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/lit/ - Literature

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11330091 No.11330091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11330094
File: 13 KB, 657x527, R14kkDj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop masturbating

>> No.11330095

I never learned to read

>> No.11330097
File: 139 KB, 390x357, fafdsada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he keeps appearing in my dreams

>> No.11330100

i strongly dislike non-fiction

>> No.11330104

I enjoyed norweigan wood

>> No.11330112

I'm getting laid in about 24 hours

>> No.11330118

I got a boner reading the Bible. The part where Lots daughters got him drunk so he would sleep with them and inseminate them

>> No.11330176

I'm going to rebuy a book just because it's a fancy hardcover and has more stuff in it.

>> No.11330181

I want to write YA about an occult expert and his niece who solve mysteries.

>> No.11330183

I got a semi reading American Psycho

>> No.11330185

I also buy lots of cheap modern fiction that I know I'll never read.

>> No.11330194

I laugh when reading Shakespeare's comedies. also this >>11330094

>> No.11330223

no you arent

>> No.11330229

im saving up to do this with like a dozen books

>> No.11330231

Sometimes when I have trouble ejaculating during sex (with women) I think of the gay butt-rape scene from The Kite Runner and it helps greatly

>> No.11330232

I own 6 (SIX) Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classics
I also read one of them in public, riding the train to and from uni

>> No.11330254

>I laugh when reading Shakespeare's comedies
Is that considered weird?

>> No.11330255

same, i just get so bored with it. i have no idea how people read those enormous 1,000 page history books, i'd probably be in a coma by page 50.

>> No.11330480

I had a dream the other day where I was trapped in a room with people at the door trying to get in and kill me so at some point I just grabbed a knife and ran outside and stabbed everyone who was there and there was a line of people outside and after 4 or 5 people the line changed from people wanting to kill me to people who wanted to get stabbed and die and there were anime girls like Yui from k-on and she looked super depressed but I stabbed her in the chest without hesitation and went on stabbing until I woke up.
Am I a bad person?

>> No.11330498

I can't fucking finish a book.

>> No.11330511

I hate being an atheist

>> No.11330524

I seem to have ADHD or otherwise just very bad impulse control
I am also not very ambitious and forget about my decision every other week
I don't treat myself very well and I mislead others
I lie

>> No.11330528

i do most of my writing at starbucks on a macbook

>> No.11330566

Be careful or you'll end up attracting a load of Christian posters that will write you essay-long responses about the beauty of conversion and 'opening up the spirit.' They'll probably even post some kitschy artwork of Jesus patting someone on the back or something.

>> No.11330585

As someone who doesn't have the luxury of doubting the existence of God, I wish you godspeed.

>> No.11330588

me too but I just cant believe

>> No.11330642

completely pathetic

>> No.11330649

are you a christian who never masturbates?

>> No.11330667

no i am the ubermensch with a willpower matched by no mortal man

>> No.11330672

will you sign my copy of Zarathustra?

>> No.11330673
File: 180 KB, 997x556, 1527235693399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cool anon. Enjoy it while it lasts. I remember when I was the ubermensch.

>> No.11330678

just a semi?

>> No.11330681

I agree with the readings of nietzsche as fascist and think his adoption among left wing academics was a bizarre and stupid kind of self defeat

>> No.11330688

>t. hasnt read zarathustra

>> No.11330703

but I have, dont hurt my feelings anon

>> No.11330827

i bin dust jackets because they annoy me

>> No.11330833

Reading about history is so fucking boring.

>> No.11330859

Yeah I can't read it either. Too much information dump. Unless the writer has a particularly engaging style like Gibbon, I just turn off.

>> No.11330976
File: 83 KB, 600x600, 4474921735_2b5b4f46a3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a healthy body is far more important than a healthy mind

>> No.11331328

Im on the Same boat anon, I never chose to be an atheist, I wish I could choose.

>> No.11331351

You’d rather be a vegetable with abs than clear in the mind but in a wheelchair?

>> No.11331367

I only read about 10 books a year.

>> No.11331371
File: 161 KB, 500x361, 1432579283633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't work to achieve and balance both

>> No.11331430

This is not a sin, but a virtue.

>> No.11331437

I imagine that there is a hypothetical scenario in which one is so grievously beset by sincere and pressing distractions, and so pathetically twisted by inside pathologies and compulsions, that the best a man can hope for with all his strength, is to be forced to choose between a sharp mind or a healthy body. Such a man must have a destiny like Job. A living joke.
But perhaps it's possible.

>> No.11331453

Funny how you managed to be that verbose yet so embarrassingly vacuous. Also, I read in the morning and work out in the evening. Git gud.

