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/lit/ - Literature

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11333758 No.11333758 [Reply] [Original]

Started a reading list a few months ago to study ancient literature and history. Let me know if you think I'm missing anything important. There's some Chinese/Indian history and philosophy that I'd like to fit in as well.

>A History of the Ancient Near East - Mieroop
>Enuma Elish and Atrahasis - Stephany
>Epic of Gilgamesh - George
>Old Testament and Apocrypha - KJB
>Oxford History of Ancient Egypt - Shaw
>Egyptian Mythology - Pinch
>The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems - Oxford Press
>Mythology - Hamilton
>Greek Myths - Graves
>A Brief History of Ancient Greece - Oxford Press
>Hesiod's Works and Days & Theogony - Lombardo
>The First Philosophers: Presocratics and Sophists - Oxford Press
>The Iliad - Lattimore
>The Odyssey - Lattimore

>> No.11333795
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>taking shelf space from the Western Canon for heresies of the Celestials and Hindoo
OP, you've made a mistake. Nice collection of books you've got there however. You're missing Herodotus and Thucydides, and I suspect it's only accident that you have Xenophon. You're missing Livy, and Josephus, and the Holy Bible. Are you sure you should be posting here, subjecting the transcendent anons of /lit/ to your thread?

>> No.11333803

How much did all that cost you?

>> No.11333806

>A whole bookshelf of folio society books

Pseud detected. the aesthetics are pretty shit anyway.

>> No.11333811

Garish and tacky shelf. Almost as bad as those B&N faux-leather-bounds.

>> No.11333819

>no Pausanias
>no Plutarch
>no Livy
>no Caesar
>no Cassius Dio
>no Polybius
>no Procopius
>no apostolic fathers
>no histories of the early Church
>no Plato
>no Neoplatonists
>no Holy Bible
>no Dictionary of Saints
>no *nuthin'*
oh but you have a Quran.

>> No.11333839

Is there any single bigger indicator of a pseud than giving a solid fuck about how effay their bookshelf looks?

>> No.11333841

What a hideous waste of money. Sell them and buy a copy of the Lingua Latina and a guide to Koine, then start again with Homer, Thucydides, Ovid, Virgil, the complete Plato, Pindar, Sappho, an anthology of "minor" poets, the complete Plutarch and of course the NT and Septuagint, Aristotle, St Augustine and whatever else that the classics general tells you to read.

>> No.11333888

>Prioritising aesthetics over edition (translation, explanatory notes, introductions etc.)
You will forever be sub-optimal in your endeavours. While others will be playing chess, you will be stuck playing checkers.

>> No.11333895

>all these buttmad poorfags
Recommend some books or kick rocks.

>> No.11333901

>determining your own value through the amount of capital you waste
whew, lad

>> No.11333908
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I'm not OP you scum.

>> No.11334009

I have all those in paperback, save for Pausanias, so thanks for the recommendations.

Folio society second hand are not hugely expensive, and I like to read fine press books over dog-eared penguins, so I'm not upset about the criticisms of my shelf. What I was hoping for was recommendations, but maybe I was deluded to think that anyone on nu/lit/ actually reads.

>> No.11334019

Graves references Pausanias quite a lot, as does Campbell and Burkert's Greek Religion. It's just a travelogue, but comfy to read about ancient customs and monuments.

>> No.11334029

Thanks anon, I'll add him to the list.

>> No.11334031

and if you can deal with a somewhat older contemporary scholarship, Will Durant's books are extra cozy

>> No.11334040
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>Seneca but no Lucretius

>> No.11334052


if u wanna hit the next level shit check out ridpath's history of the world, its like will durant but older, shit has dank illustrations too so make sure u cop the pdfs not some text shit

>> No.11334063

>Is there any single bigger indicator of a pseud than giving a solid fuck about how effay their bookshelf looks?
Pretending that well ordered bookshelves don't look nice.

>> No.11334224

>he can't read the Peshitta


>> No.11334229

I don't have to think that well-ordered bookshelves don't look nice, in order to think that they don't fucking matter in the slightest.

>> No.11334234
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>aesthetics don't matter
Romulan spy detected

>> No.11334264

Aesthetics definitely matter. Hence OP's bookcase must be burned.

>> No.11334266

You have overwhelmed me with the superior aesthetics of your book covers.
From where do you purchase your editions?

>> No.11334277

A book is many things, including a decoration. It's excusable to care about how a book looks as long as that will always be secondary to the contents of the pages.
The pseud thing is to pretend that you wouldn't prefer an attractive cover over an unattractive cover. We all know you prefer the nicer looking edition, and I do too, and that's okay.

>> No.11334311

By coincidence I've been watching DS9 lately and Sisko is a pretty weird dude, he's half stoic half something else I can't quite place.

>> No.11334313

No, nicer-looking books dissuade the user from making full use of them lest he inadvertently damage or mar them.
I don't treat my books very roughly but given the same content I'd rather have a copy I'm not afraid to tear all to hell.

>> No.11334317

90s star trek is comfy af u got a spot to stream them shits i aint tryna fill up my external with scifi u feel me

>> No.11334318

Its Netflix lad

>> No.11334364

Half stoic half mystic, I'd say. He's the emissary of the prophets. I love watching him go from skeptical outsider to using the title for political leverage for the greater good of Bajor to being a sincere believer.

>> No.11334506

But more expensive books, while looking nicer, are also of a higher quality and deal with being read better than paperbacks.

>> No.11334541

At used book shops, mostly.
Thanks for the recommendations anons, I'll check those out.

>> No.11334628

They might but few really do. Most are just more visually pleasing on the outside, and as such wastes of money.

I'm still in the early seasons, I can't quite place his personality

>> No.11335089

Answer him OP you fuck.

>> No.11335126
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>March of the Titans

And you have almost no ancient British history. Geoffrey fo Monmouths history of the kings of Britain is a classic but the dates and some details are mixed up. At the time it was written he didn't have dates availuable so its a jumble of misdatings but the events are true.

The best book on ancient British history is King Arthur, King of Glamorgan and Gwent by ALan Wilson and A.T. Blackett. Massive work with all ancient British history straightened out for the first time.

>> No.11335888

looks like theyre mostly folio society so theyre pretty much the best mass market books you can get

>> No.11335935

that is a nice bookcase

>> No.11335985

Roots of the Western Tradition is a 10/10 intro text.
Also your missing Thucydides and you need to up your plays, at the very least get the Sophocles Oedipus Trilogy.

>> No.11335997

The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation by Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont Jr.

>> No.11336097

This looks like a pretty good start. I dont know if you have begun to read or not but I would start with greek mythology then just dive into Hesiod and then homer.

As far as Indian is get some sort of overview of whos who and then start with the gita after that i suppose the vedas and upanisads.

Chinese I dont know that much about, but they have their own canon of like 7 books so start there.

Last thing I would get cheaper version so you can write in them, unless you take notes in separate notebooks or something.

>> No.11336278

Better add Bulfinch and Peabody for myths