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/lit/ - Literature

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11332032 No.11332032 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about american politics?

I just finished What Happened and i'm currently reading Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury

Need to build up a backlog of must-read titles. Is James Comey's new book any good?

>> No.11332039

lol no book is a "must-read" let alone any book remotely linked to Shillary Monstanto-Sachs Clinton

>> No.11332040

You know fire and fury is filled with proven false information right? Even Trump critics pan it.

>> No.11332047

Tocqueville, you dumb mutt.

>> No.11332049


didn't know /lit/ was infested by trump tards

>> No.11332066
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>> No.11332074
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>here we go again

>> No.11332082
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anything by Charles E. Lindblom

>> No.11332086

Maybe try reading The Prince.

>> No.11332087

Woodward's Bush at War, Hersh's Dark Side of Camelot, Stephenopoulos' All Too Human, The Israel Lobby, Superclass, Meyer's Dark Money, etc etc.

Basically just find an administration or group you're interested in and find either an insider or journalist who wrote a book on it.

>> No.11332091


Does Lyndon B Johnson's presidency have any good books about it?

>> No.11332094

yeah. the infestation of r/T_d refugees pretty much put the nail in the coffin of /lit/

>> No.11332100
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>> No.11332101

this is my reply to your comment

>> No.11332104
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>> No.11332136
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>> No.11332285

Of the books written about the Trump presidency/recent memoirs Fire and Fury is the one most worth reading. It’s funny because it was so meant to be read in the moment that even a couple months on it’s a bizzare thing look through. The key is always to be asking yourself ‘who could possibly have access to this information, and what do they gain by telling it to this reporter’. That’s just a general media literacy tip, but with this book it’s especially important. The question is always less ‘is this true’, but rather ‘why would somebody inside the Whitehouse say this is true’. The most general broad strokes of the book are mostly true, when it comes to the details you can persume most to be false.

The other books I’d recommend is Ronan Farrow’s War On Peace, and the one by David Frum.

The rest, the books by Clinton, Comey, Hayden, Clapper, David Kay Johnston, Madeleine Albright, Joshua Green, Malcolm Nance, Clint Watts, Ronald Kessler, Jeff Flake, Cass Sunstein, Bill Brewer, Luke Harding, and Michael Isikoff, all aren’t worth getting.

But can we take a step back for a moment and consider how all these people have *all* written books about either about the campaign, or the Trump presidency, holy shit. And that’s not even all of them.

I’ll do another post with actually good books

>> No.11332305

Nice bait - read actually political theory you fucking burger

Federalist Papers, Thomas Paine, Frederick Douglass, etc.

>> No.11332337

Ur Fascism

>> No.11332508

Democracy in America by Tocqueville is never out of style.

William Williams (wtf kind of name is that) - The Tragedy of American Diplomacy (1959)
Campbell et al. - The American Voter (1960)
Robert Dahl - Who Governs?: Democracy and Power in an American City (1961)
Richard Hofstader - “The Paranoid Style in American Politics” (1964)
Arthur Schlesinger - The Imperial Presidency (1973)
Herman and Chomsky - Manufacturing Concent (1988)
Walter LaFaber - The American Age (1989)
Page and Shapiro - The Rational Public (1992)
Robert Pape - Bombing to Win (1996)
Michael Sandel - Democracy’s Discontents (1996)
Scott Bowman - The Modern Corporation and American Political Thought (1996)
Martin Gilens - Why Americans Hate Welfare (1999)
Sheldon Wolin - Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Invetered Totalitarianism (2008)
Thomas Medvetz - Think Tanks in America (2012)
Larry Bartels - Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of a New Gilded Age (2016)

Strongly recommend everybody read the ‘paranoid style’ essay first, and as soon as possible.

>> No.11332639
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>> No.11332643

It’s a very informative book: https://steemit.com/life/@blakemiles84/clinton-book-excerptish-the-cattle-rustler

>> No.11332651

Monsanto isn’t a Jewish name you fucking idiot, the company got its name from the Founder’s wife who was hispanic’s maiden name. The firm isn’t Jewish at all and never has been. And it has nothing to do with slave trading

>> No.11332663

The Anglo-American Establishment - Carroll Quigley
Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler - Antony Sutton
The Conduct of The Allies - Jonathan Swift

>> No.11332703

Strangers in Their Own Land, by Arlene Hochschild. A superb and empathetic look at why the middle-aged American right exists, written and researched when the Tea Party was an incredibly strong force in American politics.

>> No.11332724
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Dark Money

>> No.11332735

Democracy in America by Tocqueville is always relevant.
Try "Why Liberalism Failed" by Patrick Deneen as well.

>> No.11332783

Are you serious?

