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11337684 No.11337684 [Reply] [Original]

the people who dont understand/believe this book are all too autistic to understand literary devices and underlying meaning.

>> No.11337690

the words of Christ are matchless, anyone who doesn't appreciate the Gospels deserves to be shot

>> No.11337708

Indeed, Allah worked some amazing feats

>> No.11337716
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I understand that it promotes slavery and stoning gay people and stuff.

>> No.11337767

>too autistic to understand literary devices and underlying meaning

I would disagree. I would say that in a culture where everything necessarily has to be high-brow/sophisticated or else edgy or filled with twists, its merit is contrarily so universal and all-encompassing that much of the population has disregarded it as trite/archaic.

It's like, people no longer trust the timelessly beautiful prose of KJV that hooks you in and keeps you hooked. Or else it just looks like nothing to them, because it (deliberately) isn't considered a challenging read.

>> No.11337778

Prove your claim. Or is this thread just about your dumbass opinion?

>> No.11337797

god has proven himself to me. the great i am doesnt need to defend his authority with weasel words.

>> No.11337826

>fruit existed before the sun
Fuck off.

>> No.11337836

Nah, it just sucks.

>> No.11337847

you'd think an all-knowing omnipotent being would make his book easy enough to be understood by everyone
why do we need to have it in a book anyway? why not just program it directly into our brains?

>> No.11337862

Good and evil is in everything everyone ever does. It's literally the basic archetypal numerical foundation of the code of the world itself, as defined by Aristotle in Metaphysics. It is the omnipresent struggle, the ever raging war of reality against itself.

To move 'beyond' this struggle as the moral relativists would have you do, is to drift into the territory of evil itself, as the moral nihilists are the tricksters and the enemies of mankind. Just try to keep your wits about you, and you will succeed.

>> No.11337869

anon you sound like a bit of a loony desu

>> No.11337877

>Light existing before the sun
This is why Protestantism is wrong

>> No.11337952

What's it like being a freshman?

>> No.11338092

it's not a literal fruit, dummy. it is representative of the knowledge of sin. the garden of eden is not a literal place, it is a metaphysical place, representing the state of innocence. that wily old demiurge serpent introduced knowledge of good and evil, separating and defining one from the other, and so mankind suffers to this day. it's a parable you big ape.

incidentally if you want to know more about edible knowledge in the bible, read Ezekiel. my boy eats a scroll that is sweet on the palate but turns the stomach sour.

>> No.11338420

arguments like this are nonsensical. if youre open to the premise of an omnipotent god then stuff like the creation story or noahs flood shoulsnt be ridiculous. its only ridiculous if youve rejected god outright and are using the assumption of atheism to argue that those things could never happen (because they are “physically impossible”)

>> No.11338426

fuck off JIDF

>> No.11338501

1 John 4:4-6 (KJV)

>4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

>5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.

>6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

>> No.11338514

Is there a purpose to reading this? I’ve read the book of genesis and it’s insights were all obvious or just scare tactics

>> No.11338550

>is there a purpose to Christian mysticism and philosophy
Yes, if you aren't a brainlet.

>> No.11338558

The Latin word for apple, or malum, also means evil. The apple in the garden of eden is symbolic of evil. The garden is the mind of man. The mind of man falls into sin when a woman is introduced (because of lust)

Tards don’t get it.

>> No.11338584
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>mfw Christianity started in Rome as a gay MGTOW cult

>> No.11338602

It's almost like for thousands of years anyone of any intellectual merit became a theologian and studied, curated, debated and preserved religious texts of worth. Why anyone would debate the worth of a living work that has been shaped by the world's brightest is beyond me.

>> No.11339078

Agreed. His teachings are easily the equal of the Buddha, or Lao Tzu.

>Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

>> No.11339352

Well I mean I am autistic. Maybe if god was so all powerful he would have written a holy book that's accessible?

