a true stack. A stack is supposed to be the books you plan to read.

>> No.11339575

jelly of your stack

remember to cf

>> No.11339589
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3/12 in terms of correct stacking order (largest-smallest)

>> No.11339657
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I am reading plato but I skipped both the history books. Just too boring. Am I ever gonna make it?

>> No.11339866

>he fell for the meme

Oh, man...

>> No.11339876

Why ?

>> No.11339882

0/10 for the editions of Plato and Aristotle (especially Aristotle) that you're never going to read.

>> No.11339883


>> No.11339886

this meme is so old.

>> No.11339888

You will never read all this shit.

>> No.11339892


>> No.11339899

Just wait until you find out the Greeks are boring as fuck and likely don't interest you at all.

>> No.11340075
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>> No.11340288

we did that in high school (greece)
you will be bored out of your mind but also learn interesting stories and ideas

>> No.11340314

Congrats, OP, hope you enjoy them o/

>> No.11340331
File: 354 KB, 1632x1224, books1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my stack.

>> No.11340333
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unfamiliar with Gibson, Ishiguro & Pratchett. Why should I read them? (i.e why're you?)
Aristotle is so fucking dry of a read. I would kill myself before putting myself through those two volumes.

rate my stack eh? /summerreads/

>> No.11340338

anyone who replies to this post is fucking retarded

that includes me

>> No.11340368


Put that book in the trash where it belongs.

>> No.11340370


>> No.11340387


>> No.11340478

>Why should I read them? (i.e why're you?)
Gibson revitalised the SF scene by popularising/arguably creating the cyberpunk genre. Read Neuromancer if you are interested.
Ishiguro wrote The Buried Giant which is a favourite of mine so I'm trying him out. I have heard great things about The Remains Of The Day, too. I want to read more Japanese literature and Ishiguro is considered entry-level.
Pratchett was a prolific and incredibly inventive writer. His Discworld novels are layered with humour and their satire spans several genres: fantasy, crime and sci-fi to name a few. Very light, enjoyable reads. Coincidentally, Guards is Pratchett's recommended starting book.

I would comment on your books but I simply aren't familiar with them. So... why should I read them / why are you? Sheltering Sky seems out of place

>> No.11340507

Looks like an expensive purchase. Basically what my basket looks like for a few days until I realize i'm being retarded and need to cut it out.

>> No.11340523

I thought Penguin had stopped releasing that edition but yours looks brand new. Where did you buy it from?

>> No.11340526

Is the Fagles box worth it?

>> No.11340528

Meant Thucydides

>> No.11340555

Oh no sweetheart. Nobody here reads their stacks, it's merely so people can jerk off and achieve validation. If it wasn't they wouldn't post pictures of their books in these idiotic threads.

>> No.11340570

>projecting: the post

>> No.11340670

I finished Burning Chrome recently. Last half was much better than the first half, don't get too disgruntled if the first couple stories don't do it for you.

New Rose Hotel, Winter Market, and Burning Chrome were my favs

>> No.11340803

The only book from antiquity still relevant today is Elements. Don't waste your time

>> No.11340917

much appreciated recc's, anon.

I'm just a classic's major that hasn't read enough greek theatre. Medea is especially noteworthy in how the feminine transgresses the ancient greek civil norms in it, to not give away too much about the plot
it's a highly talked of scifi novel that I've been curious about for a while, just because of it's reputation. It pays off, believe me. Definitely check it out, it's an easy read surprisingly.
>Sheltering Sky
Recc'd to me by my mother, my parents being casual fiction readers of modest depth. Ironically, it turns out to deal with the alien in a different way than Solaris does, but reading the two of them alternatively has shown how much there can be written on the Other through different styles of prose. Bowles also has a very succinct, but delivering tempo in his writing with an easiness that can deceive.
just brushing through these for the summer to be prep'd for an advanced Ethics course I'll be in this fall at uni, they're a crash course with examples of varying ethical systems.
>PoMo Cult
It's a bit dated (published early 90's I believe) but Connor does an excellent job of outlining how PoMo surfaces in our culture and conscientiously demonstrates how impossible it is to escape our current paradigm. A very self-aware nonfic reading.

>> No.11340934

This man knows it. Entire books (like the cutting of a ratio) or Proclus’ Commentary on the First Book have been written on Euclid’s main propositions developed in Books one and two.

Charles Dodgson deals mainly with these two books in his Euclid and His Modern Rivals

>> No.11340950

Replace those Penguin editions and you'll be at a 10/10.

