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11332679 No.11332679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just found out I have an iq of 108. Should I just kill myself and spare me a life doomed to mediocrity?

>> No.11332702

This test is BS. First of all, IQ tests are stupid, but I took this exact test and got 168 and I know I am no where near that.

>> No.11332734

i know you're making a goof here but i have a very low iq, damn near 80, and i think we tend to attach a lot of character traits to iq arbitrarily. like there's no reason you can't be curious or thoughtful or ambitious or whatever.

it helps, but i think there's something to be said about the things you choose to be despite your innate nature

>> No.11332769

iq is low iq

>> No.11332777

Eh im 107
Better than 80 anon

>> No.11332781

it's okay mate, I tried doing different types of IQ tests, and I get below 100. I still have a bit of hope left in living.

Take care mate, live a good life.

>> No.11332782

those digits say otherwise

>> No.11332787
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>> No.11332790

You could probably add like 40 points to your IQ by practicing spatial reasoning and number sequencing problems. The test is an absolute meme

>> No.11332811

>Taking an online IQ test
Yours is actually lower.

>> No.11332816

Took the Mensa WAIS r and a couple other ones and they all came out with either 108 or 120 with the 108's being more common. Either that or my low self esteem is kicking in

>> No.11332842

The only IQ tests that matter are actual real-life tests (like at Mensa). Those Internet tests are bullshit.

With that being said...
This is true. You can get better at those tests with training, which actually makes them pointless.

>> No.11332898

>take stupid test
>match patterns like some chump
>"It's totally the best indicator of success you guys, not just a self-wank."
>suck yourself off and go back to smoking weed and playing vidya.

>> No.11332920
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135 IQ masterrace reporting to duty and ready to slay 2SD's brainlets.

>> No.11332936

I scored 130 on that one :)

>> No.11332937

No. You probably won't be an engineer or a surgeon or anything but neither will most people.

>> No.11332942

>falling for the iq test meme
Low iq detected

>> No.11332948

>bragging and calling OP stupid at the same time

this guy is a genius

>> No.11332951

>The only IQ tests that matter are actual real-life tests
This. The only real way to get your actual IQ is to get evaluated by a psychologist or neuropsychologist. There are a couple of accepted tests, mostly you'll see the WAIS and some other. It's expensive, think at least 700$. ANY other test is complete bullshit, and of course any online test is even more complete bullshit.

>(like at Mensa)
This is false. Mensa doesn't make you pass an IQ test. They make you pass an entry test, they don't and never have claimed to give you your IQ. Their tests are calibrated so that if you pass, you have at least 130 on the WAIS scale, and that's all you can know.

>> No.11332962

Guys please don't take these online IQ tests seriously what tf? I had no idea anyone did, pretty sure most of them just tell all of us we have near genius level IQs. We don't need anything else helping us all think we're smarter than everyone else desu.

>> No.11332970

I can't wait till the 23andme version of an IQ test comes out

>> No.11332975

Someone link me the test I wanna play!

>> No.11332976

J.D. Salinger - recorded IQ of 104 according to his Time magazine profile

Massively popular writer whose books are assigned reading in schools across the English-speaking world, a favorite of Nabokov, Updike, DFW, and Roth among others, wrote "A Perfect Day for Bananafish," which is generally considered one of the most significant and influential short stories of the 20th century, master of dialogue and character

Katariina Souri - member of Mensa, an "elite IQ" society

Former model for Playboy magazine (prostitute), writer of mediocre romance novels nobody has ever read or ever will read, maker of mediocre paintings nobody buys or looks at, talentless dilettante you have no reason to know anything about

>> No.11333015

Mensa is intentionally easy to get into. The test they administer is much less rigorous than an actual IQ test because Mensa is a for-profit organization that preys on 115s who are insecure about their intelligence. For example, you don't even have to take the Mensa test or an IQ test to join because it accepts applicants who achieved high scores on the SAT, GRE, CogAt, or basically any standardized test. In exchange, you get a membership card that objectively and empirically proves once and for all you're not a total fucking retard and the privilege of giving them money every month

>> No.11333031
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I scored 127 on the Stanford Binet but never got accepted into the gifted program back in school (the cut-off was like 120 for my district). Maybe I just didn't take the test they gave me seriously I guess? This happen to anyone else?

