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File: 78 KB, 353x535, the-anti-christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11330878 No.11330878 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you read it yet? Are you afraid you'll lose your faith?

>> No.11330886

None of these larpers ever had any faith to begin with but yeah, probably.

>> No.11330897
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>tfw I once considered buying that book so I could offend my Catholic mum

>> No.11331040

This book only btfo protestants, you know?

>> No.11331086
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>Why haven't you read it yet? Are you afraid you'll strengthen your faith?

>> No.11331414

Reading that after Nietzsche only makes the faith more absurd a notion.

>> No.11331425

I have and while some of the things Jesus says are pretty inspiring most of it is just Paul being an autist about circumcision.

>> No.11331427
File: 131 KB, 682x1023, ETERNALECLIPSE-FEDORA-B_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading Nietzsche in the first place

>> No.11331435

This, every idea of nietzsche beside death of god is cringe worthy and not worth reading.

>> No.11331436

haven't finished the greeks yet

>> No.11331441

If you are millennial or younger with an internet connection it is impossible to unironically be religious, everyone is larping as >>11330886 said.

>> No.11331458
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It unironically made me a proto-Christian/Christian lite. I view Jesus now like the Zen Buddhists view Buddha.
Paul killed true Christianity.

>> No.11331468
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>Paul killed true Christianity.

>> No.11331524
File: 87 KB, 540x708, when the chlorine kicks in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fell for the Paul killed Christianity meme

>> No.11331526

Read the Aphorism #39 and get omega red pilled on Christianity.

>> No.11331532

Im a muslim. Try breaking my faith.

>> No.11331545

Your prophet was a hidden-figure, warmongering, sexual deviant who ripped apart both the Hebrew and Christian faith and molded everything to suite his own and his conquering madmen friend's needs.
Islam is not a 'faith', it's a cult.

>> No.11331556

>Islam is not a 'faith', it's a cult.

>> No.11331624

wow islam is based

>> No.11332988

It is clear Christ did not want Buddha lite to be the interpretation of his message. Anon check out Mere Christianity by CS Lewis.

>> No.11333024

is it >>11331435
tiny brain babby hour

>> No.11333032

If you couldn't tell that was bait, you might be actually disabled.

>> No.11333034

I did when i was 17.

>> No.11333036
File: 335 KB, 1200x1600, IMG-20180520-WA0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a Muslim who lost his faith (not because of retards who are applying "child" marriage standards to 600 CE Arabia but because like the neutrality of a lack of foundations of my faith pushed me in the opposite direction, that of unlimited hedonism).
I have, however, been struggling with the idea that Islam (with its unequivocal monotheism) is one and only true faith with its only possible competitor being orthodox Judaism (which isn't generally open to converting Muslims, since unlike Christians, according to Jews we Muslims will have a blessed afterlife, I think). In any case what makes it difficult for me to remain a Muslim is the fear the faith installs in its adherents in regards to hypocrisy (munafiqun), and having read quite a bit of Nietzsche I do not know why I believe, what my own intentions are, and desu I absolutely loathe the confidence of those takfiris that doubt everything but their own faith (I'm not talking about doubting God but the self asuredness of those who claim to not doubt, to do things out of belief and justify in relation to the authority of the past). I am trying to force myself to pray (as basically Pascal says "Kneel down, move your lips in prayer, and you will believe."), and trying to displace my anxiety unto the one who sustains them, the Lord almighty himself. I hope that he will guide me towards the faith of those dear companions of the holy prophet.
I'd like a suite.

>> No.11334735

can I get a tldr of the book?

>> No.11334743

How so? Surely the more you learn and read the more likely you are to become religious. Millennials have access to more information than any previous generation so it could be expected, if they use this resource, they would become religious in greater numbers.

>> No.11334752

check out the gospel of John

>> No.11334764
File: 19 KB, 280x300, lev-shestov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity is mere faith without ever actually bringing the substance of that faith into being

How can a man so smart reduce Christianity to what its laziest adherents make of it?

>> No.11334829

i've read it
started rereading it but am reading human, all too human instead

>> No.11336124


>> No.11336138

who is paul

... what paul?
paul McCartney?

>> No.11336144

>accepting the message at face value

>> No.11336148


>> No.11336150

Confirmed for have not read the Nietman. His reputation as an edgelord is partly undeserved . Much of his writing is extremely logical and levelheaded and is worlds away from the "lol god doesn't real u silly christians XD" and "power's all that matters ahaha!" bs everyone associates with him.

>> No.11336163

read the antichrist, every complain about christianity can be apply to islam and judaism, why? because even when externally they are different (rites, prayers,etc.) the three are based in one morality the jewish morality.
for exemple, how come all the semitic religions were influenced by platonism even when they're supposed to be so different?

>> No.11336174

>starting with the anti Christ
>not the gay science or anything else

You his sister edited it to apeal to the nazis right? Same with will to power though that book was at least parts of his notes.