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11333043 No.11333043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Do you think it matters how many people someone has slept with?

>No and it particularly bothers me that women are held to a different standard on this than men. Also it's such a weird thing to care about. Like imagine if 48 people dipped their penises into my old cereal milk and I poured a bowel of Cheerios afterward. Would Cheerios be like "I hate swimming around in all of this dick milk! I don't feel special!" Well then screw you Cheerios. I can't go into the past and slap away all of the penises from my milk but that doesn't mean I don't genuinely enjoy your whole grain crunch!

What did author John Green mean by this?

>> No.11333045

extremely poor analogies by both of you

>> No.11333052

only men who have not slept with many women think that the sexes are differently treated on this. plenty of women will look down on a promiscuous man and/or suspect him of infidelity, just as plenty of men do with women

>> No.11333057

What does it fucking matter, honestly, what does it even matter to you?

>> No.11333070

not the OP but i love these low IQ lines people resort to 'WHAT DOES IT EVEN MATTER?!?!!'

>> No.11333071

Sexual promiscuity is an intentional behavioral trait, and one that frequently indicates other negative behavioral patterns. A "red flag" if you will.
Men don't want women with such red flags for long term relationships, and we as a society shouldn't try to produce women who possess such red flags who inevitably end up either unhappy and alone or unhappy and in compromised relationships, passing their negative behavioral traits to their children.

>> No.11333074

Men tend to shame women for enjoying sex

>> No.11333080

yes it has nothing to do with personal insecurity

>> No.11333085

Well you can project your insecurity all over people all you want, and use defense of sexual promiscuity as a means to secure a terrible life partner if you wish.

>> No.11333086

>greenposting is coming back into style

>> No.11333090

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.11333106

If I told you could sleep with an attractive woman who's had 1 person cum inside her or an attractive woman who's had 13 people cum inside her, which one would you pick?

>> No.11333108

>it doesn't matter how many people i've had sex with!
>if you disagree with me you're a fucking virgin

>> No.11333111

Rupi was getting old and we need someone to vent our frustration at. Green will always be the easy target punching bag for us to pick on.

>> No.11333117

And for the ladies on the board this fine Saturday evening, if I told you could sleep with an attractive man who's came inside 1 person an attractive man who's came inside 13 people, which one would you pick?

>> No.11333119

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11333125

Why does this fag always talk like, he's being cucked by his wife?

>> No.11333129

Unless it's a very high number only insecure fags actually care how many partners their partners have had.

>> No.11333135

t. cuck

>> No.11333140

t. Guy who's sexual history consists solely of getting a tugger from an obese Asian girl in the 11th grade

>> No.11333143

>it only ever has to do with personal insecurity
Brainlet post

>> No.11333148

does john green strike you as an ubersecure person

>> No.11333149

It would be a really stupid thing to invest time in a girl that has the habit of sleeping with many men. It's not going to end well because she's a hedonist and the second you stop pleasing her she'll be gone. You can't form a good relationship with a person like that who is unwilling to sacrifice.

>> No.11333150

I'm not a filthy degenerate like yourself. Waiting for marriage is the only position a healthy society can take.

>> No.11333154
File: 97 KB, 1310x202, 1519863082650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again

>> No.11333155

Reminder that the guy basically wrote fanfic about hooking up with a chick who died in highschool

>> No.11333158

To be fair its the same with men. They will likely cheat as well.

>> No.11333161

This is good, though. Bullying is a society's system of self-correction. You sense something deeply intrinsically wrong in another person and enforce change.

>> No.11333166

I want to bully John Green!

>> No.11333178

Not really. Men have more self control so they can sleep around but when its time to settle down with a woman they know they have to be rational about it and not go off sleeping around anymore.

>> No.11333188

I'd fuck the one who's read the most books.

>> No.11333194

No but that's not really my point.

>> No.11333195

It's more that society tends to lock men into provider roles.

>> No.11333204

>Men have more self control
vast majority of criminals and drug addicts are men

>> No.11333219

Ok? Men were not mentioned once in that post

>> No.11333221

i dont care

>> No.11333222

Criminal behavior requires a certain degree of self control, if you're good at it.
Drugs require money.
Men do the majority of most things, positive and negative.

>> No.11333244

yeah, bullying is slave morality

>> No.11333252

Do you not know what "to be fair" means?

>> No.11333262

The vast, vast majority (probably 100%) of people couldn't function without said 'slave morality'

>> No.11333264

>Criminal behavior requires a certain degree of self control
This level of cope is unbearable to watch. You're embarrassing yourself. You had me with >>11333149 but then your posts just went from bad to awful

>> No.11333268

Yes, I do, but your post was still irrelevant to the discussion since the topic at had is promiscuous women.

