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11331200 No.11331200 [Reply] [Original]

Shrek loves to collect them.

>> No.11331229
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a porn novel about a teacher (woman, 36 y.o.) and a student (man, 15-16 y.o.). when she wants to end a relationship, he threatens to report their sexual relations to the police. he forces her to do what he wants. the novel depicts the process of deformation of her personality - from romantic love to slavery.

>> No.11331236

The Stranger, but the protagonist is Kierkegaardian.

>> No.11331247

how graphic will the descriptions of sexual acts be?

how does such a doubtful character ever kill a man out of sheer arrogance and boredom?

>> No.11331260

He wouldn't (going full Abraham doesn't seem interesting to me), he'd get in legal trouble some other way. Probably getting falsely #metoo'd like Joseph in Egypt.

>> No.11331269

>how graphic will the descriptions of sexual acts be?
They will be zoologically detailed. the book will smell of sex.

But it will not be written to spread lust, but to cultivate hatred of the human race.

>> No.11331273

Sorry for bad english, my native language is Hebrew

>> No.11331280


>> No.11331319
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>> No.11331342
File: 146 KB, 620x620, tapir_shaking_water_off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not posting any novel ideas until we get our glorious tapirs back!

>> No.11331406

I want to write about a young woman that wants to become an exorcist in the Catholic Church in Ireland

>> No.11331636

stop forcing tapir meme

you already wrecked l'anomie with it

>> No.11331645

It just follows the life of a 70 year old man throughout his day. The beauty is in the prose not in the plot or ideas

>> No.11331653

This, but in novel format. Been thinking of adding it to a short story collection but idk.

Title: My Mellifluous Muse

Chapter 1: The Heart Is A Butterfly

O’ flutter, pitter-patter o’ my heart, narry an expression bears the faintest semblance to love so felt dearly. Felt I did and fell I did—t’was most unexpected—I’d grow wearily, if it were not me; t’would drive to me to disgust if it were not…I’s who’s love’s set eyes on.

Chapter 2: A Fondness Of Heart
It began, as stories do, in a place wholly unfamiliar to those who have never been. Even those have had the pleasure to acquaint themselves with such a place could not possible apply my description to it. For while I resided there physically, I was not present; I was at once, within and without, any conception of time and space.
So when I heed you, as I now do, of the inadequate nature of the description, I hope you excuse me. Endeavour I will—and solemnly swear I’ll fail—capturing precisely that what made it so incredible. It pains me I cannot paint such strokes of delight as when I first set sight upon: My Mellifluous Muse.

Chapter 3: Light Of Heart
If the sun is a mere sparkle in the sky then the day I laid my eyes upon My Mellifluous Muse was a bacchanalia of light where nothing except love was in sight, inside my heart raced faster than the speed of light, as if destiny had lift me up to the height where emotion pulsates with a potence unequalled by any of the greatest poets.

My innermost being oozed with trepidation for how could I approach the brightest star when its beauty even blinds me when the star is afar? I saw My Mellifluous Muse hence over the hill, curvaceous as the sun kissing the horizon at the mound of magnificence.

Chapter 4: A Change Of Heart
I wish all of it were true, but it’s been years since I’ve loved so true. Truly, life is miserable without love. Look at all that’s left of love, a pile of romantic rubble, My Mellifluous Muse, an image cobbled together of perfect foaming figments fermented in the melancholic annals of time whose waves break ever upon the chambers of my longing heart. Truly, life is miserable without you, you whose splendour is channelled through the deepest crevices of desire, you who don’t exist except in mind.
Mind me, My Mellifluous Muse, for without you, I am truly lost in a world rid of perfection and—oh—I can’t stand to suffer the torments of a tumultuous storm ever boiling with the fumes of forlorn infatuation.

The End.

>> No.11331654

It will be written in Hebrew?

>> No.11331664

I liked first chapter. Rest is utter garbage.

>> No.11331686

I’d tap to this

>> No.11331695

Yeah man agree, I don't feel 100% about it yet. It feels a bit 'blergh'

>> No.11331704

This has already been written, its called Tampa.

>> No.11331711

I liked the second chapter, but the whole thing is devoid of any real substance. I really don’t see what you were going for with this story

>> No.11331738

Weltschmerz, that reality can not live up to imagination.