>> No.11331462

I’ve spent over $500 on books in the past two weeks. I think I have a problem

>> No.11331520

i dont believe you

>> No.11331551 [DELETED] 

1. I've tortured many living beings and killed smaller ones like birds because I liked it.
2.I've had sex with my brother who is around the same age I am.
3.I've also fapped to traps and to gay porn although I like girls.
4.I've never kissed, had sex or had a relationship with a girl.
5.I am introverted and socially retarded.
6.Sometimes I am cold and sometimes emotional.

1 and 2 only happened when I was younger, now I try to control myself about this animal thing.

I hate myself.

>> No.11331577

Yeah I hate you too. I sprained my ankle tripping over my own ass to rescue a bird from my dog preparing to chomp on it. Don't fuck with innocent creatures you donkey.

>> No.11331582

Why not

>> No.11331703

because who the fuck does that
what books did you get then?

>> No.11331712
File: 1016 KB, 1456x3482, 775FD76E-E229-4C42-977C-B27A39489F5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the books on this list

>> No.11331851

I only come here because 4-5 years ago, I became engrossed with this superiority complex you see so often on 4chan. I was in a bad place in my life, young and even more of an absolute cretin, and I thought I could get over the biggest romantical rejection of my life by becoming knowledgeable in literature, history, "film" and so on. I both ironically and unironically aspired to be a "patrician", knowing full well that the concept itself was only played as a joke, even here. I fell into the old trap where you pretend to be stupid for so long that you actually become stupid.
I've given up on all these since, and now I have no real hobby, no ocupation. I don't even read anymore, like I used to when I first discovered /lit/.

>> No.11331862

Ascend to post-irony/New Sincerity and endeavor to truly become patrician. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.11331871
File: 2.97 MB, 2000x1754, Christ_in_the_Wilderness_-_Ivan_Kramskoy_-_Google_Cultural_Institute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm busy working and finishing school though (computer """""science"""""). I thought about picking things up again...
Anyway, don't you have a confession to make?

>> No.11331874

i put peanut butter in my asshole and let the dog lick it out

>> No.11331888

i dunno, sometimes feels weird

>> No.11331899

I spend around 100 Euros this month, but in my defence I haven't bought any other books this year.

>> No.11331901


I can't think anymore and have just been pretending in the hopes my brain will come back.

>> No.11331944

i am not

>> No.11332017

>i do not think

>therefore i am not

>> No.11332282

If a post of mine is being ignored on /lit/ then I'll respond to myself and help draw attention to the post. Usually works.

>> No.11332310

I read tons of non fiction of various subjects from theology to material science.
I haven't read any fiction in years. In fact I seldom watch movies anymore and never tv shows. Only vidya.

>> No.11332330

I've been stuck reading a genre fiction book for the past two months because I lack the willpower to pick it up and finish it.

>> No.11332339

>make semi-literate post
>no response
>samefag reply with bait
>10 (you)s, none related to the original post
Every time.

>> No.11332348

eh, it was a bad joke
sue me

>> No.11332351

I usually purposely get a bit of information wrong if I want to know about a topic. then you have a bunch of different anons come in to tell you why you are wrong.

>> No.11332359

only eleven hours to go. Are you reddy

>> No.11332412
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, glowinthedark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't finish a book unless it's an audiobook.

>> No.11332529

I fucking hate the modern trend of mental illness or hardship being acceptable to blab about in public. I fucking hate people that start their sentences off with "I've fought depression and anxiety" or "As a woman," or "I have PTSD from my dog's girlfriend dying" or any of that snowflake horseshit. Everyone is a victim and everyone wants to be listened to without actually listening. I'm tired of everybody being high-maintenance.

I also hate this fucking board. Most of you are over-educated milquetoast virgins that only care about the surface level of appearing literary. You namedrop Descartes, Epicurus and Schopenhauer, you boast of having read Finnegans Wake in full and Critique of Pure Reason, but most of you have no curiosity, no passion, no actual love of learning beyond the love of appearing literate and high-brow. Very little of you actually engage in any sort of cerebral discussion beyond a fucking pissing match of who can spot the most classical references. The only reason I come here is because there's a rare chance somebody lurking this board actually cares about what they're reading and learning and would like to share that knowledge with others. Those are the people that make it all worthwhile. However, at least most of you are self-aware enough to recognize these qualities about yourselves. That's more than I expect in this day and age.

I hate most people above the poverty line. Anyone that's middle class usually lives in a fucking bubble and is totally oblivious to most of life's real pain and struggle. This ties into the first confession because you can't imagine how many times people have compared my parents dying to them losing their pet hamster or dog. They aren't malevolent, they're just insipid and sheltered from reality, and yet they never have to worry about a care in the world.

Secretly I wish for some sort of minor collapse, nothing that will kill anybody, but just enough to pop that sheltered bubble. Give them a scare.

