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/lit/ - Literature

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11333190 No.11333190 [Reply] [Original]

>So Anon, how's your novel coming along?

>> No.11333198

>What're you reading?
If I tell you the title that gives you nothing
If I try to explain the contents you don't care
How the fuck am I supposed to answer this question, /lit/?

>> No.11333206

It's practically finished I just need to get it down on paper

>> No.11334150

I haven't started writing it yet

>> No.11334152

With the title.

>> No.11334155
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Great, Dad. Really making strides.. haha

>> No.11334170

Mind if I read some of it, bucko?

>> No.11334186
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It's not formatted properly yet. And I don't want to spoil anything for you for when the physical product is out... ha ha

>> No.11334205

I'd love for my family to do that. I can barely find a single friend that wants to read mine.

I'm 37.000 words in(I hope it can be done in less than 60.000 words) it's the 3rd part of a tetralogy

>> No.11334212
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delet this fucking thread

>> No.11334214

>they just blankly stare at you, prompting you to proceed to the contents, at which point they disengage
Give me a better answer

>> No.11334468

What does it take?

>> No.11334511
File: 63 KB, 1200x1200, sigmund-freud-9302400-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all so insecure about your fathers?

>> No.11335140

You stop caring, fren.

>> No.11336484
File: 7 KB, 235x195, 19145817_10208732925033117_9182176837581938379_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finalized the outline last night, re-writing the first third now. The second third is down as a really rough draft, but most of it will have to be completely changed, and the last third isn't even started. But you know what they say, "Fix the lead and the rest will follow."

>> No.11336492
File: 51 KB, 680x457, cammmus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling your family you write
i SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this

>> No.11336511

I am a rambling panster, with a voluminous backlog, that just keeps growing, with no end in sight.

>> No.11336661

But anon, both my parents write (one fiction, the other non-). If I didn't, I'd be a disappointment.

>> No.11337144

Finished the 503 pages word. I'm now correcting it.

>> No.11337180

I believe in you guys.

>> No.11337237


I don't know how to edit it and the person who was going to help me edit it ran away from the internet, burning all information behind him.

>> No.11337268

Say whatever, briefly. Give a tiny bit of info about the plot, or character, or author, whatever sounds most interesting.

>Oh, it's this book about a guy who's soul searching, it's German
>It's a book about a girl travelling the sea, it's a fantasy
>It's a horror story, written by a Swedish author - he's popular, have you heard of ___?
>A book my sister recommended I read, it's okay. It's about a farm
>It's called _____, its an old book, a fairy tale from 1960

Literally anything, take your pick. If they're interested they will ask more and you can have a conversation about it - if they're just inquiring to be polite or to get your attention then whatever you've said will be enough and they'll go 'hmm cool' and carry on

>> No.11337302

The real question is how do you answer
>What music do you listen to?

Do I list the genres? My favourite artists? My favourite albums or songs? Do I say what I listen to recently or regularly or what I used to listen to or both? Does music I spent years listening to but no longer listen to count? What about when my music tastes are spread randomly over different genres and times and I can't answer simply?

I usually just say
>A bit of everything ha ha..
but then I get more questions and I get frustrated

Sometimes I just say I don't listen to music so I don't have to have the conversation at all

>> No.11337309

because we haven't killed them yet.

>> No.11337328

jesus you over defensive autist. guessing you haven't written a sentence in at least a month

pretty good OP. not as many pages as I'd like today (doesn't most of the day with family cause fathers day), but kept up the momentum.

>> No.11337783

About 68K words into the first draft of my novel and now I'm thinking that I may need to completely start over again. The characters aren't well defined enough for my liking and I keep going back and forth over whether I want it to be first person or third.

Good news is I'll be starting another novel with Camp NaNoWriMo in July. It's a much simpler novel than the one I've been working on recently and I'm actually planning out the whole story and the characters for once instead of having a basic outline and just going with the flow. It's my first attempt at a more "literary fiction" novel instead of an "entertainment fiction" (What I mean is a novel with some actual deeper meaning and thought put into it.)

>> No.11337919

>So your son wrote a book
>does it go on a bookshelf
>here it is.
>does it have his name on it?
>right here.
> good
That's the only comment my dad has ever made about my writing.