In the context of the story, that a relationship cannot live up to the best elements of previous relationships.

>> No.11331745

An aspiring author attempts to write a novel about an aspiring author attempting to write a novel about a famous director trying to direct a film about an aspiring author writing a novel about a down on his luck musician trying to compose an album that conveys the struggle of an artist trying to paint a masterpiece

>> No.11331764

Novel name: One Thousand and One Failures

Unironically like the idea. That'd be a tall order though, you'd quite a lot interdisciplinary knowledge to make it authentic.

>> No.11331766

The next 50 shades series. Women will buy that in droves.

>> No.11331850

that was boring even when joyce did it

>> No.11331897


Amazing Bullshit Adventure: A complete idiot stumbles through a series of happenings, including the killing of his girlfriend by a police sniper, joining an anarchist club, and getting caught up in intrigue over a stolen AI.

Edgelord Wizards of Vector Time: A Discordian style novella in which a gay nazi learns great metaphysical and magical secrets

>> No.11331977

stick to genre fiction

>> No.11331989

Yikes. Okay, Flann O'brien.

>> No.11331998

you'll read this post in the archive or w/e in a month, in recalling the time you used to namefag, and become incredibly embarrassed

>> No.11331999


>> No.11332006

cute girls doing cute things

>> No.11332007

I dig it

>> No.11332013

you'll read this post in the archive or w/e in a month, in recalling the time you were an pimply friendless 15 y/o teen and posting here, and become incredibly embarrassed

>> No.11332015

Dragons arguing.

>> No.11332028

I've wanted to write about a hyperfuturistic world and explore the isolation that comes with living in an era of instant communication, but honestly I am an awful writer

>> No.11332035

It's about a delusional artificial intelligence researcher who explicitly and intentionally sacrifices, time and time again, his academic career, the respect of his peers, a romantic life and so forth and so on just to be able to perfect his creation. It fails miserably throughout the story and it basically all comes down to the opportunities he rejects in his life in his autistic search for perfection (the singularity). He never recovers, but I think that ending on a suicide is too cliche, same for going crazy.
Who am I kidding, it's not a novel idea, I just came up with that cringe on the spot, you're welcome, Shrek

>> No.11332059
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An alcoholic bard and a baloon-animal making kid try to find their way out of a tyrant king's magical garden while coffee-smoking chameleons try to catch them ; they can only fight with riddles.

>> No.11332080
File: 425 KB, 618x432, well memed guyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the book will smell of sex
>to ensure this I will personally cum on each copy

>> No.11332105

I ain't tellin' you a damn thing because my idea is actually good.

>> No.11332130

you're lying

>> No.11332174

This is gonna be seen as such an FW rip off man

>> No.11332191

Write it and follow ur dream then

>> No.11332199

Sounds fun, about what?

>> No.11332220

My opening lines:
I went through puberty at about 9 months of age. I should clarify. I mean mental puberty, the maturation into a higher form of intelligence that is far more important than any subsequent bodily change. I believe at that time I roughly possessed the intelligence of a 13 year old. By the time I was 8 I had almost begun to surpass my parents. While my simpleminded peers wanted to “run” and “play,” I occupied myself nearly exclusively with adult affairs—the way the sunlight hit a deserted sandbox, the unique beauty of the hour of dusk. I consider this phase college. As I entered my teenage years I grappled with a rapidly shifting set of philosophical positions akin to a midlife crisis. I found—and just as quickly lost—religion. I dabbled in hedonism—sex, cocaine, non-diet soda—but ultimately found those unfulfilling as well. I read the works of previous intellectual titans such as Plato, Aristotle, and Jordan Peterson, but I grasped the gaping flaws in their most sophisticated arguments with such rapidity that I truthfully gleaned no pleasure or intellectual enlargement at all from their lives’ work. Now at the age of 24 I have already reached the outer frontiers of any previous human’s intellectual capacity. My mind roars through thoughts at the utmost limit of consciousness at a speed that would frankly boggle the mind, and I can only imagine the next steps my intellect will take will lead humanity to an utterly unimagined new frontier of evolution. For now I can only wait, breath in hand, until my next phase is revealed.

>> No.11332246

just published my first


>> No.11332517

Meh, I don't mind. There's way more embarrassing stuff than this floating around of me.

What's FW?

