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/lit/ - Literature

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11336071 No.11336071 [Reply] [Original]

Listen up Brit-Lit fags: An all-female version of Shakespeare's'Julius Ceaser' is on BBC Four at 2150 tonight.

>> No.11336085

That'll show the patriarchy!

>> No.11336091
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>> No.11336102

Damn these jews destroying our culture. Rise up Anglos! Rise now!

>> No.11336103


>> No.11336113

Will the plotters still stab Caesar to death?
Or are they just going to make catty comments about her weight and fashion sense?

>> No.11336121

>this is what the bongs public funds go to


>> No.11336130

Grils can be ghostbusters too
Grils can be Jedi too
Grils can stab dictators too

>> No.11336132
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>> No.11336139

Are they cute at least

>> No.11336164
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>> No.11336171

>Turbo dykes
Wew lad

>> No.11336184

BBC are smart anglos. They know that this shit will get people talking, and do the advertising for them.

Good goy OP, do what us anglos want you to do

>> No.11336192

Makes sense to be gay if they're playing as Roman aristocracy

>> No.11336205

... I dunno. BBC Four at 2150 on a Sunday night? Not to mention this is a broadcast of a performance from 2012.

>> No.11336210

why do things like this make people so mad?
it's a play airing overnight

>> No.11336230
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>> No.11336437
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It's amusing because women almost always try to stab other women in the back, in a metaphorical sense, but this production is showing them do it as a physical act.

>> No.11336801

Holy shit, so far it's like British 'Orange is the new Black'

>> No.11336942

pillow fight gets rough

>> No.11336947

What is the progression of decay?

>> No.11336948

This, but unironically

>> No.11336960

I saw the production at The Bridge Theatre. Really good stuff overall- Ben Whishaw as Brutus, David Morissey as Mark Anthony and whoever it is that plays Catelyn Stark as Cassius.

>> No.11337066
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>> No.11337104
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>> No.11337186
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It's gone meta, lads.

>> No.11337212


>> No.11337215
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>> No.11337217

lol what the fuck

>> No.11337225

lol she actually forgot her lines? What a stupid nigger

>> No.11337254

I have to admit I didn't understand what the performance was doing there, what the meaning was. The play is taking place within a women's prison, every now and then an alarm goes off and actors get interrupted and are dragged off by guards; The actors are playing characters playing characters; the fourth wall is broken occasionally.

>> No.11337281
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Did it with Bleach, senpai.

>> No.11338466

Holy shit. Bongs please take refuge in the Pacific Northwest or somewhere safer.

>> No.11338544

They're going to bully Caesar into killing herself and then when she's dead pretend to be really upset and pretend they were always best friends for sympathy

>> No.11338627
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Bad advice. Bongs, stay and fight!

>> No.11338668

>that's probably an article from either daily mail or the sun
does everyone on this board read shit papers or what
Not that the Guardian is any better but pick up Private Eye or something, christ

>> No.11338681

so it's Shakespeare performed by men with gyno and mullets?

>> No.11338691

What does the paper matter, look at what's happening, retard.

>> No.11338727

I live here you imbecile, I literally live in London, which is apparently "being taken over by Muslims"
They never leave Whitechapel, the fact that anyone thinks they're a threat is funny.
I'll do you one better even, I live with a Moroccan Muslim. He's fine, bit quiet around white people, but probably the calmest of my roommates. If anyone is emigrating to England en-masse it's the Italians and Spanish and I never hear anyone complain about them.

>> No.11338745
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Whitechapel sure is a big fucking neighborhood isn't it luv. Jesus christ upper class anglos are disgusting. I thank God I was born in the states.

Your time is over, there will never again be an intellectual britain. That is America and Eastern Europe's place now.

>> No.11338750

You are the definition of a retarded cuck, and your retarded cuckiness is what will lead to the downfall of your nation, whose capital is now majority non-white and which will become a caliphate in a matter of decades. Try to obtain a more long-term outlook, you pathetic faggot. Do you know how many little white girls have been raped by the savages invading your country, who you are defending because you are a retard? Use your fucking brain for 2 seconds.

>> No.11338787

>assuming I'm upper class
I rent a shared flat on a council estate and work as a kitchen porter lmao
Your country is responsible for Kanye West mate, you don't get to make that claim

God you guys really sperg out the second someone doesn't totally hate Muslims.
I dunno how you have the energy to be this angry at a country you don't even live in.
Have you actually ever talked to a real life Muslim or do you just believe whatever people tell you?
also thanks for the (You)

>> No.11338802

You should kill yourself. I mean it. You have failed as a man and if you have children they will only suffer due to their father's absolute stupidity.