>> No.11332561

>I fucking hate the modern trend of mental illness or hardship being acceptable to blab about in public. I fucking hate people that start their sentences off with "I've fought depression and anxiety" or "As a woman," or "I have PTSD from my dog's girlfriend dying" or any of that snowflake horseshit. Everyone is a victim and everyone wants to be listened to without actually listening. I'm tired of everybody being high-maintenance.
>I also hate this fucking board. Most of you are over-educated milquetoast virgins that only care about the surface level of appearing literary. You namedrop Descartes, Epicurus and Schopenhauer, you boast of having read Finnegans Wake in full and Critique of Pure Reason, but most of you have no curiosity, no passion, no actual love of learning beyond the love of appearing literate and high-brow. Very little of you actually engage in any sort of cerebral discussion beyond a fucking pissing match of who can spot the most classical references. The only reason I come here is because there's a rare chance somebody lurking this board actually cares about what they're reading and learning and would like to share that knowledge with others. Those are the people that make it all worthwhile. However, at least most of you are self-aware enough to recognize these qualities about yourselves. That's more than I expect in this day and age.
>I hate most people above the poverty line. Anyone that's middle class usually lives in a fucking bubble and is totally oblivious to most of life's real pain and struggle. This ties into the first confession because you can't imagine how many times people have compared my parents dying to them losing their pet hamster or dog. They aren't malevolent, they're just insipid and sheltered from reality, and yet they never have to worry about a care in the world.
>Secretly I wish for some sort of minor collapse, nothing that will kill anybody, but just enough to pop that sheltered bubble. Give them a scare.

>> No.11332562

what i am suffering from depression as a result of being molested

>> No.11332593

Really hating the toxicity in this post.

>> No.11332600

I secretly hate everyone around me, the only people I truly like and hold no resentment towards are my parents.

I fucking hate my girlfriend. Like honestly despise her. I treat her well and I'm happy with our relationship and all, but deep down I think she's just kind've a dumb whore. For one thing, we can't discuss anything too deep. Politics, religion, philosophy, anything even remotely intellectually stimulating she just can't handle. 99% of the time she doesn't know what she's talking about and she gets angry at me for having differing opinions than her. She's convinced I'm a racist just because I think black people commit more crimes than white people (which is statistically proven), for example. I don't want to pretend like I'm intellectual at all, but I enjoy having conversations with depth and we just can't have that. Moreover, she has a very illustrious sexual history which just inspires disgust from me. Not contempt or anger, I just find it honestly disgusting and it's hard to find her sexually attractive.

I hate all of my friends. 2 of them are just dicks. One of them has the ego the size of a mountain. One of them is the biggest crybaby faggot you'd ever meet who can't take even the mildest of roast jokingly. I can't hang out with any of them 1 on 1 without feeling extremely drained afterward, and forcing myself to appear amicable and as though I'm having fun.

I dream very often of traveling somewhere abroad. Nothing crazy, if I had a choice I'd probably go somewhere in the United States. I want to cut off all my ties and start anew, with new people.

>> No.11332622

I had to purge.

>> No.11332635

I kind of agree with you. I live in an upper-middle class area and am only starting to realize how lucky I am. I wallowed in self-pity for awhile and I still feel sad sometimes, but the knowledge of how well i've been treated compared to to others helps a lot.

>> No.11332666

Dump your gf anon, I almost married the same type of girl and dumping her was one of the best decisions I ever made. My wife is smarter than me and our conversations make life worth living desu. She's so curious about everything it actually gets annoying at times. I never feel like I've thought anything through properly until I run it by her and she uses me the same way. Everyone needs someone like that in their lives.

>> No.11332671

>orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano

>> No.11332705

Tomorrow is Father's Day and I have no gift for him.

>> No.11332718

Man, just hug him and tell him you love him. A son's acceptance and love is a better gift than anything money could buy.

>> No.11332723

I strongly consider christianity as pathetic and damning a life choice as heroin addiction without any of the accompanying self aware comedic charm of the descending anti-climactic defilement that is a severe opiate addiction. in this sense i feel that i am in every way superior to at least 2 billion, and if we include Hindus, Buddhists and Mudslimes (no reason to incl kikes), possibly 5-6 billion people without any doubt. So, i am superior to most and it is good, i am actively aware of my absolute superiority spiritually and morally to most people and it is good. Thank you

>> No.11332737


>> No.11332744

*tips blithely over a steaming pile of nun corpses*

>> No.11332746

Me neither but he seems to like that we share in gluttony so I'll take him to some gross sandwich shack for lunch.

>> No.11332767

I love the works of Bret Easton Ellis

I dislike non-fiction

I write,but its only screenplays,I gave up 25,000 words into a generic lit fiction/alienation puece inspired by my trip to cuba

>> No.11332773

same :(

>> No.11332836

Read Miguel de Unamuno; you'll connect.

>> No.11332837

I reread the entire Harry Potter series every year around the holidays and they're still really comfy.

>> No.11332845

Do you ever fear she resents you for not being as intelligent as her?