>> No.11332522

seems mediocre

>> No.11332524

Let's just say, things get heated.


>> No.11332665

go to bed Lucas

>> No.11332940

Or is it? Let’s see

>> No.11332963

is there a new shrek movie coming out? seems an upsurge in shrek related shilling including that death grips tie in with the director

>> No.11332996

I tried to read the free sample but it was so mind-numbingly tedious I did not manage. Tne blurb was equally terrible, and left me with no desire to see if the rest of the book was any better. I actually felt myself go cross-eyed attempting to parse the words on my computer screen.

I won't go into detail, but a long-running war of attrition focusing on the experiences of a group of drafted child soldiers.

>> No.11333228

I'm writing one that an anon here wanted written. Orphans are tempted by a strange being (demon) who tames them to a nightmarish plane and they experience years of turmoil and aguish. One makes it back and he suffers from PTSD and extreme withdrawals, having acquired horrifying and incredible abilities that seem now like a fever dream. He tries to help kids.

>> No.11333237

That's what Macron did

>> No.11333488

Year of our Lord, 1852. A man that's an explorer dies on an expedition into Africa. His young boy has to pick up his legacy and prove his family as worthy of his father's ambitions.

Year of our Lord, 1872. The boy, who is on his way to becoming a renown explorer himself, is on an expedition to darkest Africa. He and a band of his friends and colleagues, many who worked with his father, venture into the unknown.

During the venture, friendships and loyalty will be put to the test, they become pitted against each other for their conflicted interests.

After a long expedition, his father's oldest friend dies. Everything is a failure, reputations are destroyed. They start the journey back home.

Along the way, they read the dead man's journal. The book contains a heartfelt message to them about the boy's father. With morale restored they continue the expedition. This ends with restoring his family legacy, and bringing the group to lifelong friendship.

The book is written like a strange mix of Wes Anderson movie and Blood Meridian.

>> No.11333501

sounds like herman hesse but not as good

>> No.11333557

reverse the genders and you've got a deal

>> No.11333714

A novella separated into 5 parts. Focused on a nomadic homeless man
The only problem is I can’t write and I don’t like expressing my opinions in a very direct manner because it’s embarrassing. I don’t know why i think it’s embarrassing but it’s probably because I have unironic autism

>> No.11333737

So you're a jew writing this disgusting smut, huh? Imagine my shock. And what do we keep saying about these sick fucks?

>> No.11333784

i just want to novelise chicken run, literally the opposite of cringw

>> No.11333851

Make it an allegory and you have a true literary novel

>> No.11333863

that's a sexual fantasy not a novel

>> No.11333867

Title: My Masturbated Penis

>> No.11333872

Yep this ones going in the cringe compilation

>> No.11333898

I don't know the details of this new Shrek camera cringe meme but it's gay as fuck.

>> No.11333968

First person account of a narcisist high school senior who attends a party to attempt to woo a girl his dead friend once dated, subconsciously he is upset at the attention his friend got in death and wants to "get back" at him

>> No.11333995

isnt this 13 reasons why?

>> No.11334091

Its effective at putting other down, and that’s what 4chan is about

>> No.11334104

A male astronaut returns to the Earth after a long mission (long for him generations long for Humanity due to relativistic speeds) The Earth is now a Matriarchy, the last male forgotten in time. He defies the Matriarchs' will when he decides to save a female clone, programmed for late term abortion, to raise as his own daughter.

>> No.11334106

they already did that movie in the 70s a boy and his dog or some shit but not exactly the same

>> No.11334219

autobiography of an average /a/non?

>> No.11334498

this but unironically

>> No.11334999

Just write honestly. You can't be scared. The thing is, and the problem with the "writers" on this board, is that they are too concerned with being good. Not saying I'm not, but you can't hold that anywhere near the front of your mind. Write honestly, write often, it will take years for you to be decent. But what will make your writing something special, is writing your "soul", just writing you, don't be scared. There's more substance in that than any pretentious attempts at being a good writer. And read good books and poetry everyday, as you write more your prose improves in line with the ones you like. Break down limits, free up your imagery, read wild shit. Then, and i'm quite sure about this, I'll put out something genuinely decent, and then something really quite good, work I'm proud of, and then maybe, maybe something great.

>> No.11335278

W-where does Shrek put those photos?