>> No.11333041

this is, no joke, the first post i've ever seen on the internet saying something like this and i feel sort of bowled over

>> No.11333065

i took this test (mensa dk right?) and got just about 130 and my iq is +150. this specific test is entirely spatial reasoning one so not the whole picture.

>> No.11333067

do this one

>> No.11333079

Did you attend public school? If so you probably took the Cognitive Abilities Test. It's not an IQ test but nevertheless is closely correlated with IQ and used by many school districts for placement into gifted education programs.

At what age did you take the Stanford Binet? Some gifted programs will waive a poor performance on the CogAt if you can demonstrate the student has a high IQ. I remember how after some rich kids bombed the CogAt, their parents would prep them for IQ tests by giving them flashcards and quizzes. I now understand they were trying to get them into GT

>> No.11333097

23andme is already p bogus

>> No.11333098

Yeah, public school.
I took the IQ test around 13.
After a quick google search it appears the test they gave me for placement into the program was called the OLSAT.

>> No.11333107

Mensa is a joke

>> No.11333110
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just took a test that was allegedly put together by a McGill psychometrics professor and got the same score as the other tests. Well bros at least I can pass as highly intelligent with most people.

>> No.11333115

>online IQ tests
your IQ is much lower than 108 OP. I'm sorry to hear this.

>> No.11333116

>achieved high scores on the SAT
How high are we talking? You won't see many 115 IQers getting 2200+ on their SATs would you?

>> No.11333165
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I have never taken an IQ test before but I'm pretty sure its low. The only thing I'm good at is reading, understanding, and processing information. I can't visualise well or solve problems efficiently, and my short-term memory is terrible. Teachers thought I was smart for some reason, and wanted me to take an aptitude test to get into a selective school, but my best friend was going to a public school so I never took it, which says it all really.

>> No.11333201
File: 53 KB, 1421x789, fuck this test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am insulted by this result.

>> No.11333212

if you have dyspraxia or NVLD this test does not apply. I myself got a measly score of 104 on this test. However, when taking the WAIS with a learning psychologist I attained a verbal reasoning score of 147. In contrast, my spatial reasoning was low (as expected) with me getting a score of FUCKING 67!
Essentially, the test OP has used, tells you how intelligent you are with spatial awareness, not verbal prowess. The test is useful, but it only measures a criterion of an actual IQ test.

OP, don't kill yourself. Get a real test done, if you do badly then sure consider offing yourself.

>> No.11333220

i took an iq test from a real place and my parents said i did high and tried to talk me into going to some faggy private school with little classes with like 5 or 6 kids were u just chill and talk all day like one of those classes in college were the asshole prof makes everyone turn their desks in a circle but with a much smaller circle, but i thought i would miss being a little shit with my proletarian friends, im like i bet these kids dont even like to fight at recess but since i was always getting bullied for being a year younger than everyone that was a stupid thing to think but i was a little kid why the fuck did my parents let me choose how could i understand the difference my life outcome would suffer

>> No.11333224


>> No.11333226

I know, Mensa fucking sucks.
People think it's like some secret freemason/illuminati organization.
The reality is you give them money, you get a card and once in a while they organize an restaurant evening or a bowling game. That's pretty much it. You can't even say you're in Mensa because people automatically think you're flexing and being an arrogant asshole.
i used to be a member but gave up long ago

>> No.11333231

What is the speed of sound?

>> No.11333238

"IQ tests are stupid/don't mean anything/don't represent true intelligence/are imperfect" are the ultimate intellectual virtue signal

>> No.11333243

Did you notice anything different in social gatherings with them compared to normie ones?
What did they talk about?
Did they talk about IQ at all?

>> No.11333246
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>> No.11333274

>Did you notice anything different in social gatherings with them compared to normie ones?
Yes, and that's pretty much the point of Mensa.
Gifted (I know the term is kinda debated in english but whatever) people think in a different way and often feel very disconnected and alone with other people. With Mensa, you get to meet people like you once in a while.

