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/lit/ - Literature

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11331336 No.11331336 [Reply] [Original]

Did /v/ just btfo /lit/?

>> No.11331341

go back there

>> No.11331350

Yes, that's why video games have always produced the greatest works of art. Who in their right mind would say Shakespeare and Dante could compete with the likes of Metal Gear?

>> No.11331354

I shed a tear at the end of tony hawk skateboard game

>> No.11331362

How will Stephen King ever recover?

>> No.11331363

These are the kinds of thoughts I have when I waste an entire weekend playing Mario Kart instead of reading my backlog of philosophy.

>> No.11331366

ironically Mario Kart is probably time better spent than philosophy

>> No.11331383

You need to go back

>> No.11331385

More people doing "creative" work on a project = less chance of the project being art.

>> No.11331387

That man probably only read GoT or some YA fiction. Even romantic fan fictions have as much "emotion" and "detail" as video games.

>> No.11331393
File: 157 KB, 864x685, sandman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comics are limited by design to dialogue and narration, I'd rather just look at a picture book with no dialogue

almost no comics are both drawn and written by the same people, when they are usually the art sucks or the writing sucks its very hard to master both, and there's no cohesive relation between the story and the art

even "good" comic book artists suck because modern visual narrative styles have been driven by film and cinematography which translates poorly to static comic art

reading a Sandman comic I have no clue half of the time what the hell is going on

>> No.11331407

Limits tend to allow for more technical flourish. Comics have to weaken both the art and writing capabilities significantly for the sake of flow between the two. Video games are even worse off, having to create a story that if often projected back onto a game that was built for the play and not narrative. Even more narrative point and click games suffer from the specters of having to litter their story around in interactions that can be missed and the anti-art concept of multiple endings. Plus background details and body language are not things that games portray that effectively, compared to a well directed and produced film. The amount effort that goes into making a meaningful and natural facial expression with a graphics engine is infinitely harder than describing one, case in point that no game has effectively done it. LA Noire needed exaggerated lying tells and even those David Cage games that are all story with some QTEs have models with the emotion of clay puppets. Then you have the biggest killer of video games, their players, who advocate for all of the least emotional and artistic qualities possible like patching mistakes, DLC (even plotlines), camera control, heavy customization, choose your own adventure narratives and demanding new endings if they don't like the ones they get.

>> No.11331410

And even if a comic had art on par with the best visual artists, it would be miserable and lack all kinetic feeling. Energy and a sense of movement force a certain amount of simplification and cartoony abstraction that will restrict comics from the best of art.

>> No.11331413
File: 19 KB, 420x420, 05a14deb111edc3cd6e4045205583d36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's screencap is right in one respect: Video Games and Comic Books are better when it comes to easy entertainment and quick escapism.
But like everything, this is not the only reason why people enjoy a certain medium. There are things books can deliver upon that games & films cannot & vice-versa. Written media alone can contain 100% of the aspects of a story. Game makers are struggling right now to find ways of inserting interactive sequences in their games that do not depend upon action scenes without interrupting the game's immersion (and I'm not suggesting it's impossible, merely more difficult.)
Similarly in films, its difficult to reveal the thoughts of a character without resorting to echoing voice-in-the-head exposition such as in Anime. Exceptional actors can communicate tons of information about their thoughts in their performances, but it's hit-or-miss with them most of the time, and who knows if the director is sharp enough to spot it.
Hell, the fact that there are so many films based on books proves that the readers of novels feel a need to fill a void. But whatever they make always itself comes out riddled with holes, or else no one would ever read a book again.

The popularity of all media is proof that we continue to get something valuable out of them. To act as though one form should be discarded is pure hubris and akin to utopianism. But hey, who says things wouldn't be better if everyone read a little more?

>> No.11331417
File: 44 KB, 645x729, 9568fd325856cacfc2e06f1954e78fd856a3cde7bef75d3f6f875c250d3f2e72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all fucking retarded? The guy in the screenshot is saying literature is harder to do than other mediums. Work on your reading comprehension, you dunces, English isn't even my native language.

>> No.11331420

Books are only more limited if you have a limited imagination and thus need visual stimuli

>> No.11331426

Was this really worth screencapping and reposting?

>> No.11331442

Wow. I can't believe something dumb was said on 4chan of all places

>> No.11331443
File: 2.40 MB, 320x188, the intentions of your post.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the retarded third worlder actually has the most insight

>> No.11331446
File: 97 KB, 294x286, chihuehue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really a shame, isn't it?

