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/lit/ - Literature

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11330547 No.11330547 [Reply] [Original]

>me using kindle's integrated dictionary to look up a word I don't know
>sometimes I look up words I do know, just cuz I can
you paperfags don't know what the fuck you're missing.

>> No.11330565

I'm not a wordlet.

>> No.11330572

reading on screen is not real reading

>> No.11330599

what's pulchritudinous mean? don't look it up.

>> No.11330601

neither is reading printed paper
if the book wasn't handwritten by a monk it's not really a book

>> No.11330645

That's probably the best feature ereaders have to offer. I usually keep my phone handy but I do tend to distract myself.

>> No.11330647

>not knowing words
Lol what a brainlet

>> No.11330654

Something of beauty.
I am not a latinlet like you

>> No.11330656

Something like that. Maybe Forgetting my Latin

>> No.11330689

It means very beautiful.

>> No.11330692

why would I ask you to define a word I don't know the definition of?

>> No.11330693

From adj. Pulcher pulchra pulchrum

>> No.11330714
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Word, man. I love the vocab list it gives you as well, so you can review things later. It's great for classical literature and gives me a better appreciation for what I'm reading. Anyone who implies you need to turn physical pages on a mass-produced paperback to actually be reading is a fag. The medium is the written word, it's not like a painting that you need to see the canvas and brush strokes to appreciate, or music that is higher fidelity on a record.

I will say, however, that audio books are a lazy and incomplete way to enjoy a book.

It means someone who is extremely beautiful. To describe architecture, for example, as pulchritudinous would be incorrect. It only applies to people.

I didn't look that up, I just have a friend who is smarter than me always telling me random shit like that.

>> No.11330728

Oh my god, yes. I love looking up words. It's amazing. When I'm online, I google everything I don't immediately recognize, too. Food, clothes, flowers, songs, paintings. I just love looking shit up so fucking much.

>I will say, however, that audio books are a lazy and incomplete way to enjoy a book.
I dislike audiobooks if the narration feels off, and they usually do.
There are a few that are fantastic, though.

>> No.11330730

LOL you fucked up, should have got a Kobo

>> No.11330734
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>To describe architecture, for example, as pulchritudinous would be incorrect. It only applies to people.

>> No.11330741 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11330744
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>> No.11330786

You already spend tens-of-thousands of hours watching screens, now you're reading books on them.

When does your life become something more than just a screen, don't you find that unnatural?

>> No.11330790

no, not really,

>> No.11330792

I have a 3rd gen. Kindle, and the integrated dictionary is completely fucking useless because it only includes common words, which I already know. I look up words in Wiktionary instead.

>> No.11330797

I'm sorry, that's a bummer.
I have that problem only when I'm dealing with like adapted words.
You can add new dictionaries.

>> No.11330880
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>doesn't know all the words

I'm lmaoing at your 22 y/o wordlet boomer self all the way to an opera with my fair, bespectacled girlfriend

ah, summer time and the living is easy never rang more true than this very moment

>> No.11331142
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>> No.11331253

If you weren't a wordlet you would know that your girlfriend out to be carrying a lorgnette.

>> No.11331961

you spend that time taking in entertainment. why is that all you do?