>> No.11332849

I was an atheist for some time, but after seeing a UFO I don't know what to think

>> No.11332871

I witnessed love die yesterday. I would say it was like a supernova.It came suddenly, even if you saw it coming. Light so powerful that it absorbs everything around it.Heat. so intense I could feel my skin melting off my flesh.

>> No.11332915

No, we work well together because I can handle her rambling and bring her back down when she forgets about people's feelings when discussing things like Down Syndrome and religion and shit,

>> No.11332980

>as heroin addiction without any of the accompanying self aware comedic charm of the descending anti-climactic defilement that is a severe opiate addiction.
what? most addicts don't have this level self awareness. most are broken people, who need to numb the pain that eventually it turns into a visceral need. after a little becomes too much. but your idealization of drug use is telling. I reckon it's something you used just to sound intelligent
>t. an atheistfag

>> No.11333012


forgot how fucking dank this shit is holy shit

>> No.11333048 [DELETED] 

this shit is like sex man the base is like being rock hard and that occasional samples of a chick is like when your dick jumps but you really waiting for that super sludgy 303 acid sounding melody to spray jizz everywhere but he keeps making you wait givin u a deep stroke here and there with a ddududu duh but its not till like half way through that it really comes in and right when u get a decent taste it fucking drops back out just leaving you with the whispering bass between beats

>> No.11333062 [DELETED] 

this what happens when u usually just use ur laptop for fappin to porn but decide to browse some music

>> No.11333168


>> No.11333182

Devilman Crybaby is the Devilman of our generation

>> No.11333192

I want to nut.

>> No.11333432

i sode nary an torrend

>> No.11334002

lemme just fix that for you homie


>> No.11334055

I'm reasonably certain I'm not cognitively capable of understanding or expressing religious faith or experiencing any spirituality due to a neurological defecit that affects my ability to process abstract concepts.

From my observations, I do not feel like I am missing out on much.

>> No.11334112
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We actually bonded whilst reading and discussing Borges... I've just met my dream woman, and I have no longer desire for her.

>> No.11334288
File: 18 KB, 500x360, bored-leslie-knope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more i learn, the more i become despondent towards my own life. I am literally turning into a robot and i dont know how to stop it.

>> No.11334298
File: 32 KB, 600x600, JUSTnation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fuckin hate you and i wanna kill you for posting this god forsaken miserable attention seeking thread every god damn day, but i also identify with you for having a habit which gives some sense, some logic, some rhythm, or at the very least, some measurable dimension to this utterly banal and senseless existence
bless me father...

>> No.11334439

Any lit or learning recs?

>> No.11334471

>I also hate this fucking board. Most of you are over-educated milquetoast virgins that only care about the surface level of appearing literary. You namedrop Descartes, Epicurus and Schopenhauer, you boast of having read Finnegans Wake in full and Critique of Pure Reason, but most of you have no curiosity, no passion, no actual love of learning beyond the love of appearing literate and high-brow. Very little of you actually engage in any sort of cerebral discussion beyond a fucking pissing match of who can spot the most classical references.

>> No.11334707

I was upper middle class and I threw it all away, I'm pathetically weak minded

>> No.11334712

P...Pessoa? is that you? are you typing to us from Hell?

>> No.11334727
File: 3.44 MB, 200x200, 1523480173728.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been in the habit of touching myself at night for many many years and I'm really starting to wish that I could drop this habit of touching myself at night now.

>> No.11334783

That's nice, anon; I wish you two the best.

>> No.11334847

then travel?

>> No.11335497

whats wrong with touching yourself

>> No.11335504

/lit/ is not well

>> No.11335513

I'm the opposite, I can't enjoy fiction at all.

I know people here meme about fiction being a waste of time, but I don't think it is, I just have trouble following almost any slightly complex story without looking up summaries, even for stuff like anime and manga. I'm trying to read the Tyler translation of The Tale of Genji right now and it's like an impenetrable fog. It feels like I'm a Japanese person trying to read actual Heian-period Japanese.

>> No.11335525
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1469801269944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like a good relationship desu

>> No.11335526

have you tried the AMC?

>> No.11335612

me too

>> No.11335704

It's possible with effort. It was more difficult for me to kick the masturbation habit than opiates.
You need to alter your environment, digital environment included, to have zero arousing material and should you fall on any, avert your eyes immediately. Sexual thoughts must be dismissed to, do not entertain them, they will lead to arousal. With effort, you'll get there. Paradoxically, sexual urges decrease with total abstinence. You are what you do and think.
Do not fall for Freudian advice telling you to give in at every whim. Sexual frequency is the result of delta fosb induction, not some magical poorly understood force. Natural Reward = further incentive to do it again.
No man is free who cannot control himself.