>> No.11331451

No, because he's not even insulting /lit/, he's practically complementing /lit/ by making it sound like literature is harder to do well than other mediums.

>> No.11331472
File: 66 KB, 680x680, 4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>books are an objectively more limited medium

for you.

>> No.11331484


Images are better at conveying visual things. Media theory equivalent of "the team with the most points wins the game.' Words are much better at conveying thought, basically all interior life, and specific emotion because no image can capture an abstraction.

Also images are a passive form of entertainment. They are less limited because the medium itself is doing all the activity. However, for the reader, a book is basically limitless. You can spend your entire life filling out a great novel. Language is ambiguous, open-ended, and the abstractions it carries with it basically link you to the entirety of human thought.

This poster basically has a piglike consumer's view of media.

>> No.11331489

This post just btfo /lit/ as being illiterate dunces once again

>> No.11331494

He is right that books are limited, but video games are not the ultimate art form for that would be manga. It has all the advantages of books with all the advantages of the visual mediums. Truly the patrician's choice.

>> No.11331501

>Limits tend to allow for more technical flourish
correct, though wouldnt just say “technical”, but rather limitations refine and focus the creative act

video game narrative isn’t worthless, as long as the designers understand that narrative is affected by the player, and exists in the mind of the player alone

you can create a more or less uncorrupted experience this way. dark souls does it well: you cant wack the npcs for fun without the permanent consequence of altering the game; there are no invisible walls, as they aren’t necessary, by virtue of level design; ”unintended”, or deviant play, exists and cooperates in the scope of the game, which responds accordingly to it

point is, games designed in this way accomodate player tomfoolery and prevent corrupting the intended experience

>> No.11331560

>when illiterates try to have opinions about books

>> No.11331592


>> No.11331622

>piglike consumer's view

Well this is /v/ we're talking about here.

>> No.11331626

extending the same weird logic, the best and "least limited" medium is just pure data, since it can express the most diverse range of "things"– given different tools for mediation, like hardware or software
why should the capacity for diversity in a medium be what makes it Better™
why not measure the transcendental experience the media of the medium imparts upon you, the amount you improve in participating in experiencing the media, the amount you learn or how valuable you later consider your time spent to be, etc. why not at least consider how much has actually been done with a medium, instead of what can be done? le epic vidya and comix are all bland and samey, even the 'transgressive' indie "art projects" like Pupper Learns To Empathize With Trans Folx Pixilated RPG For Lesbain Dorks Featuring Ironic Snarky Commentary, all the same shit. pales in comparison to the wide breadth of types of literature

>> No.11331628

Imagine being this stupid. Video games are the most limited form of entertainment possible.

>> No.11331632

This entire thread is /lit/ BTFOing itself through awful reading comprehension. Jesus christ why can't anybody on a literature board fucking read?

>> No.11331640

he still seems to be implying that while great authors are more talented, the medium is not as good, although I could be wrong
but i digress, saged, reported, hidden, anonymous tip to the fbi submitted, mossad hit squad briefed

>> No.11331656

He's right in a way. I don't imagine characters showing emotions like the face of the ecstasy of st Theresa or anything

>> No.11331739

Literature will always been the greatest "because" of it's limitations thanks to Iceberg Theory.

>> No.11332804

then I guess you'd better head back to /v/

>> No.11332830

>not knowing the virtues of limited artistic mediums

>> No.11332876

You might like certain foods or varieties of taste which, when combined together, make a dish mediocre or even disgusting, despite the fact that its parts might individually be appealing. Such is the state of video games, which will never be at the same level as literature as regards language, the same level as painting or film as regards visual representation, and so on. Video game enthusiasts are the same people who fill up their drink with every beverage available at the soda machine.

>> No.11332879

Is analytic vs continental the console wars of /lit/?

>> No.11332888

This is the most cancerous thing I have read in awhile

>> No.11332893

can't take someone who takes tv seriously seriously

>> No.11332925

>will never be at the same level as literature as regards language, the same level as painting or film as regards visual representation, and so on.
Absolutely correct, but remember that a day will come when game designers figure out what makes a video game unique from other art forms.
When the most unique elements of video games are made a priority to the people who make them is when video games will produce serious works of art.