>> No.11333277

That other post isn't mine

And it does require self control to effectively enact criminal behavior. The criminals who are caught are the ones who are shitty, most of the time.

>> No.11333283

>Drugs require money.
Yeah that's why most meth addicts live in penthouses

>> No.11333290


What did he mean by THIS?


>> No.11333304

If one is sexually promiscuous is that person then morally obligated to only expect relationships with other equally promiscuous persons?

>> No.11333305

holy FUCK i did not know he had a youtube channel

>> No.11333317

But OP clearly also mentions men.

>> No.11333353


>> No.11333403

They can't afford penthouses, or regular houses, because they spend all their fucking money on meth.
Most of said money they inevitably get by stealing because the meth makes them unemployable.
Either way they have to do something to get the cash to get the drugs in the first place. Don't believe me? Drive through your nearest trailer park holding a 20 out the window.

>> No.11333409

You're not owed a relationship either way. You could be the paragon of virtuousness and that would not guarantee you a relationship in the sense that the world would provide you with one innately.

>> No.11333423

t. lived in a trailerpark as a child and trying to cope with the shame

>> No.11333426

stealing is self-control? this is really stupid dude, i bet what little remains of your friend circle have pulled you aside and told you to stop alienating the girls

>> No.11333453

Fucking a bunch of dudes leads women to be more inclined to substance abuse:


>In conclusion, this study examined whether multiple sex partnerships can lead to later mental health problems and found no association with anxiety and depression but a strong association with substance dependence across three age periods. It highlights the possibility that interpersonal anxieties stemming from multiple (possibly failed) sexual partnerships may lead to substance abuse problems, especially for women.

Cohabitation by itself, but especially with partners they DID NOT marry, leads to more unstable marriages in the future. Serial Cohabitation has a dramatically larger effect on divorce rates:


>Furthermore, Oppenheimer (1988) argued that premarital socialization helped improve marriage matches and that cohabitation “facilitates the kind of interaction that increases the knowledge of oneself and of a potential marriage partner and of the kind of mutual adaptations that are so essential to a stable relationship” (p. 583). It is ironic that most empirical studies find that couples who cohabited prior to marriage experience significantly higher odds of marital dissolution than their counterparts who did not cohabit before marriage (Jose et al., 2010).


>Results indicate that only a minority of cohabiting women (about 15% – 20%) were involved in multiple cohabitations. Serial cohabitations were overrepresented among economically disadvantaged groups, especially those with low income and education. They also were less likely than single‐instance cohabiting unions to end in marriage rather than dissolve. If serial cohabitors married, divorce rates were very high — more than twice as high as for women who cohabited only with their eventual husbands.

Women fucking around means they're more likely to divorce in the future:


>I find that premarital sex or premarital cohabitation that is limited to a woman's husband is not associated with an elevated risk of marital disruption. However, women who have more than one intimate premarital relationship have an increased risk of marital dissolution.

An article collecting the above data and data from the National Survey of Family Growth:


>It won’t be surprising to most readers that people with more premarital sex partners have higher divorce rates, broadly speaking. That said, this research brief paints a fairly complicated picture of the association between sex and marital stability that ultimately raises more questions than it answers.

>> No.11333454

Look, I'm married and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about this shit from time to time.

It's not that she doesn't enjoy sex with me. But from time to time (not always, mind you) there is 100% this undercurrent of "I've checked all my boxes" and/or "I can live without this." There isn't an air of innocent curiosity or fresh enthusiasm to things, in general.

It's not the end of the world, but if you deny this is a thing, you're being dishonest. You can have anything lose its luster if you've experienced it enough, sex is no different. That's just how things go in life.

>> No.11333457

Now, fine, you're saying to yourself
>haha this fuckin alt-right nazi believes in Marriage what an incel loser
but this completely ignores the fact that any serious, committed, longterm, monogamous relationship is effectively Marriage without the title. The above facts don't suddenly disappear just because you two didn't stand in front of some kind of marriage officer and make vows.

This is also only a small sample of the total relevant literature out there. Go off on your own and see the hundreds of linked and cited articles referencing not only these studies, but countless other studies done on relationship studies.

In conclusion, if you are interested in any kind of long-term relationship with a woman, it's clearly in your best interest to go for one with the fewest number of previous sexual partners, with virgins being the literal best. Not because of some purity obsession, but because of the facts. Not only will they be more stable relationships, but the chance they'll be drunks or meth heads is reduced significantly as well. Almost as if fucking a bunch of people damages you in some existential way.