>> No.11335765


>> No.11335774

Found the normie

>> No.11335918


>> No.11335969

It's a terrible bane on ones life and negative influence. It isn't harmless.
Saying yep is to surrender to your lower self, i.e. surrendering your autonomy to be captive to the whims of the heteronomy of a grossly perverted urge. I used to be in his situation and it was pure hell. The urge to do it only got worse the more I did it.
Limited motivational pathways are squandered on this. You're ruining yourself. The brilliant mind becomes atrophied, enters into a hypofrontal state, and sexual thoughts and urges destroy the once creative and once amazing brain.

>> No.11335981

Proust masturbated ten to fifteen times a day.

>> No.11336270

>moshi moshi, bait desu

>> No.11336576

I resonate with this but I think it's more nuanced than that. People only do name-drops because they fear that everyone has the same assumptions as all we 'know' is nearly completely created by the influences of all this thought and near none of it is ours or we're all so afraid of thinking that it's ours anyway. Like the phrase, 'everyone is a dead philosopher'. I started coming here to get a comparison to my 'peers' and maybe learn something along the way. That was a couple months ago. Now everything is repetitive but for some reason I keep coming back with the tiny sliver of hope that I'll read something that's cathartic, or that I'll relate to more than most. This reply comes close. I feel like there could be a friend behind these words and we could hug each other and things might be cool just for a little bit. So thank you.

>> No.11337428


I mask discussions of my personal problems as philosophical discussions on general viewpoints.

>> No.11337434


Post photos or didn't happen.

>> No.11337488

This is a confess thread, no bullies pls

>> No.11337502

stop fucking doing it then

>> No.11337523

I'd like to live in the arctic circle

>> No.11337576

It's 1.20 am here, I should go to sleep but I'm somewhat nervous because I've nothing to read. I'm to used to read before going to sleep, it's weird

>> No.11337602

I grew up in an orphanage. I was the youngest one. For whatever reason i became the house bitch. There were 15 children and 8 adults when i got there; I was 6 at the time. Basically, I did 95% of the chores and had to fuck, suck, eat whoever asked for it. I was the only one who didn’t have his own room so i would stay awake a lot of the time listening to people use the restroom or coming to see me. My life was a living hell and didn’t improve until I escaped by taking the 3:00am train to a small town in Oregon. I sleep in a barn now and spend most of my days in hard labor but I can honestly say I’m happy.

>> No.11337685

Nothing to confess

>> No.11337693

Sounds hot senpai

>> No.11337752

I spent 10 months in a psychiatric hospital and was ultimately released not because I got better but because I made no progress at all and holding me indefinitely was deemed a waste of resources, so now I get to fuck around and be crazy in the community. If I wasn't cadging off some people I guilted into giving me a roof over my head, I'd be living under a bridge or in an alleyway right now.

It is what it is, I accept it, and that's that, but some people are super obnoxious about that sort of shit in a way I will never understand. Like, cater to me because I'm a poor baby and I have all these things wrong with me and you're not allowed to criticise anything about me ever even if I'm being a complete and utter cunt.

Drives me nuts.

>> No.11337848


>> No.11337853

>had to fuck, suck, eat whoever asked for it
this is the dream

>> No.11338303
File: 312 KB, 1059x962, wojak-suicide-57fbf34784a46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read books yet ever since I got my head bashed in I no longer understand them like I used to, whether it be an analogy or metaphor or in some cases what is put clearly and blatantly in front of me (like half of what I've read from thus spoke zarathustra) worst of all I no longer remember what I have read straight after reading

It makes me depressed Anons I wanted to keep hold of one thing of my former self yet I can't even hold on to something as basic as literature.

>> No.11338352

This is terrifying, I feel horrible for you

>> No.11338399

I read books like I have ADHD, a page a minute, skipping long-winded descriptions, averaging a book a day. I've read over a hundred books this year and i can only give you the most basic impression of each of them.

>> No.11338412

i almost stopped reading the savage detectives because i got bored of all the interviews

i pushed on and was glad i did, it turned out pretty amazing

>> No.11338984
File: 7 KB, 210x239, 1495541784801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been about half a year since I started nofap, just get off of 4chan/lewd boards. Pick up the bible.

>> No.11339083

Eschewing the dust jacket is the most important redpill.

>> No.11339102

No, i have drug addict friends and they are extremely self aware people with poor will power you know nothing. I compared them because opioids play a major role in group bonding and so does religion, similar hormones and parts of the cns being exploited by both substances/activities.

>> No.11339335

If I fap that many times a day, will I be able to write like Proust?

>> No.11340326

Are you me? at this point I'm pretty sure I've ruined my life with my inability to control myself, and people hate me because I'm never straight with them

>> No.11342048

>yeah ok ill give this a watch
>13 seconds in
>they misspelled "postulate"

>> No.11342215

awful. fakes realism with easy platitudes.