>> No.11339385

>endless descriptions of what to sacrifice, how to sacrifice, when to sacrifice
>this day will be a shabbat, and this day will be a shabbat, and THIS day will be shabbat
>also you should sacrifice these animals in this way in these situations and these days
>there was hundreds of thousands of people with Moses and these were their names...
>yahweh gets mad at israelis AGAIN
Holy FUCK Torah gets boring after Genesis

>> No.11339397

yeah, those are the breaks. i would say skip it except it lays the groundwork for the whole jesus as sacrificial lamb metaphor and also modern catholic priests re-enacting that sacrifice at the altar.

if it is stopping you from continuing with the book, skip it for now then come back and read it after you've read the synoptic gospels.

>> No.11339648

I remember a pastor once told me that those 5x or so chapters describing in great detail on how to build the Arc of C. were a parallel description of Eden's beauty that is to be marked the Arc.
Not sure on why details on the sacrifice, but I guess in those days it was the highest law.

>> No.11339692

>my boy eats a scroll that is sweet on the palate but turns the stomach sour.

"In much wisdom is much grief; and he who increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." Ecclesiastes 1:18

>> No.11339801

well (You)d my man

>> No.11340350
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>this much hubris in one brain

>> No.11340436
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>brainlets in this thread

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.(1 Corinthians 1:18)

>> No.11340441
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>those are bad

>> No.11340448

Not very christlike of you.

>> No.11340451

I've been reading the first 40 pages and already some things started to bother me.
First of all, why do these people happen to be 900 years old? am i too dumb to understand the meaning behind it?
Why did god punished all people in sodom & gomorra? and why did he punished lot's wife for looking back?

>> No.11340461
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t. darkmatter2525

>> No.11340484

>Why did god punished all people in sodom & gomorra?
Because they were degenerates who gang raped random people who visited their city.

>Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them.”

>> No.11340498

You're asking the wrong questions dude. And I say that as a staunch atheist

>> No.11340531

maybe i've been reading a shitty translation, thank you anon
well still i would love to know why they got older than 120 years, before and after the flood.
I'm just a regular anon who started reading the bahgavad gita and the bibel

>> No.11340552

>well still i would love to know why they got older than 120 years
Adam and Eve were the pinnacle of humanity. Each generation after them were progressively more corrupted by the world and sin. They lived longer back then because the world didn't just change into it's fallen and corrupt state overnight, there was a progression where the paradise of Eden eventually became the world we know today.

>> No.11340568

Thank you very much for the explanation anon, I appreciate it

>> No.11340647

Lot´s wife was punished for disobeying God by looking at the town, despite being told not to do so.
I think they counted years differently or something, not sure though.

>> No.11340678

>why they got older than 120 years, before and after the flood
Obviously Genesis being very methaphorical, it is believed that people lived much longer before the flood. After the flood, it's written somewhere that God decreed that the max age of man would be 125 years or so.
Also anon, if you honestly want to get into the Bible, you should't start with the Old Testament. It is a tough read even when you're very interested in it and there are no really good translations of it to make it clear to read.
What you need to do is to read the first 4 gospels of the New Testament which are God-Tier lit. That may give you a far greater interest in the rest of the story.

>> No.11340688

Wouldn't Genesis have been written in Hebrew first anyway?

>> No.11340809

It's not even called an apple, but a fruit, too.

>> No.11340818

i have both translations combined (new and old testament) and it was kinda hard for me to keep on track with the old testament. Not really motivated at the moment to continue with it any further, but i'll definetly look into the new testament as you mentioned.
Thank you again anon

>> No.11340896

Damn, I hate recap episodes

>> No.11341738


Mainly to find everylasting life in pure joy in the presence of God.

You can find you eternal salvation within the bible. If you care for your soul, you better get started.

>> No.11341749

>anyone who doesn't appreciate the Gospels deserves to be shot
Theocratic fascism when

>> No.11341850
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>I’ve read the book of genesis and it’s insights were all obvious or just scare tactics
Watch it, anon.

>> No.11342082

There are no apples in Genesis.