>> No.11340955

Absolutely not. Everyone knows the only redeemable book there is The Prince, and only if you recognize it as satire

>> No.11340964
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>Japanese Literature
>Pratchett the genre fiction pleb filter

>> No.11340989


why, she's not even a good writer. If you're looking for an inscrutable doorstopper there's plenty of better options

>> No.11340996
File: 480 KB, 1078x614, Screenshot_20180618-124207_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the very top is the Holy Bible.

>> No.11341022

Foucault's Pendulum is fire.

>> No.11341060


>> No.11341063

Johnny Mnemonic and Red Star, Winter Orbit are my favourites so far. New Rose Hotel was pretty good.

I'll look into Solaris and Sheltering a little more

>Ishiguro isn't Japanese
>Pratchett isn't a master of the genre

Never seen that copy of Ulysses before

>> No.11341067
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needs more NYRB

>> No.11341079
File: 168 KB, 500x522, TrumpReddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being ethnic Japanese but tied to Britbong land
>Central to Japanese Literature
>Not recognising him for the middlebrow reddit shit that he is.

>> No.11341084


>> No.11341090

unironically have all of those except not the FAGles version

>> No.11341091

I said Ishiguro is entry level, not central.
You probably think Tolkien is 'reddit-shit', right?

>> No.11341100

lol 4chan litbros hate us

>> No.11341103

No Tolkien is actually respectable.
Still not going to concede that Ishiguro is Japanese Literature.

>> No.11341112

Lol they actually filter out the word s o y. Mods confirmed s o y b o y s.
Testing: Soi

>> No.11341119

Respect is a matter of opinion.
As is your opinion of Ishiguro

>> No.11341124

All of Ishiguro's novels were written in english, originally published in England, and the settings are almost never in Japan.

>> No.11341127


>> No.11341132

I'm the one who agrees with you here. Might have wanted to direct those comments at the autistic "Ishiguro is a real weeb just like me" poster who also loves Pratchett.

>> No.11341299

He also moved to the UK when he was five.

>> No.11341660

>language of writing dictates ethnicity
>setting of publication dictates ethnicity
>setting of story dictates ethnicity

So what you are saying is, is that Ishiguro was born in Japan?

>> No.11341680


>> No.11341770

>ethnicity which national literary tradition a writer is part of

>> No.11341772

I'd pet that doggo

>> No.11341773

*ethnicity decides which

>> No.11342023

By any chance anyone here has Tsurumi's book in english? Can't find it

>> No.11342467

Such cynicism. What stops you from killing yourself everyday?
While some of these pics may be meme stacks, I love stack threads because they give me a chance to find reading suggestions I never would have considered on my own. So kindly stop interrupting my masturbation and fuck off.

>> No.11342496

Shoulda copped more shit from the dramatists and not those philosophy tomes you are probay never going to read.

>> No.11342585

Oh dear you must be new here, sweetie. Ya see - we don't actually READ here on /lit/, books are more of a false persona-building kinda thing. You'll get the hang of it soon enough :)

>> No.11342593

Only ones I have read are the philosophers. The Republic was hard to push through but some of the other dialogs were fun to read. Aristotle is less fun.

>> No.11342840
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>> No.11342968

A great start.

>> No.11342982

>Ishiguro wrote The Buried Giant which is a favourite of mine so I'm trying him out. I have heard great things about The Remains Of The Day, too. I want to read more Japanese literature and Ishiguro is considered entry-level.
Ishiguro is terrific, but he's an English writer, not Japanese. And Never Let Me Go is mid-tier Ishiguro at best. Remains, Artist, and Unconsoled are all leagues better.

>> No.11344192


>> No.11344425

dumbest people on this entire board

>> No.11344476

Hey, I wanted to know is the "stack" just the poor man's version of the bookshelf, or are these just recent purchases or what?
I always thought these stack threads were juvenile, wtf are you doing if you only have 5-15 books?

>> No.11344484 [DELETED] 
File: 576 KB, 540x458, 1513061220056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate mine

>> No.11344495
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>> No.11344539

the haunted vagina sounds like a good read

>> No.11344546

It’s usually books you want to get to soon, those you keep on your bedside table or something like that.

>> No.11344951

It's cute how anally ravaged you stack fags get when someone calls you out on your shit. Maybe you should stop posting and go read your lovely stack of books instead?

>> No.11344972

if the mods were any good they'd permaban all of those desu

>> No.11344992

>the haunted vagina

>> No.11346043

I would be highly surprised (and pleased) if OP read even half the pages in his stack in the next five years, but he probably won't.