>> No.11335355

A confessional about a college senior in a downward spiral that eventually results in him killing his roommate because of how far gone he (the narrator) is, he then turns himself in and kills himself in jail. Lots of interconnected vignettes about the college and the people in it, giving the impression that the narrator wants to avoid talking about the murder. Also dropping hints that the narrator has a god complex and thinks he's superior to everyone else.

>> No.11335382

Sounds like Crimb and Bunishmend

>> No.11335424

Ironic since I hated Crime and Punishment. I though the concept was too close to Lolita, if you were to remove Lolita from the story

>> No.11335469

Seems really sincere, but isn't self-publishing a lazy way to avoid standards of an editor and publisher? (Yes I know publishers are corrupt political hacks, but still)

>> No.11335817

What part of Kierkegaard seems Jewish to you? I'm a good Christian.

>> No.11335822

How does he kill himself in prison? It's not all that easy

>> No.11335872

>he doesn’t “get it”

>> No.11335906


Pretty much. On my first novel I never published, which was definitely worse than this current one, I sent a lot of query letters out and got nothing. I guess for this one I can still send letters out. Idk why I’m hesitating.

>> No.11335949
File: 2.57 MB, 3952x5048, jewishpublishingproblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you identify with a victim group, and until we bring down the pic related problem, you should expect little or no industry response for your work.

>> No.11335971

Pretty much

>> No.11335977

Check out His Name Is Luka by James Nulick, also My Twisted World

>> No.11335980

Simple. Just send your manuscript to the publisher under a Jewish pen-name.

>> No.11336016

Props to you for writing a book, but this is pretty trash.

>> No.11336183

Backs up the toilet in his cell and drowns himself.

Thanks actually, I'm thinking of the narrator as a kind of Eliot type guy but at little more self aware and able to recognize that what he's doing is wrong even though he still does it.

>> No.11336286

Donkey is on his death bed. Shrek holds his hoof in his large green hands.

"It's been a good run, old friend."
Eddie Murphy says weakly.

"If I could ask one favour of you, in the hour of my death."

"Anything, Donkay" responds Michael Myers


Donkey Rips in peps.

"DONKAAAAYYYYYYY" Shrek shouts, fists to the sky.

Fade to black

That night, Shrek loads a shotty with the shells on top of the fire place. Fiona, with a hand on his shoulder, says softly:

"You don't have to do this Shrek"

"I do, Fiona."

Shrek removes her hand from his shoulder, and turns to walk out of his home, the fire crackles behind him and an orange light flickers across the right side of his solemn, aged ogre visage.

Thunder and the hiss of pelting rain fill the air of the night. The crickets are silent, and a keep out sign shifts slightly, sinking into the mud. The door to Shrek's home swings open, and a tattered brown ogre boot steps through.

"I knew this day would come, Shrek." Says Antonio Banderes.

Silently, Shrek clenches his jaw, and furrows his brow, raising the shotgun to his shoulder, and looking down the sight.

Puss draws his sword, inspects the blade, before lowering it to his side, twisting the heel
of his boot, and baring his sharpened fangs as they glint in the moonlight. Shrek and Puss stand, face to face, 20 ft apart. Lightning flashes, before the rumble of thunder.

>> No.11336374

you've posted the first stanza before...

>> No.11336398

My novel is set on Earth in the near future when mankind has created an engine which provides infinite resources and heat - infinite energy and means of production.

The elite and rich of the world use this power not to better a weary and ruined planet but rather to leave it in luxurous spaceships.

The story would be focused on one man as he slowly climbs a society whose leaders constantly leave. He finds the company he used to work for has gone under one day because the entirety of upper-management have literally left the planet.

The only consistent power-structures are the religious, the spiritual and those too stupid or unfortunate to be able to care about ever leaving the planet.

>> No.11336514

The spiritual decline of the Aztec empire that leads to the summoning of apparitions that cause the fall of their society
everyone is a Tapir

>> No.11336561

Like Bright but instead of orcs and elves nignogs and jewesses.

>> No.11336569

Why does Shrek have a camera?

>> No.11336757


>> No.11336796

he has to add to his cringe compilation

>> No.11337414

How does sex spread hatred?

>> No.11337497

You are my new favortie writer. Fuck Proust

>> No.11337513

That sounds terribly like my life, except I don't even have the discipline for sacrificing everything for a single project, the project is something different every few months and I never finish what I start.