>> No.11332810
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Not directly related to politics, but key to understanding the black experience in America which is important for understanding politics. You can find the pdf for free online.

>> No.11332866


its a great book though i dislike zinn for his antizionism

>> No.11333002


>> No.11333009


>> No.11333014

I fucking hate rustlers

>> No.11333027
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Unironically this

>> No.11333039

This one's a bit more historical, but quite interesting:


>> No.11333046

skillful (ghost)writing desu

>> No.11333058

I recently started The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America by Timothy Snyder. So far it seems to offer a pretty good picture of a lot of what's been happening in American politics recently and where the changes have been coming from

>> No.11333081

any books i can read that will make america cease to exist?

>> No.11333132

The way you can almost guarantee a book is gonna be a pile of shit is if the author is identified as having a PhD or as Dr with the exception of books on medicine.

In front of me where I sit I have books by Eric Hobsbawm, Steven Pinker, Marvin Harris, Domenico Losurdo, Thomas King, Mark Fisher, and Angela Nagel, and guess what? Not I single one identifies the author has having a PhD on the front cover.

>> No.11333146


And hilariously that author has an entire podcast dedicated to nothing nothing than criticizing the columns of Paul Krugman, talk about living rent free man.

And when other conservatives are saying you are too sympathetic to John Calhoun, goddamn.

>> No.11333157

holy shit i want to get this book now

>> No.11333196
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imagine being retarded enough to not only buy a Clinton book but also enjoy it

>> No.11333535
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Political books by or about people in power are nearly always either hagiography or spiteful.

Ironically, Fire and Fury is more balanced than the public perception, there's whole chapters in there where he basically admits the Democrats and Leftist Intelligentsia concocted the Russian narrative. You just have to be deft and dispassionate enough not to fall for his unsourced salacious crumbs that he peppers through the text as catnip for the braindead gossip horde. Despite my distaste for the author, the book ultimately is really the closest thing to a Bannon autobiography as we're ever likely to see.

This is also why I suspect the Media ultimately decided to trash it once the hoopla had started to die down; the book ultimately doesn't actually go to bat for them.

>> No.11334270
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pic related

>> No.11334333
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Read art of the deal

>> No.11334350
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Every braindead subhuman can moves his eyes from left to right. But only the biggest failures of American "white" people boast about it.

>> No.11334357

Do not read books about american politics or consume news media.
Go learn something useful and objective.

>> No.11334368

inb4 thread post limit reached

>> No.11334372

He didn't say it was you mongoloid.

>> No.11334462

This entire website has been on a decline. 2016 killed it harder than Chanology killed /b/

>> No.11334503

Literally alphabet noodle soup diarrhoea. What a joke of a political system and what a joke of a people.

>> No.11334532

>what are some good books about american politics?

Just about anything except the books you just posted

>> No.11334594


I am getting to the point where I despise this site and 99% of the idiots that post on it. The worst part is that if you point out how shitty it has become you are told to leave (on the verge but will touch on this in a moment) or that 4chan is not an echo chamber. I have been on this website since 2006 as an active, anonymous poster. I was even, may Allah bless my ravaged brain, a janitor here. My username was in the big leak. I can, without a shadow of a doubt, say that this place has always, in my experience, been an echo chamber. Most places are. Sure, there is some discourse from the minority. Too few and far between, though. It's always just whatever mongoloids happen to yell the loudest in this cesspit of retardation. /lit/ is even succumbing more and more to the vapidity of the rest of the site.

Why not just leave, you ask? How I want to. Yet, I will find nothing like this site or this board. In between the braying jackasses that inhabit this dump of idiocy there are good posters. I've noticed that it's usually when the Americans are least active that it becomes better. Then, as if by the crowing of the cock outside their caravan, they descend upon this place and bring their foolish madness and ignorance.

>> No.11334609

It's always been a circle jerk yeah, but i kinda miss when trolling was trolling and you'd be called a troll instead of some paid shill. Trolling for the sake of it is dead and any kind of fuckery makes you schlomo goldbergstein. I guess what I'm trying to bitch about is that while it was always a shithole, it used to be a shithole that didn't take itself so damn seriously.

>> No.11334639


A good point. I too remember when trolling was a fun past-time and not a lifestyle. When I could laugh at the (actually ironic) Nazi stuff from Habbo and Club Penguin because it was so ridiculous that no one in their right mind would take it seriously.

It does make me sad that any time there are left leaning sympathies (and I do not mean the bastardised joke of American "leftism") it's met with vitriol and, for lack of a better word, memespouting. Cuck. Basedboy. All the garbage in lieu of an actual argument or counterpoint. Don't even get me started on the atrociously put together and outsourced infographs. It's pathetic.