>ib4 butthurt roasties denying science like a Creationist would

>> No.11333467

>stealing is self-control
Successful criminal ventures require self-control to the same degree if not more as most non-criminal jobs. You don't successfully rob stores, for example, by being sloppy, that's how you get caught.
Drugs obviously erode people's self control, that's why many if not most of the people who turn to drugs get sloppy with their crimes and get caught.
Most crimes are committed by men because men possess the qualities that allow them to successfully commit those crimes. Since they're the majority committers of crime, they're also necessarily the majority of people who fuck up and get caught.
None of this is a defense for criminal behavior, it's just observation of real world situations.

Imagine being this devoid of basic fucking logic

>> No.11333490

I’d pick the girl who only had sex with 1 person but that’s because I’m an insecure virgin. If I had any sexual experience then I wouldn’t care

>> No.11333493

Dude no in that case you want the girl who's experienced because she'll help you learn all the fun shit. Then you take that confidence boost and use it to snag a non-slut.
This is basic sexual development bro

>> No.11333511


The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spy spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested.

>> No.11333513

Are you being ironic?

>> No.11333534

No, that's how most sexual relationships worked for a lot of history. Women develop slightly faster than men sexually, some women tend to prey on young men and kickstart their sexual development, and those men then start engaging in their own sexual pursuits.
It's pretty simple stuff.

>> No.11333556

>unironically posting /r9k/ pasta on /lit/

>> No.11333579

>if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will
if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will. if you will.

>> No.11333583

>Since the dawn on man, man has had to provide
>Society has locked men in this role
You are a cuck if you believe men should provide for the household is a social construct

>> No.11333585
File: 66 KB, 500x533, grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this buttblasted

>> No.11333597

Society didn't construct the role but it does help enforce it. This isn't a bad thing.

If we did absolutely regress society back to its most basic building blocks, we could hit the point of men and women in wandering nomadic tribes with nobody providing for anyone really. And then men would move into their biological predispositions and begin constructing societies that worked around them.

>> No.11333601

That is hardly what you said. You have gone from the wants of an sexually inexperienced man, so he can learn the "fun shit", in order to become more confident, to generalities of "sexual development". Your second post might be true, but it relates barely relates to the first one.

>> No.11333609

Just voicing my opinion on what ridiculous hypothetical decision a fellow anon should make.

>> No.11333613

get laid and you'll stop talking like such a fag

>> No.11333623


>> No.11333636

13 man. She's probably more comfortable with sex and therefore better at it.

>> No.11333644

what do you mean? are you a volcel (read: gay)?

>> No.11333655

What do I mean by no? I mean no.

>> No.11333657

Men are not the logical, skilled, self-controlled people you paint them as. The reason we commit more crime isn't because we're criminal masterminds, it's because we are innately more likely to do risky behavior like that. When it comes to dangerous shit that could land you jail time, women are on average far too timid to engage in that behavior compared to men. Stop acting like it's because they can't plan a liquor store robbery.

>> No.11333674

No as in "no I refuse to get laid" or no as in *fat black woman voice* "no honey mnmm you're canceled"?

>> No.11333681

>The reason we commit more crime isn't because we're criminal masterminds, it's because we are innately more likely to do risky behavior like that.
Yes but the reason men who succeed at crime do so is because they're more capable than those who fail.
I've never said women couldn't commit crimes, I myself said
>Most crimes are committed by men because men possess the qualities that allow them to successfully commit those crimes. Since they're the majority committers of crime, they're also necessarily the majority of people who fuck up and get caught.
Predisposition toward risk seeking behavior is obviously an element of criminality, as are other behavioral traits if you're talking about criminal success. Nobody's claiming there's a single behavioral cause.

>> No.11333684

The first. I can barely understand the second; I'm not familiar with fat black women.

>> No.11333690

boner achieved

>> No.11333718
File: 41 KB, 600x600, no bully zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Green is really sensitive, he has OCD and would probably cry.

You shouldn't make a grown man cry.

>> No.11333748
File: 73 KB, 666x692, 1523346603699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11333764


>> No.11333771

Thanks boomers. That whole free love movement has been so wonderful. I'll have to remember to thank my dad when I see him next weekend.

>> No.11334356

Not true, an experienced and sought out man will be more appealing to a female for he demonstrates higher sexual market value and if other females want him, then there's something to him... If you reverse the roles then you play with men's greatest fear of getting cucked and having to raise another man's child

>> No.11334403

That's a great point, you see it in gold diggers, prostitutes and promiscuous women, after a while they use sex as a commodity to trade with, completely removing any hint of interest for an activity that has by then "grown old and meh-ish" by the constant practice of it

>> No.11334420


>> No.11334435

You are retarded if you don't think all of history has been like this

>> No.11334452

Cringe holy shit.