>> No.11338819

so you're a useful idiot then?

>> No.11338830

Imagine being this mad :^)
God, you know you really make me appreciate my life man. I thought today was kinda bad, but you remind me that there are people out there who spend all their energy being angry at people for disagreeing with them on the internet.
Also I've already got a beautiful daughter, so you're a bit too late for that one. She turns 5 next month.
Sidenote, you never actually answered my question. Bet you 10 quid you never actually talked to a Muslim. Hang out with a Moroccan sometime, they're pretty chill and most of them smoke hash or will go for a drink with you. Technically alcohol is Haram but culturally they're pretty lax about it.

>> No.11338846

I'm only mad at upper class brits who gas light their cockney underclass about their retarded agenda. I couldn't gaf about people like you. keep calm and carry on m8

>> No.11338850

If you don't wise the fuck up and start paying attention to what's going on in your society your daughter deserves the fate the thousands of other little white girls as young as 11 have endured at the hands of the savage invaders your stupid ass is defending right now, which is to be gangraped by arabs and have it filmed then used to blackmail her into becoming a prostitute. You dumb fuck. You are a failure as a man.

>> No.11338877

Fair enough, I agree with you on the upper class part at least, hang 'em from the lampposts for all I care.
You on the other hand, you're a nutter. I dunno which one of you is the American but I'm willing to bet it's you.

>> No.11338882

>I'm upset over theatre casting and changing the play
Jesus /lit/ at least learn something about theatre before you tag on it

>> No.11338909
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You are far too stupid for this place, and your children will suffer for your stupidity. I want you to think about me every time your little girl leaves school, and wonder if these sand niggers you love in your nation might be picking her on the days daddy can't make it. You are a coward and a fool.

>> No.11338928

they just have a different culture. Be tolerant and understand that western culture isn't the only one and it's sure to change as it becomes more diverse.

>> No.11338940

Jesus. There really is no hope for England.

>> No.11339073
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>they just have a different culture. Be tolerant and understand that western culture isn't the only one and it's sure to change as it becomes more diverse.
On the off chance this isn't b8 you deserve everything you'll get lmao. Don't emigrate to Australia like the rest of you pommy faggots end up doing either when it gets too much for you. The white flight has seen so many potato looking pom retards here over the last 10 years its not funny

>> No.11339109
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lmao any context for this

>> No.11339121

>your daughter deserves the fate the thousands of other little white girls as young as 11 have endured at the hands of the savage invaders
tfw you are so anti-muslim you start calling for muslims to rape an 11 year old girl

>> No.11339197
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You cut out quite a big *if* part there, but whites are in many cases going to have to learn this lesson the hard way. The media hides this reality from them, and my warning was an attempt, however futile, to prevent more of that from happening. It's clear as fucking day that the last thing I want to see is more white girls get raped by these desert savages. And I want to see the people responsible, like pic related, be burned at the stake for it before they have the chance to escape to Israel.

>> No.11339528

You're speaking to /pol/ here, not /lit/.

>> No.11339581

You are speaking to /lit/. If you are Jewish, or if the Jewish Question is too much for you to handle, then you are no longer /lit/, and it's recommended you make outbound plans, because you're no longer welcome here.

>> No.11339587

I'm guessing thats Brutus killing Caesar via forced bleach drinking instead of the usual stabbing?

Who knows man

>> No.11339614

>Who knows man

Oh, someone does, and we all should.

>> No.11339638

damn that is one old meme. whats it called again? efg or something?

>> No.11339700

>tfw Brutus says he was ambitious; and Brutus is an honourable man

>> No.11339730


I posted it. Screenshot of Ceaser's assassination. The actress sat amongst the audience whilst it happened. Pretty cool.

>> No.11339850

no one gives a toss innit

>> No.11339872

Will you idiots listen...
*gets his daughter diddled*
I can't even...
*gets run over by a lorry lunatic*
believe you fools...
*gets his head chip-chopped while a bobby watched*
think we are getting taken over?!
*gets gagged and gaffed an' his bumbum reamed cause he flipped off some CCTV*

>> No.11339873

>insults Kanye West
lmao look at the pseud

>> No.11339874
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>literally has a 4 year old daughter
>has Moroccan roommate
I've been to Morocco, wouldn't wanna live there and wouldn't have them here if you know what I mean you soma-smoking cuck.