>> No.11342243

I wish 4chan was fun again. It is too much of calling each other 'faggot'. I miss the funny greentexts and the balanced discussion. And I hate all the porn dumps. Just like other anons in this thread, I would like more creative, intelligent, playful discussion.

>> No.11342258

its not going to happen, you have to purge most of the users and neurotypicals especially, force everyone with a low iq off the site and then allow namefags/trips to come baq as they provide color to the culture, then encourage OC threads and punish faggotry with spite and ostracism. that’s how you build online community. otherwise it is just an agora in a filthy cosmopolitan dumping ground for detritus

>> No.11342260

>people with high IQs browse 4chan

>> No.11343147

I have an IQ of at least 110, I am smart

>> No.11343611
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I'm reading through meditations and when Marcus thanks
>that my wife is as she is, so submissive, loving and unaffected...
Made me feel a little too hard Anons knowing I only know of two women like that and both are gone.

>> No.11343831

>In this connection, it is interesting to note that in contrast with the lasciviousness of idiots and the insane, which, according to Dr. Spitzka, is largely responsible for their arrested brain nutrition and development, most of the greatest mental geniuses in history led strictly continent lives (which should result in superior brain nutrition from the conservation of lecithin and other brain-nourishing seminal constituents). Thus among philosophers we have Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Porphyry, Proclus, Leibniz, Berkeley, Locke, Spinoza, Kant and Spencer; among artists, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Angelo, Raphael and Fra Angelica; among composers, Handel and Beethoven; and among scientists Newton. We have just seen how profoundly the sex glands influence the brain. Their influence on the nerves, however, is more immediate and profound. Deficiency of lecithin, present in the myelin sheaths of the nerves and necessary for their nourishment and the generation of their vitality, as the result of external discharge through the semen (which is very rich in this substance), provides a biochemical explanation of the etiology of neurasthenia, and indicates the proper method of therapy for this common malady. This fact has been suspected by Dr. Beard, originator of the term, "neurasthenia," who, in the latter part of the nineteenth century, first studied this ailment, subsequently known as the "American disease."

>> No.11343840

>cum blows out brain matter and people throughout history totes never masturbated because muh christian revisionism
End yourself

>> No.11343847

public exposure, lust, and sloth, also jacking off

I also want to spread influences which aren't in the name of love

>> No.11343858

But why. Is it because life has less meaning?

t. Atheist

>> No.11343888

That depends. What do you want to learn? Specific field, or just all-around education and inspiration?

>> No.11343894

Not what it says.
I am not a Christian, the authors opinions were not appealing to religion either. The people referenced were known to lead chaste lives, there is even a letter of Newtons stating his practice of chastity helped with his thinking.
That was the opinion of medical science for over 300 years and the advice of sages since ancient times. You are a fool to think that something as neurologically implicated as sex has no effects on the brain.
Modern neuroscience vindicates this age old research. We see prolactin rise following orgasm, which negates dopamine activity.
Not squandering your limited neuronal connections on sexual matters makes prefrontal connections stronger.

>> No.11343905
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Christians can see through that. Believe me any devil does on the hot seat.

I'm sorry i'm a big fucking evil lecherous retarded asshole faggot on purpose and I abuse people all the time. Really everyone in my life. I dig my thumb into them just to see what they do and to see if I can doge anything. Its bad. I hate it. I repent. I genuinely hurt people. I repent that too. I rape peoples minds like its a big joke and lick my lips with lust of evil and fuckery while doing it. I repent it and that and all. I dishonored my father the son and the wholly spirit. I repent that. I repent all my sins and transgressions. If the butterfly affect Swirled in my direction and gods love didn't save me, I would of started hundreds if not thousands of wars by now and incalculable suffering along with unimaginable vile lechery. Even now. The evil deeds of what I have done germinate within the souls of thousands. I pray that no one ever gets hurt from my transgressions and that my evil seeds are destroyed without anyone ever being hurt by me again. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I pray for forgiveness and I pray for love. I am a sinner and a rapists of minds and fucker of skull. burner of cuntbags and slaughterer of the masses. Teller of untold devastation and worshiper of horror. Skilled killer of souls and stabber of love. Hater of goodness and gutter of life. Raper of loveship. Harrower of hell. speaker of sooth. Killer of killed. Madman of mad. Hater of Hated. Beater of beats, and cheater of cheats. Fucking dumb son of a bitch that fucked his god two times and would risk everyones lives for a jolly fat fucking joke of unspeakable evil and inconceivable damnation. A servant of the devil and wicked lover of his forlorn crown. I'm a temptress of hell and rotter of the young minds of goodness. worshiper of sin. Hater of light and chopper of chopped. Lie speaker and truth twister. Twister of poor baby hearts. I repent. I am sorry for this sin and all sins. I salt the souls of girls like a pyre of madness. My worst of sins is that I slapped true love down with a hammer many a time. I pray with all my goodness for true love. I despise all my sins and I pray for the true lords forgiveness. I repent, and I am sorry. I am deserving of hell and I apologize. I am forever thankful of you god. Thank you.

