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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 480x360, peterson xavier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11335803 No.11335803[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Jordan Peterson is just a real-life incarnation of Xavier
it all makes sense now

>> No.11335808

shut the fuck up

>> No.11335819


>> No.11335831

don't you talk about xavier that way

>> No.11335837


The wail of a victim, almost as terrible as the victim of a whale!

>> No.11335847


>> No.11335854

Anon, do you have any powers?

>> No.11335876

only the power to blow minds with philosophical insight

>> No.11335902

At the end of the episode where everyone was dying at burning man, I recall some character mentioning that it was democracy. I couldn't figure out the suggestion behind it, which I assume somehow related to the free demanding control and structure and the controlled slave wanting freedom.

>> No.11335936

I think it was just poking fun at far-left types for wanting everyone to be equal at all cost, even if it means everyone burning to death.

>> No.11335951


That makes sense, thank you so much. That was insight, personified.

>> No.11335954

That's a different episode

>> No.11335959

I'm a survivor, we're a dying breed

>> No.11335966

Like most kids, I was different.

>> No.11335991

XRA season 1 finale is the End of Evangelion of western animation

wiener take all

>> No.11336370

We must sacrifice someone to Cuckold

>> No.11336439


>> No.11336555

Tbh I never got the problem people have with what Peterson said here. It's pretty simple and he explains why he wants to avoid dichotomies yet people act like he's dodging over the simple fact that he didn't concede to a dichotomy.

>> No.11336568

Does he skip over the male-female dichotomy too? :)

>> No.11336608
File: 44 KB, 1024x578, macron smuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at the other video like that

>> No.11336619

Not really because the importance of gender roles falls into his practical psychology, but the God dichotomy doesn't and his answer to that forms part of the groundwork that leads to the practical part. Despite all the outright intellectual hate towards him you fags suck at properly criticizing a second-rate thinker.

>> No.11336671

>falls into his practical psychology, but the God dichotomy doesn't
"I act as if God exists" sounds pretty much like practical psychology to me.
It's pretty funny that A POSTMODERN CULTURAL MARXIST could something similar about sex/gender like "I act as if I was born male"

>> No.11336689

He doesn't treat male-female as a dichotomy, but breaks it down into various personality traits which are more or less common in each gender and explains large discrepancies with the outliers at the edges, which seems like a reasonably modern, liberal model to me. You avoid the trappings of 'people have fixed roles depending on their gender' and 'dude blank slate lmao' and allows you to measure oppression in a way, since you can tell whether people are pursuing life in the way which suits the psychological niche they represent, or pushed out of environments they would be compatible with because of biases of some kind.

>> No.11336694

It's that he points to the Judeo-Christian tradition as a source of values to bring back, but he clearly doesn't believe in Christianity or Judaism's God as Christians or Jews do, as an ontological cause of being that takes an interest in the personal lives of humans and can potentially grant obedient subjects a reward in the form of heaven, or grant hell as a punishment to disobedient subjects. That at least Christianity for its values to hold depends a good deal on the Truth of the claims made in its form of revelation, and on that truth being one truth, and not being a truth with grounds in what's pragmatic to believe in.

He's side stepping because he pretty clearly doesn't believe in the literal deity of the conservatives who would be most amenable to his messages, and his stance could make or break his reputation among said conservatives. Intellectual conservatives will give him a pass, but not the lay people. Better to look like he's being asked an unfair question.

>> No.11336718

You guys should settle amongst yourselves if he's for or against gender roles or something in between

Also, >>11336689
>You avoid the trappings of 'people have fixed roles depending on their gender' and 'dude blank slate lmao' and allows you to measure oppression in a way, since you can tell whether people are pursuing life in the way which suits the psychological niche they represent, or pushed out of environments they would be compatible with because of biases of some kind.
Isn't this a lot like what he'd consider "postmodern"?

>> No.11336748

Peterson doesn't understand what postmodern means. The shrieking college memelords who have never read Derrida in their life he's going up against however, would rejects differentiation of this kind outright on the basis that it's a new way of instantiating a power structure, which would be partially right because no system of this kind can ever be perfect, no name can accurately portray reality. What they fail to see is that not differentiating also creates power structures, and more oppressive, violent ones at that.

>> No.11336766

As far as I can tell to Peterson Judeo-Christian tradition is still real truth in a Jungian Symbolic sense. He avoids a direct confirmation of Judeo-Christian truth not because he doesn't believe in it's authenticity but because its authenticity is under another framework that can't directly answer the question in that manner. And the worth of it is not derived from mere practicality but from consistently expressed values and 'truths' revealed from the psyche that could render them as conceivably 'higher' truths.

>> No.11336768

wtf I hate Xavier now

>> No.11336790

No, you're right, asking someone if they believe in God makes no sense unless you define it. What they want to know though is if he believes in a Christian or Abrehamic god, and he refuses to answer that question as well.

>> No.11336810
File: 348 KB, 950x634, 1519770476010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I act as if God exists. Now you can decide for yourself whether that means - whether - that - I - believe in him... So to speak.

>> No.11336823

Most postmodern Christian answer I've ever seen.

>> No.11336832

You seem like an alright dude
>not differentiating also creates power structures, and more oppressive, violent ones at that
Any books you'd recommend on this topic?

>> No.11336872

Don't really see how this statement is an issue in regards to the rest of his beliefs.

>> No.11336882

It's really a good statement on the issue. It's just ironic that it's really "postmodern"

>> No.11336925

Not literature.

>> No.11337013

Peterson is a best selling author. I'm pretty sure threads about him belong on /lit/.

>> No.11337028
File: 2.82 MB, 4032x3024, 91B44850-03DF-432D-9E27-4E9DDF16EAE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Journal entry from 1843 addressing Peterson before he even made the statement.