>What did they talk about?
>Did they talk about IQ at all?
No they don't talk about IQ since people with actual high IQ don't like to talk about it. They're really just general social events where you meet people and talk about pretty much anything. Politics, science, movies, whatever really. It just feels different

>> No.11333289

Not even 140. Probably still struggles to multiply in 3 digits

>> No.11333307

i got 145+

does that make me smart?

>> No.11333315

IQ is racist and we need to stop pretending differing levels of intelligence exist.

>> No.11333318

no one thinks mensa is a secret society

>> No.11333345

Seems very interesting.

>think in a different way
Can you describe that any further?
Do they think in a more precise way and go deeper into detail in thinking and conversating?

>> No.11333360

>You can get better at those tests with training, which actually makes them pointless.
Training can give you a small and short term boost, but over time your score falls back to what it would be under correct conditions, and lasting improvements are basically unheard of. It's also extremely rare for somebody who performs poorly under correct conditions to achieve a genius level score, or vice versa, which is part of why IQ tests are considered unusually reliable among psychological assessments.

I believe it's any score in the 95% percentile, but only for tests taken during particular periods of time. And I very much do think it would be possible for a 115 to get a 2200+ score

>> No.11333365

If you take seriously these internet standarized tests, that's a sign you iq is actually 10 points below the results. It's all a mind jerking. It's like doing yoga and thinking you are doing actual exercise

>> No.11333379 [DELETED] 

did any of u dudes get invited to that "superpredictors" study or whatever on mturk?

>> No.11333392

Lmfao, of course you would.

>> No.11333399

all it did was validate my fears that I'm nowhere near as smart as I like to think I am. Good thing iq and career success in jobs requiring good problem-solving skills are only corollated at .3 which is basically nothing. Just means that I won't ever be able to be a knowledgable as I once wanted. Feels bad

>> No.11333406

iq doesnt matter for knowledge, it matters for understanding

>> No.11333411


>> No.11333428

nice digits

>> No.11333429

everyone has access to the same knowledge, the only thing that differentiates people is how they think about it

>> No.11333437

Fucking brainlet thread.

>> No.11333462

>>11333399 Having 120 or 130 IQ points doesn't make anybody an instant idiot savant, so there is nothing to fear, my friend. You're above 100 and that's okay. If you still feel bad, confort yourself that you'll have realistic expectations in your education/career/life. And you can learn a lot of things by reading books, instead of measuring dicks with others and doing nothing to improve yourself, or having extravagant hobbies such as speedcubing or tetris...

>> No.11333483

IQ tests are good when they're used for what they're supposed to be used for; that is selecting for disability and aptitude in school children, filtering out the intellectual unfit from the armed forces, and evaluating those with suspected brain damage. Using them to brag on the internet is not a good enough reason to spend the $500 + required to have your IQ properly tested by a psychologist. Real IQ tests usually take a few days and are very thorough, and it's a number that will, for better or worse, strongly affect your self-esteem and the way you view yourself and your abilities in relation to others, which isn't trivial. In taking internet IQ tests, you run the risk of developing a malformed conception of your own capacities, which can get you into serious trouble. Part of maturing is coming to terms with your limitations and not letting them control you. Watch Amadeus. Don't try to wear shoes that are too big for your feet, don't waste talents if you have them, and don't resent those that are more talented than you.
"For the wisdome of God hath divided the genius of men according to the different affaires of the world, and varied their inclinations according to the variety of actions to be performed therein, which they who consider not, rudely rushing upon professions and wayes of life unequall to their natures; dishonour not onely themselves and their functions, but pervert the harmony of the whole world. For if the world went on as god hath ordained it, and were every one implyed in points concordant to their natures; professions, arts and commonwealths would rise up of themselves; nor needed we a lanthorne to find a man in Athens." - Thomas Browne - Pseudodoxia Epidemica.