>> No.11343921

i broke no fap after a successful, happy and productive month

>> No.11343939
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Good effort fren. I can't even get past one fucking week

>> No.11343948
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destroy the porn, if you believe in Christ carry a rosary or a cross, even if you don't believe his example hanging around your neck should ward off temptation i failed after i removed it for sleep fren

>> No.11344015

I also confess I raped the souls and spirits of many woman to no appeal to the lord. I raped them close to hell. Lord I am sorry. I repent this and all my sins along with it. I did adultery. In jacking off and fuckery and dick sucking and spurning men with horrific hellfire for a fucking laugh. I repent this and I am sorry. Playing with the cocks of lost souls. I repent this and I am sorry. I munched the cock gutted lies of sickness and vermin unspeakable. I repent this and I am sorry. Throwing damnation left and right. I raped a child of god by premarital sex and furious sick temptation. I repent this and I am sorry. I Existed outside of true love. I repent this an I am sorry. I raped many many children of god as the hammer their hurting hearts I repent this and I am sorry I fooled around with healing them while tossing in seeds of damnation into the furnaces of their hearts. I repent this and I am sorry. Not love beyond hope. I repent this and I am sorry. I Fucked sinners and lords begotten children. I encouraged sin. I repent this and I am sorry. I did not forgive the sinners. I repent all these crimes against love. I am sorry. Abortion and willingness to sin. I repent this and I am sorry. I wretchedly burn my love like its what brings me warmth. I repent this and I am sorry. Killing god. I repent this and I am sorry. Breaking spines. I repent this and I am sorry. Coughing flies and bats. Spewing rats and traps. I Cock guns and burn your heart. Lord I am sorry. I repent. I poison the heartless further than far. Bringing deeps of the void above. I am forgotten and I hope to be forgotten. Killing the fires of your light and keepers of your heart. My sins are no exaggeration in the eye of truth and love. I engaged with sickness of death and begotten claims of damnation I pray to never hurt myself and others ever again. I fucked the devil and I beg for your forgiveness. Glassing the hearts of sinless and stabbing the heart of mine. I repent this and I am sorry. Witchcraft and devil-work. I repent this and I am sorry Throwing dead to the swirling pits of hell. I repent this and I am sorry. Burning millions. I repent this and I am sorry. Heaving genocide. I repent this and I am sorry. Praying damnation. I repent this and I am sorry. Working cacophonies of evil. I repent this I am sorry. Chopping the chopper and his block. Loving evil. I am sorry and I repent this. Falling to deceit with the faithless. Blasphemy of all counts. I forgive all those who have done against me and I love all. I am sorry. Give your love to all I have sin against through me and all souls on this earth. I hate all the evil that I am and I pray for your forgiveness. Cure me of this confusion and avail me of these sins so I may sin no more. Sins are accursed lies of damnation. I am sorry lord. I apologize to you.

>> No.11344034

Also I confess to sexual deviancy and bringing other children of god into deviancy, I repent it and I am sorry. I held false gods in front of the true lord. I confess, I repent and I am sorry. I confess and repent to allowing corruption to overtake me and allowing corruption to be me. I am sorry. I confess to and repent I am sorry for seeing myself as lessor in the eyes of the lord. Thanks god.

>> No.11344038

I let my dog lick my penis once. Pray for me.

>> No.11344044

Also also
I confess and repent defiling a child of god in the name of the devil. I am sorry. I confess and repent forsaking myself as a child of god. I am sorry.
Thanks god.

>> No.11344050


>> No.11344055
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buh fuck it, that was 3 days ago

Here's the thing, there's a lot of talk about literary classics on this board, which is cool, but I'm going to list what I consider some essential nonfiction for daily life as well that have really saved my ass. you can use the internet for reference but often times a book is way better and way easier. so consider this post half and half "liberal arts education" and "overall useful human being education"

plato's trials of socrates and the republic.

basic works of aristotle

bhagavad gita and the upanishads

euclid's elements

interpretation of dreams

man and his symbols

the trivium by sister miriam joseph

here's where we get into more grounded reference books that have helped me immensely in life. for some reason these rarely if at all appear on /lit/ but I might start making a general for them even if they aren't "literature" because they're still really damn handy for life. for these ones, I'll explain why I have them

health and diet related: because doctors are expensive and burgers are shitty for you

"where there is no doctor" and "where there is no dentist" - all throughout your life there's going to be bullshit health problems, if not from you then people around you. these books help you self-diagnose and treat most urgent medical things, from birth to dietary needs to sore backs to deep wounds that need stitches and instructions for said stitches. not to say that this book can entirely replace a medically trained doctor, of course, but for the most common and not-so-serious medical needs, this book is filled with gems.