>> No.11337605
File: 10 KB, 255x255, 2b2b3d4cf3f2ffeb1ab19340163537f210c4d44fffe3dd4c1d8fb50481d2bb97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his favorite writer used to be proust

>> No.11338354

Recountive story where the narrator (who’s name is the same as the author, audience is supposed to assume that it’s real to start out) analyses the poems of his former friend and reveals that his projection onto them ruined their friendship and is the reason they lost connection/friend stopped writing poems

>> No.11339658

YA retelling of the The Sorrows of the Young Werther.

>> No.11339702

An autistic savant, raised by a single mom librarian, is accepted into an elitist charter school by chance. Upon realizing his natural success in academics, he begins to question whether he is morally required to follow this gift as his life purpose, as well as gaining and losing friends due to his socially ignorant personality.

Sorta dumb, but I've enjoyed working on it in my leisure. Will probably eventually be scrapped.

>> No.11339760

its about an infertile women who has lost her mind filling her body with various parasites to care for

>> No.11339788

Pretty sick idea. By sick I mean cool.

>> No.11339848

A large, well respected and wealthy italian family gathers four times a year to mingle and discuss different topics like politics, technology, medicine, history, social phenomena and such,

Each sibling is highly educated and prestigious in their given field, and use this as a basis for their arguments. This provides them with motivation to take particular stances on several subjects of discussion,

In the family mansion there is a library where each family member has a bookshelf they place books on. The books they choose are the ones they find either most impactfull, most insightfull or most usefull. These books are meant to represent and convey their character as a whole. Every year each family member borrows books from eachothers bookshelves, and discuss them, providing intruiging and heated discussions about the books contents and their impressions.

I have thought of the characteristics of several family members. The oldest siblings would consist of: A traditional, conservative lawyer. A hardcore factual based, atheistic scientist. A hardcore pragmatist engineer. And a priest with a firm belief in higher powers, but an openness to other propositions.

The main character would be an arrogant 22 year old psychology student with an ambiguous moral compass, which he is not ashamed of, nor afraid to reveal. He's at the top of his class, and loves to cite newly aquired knowledge when debating his older siblings. He has previously placed Crime And Punishment on his bookshelf, and by this time three of his older brothers have read the book themselves. He finds himself in a heated discussion about the topic and moral conclusion of the book. Siblings and relatives from all age groups and experiences mingle with eachother, although the older siblings are not afraid to berate and mock each other for their opinions.

Is this too autistic? I have always wanted a book that is JUST interesting. No climax, no drama, no buildup, just intruige. It would be an attempt at an unbiased social commentary, where all forms of thought would be given an equal starting point.

>> No.11339859


>> No.11339890

Could be very good or very bad, depending on the approach

>> No.11339902

Its an okay setting, but I miss the conflict or definite plot. Are they just going to argue?

An idea you might or might not consider: the heroes actually act upon the books they read, leading to conflicts of varying degrees.

>> No.11339940

A young man grows up and is so blackpilled on humanity (had abusive dad) that he becomes whoever he is around and has no personality of his own because he only believes in pragmatism, and becoming who you are around is the most pragmatic of all

He eventually meets somebody who is just like him, and because neither of them have a core personality, neither of them can copy each other. He sees himself in this other person and begins to wonder what his core personality is really like, or if it’s even worth having a core personality.

>> No.11340059

the man without qualities 2.0?

>> No.11340211

I'll just stick to fiction with plots, faggot

>> No.11340283

>not a Tapir
Fuck off you fake.

>> No.11340386

>muh ebin forced maymay


>> No.11340396

It’s about a boy who starts a Luddite-esque social revolution at his upper middle-class high school after writing a review of Ellul’s The Technological Society and Propaganda for the school newspaper, and how the Boomer faculty and parents get mad as fuck at the rebelling students.

>> No.11340466

Chirst comes back, but is actually the devil.

>> No.11340610


>> No.11340621


>> No.11341202


>> No.11341779

Yup, finished it since then!
Not super satisfied with the result though.