>> No.11333518
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10/10 everyone needs to read this post

>> No.11333521

Nigga like half the test is spatial reasoning and find the Nth term/Find the difference in a string of numbers questions. The latter is a topic covered in every college discrete maths class and the former has had multiple studies suggesting it can be improved.

>> No.11333712

I got 130 on this online test, but my actual in-person tested IQ is 97. I'm a certified brainlet, and I feel it whenever I'm reading or doing something complicated.
The online test is unreliable. Don't sweat it OP.

>> No.11333723

i did discrete math in school it wasnt like an iq test which i also did as a kid

but the point of iq tests is to test childhood development against peers, not to wait until u already took the sats and went to college, iq fags are so wack

>> No.11333735

The point of IQ tests are to measure general intelligence.

>> No.11333818

written by a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.11333824

Harrowing post

>> No.11333830

97 is not brainlet really.
100 is normal.
most people in the entire world are around 100.
it's just fine my man, i mean it.

>> No.11333926

There is absolutely no way you could make such a post and have an 80 IQ. Do you even know what an 80 means?

>> No.11333973

>Do you even know what an 80 means?
That he's a nigger?

>> No.11333986

Keep your stupid IQ threads on /sci/ where they belong.

Saged and reported.

>> No.11334043
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>someone with an IQ of 80 can't be literate

>> No.11334094


>> No.11334098

this is common for high iq individuals
>'that test was way too easy there's no way im that smart'

that's the point dumbass

>> No.11334120

I'm pretty dumb yet Ive read and enjoyed all the literature and philosophy everyone else talks about here.

>> No.11334127

But can you truly analyse it? Could you write an essay about the latest book you read?

>> No.11334138


>> No.11334139

I take books at face value. I don't treat them as research assignments or as things where one has to pick up every allusion of meaning. Ulysses is a great work of prose even if all the references went over my head.

>> No.11334140

lmao anyone with even the most low tier degree can do that u brainlet

>> No.11334160

I can't.

>> No.11334174
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>> No.11334176

People with IQs below 85 fail to develop basic literacy, yes. Its the primary reason they're not allowed in the military. Beyond that, even if they're given verbal instruction or develop simplistic word recognition ability, they can't actuate that information. Telling them to, say, open a door would be like telling your parrot to open a door, you'd need to structurally enforce their behavior patterns for everything, basically training them like a dog.

>> No.11334183

>significant and influential
pick one
there is little difference between the people you present. aside from their irrelevant successes. Souri will always be far more intelligent and capable than Salinger, in anything.

>> No.11334185

Friendly reminder that the free MENSA test highballs you so you'll be extra tempted to take their more expensive, 'more credible' test.
Human IQ exists within a pretty well documented minima and maxima, if you're getting results like 'gee you're so smart we don't even know how smart you are!' you're being taken for a loop. Whatever your score, adjust it by 20-30 points back towards the 110 mean.

>> No.11334189

I think you're confusing 80IQ with 60IQ

>> No.11334194

No, I'm not. The standard for military acceptance is 85. They've tried lowering it to 80 in trials but the soldiers couldn't perform basic duties.
60 is about the lower extreme, that's literal retard-tier.

>> No.11334199

people take these silly online tests and think scores like 140 are realistic

>> No.11334200

The confusion arises because of people using tests that are correlative with IQ but not literal IQ tests (since those are not allowed in some instances; public schools and even the military itself don't use true IQ tests but instead correlative tests) and then improperly translating their scores between tests.

>> No.11334207

Is this r/books?

>> No.11334210

I just find it hard to believe I'm 7 points shy of being incapable of reading and writing. I can't write essays or anything long and structured but I am still capable of communicating on 4chan.
Niggers can at least text each other. Doesn't that require a basic understanding of the English language?

>> No.11334258

You can still become a reddit poster and gain mad karma from all those 102 IQ faggots.

>> No.11334593

>took an iq test when I was 9-11
>never actually heard what the therapist said because I'm an ADHD little fucker
>only thing I remember was 9
>She said I was smart
>Everyone says I'm smart
>pretty sure she said my iq is 90
I am HAUNTED by this