"bodyweight strength training anatomy", and "stretching anatomy" - piggybacking off of the last book, you should be in optimal shape to prevent as much injury as possible. these books are great because they break down workouts by muscle groups so you can make sure you're targeting all your muscles

"the good housekeeping illustrated cookbook" - it pisses me off how cooking does not get the respect it deserves anymore. yeah you can look up recipes online but they're all written by annoying millenial soccer moms who put weird shit in their eggs like lime and buttermilk. fuck that, this cookbook is where it's at. it's the only cookbook you'll ever need. the recipes are simple, delicious, and the instructions are super straightforward. i've been fucked up by internet recipes before, but this book never failed me.

repair related: because it's way cheaper to fix your own shit and be more self-reliant

"the new way things work" - a fun read. shows how a LOT of modern devices work through fun pictures. learn how anything from automatic transmissions to can openers work. whee fun!

"fix-it yourself manual" by readers digest - shows you how to fix anything and everything around the house or neighborhood. small engines, wood furniture, rusty pots and pans, it has everything.

to be continued

>> No.11344101
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Its from browsing imagrbords too much.your brain absorbs so much ussless info that it stoped valuing any information like it used to be. You can reverse that proces.Just stop browsing imagebords/reddit/facebook/youtube etc for 1 month for exemple to se differences . withdrawl from this strange addiction is going to hurt a lot, it may be even worse than nofap but remember: Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor.good luck

>> No.11344109


miscellaneous useful books:

"98.6 degrees: the art of keeping your ass alive" - gimmicky-ass title, but it's a survival book with heaps of good, sound advice, written for the average person and not for lunatic survivors or preppers. chances are in your lifetime you probably will get lost in the woods for some time, or a natural disaster will strike, or something will happen in your life where the knowledge to build a fire, make shelter, and signal for help would be extremely handy to know.

"the richest man in babylon" - a personal finance book that's existed for a long time that tells important money tips through fun to read parables. the fact this book relies on fictional stories means that the principles remain without being tarnished by the time period it was written in like a lot of other personal finance books based on facts or statistics, and yet it keeps from being white noise self-help with advice that's inapplicable for most people.

"how to win friends and influence people" - yeah yeah hahaha normie self help bullshit. this is actually a good book for communicating with people and its principles are still valid to this day. however the title is incredibly misleading. it should be more like "how to win acquaintances and influence coworkers". you are not going to make close friends with this book. however the tips in here are incredibly useful for getting a foot in the door for any sort of professional connection.
alright I'm done. all the books I've listed don't require any special prior knowledge beyond how to goddamn read and do basic arithmetic, but they should provide anyone with not only a decent spiritual and logical foundation, but also a more practical and useful skillset and knowledge base for every day life.

>> No.11344123

wow im a fucking moron. THE BIBLE. throw the bible in there.

>> No.11344131

I consumed onions sauce

>> No.11344137

What small town in oregon

>> No.11344508

Then you arent reading very well. Do you read just to finish books?

>> No.11344576

I just realized Ayn Rand’s first name is not Any (pronounced Annie). What the fuck kind of name is Ayn?

>> No.11345017

a jewish name

>> No.11345054

Sometimes I feel like I'm going insane. EVERYTHING seems relative. I believe something different every week. "We have convictions only if we have studied nothing thoroughly," seems spot-on to me.

I bought spores to experience psychedelics for the first time as a 30th birthday present to myself but I don't know now.

>> No.11345062

I intentionally bump trash threads back to the top

>> No.11345109

I'm reading more than ever before but the more I read the less I care about my life and the world around me. Whether you apply yourself or not the only thing that matters is your own perception of yourself and that only matters until you die. Reality doesn't mean anything and I can't honestly say that an insane person living happily is worse off than a stable person suffering daily working for his daily meal. I can't think of anything beyond maintaining your own self image to justify not being a neet. Life fullfillment is a lie and it's no more valid than hacking your brain for the chemical fix by playing videogames. Competing for a place in the world seems horrible compared to content surrender and self indulgence.

>> No.11345255

These two people have hacked my brain using certain technology. They can here my inner-voice and I can’t not hear their voices in their head. They drove me mad when they first appeared in my head. Convinced me they were going to kill my family, that I was a pedo, so I drove my car off a cliff to kill myself. The car rolled but didn’t fall down any drop. I climbed out, stood at the edge of a cliff, and they laughed and said they called off the hits on my family. It’s been 2 years and they’re still here. I’ve learnt how to deal with them. I live a normal life with friends and loving family. I read loads and want to be a writer, so I work at that a lot. I can’t tell anyone about this because they wouldn’t believe me and I can’t do anything about it either. Funny thing is, I was dropping out of Uni with a complete lack of ambition when they popped up. Now I’m passing with distinction and have genuine drive, which I didn’t have before. My chance of being successful in my endeavors has improved due to their psychological torture.

>> No.11345270