>> No.11342535

Keep writing, most authors firsts are p shit

>> No.11342573


Hello, I am the original Dragons Arguing™ poster. I had wanted to make a video game with the following description:

> The premise is fairly straightforward. After the world gets blown up, there are now dragons for some reason, who administer over the affairs of such men as remain, and decide what ideological system to use by a combined contest of debate and dueling. Since the dragons are effectively invincible, they use human "tokens" as living life bars, who they have an incentive not to let die, because they are selected based off of ideological affinity.

The dragons have the following descriptions and affinities:

Peter: Main character: A mystic of sorts, or an aspiring mystic, his temperament does not always live up to this. Nonetheless has good intentions, and may be either the sanest or craziest of the dragons. His argument style is very reactive, especially as his own position is unknown. White. Mostly tends towards a Chaos Magick framework.
* Scarlet: A simulationist or accelerationist with a very elitist attitude. Perfectly happy to use other people's lack of math knowledge to trick them into surrendering the debate, for instance; nonetheless, while somewhat dishonest, still probably the smartest of the dragons. Light blue. Tends towards a sort of weird cross between Landian/Deleuzian stuff and meme theory.
* Libens: A neo-conservative by way of traditional stoic philosophy as he interprets it, patched with various traditionalist and imperalist memes. Calm and congenial, gets along well with Peter. Light red. The more I think about him the more he becomes like a Guenon type figure.
"* Ranmaa: Chinese dragon with a sort of educated faux-nihilist perspective. Revels in breaking rules and taboos. Very aggressive. Argument style almost entirely personal, but counters logically. Dark blue. Kind of an egoist.
* Unnamed: A communist dragon. Composed but steely. Oddly, somewhat smaller than others with stunted horns. Distrusts all argument not in his own terms, but has a good heart and can be argued with. Red.
* Emett: Cioran-style hatred of life, wants to end human race. Depressive. Black
* Topaz: A sideliner and a drunk. Talks like a street person, in a staggering manner, but not sloppily. Laid back and indifferent. Yellow. No real philosophy to speak of.
* Rainbow: A purple "Social justice" dragon. Influences: Tumblr/blog culture parody, but also obviously Foucault, Freire, Alinsky etc.

>> No.11342581

here's the blurb from my current draft:

Enter a world of pure imagination! You’re a women with one true desire; to be blown up into a blueberry like in the Willy Wonka movie. But reality is cruel, and your boyfriend just doesn’t get your awful fetish. You’re at your wits end when fate sends a curious interloper your way. Will you get your wish and be rolled away to the juicing room, or will the impossibilities of temptation prevail yet again? Either way, you’re about to learn why blue is truly the juiciest color.

>> No.11342652

50 shades of blue?

>> No.11342657

this is Hydian

>> No.11342722


Clarify plz

>> No.11342853

That tapir will be pissed if he sees you stole his thread topic. Watch your back Shrek.

>> No.11342857


>> No.11342868

he's referring to Sam Hyde but your shit would have to be just a little more self-aware and poking fun at certain dragons like the last three especially (idk if you're already doing this)

>> No.11342879


Well it was intended as comedy.

>> No.11342967

In a totalitarian neo-Nazi state established in the US, social democrats, democratic socialists, liberals, etc. fight against the government in an attempt to stage a counter-revolution.

>> No.11342992

>repeating fake jewish words

>> No.11343312


>> No.11343325

A clan of near-retarded IQ hicks that are kind of like an elusive legend for the small town that borders on their forest, send their young ones into the city library in order to "return with their name" as a rite of passage. Thus some of the retarded hicks are named after enigmatic literary figures, or completely banal objects or book titles, like "National Geographic" or "Great Owls of the North East: Volume I" (sometimes just called "Vol" by his clan).

It's satire and kind of like a weird odyssey thing? I don't know.

It was either that or some feminist slam poetry about bodies and spaces and pumpkins as vaginal or something. I dunno.

>> No.11343668

>boy loves girl
>girl doesn't love boy
>she encourages him to enlist in order to get rid of him
>he does, but due to poor health gets assigned to one of rear-end police units
>he writes her letters complaining about brutality of the war taking a toll on his psyche and his desire to go back home
>she wants him to stay gone
>moreover, she knows he's stationed far away from the front, so she considers his letters exagerrated bullshit meant to impress her
>she encourages him to fight on
>the letters get proggresively more desperate and insane
>she shames him for cowardice and implies she'd never consider him worthy if he quits
>what are these rear-end police units our protagonist belongs to?

>> No.11343795
